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Being asked to wear a certain color to a party...


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We have a family member who asks their party guests to wear a certain color to their parties. I don't get it at all, but I try to go along with it as best we can without having to buy new clothes.

We just got another party invite and I was curious what the hive thinks.

If you were asked to wear a certain color to a party would you go along with it? It's an odd request if you ask me. I'm kind of getting sick of it :(

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If it was just once I would totally go along with it. I think it would be fun. I see rich people do that in tv shows and movies. Everyone wears white or something. I think it would be fun to do something like that once in a while. To see how people are creative within a boundary of color: everyone is wearing white, yet everyone looks different in their white clothes.


But if this was done all the time, it could get old pretty fast as you'd probably have to buy new clothes and that can get expensive.


Questions to ponder:


Why do they do this? Are they rich? What's the point? Is it all in good fun? Can you afford it? If you can, why don't you want to join in on the fun?

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It is a variation on a theme party. It doesn't really bother me. A friend of ours threw a white party because they were heading on an adventure to see the northern lights. The theme was ice so everyone wore white.

As an occasional thing it can be a fun experience.

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We have a family member who asks their party guests to wear a certain color to their parties. I don't get it at all, but I try to go along with it as best we can without having to buy new clothes.

We just got another party invite and I was curious what the hive thinks.

If you were asked to wear a certain color to a party would you go along with it? It's an odd request if you ask me. I'm kind of getting sick of it :(


:blink: :huh:


Maybe for a one-time, themed party, yes. After that, no. Definitely an odd request.

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I would if I had anything in that color.  If not the clothes, I'd try for some accessory in the color.  Why not?  I agree it's silly, but it's certainly not a hill to die on.  :P


Next time, ask them why they do this.  The answer might be interesting.

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Is it for a family picture? I have a sister in law who always wants us to wear red and black for events for the family picture. None of us went to UGA. In fact, she's the only one who didn't go to Georgia Tech. But there we are all looking like we went to UGA in picture after picture.

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I would if I actually cared to go to the party and I didn't have to buy anything. If I actually had to shop for something, then no, I'd tell the host and see if they cared if we wore something else. If they really, truly cared (which would be really bizarre to me), then I wouldn't go.


The control freakishness would make me disinclined to actually want to go to the party, though. I don't react well to manipulation (understatement of the century, my DH would say :lol:).

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I've been to the standard white/black tie events, but never have I been asked to wear a certain colour. I'd probably lapse into stunned silence for a moment and then say, "ooookkkkkayy... I can probably do that. Why, do you have something planned?" I can't imagine asking people to weara certain colour just.... because I wanted them to. That's so odd!

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I attend an exercise/dance group for retired folks that meets weekly.  The typical age is about 70, with members up to 94.  (I am way younger than this, but they are better dancers than me!)  Most of them are on a fixed income, and not a large one at that.  Recently we had a "wear red for heart health awareness" day.  The "red" people wore ranged from tops to bottoms to jackets to scarves to jewelry.  Those who usually dress to the nines were super-stylish as usual, and the rest of us just did what we could with what we already owned, could borrow, or could pick up at the thrift shop and didn't stress over it.  I don't usually wear red so I hit the thrift shop and found a couple of items that have since become favorites.  I think this crowd would be horrified if someone felt they needed to buy new clothes - that wasn't what it was about at all.  A $4 t-shirt from the thrift is probably more than they expected, you know?  

Lots of people like a bit of a reason to dress up, especially if they are home all day with little kids who don't notice what they're wearing (and who are likely to spit up all over it anyway).  If it's not your thing, just do what you can and don't stress.

ETA - is this something like wearing green to a St. Patty's Day party, or red to a Valentines Day party? That seems fairly normal to me.  I've also seen events (urban dance parties) where the dress code is something like "Dress Code: Red Hot!" (meaning wear red) or something like that.  Just something to mix it up a bit.

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I think it would be fun as a theme now and then, but would get old if it's done all the time. If I really want to go, or feel as though i should go, I'd try to find an accessory in the requested color. If I had the clothes I'd wear them, but if not I wouldn't buy new. I'd just wear the color in whatever way I can without spending money. Even then, I'd still get annoyed if it's a thing for every party by this person.

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Some of the responses here remind me of Halcyon's thread that's going on right now (http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/545314-what-kind-of-person-talksresponds-like-this/).


I wouldn't shoot down the idea or judge it as too strange to indulge or get contrary about it. Before making a judgement either way about it I would gather facts first. I would start by asking the hostess what's going on before shooting down the idea or refusing to do it.

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I wouldn't have a problem with it.  It's their party, right?  Their party means they can set the day/event as they want.


I've also never seen it happen.  


However, we often have color and/or themed days at school and I usually try to do something.  It rarely involves having to buy anything new.  Once I had to buy purple, but now that I've bought it, I have it for any future events.  When I picked up my last t-shirt I also made sure it could double for tie-dye days.

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No family picture. For a Cmas party she asked everyone to wear a red shirt. Her kids bday parties she asks everyone to wear a color that matches the theme/decorations. For example: angry birds theme, wear red and/or black. Ballerina theme wear light pink. This time it's white but I have no idea what the theme is. I'm going to send my girls with white shirts and colored skirts. Luckily we have those! I wouldn't go, but my 7 year old is really good friends with her daughter.

She's originally from Guatemala, so maybe it's a cultural thing? Idk.

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OP, you said you try to go along with it. I'm assuming that means you've attended parties already. Is everyone asked to wear the same color? How are others dressed? Are they dressed completely in one color or do they have on other colors and just have the stated color in an accessory? Does the party giver take pictures during these parties? Maybe she likes the sameness of color in her photo album.

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OP, you said you try to go along with it. I'm assuming that means you've attended parties already. Is everyone asked to wear the same color? How are others dressed? Are they dressed completely in one color or do they have on other colors and just have the stated color in an accessory? Does the party giver take pictures during these parties? Maybe she likes the sameness of color in her photo album.

Most people actually go along with it. For the red/black theme there was just a few without it. For the light pink all little girls wore a shade of pink. For the red Cmas party only about half the people wore red because my family isn't used to being told what color to wear. Lol.

I know she doesn't do photo albums, but does take pics throughout the party.

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No family picture. For a Cmas party she asked everyone to wear a red shirt. Her kids bday parties she asks everyone to wear a color that matches the theme/decorations. For example: angry birds theme, wear red and/or black. Ballerina theme wear light pink. This time it's white but I have no idea what the theme is. I'm going to send my girls with white shirts and colored skirts. Luckily we have those! I wouldn't go, but my 7 year old is really good friends with her daughter.

She's originally from Guatemala, so maybe it's a cultural thing? Idk.



Okay, so it looks like basically all of her parties/gatherings are themed. Some people really like that. I'd go along with it, but as I said before I wouldn't spend money on new clothes just for these parties.

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I know people who've done "white" parties or "black and white" parties, but usually these are one times events.....so a special anniversary or something.


I haven't been invited to say a "pink" party or "wisteria" party or what not....well, not yet. :)


I think how I felt about it would depend on my financial status, wardrobe, and how close I was to this person and wanted to attend her events.  While I own a lot of black, my kids don't...so if it meant having to buy four outfits, I might be a little grumpy.


I do know people who coordinate for family pictures.  My family never did that, but I have to admit it looks really nice.  A friend just did one with everybody in simple khaki pants/skirts and white shirts on the beach and it really looked lovely. 



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Sounds like it's for the pictures.... some of us are a bit OCD about certain things, this must be her "thing".  If it was simply wear a white shirt, or a red shirt and I had that color, then no problem.  If I don't have it I'm not going to go out and get it.  I actually don't own a plain white shirt, neither do the kids or DH (undershirts don't count) so she'd have to take a white and _________________ shirt as acceptable or sorry we can't attend.

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She is a bit of a control freak. Everything is perfect in her house. Her kids are always dressed perfect. Her family always matches, including her husband. Her kids never have a speck of dirt on them. Her kids even wear white pants. Well maybe a lot of people are similar but this is the opposite of us because we live in the country.


She grew up very poor in Guatemala so maybe this is her way to make up for it?


Eta: well now that I think of it, probably only the family matching part is control-freakish. I'd love to have a perfectly clean house!!! Oh well.

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My MIL had  orange 1970's carpeting she never replaced. All the pictures of my happy Hanna Andersson millennial kids opening up Christmas presents, collecting eggs in their little wicker baskets etc. at her house, all have to be made black and white to be enjoyed for fbf and tbt. ;)


In my next life, maybe I'll come back as Casserole Dish Marnie. I think I am not controlling, but maybe I am. A little. May my mil RIP. And bless my SIL, who removed the carpet, and sanded the gorgeous hardwood for the new owners to enjoy.

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I was only asked once and that was for a "5 years free of breast cancer" celebration where everyone was told to wear pink.  It made sense in that situation. I thought it was a sweet idea.


I'm not temperamentally inclined to have people tell me or my kids what to wear to events on a regular basis.  So, there'd be a private conversation about it with the hostesss if it happened more than a couple of times.

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My MIL had a "winter blues" party a few years ago and wanted everyone to wear blue and bring blue food.  I thought it was odd, but the kids enjoyed it.  I would not want to do it all the time.  If I had something in that color I would do it, but I can't afford to buy new clothes for my family multiple times.

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I was asked to wear purple to a funeral once, but I understood that, as the deceased's favorite color was purple.  I have some purple in my wardrobe, so it was not a hardship.  I was in a small group singing at the funeral so I would have purchased something if needed since I was on stage.


I've never been invited to a color themed party.  If there was a point to it, like wear white because it is an ice party like an above poster, I would not mind.  Otherwise, I don't have time for such nonsense.  lol

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I've been asked to do this once at a funeral and once at a "memorial party" held instead of a funeral (it was very much a party). Both times it was to honor the person who died with a favorite color. Neither time was a color I wear, so I borrowed a scarf to throw over a plain black dress the first time. The second time i shopped for a new shirt.


For these events I think the theme made sense and helped the families.


I don't think I'd like to go to a color themed party regularly.

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Seems weird to me, but I'm not big on dressing for a theme for parties.  (Okay, I'm not big on parties, period.)  I was wondering if it was green for St. Patrick's Day, which would not seem unreasonable to me, but I saw that you said it's white, so...I got nothing. *shrug*


Is it for a family picture? I have a sister in law who always wants us to wear red and black for events for the family picture. None of us went to UGA. In fact, she's the only one who didn't go to Georgia Tech. But there we are all looking like we went to UGA in picture after picture.


You must not have any daughters...I'm sure you sang the sacred oath to dress them in white & gold! ;)  (DH and I also went to Georgia Tech.)

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I generally find this kind of thing irritating, but that is because I am cranky and I find socializing a huge effort.  Asking me to forgo my favorite outfit so I can match a theme is even more distressing than the idea of socializing. 


Once a year at our church the Young Women's group has a party to celebrate the girls' accomplishments.  Great.  I am completely on board with this.  Then we get the "theme" and are told to dress accordingly.  One year it was princess themed ("Daughter of a King" and all that)  I own nothing princess-y.  Another year it was nautical themed ("Anchored in Christ.") The best I could do was navy blue,  This year it was polka dots.  Seriously?!?!?!?  I am a grown woman, I don't wear polka dots.  The most obnoxious was the year it was frogs.  (Fully Rely On God) Are you kidding me?  Frogs?  


YMMV because not everyone has a social number of 4


Amber in SJ

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I generally find this kind of thing irritating, but that is because I am cranky and I find socializing a huge effort. Asking me to forgo my favorite outfit so I can match a theme is even more distressing than the idea of socializing.


Once a year at our church the Young Women's group has a party to celebrate the girls' accomplishments. Great. I am completely on board with this. Then we get the "theme" and are told to dress accordingly. One year it was princess themed ("Daughter of a King" and all that) I own nothing princess-y. Another year it was nautical themed ("Anchored in Christ.") The best I could do was navy blue, This year it was polka dots. Seriously?!?!?!? I am a grown woman, I don't wear polka dots. The most obnoxious was the year it was frogs. (Fully Rely On God) Are you kidding me? Frogs?


YMMV because not everyone has a social number of 4


Amber in SJ

My social number is high, but my shopping affinity is best expressed in negative digits. I also find it really hard to prioritize something like this. Seriously, out of all the things I could do with my time, I need to make sure multiple family members have pink shirts, or polka dots, or frogs??


This would drive me crazy.


(Any chance you'll get new leadership soon?)

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I would go along with it.


I try to avoid conflict with bossy control-freak people for minor reasons.


I suppose it may be apparent that I am a middle child but I do sometimes just go along with what other people decide I am going to do. :lol:

I'm a middle child, too, hence the series of UGA looking photos...

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I would go along with it.  It reminds me of a friend in university who did that for parties.  All of her parties had a colour theme.  Guests were asked to wear something in the theme colour and the food and dĂƒÂ©cor were of that colour.  She would have contests and give prizes for those who embodied the spirit of the colour best.  That didn't always mean wearing head-to-toe (whatever) colour.  People always knew to expect the unusual, as she was incredibly creative with colour and the themes -- uniquely so each time.  She threw some of the best parties in my memories. 


I'm glad you posted.  I haven't thought of her in a long time.  Thanks for the fond recollections. :)



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We were friends with a lady who grew up in Brazil. She said they wore white for the New Year as a tradition. She said she enjoyed the New Year celebrations and every time she wears white, she thinks about that and has happy memories.


So, hey, go with it, you are helping make happy memories, try to imagine that and not super weird control freak...

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I don't actually think negatively about people who do this but I think part of the reason I dislike it so much is that if I try to imagine myself hosting such parties I would be really uncomfortable. It would feel bitchy. I just can't imagine even asking people to wear something specific. Who am I to ask somebody that?


But I know people do it and other people go and actually enjoy it so I think its something about me.


I think the themed parties that have deeper meanings are really cool and those are in a separate category.

Also, things like green for st patty's and such just seem like no-brainers so you don't even have to ask and I'd bet 90% of people would show up in green anyway.


The op's situation would bug me. You can have a themed party and I think many people would wear something themey without being asked yet those that wouldn't don't have to get irritated at the control-freakiness. I think I'd be stressed out getting those invites.

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