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"He stole her heart..." (Am I the only one? Trivial but heartfelt rant.)

Janie Grace

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I think all the contrived wedding announcements (especially the big public question pops) and baby announcements (especially gender reveals) are kinda stupid and silly.


One of dh's cousins did one of those semi-nude pregnancy photo shoots where she was 8 months pregnant with a pink sheet strategicly draped over her and nothing else as her gender reveal. We could all have done without that.


And please do not even get me started on "Prom-posals."  Or are those soooooo 2015?


I feel so sorry for young girls who see this crapola on Pinterest and think life is a series of cartwheels, backflips, and Kodak moments.

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Ok, i have to admit something. It took me waaaay to long to get this one.  I swear I thought two different 'his' were involved. I was thinking first kiss, leads to first love..leads to first friend..(Okaay, I'm not quite getting that) to oh look, you're someone's mom.  Like it could have been written "you're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, your HER mom"


It took such a long time for the penny to drop. 


:lol:   I need that afternoon cup of coffee


LOL!!! "Oh look, you're someone's mom" has got to be my new favorite expression of all time. I am going to paint it on a sign as my next baby shower gift.  :smilielol5:

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*deep breath*


When we were first married, I had a little homespun style sign that said, "My laundry room helps keep American clean." It was before they were super trendy, but even so, I CRINGE now to think about it!


I will admit to having one propped up in the living room that says, "Mothers of little boys work from son up to son down." It still makes me smile, but feel a little weepy these days since my boys aren't quite as little anymore... 


Most I cannot stand...when we got married, someone gave us one that says "Love is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." My husband wanted to hang it up recently, and I vetoed it. Why do I still have it?!?  :ack2:

Edited by Zuzu822
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And please do not even get me started on "Prom-posals." Or are those soooooo 2015?


I feel so sorry for young girls who see this crapola on Pinterest and think life is a series of cartwheels, backflips, and Kodak moments.

DH saw one and said he was sooooo glad he went to prom pre-Pinterest.

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But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.


Look, whatever it takes to get you through laundry day. If cutesy sayings help, I won't judge. I hate laundry with a passion so intense, you'd think I had to haul the water myself!


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DH saw one and said he was sooooo glad he went to prom pre-Pinterest.


I'm so glad we got engaged pre-YouTube. I wouldn't want it anywhere in dh's mind to wonder if I was secretly disappointed that he didn't choreograph some lavish thing. He asked; I said yes. Honestly, that was plenty fireworks for me.  :001_tt1:

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Ugh. I don't like the cutesy sayings, I don't like all the wall art fill with "inspirational" words, prom-posals are stupid, etc. I didn't even want a video of my wedding. It felt too personal to have recorded. I want to remember it the way I remember it, not however it actually happened.

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The parents of one of my friends has an entire wall display of family pictures with this at the top. Her Dad just giggles and makes the comment "And here I thought it was because I knocked you up the night of prom."

See, if it said "all because we got carried away the night of prom..." THEN it would be brilliant.

Edited by LucyStoner
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We're closing on a house on Thursday.  When the current owner was moving out something scraped the wall in one spot on the stairwell.  It's not bad enough to make an issue over it -- we were planning on repainting anyway, but not until this fall/winter.  So I've been thinking maybe I'd get some stick on word thingie to cover it up until then.  But this thread has me wondering if I'd be less bothered looking at the scratched place for a few months than I would be looking at some cutesy, trite saying. :laugh:


There are some REALLY funny ones out there.


I have the hobbit meal plan on my kitchen wall.


And I love this one.




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I've never liked it. But, then again, the whole "You're his first kiss, his first love, his first friend, you're his mom" saying weirds me out, too. 

oh, that is gross.   :ack2:


I thought this one was odd: Wash your hands and say your prayers, because Jesus and germs are everywhere.


How about the EAT signs in the kitchen/dining room. What sign would you put in the bathroom? Or the bedroom? How am I supposed to know what to do if I don't have a sign telling me?


I must admit that I like the EAT signs in the kitchen (I don't have one but have considered it).  I like them for the style more than the word mostly.


But, I'd also be willing to put a CRAP sign in the kids bathroom, so there's that...

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I'm so glad we got engaged pre-YouTube. I wouldn't want it anywhere in dh's mind to wonder if I was secretly disappointed that he didn't choreograph some lavish thing. He asked; I said yes. Honestly, that was plenty fireworks for me. :001_tt1:

Me too!! Mine was, "Let's get married." I'd have been so embarrassed to have a big public proposal. I saw some Facebook photos of a young couple getting engaged on the edge of a lake silhouetted against the sunset. I asked my dd if they really had a photographer there to capture the moment. She said no, they were alone. They went back later and posed for the photographer. ??? I just don't get it.

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oh, that is gross. :ack2:



I must admit that I like the EAT signs in the kitchen (I don't have one but have considered it). I like them for the style more than the word mostly.


But, I'd also be willing to put a CRAP sign in the kids bathroom, so there's that...

LOL. One of the kids got a road sign from a friend that said "15 Minute Loading Zone". I put it over the toilet in the basement bathroom. Now it's in my teen son's room.

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Me too!! Mine was, "Let's get married." I'd have been so embarrassed to have a big public proposal. I saw some Facebook photos of a young couple getting engaged on the edge of a lake silhouetted against the sunset. I asked my dd if they really had a photographer there to capture the moment. She said no, they were alone. They went back later and posed for the photographer. ??? I just don't get it.


I've always wondered that about all those secret proposal shots, or other special surprise moments.  Who took the picture and doesn't having someone there to take the picture give it away?

Edited by Where's Toto?
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I'm really not down with the sayings as wall art thing. Just not my thing at all.


But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; "Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; "The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.

My SIL has one that says, "Laundry: Drop your drawers here."

I thought this one was odd: Wash your hands and say your prayers, because Jesus and germs are everywhere.


How about the EAT signs in the kitchen/dining room. What sign would you put in the bathroom? Or the bedroom? How am I supposed to know what to do if I don't have a sign telling me?

LOL. The previous owner of my house had giant letters that said "EAT" hung above the dining room window (she had "IOU" above the pantry door. . . we still haven't figured that one out). Until we finally got around to painting, you could still see the outline where they'd hung.

*waddles up to the mic*

My name is happi duck and I have this saying on a pillow.

*hangs head in shame*


In my defense, though it makes me cringe now, I bought it when life was a "storm" I didn't make/couldn't control/couldn't escape. It is pretty funny to see it now but it's also a nice reminder of making it through.

It's all good. I have a pillow that says "Angels are often disguised as friends" that my DH bought me way way back when we were first married.


I also have a wooden sign above my sink that says, "The best thing about memories is making them." My DH likes to substitute the word "memories" with "babies" :D

Edited by Forget-me-not
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Now that I think about it, I love cheesey sayings on walls, but only the ones I think are important and classy!  Haha! 


Our living room looked a little bare, so I made a big chalkboard over the couch and when the mood strikes I write stuff on it.  Last month it said, "What we do now echoes in eternity (M. Aurelius)," and this month it says,


"I arise today by a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

through belief in the Threeness,

through confession of the oneness

of the Creator of creation (Patrick of Ireland)." 


See?  Big, important, inspiring cheese.  Gouda.  Brie.  :coolgleamA:  :tongue_smilie:

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I saw that episode and had a major eye roll moment. She kept going on and on about how special it was. Barf!


Like happiduck, I must admit I have a little chalkboard sign up that says " Home Sweet School"


My family thinks I'm crazy for hs'ing and I'm giving up my personal identity and blah blah blah. I like having a little reminder up for guests that we chose this lifestyle, we love this lifestyle so if you have a criticism, buzz off! :D Plus, it excuses the towers of books and paper everywhere. ;)

I like Home Sweet School. I would totally do that.


My SIL has/had this stuff ALL over her house. Like every room has either wall sticker words or those sign type art things. She's even been through a few versions in some parts of her house because she is a compulsive redecorator, lol.

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Now that I think about it, I love cheesey sayings on walls, but only the ones I think are important and classy!  Haha! 


Our living room looked a little bare, so I made a big chalkboard over the couch and when the mood strikes I write stuff on it.  Last month it said, "What we do now echoes in eternity (M. Aurelius)," and this month it says,


"I arise today by a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,

through belief in the Threeness,

through confession of the oneness

of the Creator of creation (Patrick of Ireland)." 


See?  Big, important, inspiring cheese.  Gouda.  Brie.  :coolgleamA:  :tongue_smilie:


Totally different! These are meaningful, not cutesy. Don't ask for a technical distinction; one just knows. ;)

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I just knew there were good reasons not to be on Pinterest.

Ahh, but better reasons to be on it are Jennifer Lawrence gifs (or maybe that's just me). ;)


My kids were watching one of those fix it up house shows. The designer had a metal wall art made for the family room that said "Today is a great day for a great day".  :confused1: That would be torn down the moment the cameras were turned off.

That quote was based on the owner's own life motto though (or similar). Plus, based on her current life situation, it was oddly appropriate. (Plus, I think you kind of expect a quote or something if you get Joanna Gaines doing your home. lol)


(But, I agree - I didn't like the quote either.)

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I like quoted as art-

But the cheesy cutesy stuff makes me a touch twitchy. My mom and sister love it and are forever buying it for me. Because they don't get that I don't love it too.


The ones with all the dates make me cringe because all I can think is "why are you putting potential password info on display?"

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LOL!!! "Oh look, you're someone's mom" has got to be my new favorite expression of all time. I am going to paint it on a sign as my next baby shower gift.  :smilielol5:


lol, well, it does sort of sum up new motherhood.  You know, like the day you walk outside to get the mail wearing nothing but an old pair of sweats and a nursing bra. You come inside and think, "Oh look, you're someone's mom"


Not that anyone here has ever, ever done that. No. nothing to see here.




and the flaps were up, and no one saw so it doesn't count.

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I like quoted as art-

But the cheesy cutesy stuff makes me a touch twitchy. My mom and sister love it and are forever buying it for me. Because they don't get that I don't love it too.


The ones with all the dates make me cringe because all I can think is "why are you putting potential password info on display?"

Yes, slightly creepy.  But I do think they're kind of sweet, the ones with the dates, because with one day, everything changes.  Like, you spend nine months wondering just which of the many possible dates will be your baby's birthday, and then it happens, and forever, that day will never be or never have been anything else.  It's funny to see posts or FB notifications or whatever from a particular day and to think that once upon a time, it was just an ordinary day.  

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I'm really not down with the sayings as wall art thing. Just not my thing at all.


But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; "Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; "The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.


I hate all those sayings too, but I'll admit a few years ago I saw a sign that said, "Life is Like Laundry, Loads of Fun!" at Target and bought it, but only because I was in a sarcastic mood.  Life wasn't fun (I was depressed) and I despised doing household chores!

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I've met my Prince Charming and his name is Daddy.




I am currently witnessing in real life how things turn out when Daddy is Prince Charming and believe me, it is not healthy and everyone suffers. It truly is painful to watch a grown married woman be unable to cope without Daddy to take care of her.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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For those that dislike the sappy inspirational sayings, here's a site that has a nice twist for us cynical ones: http://despair.com/collections/


Do not click on the link above if you take yourself seriously!


I dare you to put this on your wall: "Mistakes. It could be that the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others."

Those were great. I especially like the one you quoted.

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I'm really not down with the sayings as wall art thing. Just not my thing at all.


But what I have been really baffled by lately is the popularity of stupid sayings about household chores displayed in laundry rooms and kitchens. "Loads of fun"; "Laundry: Good Clean Fun"; "The Laundry Room: Sorting Out Life One Load at a Time." FFS.


I did see one piece of wall art with a drawing of a sock and the words, "Hello...is it me you're looking for?" written on it, and I thought if I decorated my laundry room, I'd put that in there.

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I don't really like wallword art.  Even when it is good poetry, somehow the format just makes it seem trite.


There are a lot of trite sayings out there, but I must admit, I don't mind the idea of "stealing someone's heart."  I tend to think of it as describing someone who comes to love unexpectedly.


ETA - I do have nostalgic feelings for fridge magnets with cutsey sayings about being fat - they remind me of my grandmother, who had about ten of them, but as far as I can tell never actually attempted to cut down her eating.

Edited by Bluegoat
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I did see one piece of wall art with a drawing of a sock and the words, "Hello...is it me you're looking for?" written on it, and I thought if I decorated my laundry room, I'd put that in there.

I'll admit when I saw an oversize "singles ad" for a sock in someone's laundry room I laughed. "Nice, single wool sock seeks soul mate for hiking, long walks on the beach and romantic nights in front of the fire."

Edited by LucyStoner
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"Live each day like he deploys tomorrow."


Blech. Don't even get me started on the "toughest job in the military" ones.

"Yay, another day of frazzle, stress, last minute changes, kid temper tantrums, and heartache! Just like EACH DAY! Because that's how we're living now, perpetually in the second-worst limbo there is. Wooooo." Edited by Tsuga
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"Live each day like he deploys tomorrow."


I don't like the song "I'm Gonna Love You (Like I'm Gonna Lose You)" for similar reasons. If I knew I were going to "lose" dh soon, my days would be full of weeping and grief. I get the idea of appreciation, but I just can't get around the very real trauma and tragedy of living with terminal illness. No thanks. I'd rather love him like he's sticking around for a while. 

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I'll admit when I saw an oversize "singles ad" for a sock in someone's laundry room I laughed. "Nice, single wool sock seeks soul mate for hiking, long walks on the beach and romantic nights in front of the fire."


I have something like that in my laundry room.  It has a little wire attached to the sign to hang up single socks.  We always have way too many to pin to the sign though.

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Confession:  I like word art.  I do calligraphy and have always loved words--the shape of them, how they look on a page or wall.  I have word art everywhere. Ya'll can hate me.   I didn't know that people disliked it so much. 


But!  I don't like cheesy, or monograms or Home Interiors or shelves full of tchotchkes.  I like stuff that's meaningful.  Most of mine are handmade by me.  My walls also have quilts that I made, paintings that I painted and family pictures.  I like to keep my house looking current (kind of) but mostly I like it to show personality, and I've had a lot of my stuff a long time.  


My chalkboard in the living room has Ps. 67: 1-3. Also a sign above the door with "In Christ Alone, My Hope Is Found."  Dining room has a sign "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly With Your God."  And a small one that says "Let Them Be Little."  Bathroom:  WASH BRUSH FLOSS FLUSH.  Kitchen: "Be Still and Know that I am God"  and "Always be a little kinder than necessary."  And some quotes on the fridge from Charlotte Mason and one about living intentionally.   Daughter's room has a clipboard with a quote about true beauty and son's room has a canvas with a Bible verse.  


Believe it or not, I do have walls with nothing on them.  



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