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How many old-timers are still around the TWTM Board?

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I check in every now and then...not as much as I did when I started on the boards in 2001.  I know many of you old ladies are not fond of the new board format and don't bother visiting here much anymore.  Just wanted to check in to see who was still hanging in there.  haha.  


After 18 years of homeschooling, we are still following SWB's protocols for home-education.  I still recommend WTM Guide to newbie homeschoolers and receive compliments and thanks because of this awesome book.  


I am so thankful SWB wrote this book!

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18 yrs homeschooling. Been using wtm whole time.


I will say tho, my lil guys have extra needs. I got away from it to try to help them ' get ' more things.


And don't ya know? I've come all full circle back. Turns out the very systematic approach is what they THRIVE on? Who knew lol.


I'm really looking forward to the knew book :)

Edited by Kat w
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Been around since long before the new boards.  I read almost everyday.  Oldest two are in college ... one is graduating in a few weeks.  My youngest is a sophomore in high school and attends public high school part-time.  We were always eclectic homeschoolers, using what worked for us.  I loved the long-term plan, the history and science cycles, emphasis on literature.  But I had to tweak things for my very science-y, writing averse boys.  By high school, we had to switch things up a bit, outsourcing, taking advantage of what was available as well as looking toward college requirements and likely majors as our plan.

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I read the original WTM in 2000 and started homeschooling DSs for grades 1 & 2 that year. For the WTM Boards… I go back to about 2002-3, and I still hang out here and post, even though both DSs graduated from homeschool high school ('11 and '12). :) I've been teaching homeschool co-op classes for the past 3 years, so I still have my hand in it a bit… ;)


You might enjoy this "reunion" thread where a number of older or past WTM board participants checked in:

"The 2015 WTM Boards Cyber-Reunion: Now Through October".


It was inspired by this fun thread of memories and finding out what older WTMers were up to:

"A Trip Down Memory Lane, WTM Style".

Edited by Lori D.
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I'm not sure what my old screen name was or when I came over. At some point VegSource got wonky, and in weeks this forum became THE forum. I was signed up before that, but had barely posted, and only about TWTM stuff. And then I just followed everyone else over here.


I took a break for a couple years after my boys graduated. Then I came back to self-educate and tutor.

Edited by Hunter
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Started in late 2004 or early 2005 (not quite sure) when I was frantically researching everything I could find about homeschooling in prep for starting with my then-4 yo. She's now in 10th grade and we're still going strong, will likely be blending homeschool and dual enrollment next year.

Edited by KarenNC
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Started the year the 1st ed. of WTM came out...and still at  with our "bonus package" child, who's now 12. My oldest was, I think, 4th or 5th grade when we started becoming eclectically classical; she's now got her BFA in Studio Art and is working 2 part-time jobs while exhibiting and building a freelance clientele.

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I don't know the date of when I started, but I remember the old -old board, and I remember waiting for it to flip at night.  It's been 15 or so years of homeschooling so far, I am down to my last student, she's in 8th grade this year.  :)

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Hey Camy!


Still around and still homeschooling. I started posting in 1999. In those days, I came to the boards every day. It was my teacher break, my sanity saver, my talking to other adults and my virtual homeschool meeting. What a difference these boards, and the folks who've populated them, have made for me! 


I'm down to homeschooling three. Good to see you here! 

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I am back...I think I joined the forums sometime around 2007/2008. We moved about the time the board was updated and I never had time to get used to the new board. Well, now I'm back and am "trying it out." I have graduated my oldest 2 daughters, one is off to college, and the other just got married...still have 5 more to go. It's crazy how fast life changes...last time I was here I was researching how to get my girls through highschool. It doesn't seem so scary now. Lol!

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My dh gave me the brand new first edition of the WTM , as a very pleasant surprise. (In 1999; oldest was in 3rd grade.)

And I was on the old less-fancy discussion board when it was in its infancy.


Our five kids are roughly the same ages as SWB's four, so it has been helpful to have our kids "grow up" in the same time frame.

Oldest daughter is an RN, with homeschooled dh & 6 month old baby.  Next 3 are in college (or dual enrollment).

We've only got one full-time homeschooling student now, age 13.


I check the boards 1-2 times per day since then, and have gleaned so much encouragement here over the years.


Thank you, Susan (& everyone else)!



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I read the book in December 2003 and found the boards in January 2004 when my oldest was just-turned 4. If you go to the link posted above, I posted an archive site I found and there are several years of old WTM boards archived there. It was a great trip down memory lane!

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My dh gave me the brand new first edition of the WTM , as a very pleasant surprise. (In 1999; oldest was in 3rd grade.)

And I was on the old less-fancy discussion board when it was in its infancy.


Our five kids are roughly the same ages as SWB's four, so it has been helpful to have our kids "grow up" in the same time frame.

Oldest daughter is an RN, with homeschooled dh & 6 month old baby.  Next 3 are in college (or dual enrollment).

We've only got one full-time homeschooling student now, age 13.


I check the boards 1-2 times per day since then, and have gleaned so much encouragement here over the years.


Thank you, Susan (& everyone else)!


OK.  My Day is Complete, even though it's only 7am.

SWB liked my post!!!

Yes, I'm gushing.  :)


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Hi Camy, I'm still here, but I've changed my name (for the sake of my grown kids' privacy), and I only post occasionally. I'm still using WTM though. You will know me as the one who will never forget that amazing chicken dinner you brought us once after I had a baby. Miss you! -- not just here but also irl.


I'm so thankful for the book, too. I was just thinking how different my grown kids' lives (seven graduated) would look if we had not had that book.

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Seriously, I had no idea there were so many of you still around!!!!  So many familiar names :o).  Are ya'll as a tired as I am???? GRIN.  Not only that, but I can personally say that I am a bit crabby and short on patience, too.  But the great thing is, is that I don't care!  hahaha.  That must be the benefit of older age, not caring what others think.  Now, I do try my best to go before the Lord for help daily with my disposition, and I see miracles as He works through me.  So thankful to still be here once in awhile, and I cherish the memories of the old, ancient WTM board discussions.  It was especially fun when SWB would join our talks.  And what about Ree Drummond?  She has done amazingly well.   I bet she has no time for the Boards now!  Blessings to you all :O)

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I still check in on occasion but I don't post anymore.  I started on the boards in 2001, I was Monique in NJ. I remember all of you ladies!  I have graduated one dd ,who just got engaged last week, and still have 4 more to go!  I have 8 more years of homeschooling left.




ETA:  Yes, Cami I am tired!  I am caring for my in-laws on top of schooling.  I am finding being in the sandwich generation a bit exhausting! 


I am so thankful to SWB for all of her hard work!  I had the opportunity to worship at Peace Hill Chapel many years ago, the Bauer/Wise family and their congregation were so very warm and welcoming to our family. It was a day we will never forget   

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I read almost daily, but I am shy about posting. :blush:  I started reading in 2004 and will graduate my first one this year (four more to go!)  This is my favorite place on the net.  I have learned so much over the years thanks to all of you; always consult the hive first; and honestly don't think I would have made it though homeschooling high school without it.  Thanks, again SWB!!

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I bought the first edition of WTM in 1999. My oldest was in K at the time. I did post of the original boards a little bit, but not much. I wasn't a homeschooler, but I used WTM to afterschool. At some point, I drifted away.


Came back when we started homeschooling four years ago.

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I think I started around 2005, but honestly don't remember. Dd started homeschooling in 2006 and I know I was here before that.


I've always loved your name, Camy--your "7 boybarians and 1 little lady" line stuck with me and I always remembered you! It's nice to "see" you again.

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Patty in WA

Patty Joanna


Still here. Ds is 20, doing a low-pay very good internship. Things have not gone the way I had thought they would but we are all alive and no one is in jail. ;0/


I'm thankful that my son got a great K-12 education and that is due in part to these boards.

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for all of you "old timers" who still hang around the boards - Thank you!  I think the nature of these types of life-stage forums is that the experts (aka old timers) phase out over time.  It's nice to have the wisdom of those who have been there and done that, and who have some historical perspective on the homeschooling movement.

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for all of you "old timers" who still hang around the boards - Thank you!  I think the nature of these types of life-stage forums is that the experts (aka old timers) phase out over time.  It's nice to have the wisdom of those who have been there and done that, and who have some historical perspective on the homeschooling movement.


Couldn't agree more!


THANK YOU to all the been-there, done-that experts who still hang around here with those of us coming behind you. It is truly much appreciated.


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I started on the boards around 2001 or 2002. I was MeganP then, but I was never a prolific poster. I used to read the boards daily until life went a little crazy a couple of years ago. These boards were my lifeline, as I was pretty much on my own with no other home schoolers around to learn from. All the other home schoolers around me were unschoolers, so everything I knew about curriculum, I learned here.

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I've been around for a while.  We are on our 19th year of homeschooling.  While I liked the WTM book as a reference.  It didn't work well with us due to LDs and temperament.  BUT, I love this board because it is such a treasure trove of advice and insight.  But I have to say in the last few years I've frequented it less and less.  

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I moved over after vegsource although had visited here a little before then. My now homeschooled kids are now 23 and 15. I currently work as a homeschool coordinator at a local private school for kids with learning disabilities so I keep coming back just to make sure I am up on the issues of homeschooling. The knowledge I learn here still benefits me so I keep stopping in.



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I was just going back through all my Amazon purchases over the years and found where I bought TWTM back in November 2003. I know I bought it after I found the boards, when oldest DS was just 3 and homeschooling had come onto our radar screen and I was researching. I remember a couple of boardies who had put together elaborate spreadsheets for pre-K with readalouds and math/learning activities that I diligently downloaded and adapted for our use. I swear those spreadsheets were more complex than the ones I eventually made for middle school work  :laugh: I remember when someone who called herself Pioneer Woman posted a few cattle photos. And a few recipes. And told us the condensed version, then the expanded version, of her transition from city girl to country girl.


Wow. almost 13 years with you all. Thanks.

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