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Don't do This

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Dd13 decided to cut her jeans off with a box-cutter - while still wearing them.  The blade slipped.  She called me and I could immediately tell something was wrong.  I ran down there and saw blood spurting.  Fortunately dh, who is an RN was home.  He was able to get the bleeding stopped.  We'll get it all bandaged up in a minute - she's cleaning off the blood right now.  I'm actually amazed that the bleeding stopped so quickly.  Dh doesn't think she will even need stitches.  I'm also very grateful that dh was home from work early.  I mean, I would have done what he did and apply pressure but I think I would have panicked more than he did.  He was so calm and got dd, who was hyperventilating, to calm down too.  Dh says that it looked like more blood than it really was but I'm not sure yet if I buy that!  (I'm still a bit freaked out.)


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I'm glad she's ok.  But WHY was she doing it??

She says that she got a hole in her jeans and so she decided to make them into cut offs.  She did ask me if she could, before she did it.  I never dreamed that she would use a box cutter and I never ever dreamed that she would do it while wearing them. 

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She says that she got a hole in her jeans and so she decided to make them into cut offs.  She did ask me if she could, before she did it.  I never dreamed that she would use a box cutter and I never ever dreamed that she would do it while wearing them. 


Really?  Now why wouldn't that be your first thought?   :lol:


If only we parents had the ability to "see" such things in advance, but no, kids can always surprise us somehow.


Glad everything turned out ok.  Glad she wasn't home alone when she decided to start her fashion design lab.

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Dh said to dd "Stop breathing so fast. It's only a hole in your leg." She now thinks that is hilarious. I'm still not quite at that point though I do think he was correct in that it looked worse than it was.

That sounds like something my DH would say, and my own 13yo daughter would also think it hilarious.

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And at age 13, my dd would have responded "But you didn't say that! You should have told me these things and I wouldn't have gotten hurt."


Just like I didn't tell her to remove the keys from the ingition before she locked the van up.


Which is the flip side of "Stop reminding me! I knowwwwwww..."

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Goodness, Jean, how frightening!  Just like others, I am so grateful she didn't hit an artery.  But yes, kid brains really do function differently.  Almost impossible to anticipate.


Although this wasn't a dangerous situation, I totally relate to your daughter.  I vividly recall the time my mom baked Dad a huge birthday cake.  She really decorated it quite nicely.  Right after she finished she put it in the fridge and left to run errands.  Dad hated icing.  He was watching a ball game.  My brother and I asked him if we could have the icing from his cake.  He said "sure".  That icing was really tasty.  We ate it all.  Right off the cake.  Before Dad ever even got to see it finished.  Before we ever sang Happy Birthday.  But he did say we could have the icing....

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She says that she got a hole in her jeans and so she decided to make them into cut offs.  She did ask me if she could, before she did it.  I never dreamed that she would use a box cutter and I never ever dreamed that she would do it while wearing them. 


Well, my bet would be she thought she'd get the desired look by seeing where to cut while wearing them since otherwise it would have involved a bit of measuring... :lol: :lol:

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Oh my that would have freaked me out.  One of mine once got a bloody nose.  He freaks over the tiniest scratch or bump so him seeing all that blood made him hysterical.  I had all I could do to keep it together so I could deal with it. 


Scratching you off my list of Boardies I can get to help with injured critters here on the farm...  :D

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Oh my goodness, how scary! I had a friend who, as a teen, cut a bagel by holding it in her hand and slicing it with the knife toward her palm. She cut herself very badly, blood squirt all over her kitchen and she was home alone and lived out in the country. She had to tie a dish cloth around her upper arm, hold it above her head and run next door to her grandparents' to take her to the ER where she ended up with stitches and several weeks of physical therapy. So I'm glad your daughter was at least playing with razor blades when her parents were home. ;) Teens though. A classic example of not thinking things through, huh?

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Huh. Now I understand those warnings on irons not to iron your clothes while wearing them.



I knew someone who ironed their shirt while wearing it. That turned out to be a poor choice, too.


Glad your daughter's injury wasn't any worse than it was!


Yeah, I had a friend who did that in high school.  Short, boxy shirts that just met the top of your high waist jeans were all the rage.  She decided to iron it while wearing it.  She got a nasty burn on her stomach. 


Jean, I am glad your daughter was OK. 

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That was a very stupid thing to do. It's also something I *totally* would have done at that age!!


Same age, I decided to cut my bangs...... my attempted failed because they were too short so I kept cutting hoping they'd just go away. Kept cutting. Just bangs. Imagine how that looked.  Yeah.

So tell her: could be worse!

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Glad she's okay. :)


But it's not just teens.  At least teens can blame it on inexperience.


We've already had 2 recordable injuries at work this year due to adults cutting towards their bodies, with their hands placed in front of them and under the blade.  Not wearing the cut-resistant gloves provided by the company as PPE. 

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We've already had 2 recordable injuries at work this year due to adults cutting towards their bodies, with their hands placed in front of them and under the blade.  Not wearing the cut-resistant gloves provided by the company as PPE.


Ouch. My grandmother, when she was a middle-aged woman, sliced her hand open once by trying to catch a knife she had dropped. She told me that even as her hand was closing over it she was thinking "Well, this was dumb".


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