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How many emails are in your inbox?


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Do you stay on top of the number of emails, and if so, how?  I was trying to keep mine below a certain number (I don't remember what that number was but DH laughed at me when I told him) but I just don't stay on top of it.  I'm embarrassed to say it's up to almost 7000 now.  I should just delete the whole thing.    What about everyone else????

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I try to keep it under 20, but sometimes it creeps up to 50.  I have at least 25 "Folders" (that's what they're called on Yahoo), though, that I move the messages to when they don't need my attention anymore (but I still want to keep them).  


That's a good idea.  I need to do that with the folders.  That way I can just delete all the garbage.


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There are 11 in there now, zero unread.  How do I do it?  Spend way too much time on the computer :)  I have gmail and archive most everything if not a pressing issue or I need the reminder.  Folders would never work for me; it would take too much thought/time to sort.  A cluttered inbox gives me anxiety.  I'm sure it's all a trade-off and others will have different priorities.  But I don't use text much or facebook or anything else.  Email is my go-to communication method so I like it orderly. 

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Always less than 10. I have a save folder that I put things I want to hang on to. I have probably less than 10 subscriptions. Every morning I check my email, the hive, pinterest and instagram which takes 5-10 minutes. Once a month I clean out my "save" emails, download folder and closets which takes about 2 hours, but the email thing takes 5 minutes. I like to be very organized.

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I just checked - I have 15,450.


1,713 of those are marked unread.


About 25 of those are ones I read, them marked un-read so I'd remember they were "important-ish." Things like places I'm supposed to take the kids this week, and what I'm supposed to bring to various events. It serves as my organized chaos :lol: .

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I have no unread e-mails. I do keep receipts and other items in folders. I keep my unread e-mails at zero by being relentless with the delete button. If I need to reply to something, I do it right away and either sort that e-mail to a folder or delete it. A full inbox makes me head hurt so I like to keep it clean.

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I try to keep to less than 50 in my inbox but it gets to 250 sometimes. I have email folders for each of my kid's activities e.g. all the emails from their German teacher goes to my German folder.


If I need to reply to something but I am outside with unstable free Internet, I'll just flag the email.

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2, both read and pertaining to events that will occur next week.  I'm only letting them linger in the inbox because they both contain a lot of information I will need and I don't want to have to transfer it all to my calendar...though the events themselves are noted on the calendar.


I use Gmail and have set up a bunch of filters to automatically tag things and archive them.  Sometimes my inbox swells to 10 or even 20 messages, but that makes me twitchy.





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My inboxes (1 work and 1 personal) are my "to do lists."


Ideally there would be 0 items in there, LOL, and there are times when they get down under a couple dozen.  Especially my personal inbox.  Right now that's at 86 because I need to do a quick cleanup (deleting multiple posts from the same conversation, filing, etc.).


My work inbox has stuff I need to do and stuff I need to file (I always file the attachments in my "documents" and delete them from the emails before filing the emails; so that is not super quick).  I'm a little behind because I've been too busy to file much lately.  I have about 200 messages in there.


I think the most I ever had in an inbox was about 3,000, and that made me crazy.  I was closing 2 deals which involved hundreds of emails per day, most of which had attachments that needed to be detached and filed.


I generally clean things up shortly before and during my vacations.  I got a lot done on the trains in Europe last year.

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ha!  mine stopped calculating at 9999+  I just don't have the energy, time, interest to filter it, delete, etc.  OTOH, I have found it super helpful to search my inbox for (what I thought) was a long lost email I needed for some reason.  With my "method", it's never lost. LOL

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For downloaded emails I've noticed that things ask squirrely when the number gets too big.  So, I keep the inbox fairly clear.  Like a few hundred unfiled emails.  


Gmail is for people/companies I don't trust with my personal email.  But sometines good things like birthday offers come there.  I remember one time I couldn't get the offer to print, so I printed the screen shot.   It was a free burger at Red Robin.  The manager came out and said "Do you really have 14 thousand emails?"  I think about 11 thousand were unread.  

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OK - you all are making me feel better. I thought my 513 was a lot but I see I'm actually in the minor league :) I keep meaning to do the folder thing but time gets away from me. I do get rid of the unwanted ones each day so those 513 are all important (or so I tell myself)


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I use a free Gmail account. This is not for my inbox, this is total usage. 

You are currently using 1911 MB (12%) of your 15360 MB


One thing I like about Gmail is that on the web I can use Google Search,  to search for something in my email account, which works better for me than searching with Mozilla Thunderbird for something in the same email that is on my local hard drive.


I have it set up to use IMAP, so I have email available on the web or on my laptop.

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OK - you all are making me feel better. I thought my 513 was a lot but I see I'm actually in the minor league :) I keep meaning to do the folder thing but time gets away from me. I do get rid of the unwanted ones each day so those 513 are all important (or so I tell myself)


Just create another folder and put them there.  Presto, clear inbox.  

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Depends on my email account. My yahoo one is well over 20,000 - I yearly delete thousands in spam.  I just haven't cleaned it out this year.... yet.  After, I'll probably only have about 1,000 or so.  I keep all my correspondence with vendors and sale items and family, etc.  Some emails date back to 2004.


My gmail account that I use for family, friends and some (very few) other things only has about 50 in it.


Drives my dh NUTS!  But then he's glad when I can grab an email from 2009 or 08 or 06 ... with no problem.



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I get several hundred a day, between spam, listservs, are important stuff. When I don't delete daily it adds up fast. Right now in a day behind. 237 unchecked messages and about 300 total, including the ones I have to save for various reasons.

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I have 624 - with 16 unread.


I go through and pare it down every so often.. I like to keep it closer to 200.  There are many that are just there because I think I might need them...so I end up needing and many I don't.  sometimes you never know. 


I think my husband has somewhere in the 15,000 range too (work and private)... I hate that, but then again, he can find a long-lost email from 2010 like someone said earlier.   However, the problem with that many emails is that my dh tends to not read through his email very carefully.  He's constantly asked by friends if he's read the email they sent him 2 weeks ago  :confused1:

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An embarassing amount. I also have an embarassing amount of folders. I don't actually stay on top of email in an acceptable manner.

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Inbox - 0 unopened, 22 waiting for more info or in need of extra time tomorrow


My folders are overflowing though.  Literally.  iCloud sent me a notification that I need to hoe out the dross, so I'm planning on deleting the oldest folders without even opening them.  


I've found that if I have an e-mail backlog my brain stops functioning.  Seriously - It's bad.  I miss appointments, ignore friends, and am a generally awful person.  


I allow myself to check e-mail on my phone and delete the junk, but I don't open anything that I can't guarantee being able to answer in one sentence or less.  I have a set e-mail time each morning and evening that I reply to everything, follow up, whatever, and then forget about it.  If someone really needs an instant answer they will text.  It works for me!




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My main email has 116, 32 of which are unread.  I go through it about once a week and try to delete and organize into folders.  My gmail that I mainly use for scouting has 368 right now,  I just went through last week and deleted a bunch of stuff.

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2,388. I just checked. Often I'm in the 10's of thousands. I get a ton of spam. I miss emails because I have so many "new" daily, most of which are junk. But this is the email I've used for years, and I pay for it. If I switch addresses or similar, I lose all my past emails from friends that I've saved. I just can't.


So, periodically, I sort alphabetically and save what I want into folders, deleting the rest. I have a 0 in my inbox for an hour or so at most before the junk starts pouring in.



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Work 1: 6. Three are all related to one thing, though.

Work 2: 25. I am behind. Because it is work 2. :(

Personal: 1. I am waiting on a reply. It's for the PTA.


I try to empty my e-mail inbox often and frequently unsubscribe. I'm a master sorter and archive everything that doesn't require a response.


ETA: Unread? No, they are all read daily. People communicate to me via e-mail. Even if I don't respond, I read to know what I have to do.

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