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What Made a Good Marriage in 1939?


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Mine was only superior but that is because some of that stuff I don't even like that I am sure they deem as being good.  I don't like the term "supplies his wife with" and I certainly don't need a car left for me, I have my own car, so I didn't click on that or anything like that.



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Mine was only superior but that is because some of that stuff I don't even like that I am sure they deem as being good.  I don't like the term "supplies his wife with" and I certainly don't need a car left for me, I have my own car, so I didn't click on that or anything like that.




It's definitely interesting to see how things have changed over the last 75 years!  


I'm wondering if "Kisses wife just after her makeup has been applied" is intended to be a plus or minus.  I know I wouldn't mind!   :001_smile:  

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haha- dh scored Very Superior but I scored Poor, with a score of 40.   The stuff for wives was pretty goofy, like getting dinged for cooking breakfast in pajamas. I do that five days a week.  And I admit- I do not wash the top of the milk bottle before I open it. But that might explain why MIL washes the top of canned foods or cans of Pepsi before she opens them. I guess it was a thing some time ago. 

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haha- dh scored Very Superior but I scored Poor, with a score of 40.   The stuff for wives was pretty goofy, like getting dinged for cooking breakfast in pajamas. I do that five days a week.  And I admit- I do not wash the top of the milk bottle before I open it. But that might explain why MIL washes the top of canned foods or cans of Pepsi before she opens them. I guess it was a thing some time ago. 


I scored just Average.  It probably helped that I don't wear red nail polish, don't put my cold feet on my husband at night, and don't slow up card games with chatter and gossip.   :D

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My husband got Very Superior. We do the budget together, but I still gave him points of "supplies me with allowance" and for "leaving me a car" because we bought a car for me. 
I started the test for woman. I am going to fail miserably. 

ETA: I'm Average with just 57. Lol Heaven forbid I wear pajamas instead of a night gown! 

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I scored just Average.  It probably helped that I don't wear red nail polish, don't put my cold feet on my husband at night, and don't slow up card games with chatter and gossip.   :D


And that's why I scored below you. Although I don't wear red nail polish I do put my cold feet on dh, and he's fine with it because he's always hot. And when we play card games with our friends, there is more talking than card playing so I'm guilty of that as well. 

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Interesting that - contrary to many people's vague thoughts - the wife was clearly expected to be handling the finances. She gets points for "consulting" with her husband on major purchasing decisions, he gets points for turning over his paycheck.

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Mine got a 120, in the very superior range. He is an excellent husband, I agree.


What's lame is that I know I'd score lower as a wife than he does as a husband. Whoooooops.

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I can't believe I scored "superior." I have a feeling it must have been by a razor-thin margin. If I would have said I squeezed my toothpaste from the top and that the seams in my hose were crooked, I probably would have been toast.


My dh scored "superior," too, but I might not tell him about it. No point in making him too full of himself. ;) (I would have probably lost points for not disclosing the info, though...)


I'm secretly hoping people will start using "marital congress" as another term for teA around here. :)

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My ex-husband, OMG. I wish I could have shown him this list! "Don't worry--it's not 1939"? Um, not insulting your wife in public and being a careful driver are still good skills.


I'm average, technically, but I bet the drinking and the fact that I wear socks about the house got me.


It was definitely a reminder to be more cheerful!

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haha- dh scored Very Superior but I scored Poor, with a score of 40. The stuff for wives was pretty goofy, like getting dinged for cooking breakfast in pajamas. I do that five days a week. And I admit- I do not wash the top of the milk bottle before I open it. But that might explain why MIL washes the top of canned foods or cans of Pepsi before she opens them. I guess it was a thing some time ago.

I started taking it, but got distracted and didn't finish. However, I always wash the tops of cans before I open them. Who knows what disgustingness has touched them in a warehouse or truck!

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haha- dh scored Very Superior but I scored Poor, with a score of 40.   The stuff for wives was pretty goofy, like getting dinged for cooking breakfast in pajamas. I do that five days a week.  And I admit- I do not wash the top of the milk bottle before I open it. But that might explain why MIL washes the top of canned foods or cans of Pepsi before she opens them. I guess it was a thing some time ago. 


I scored poor, but forgot to add 5 pts per child. Guess I might make it to just average with their help. I'm a horrid wife. Not sure why he puts up with me. 

DH scored Superior & he's swoon-city :drool5:   by today's standards, too. 

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I scored poor, but forgot to add 5 pts per child. Guess I might make it to just average with their help. I'm a horrid wife. Not sure why he puts up with me. 

DH scored Superior & he's swoon-city :drool5:   by today's standards, too. 


I don't even get a boost from adding kids since it specified minor children and mine are all adults. 

I'm keeping my poor rating to myself. Dh thinks I'm a good wife and I'm not about to tell him otherwise. 

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I did pretty well because I got 30 points for minor children. That made up for all the sock wearing, not making myself dainty and putting my cold feet on him. Ironically, he'd probably love red nail polish, but ain't nobody got time for that. 


He rated very superior. 

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DH got very superior(92), I'm only average(49 + 10 for 2 minors).  The fact that so many questions focused on the wife's appearance is what really sunk me.  I wear PJs, am more then 15 pounds over, I don't dress for breakfast (heck, I'm usually still asleep) I like to wear my "scroungies" around the house.  What saved me is that I don't tend to ask or pester DH for attention and I put food on the table at a regular time, very important in the late 1930's apparently. 

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I would have been a terrible wife in 1939. So many of those things expected of women are just plain silly. Gives her husband a shampoo and manicure? Egads! Uses slang and profanity? Well, yes, sometimes I do, but not often. And yes, even in front of DH! I didn't realize being overweight was a ding against wives either. How rude! I wonder if wives were supposed to look like June Cleaver all the time and do housework in a nice dress and heels? DH was naturally top of the line. That seems to be common here.

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I was Superior and dh was Very Superior. It struck me that many of the male things that were considered good would probably have been more of a big deal then, which is perhaps why so many of our husbands score high now. What might have been unusual enough to be especially praiseworthy in 1939 is considered more what men are expected to do now.....like help with the kids, help around the house, etc. Where for women so many of the questions related to things like appearance. 

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