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How often do you dust your walls?



227 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you dust your walls?

    • What is this craziness of what you speak? Ain't nobody got time for that....
    • only when I am about to paint or move
    • when I deep clean
    • whenever I dust

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But I need to keep the cobwebs so there's someone to eat the flies!

Last summer we had an invasion of fruit flies after a bbq. They were smart little buggers and evaded my trap. Pretty soon a little spider took residence on my kitchen window sill. She took care of them for me.😀 Then we relocated her outside.
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Well those results are a relief. I was thinking, crap, this is just one more thing I don't do. We do dust before moving or painting--only because I've never lost a deposit and I'm not about to--but otherwise, like if we owned our house, it would be "never".


We do have like these tile thingies in the bathroom, I guess for spray? Like they go halfway up the wall. And sometimes, dust settles on the little tiny ledge there. I do dust those seasonally because it gets brown and gunky, like visibly dirty. I could stand to do it weekly but I don't. Ain't nobody got time for that, indeed.

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Dust the walls? Like with a dry dust rag?


I dust the corners and the baseboards and the tops of picture frames where dust collects and cobwebs can form. This is fairly frequently. Probably an average of once a week for the picture frames and baseboards and less often for the corners.


I wash the walls (or at least wipe them off with a mild cleanser and wet rag) in the kitchen as needed (fairly often- 1-2x a month or more). I wash other walls when we deep clean every season or two, the spots and stuff in high traffic areas.


I have never in my life dusted a regular wall. I just took a rag and wiped my never dusted walls and found no dust.


In kitchens and bathrooms stuff sticks to the vertical surfaces because it's moist or (in the kitchen) greasy. On dry walls though, nothing seems to accumulate here.

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There's a difference between dusting (for dust) and scrubbing (for painting or for fingerprints or scuff marks) and swiffering (for cobwebs).  I have never in my life dusted a wall to remove actual dust.  I do need to get rid of cobwebs and little-kid-fingerprints/splatters fairly regularly.  Not sure how to vote, so (since you specifically asked about dusting with a duster), I voted Never.

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The walls that I think get dust on them the worst are the newer ones with textured paint that is blown on. A friend of mine told me after she painted one of her rooms that the color she chose shows dust much worse. I said, "Wha...?"

Ain't nobody got time for that and if they do have time for that then they are not quite busy enough.

I might dust them when I paint this time, but probably not.


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Hold up people. I iron my napkins.


Tiny confession:


I really, really like ironing.


And save for the occasional dress shirt and napkins, I live in a wash and wear world and wouldn't get to iron anything. If I had a large ironing board or a mangle, I'd iron sheets again too. Ironed sheets feel great.


I fully admit that I might be totally cray cray but we all have some oddity, right? Right? (Silence echos)


Of all the odd jobs I held from age 12-22, ironing sheets in a bed and breakfast was perhaps my favorite.

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I will add this to the list of things my mama failed to teach me:


Lift top portion of electric stove and clean under it.

OMG, I never knew the top of the over could lift up until I saw a cleaning lady do it once, just about 3 or 4 years ago. It was a revelation. And made so much darn sense because previously I'd have to go digging out under the side of the burners to fish out anything that dropped down.

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Hold up people. I iron my napkins.


Tiny confession:


I really, really like ironing.


And save for the occasional dress shirt and napkins, I live in a wash and wear world and wouldn't get to iron anything. If I had a large ironing board or a mangle, I'd iron sheets again too. Ironed sheets feel great.


I fully admit that I might be totally cray cray but we all have some oddity, right? Right? (Silence echos)


Of all the odd jobs I held from age 12-22, ironing sheets in a bed and breakfast was perhaps my favorite.

I...I just...what?...I mean...huh??

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They only get dusted because I have to wash the walls when I deep clean because the grubby little minions are incapable of navigating the house without dragging their hands along the surfaces at all times. We're hoping to move within the next year and are already starting to try to keep the place somewhat respectable-looking... 

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OMG, I never knew the top of the over could lift up until I saw a cleaning lady do it once, just about 3 or 4 years ago. It was a revelation. And made so much darn sense because previously I'd have to go digging out under the side of the burners to fish out anything that dropped down.


yep, I was clueless for several years after owning one of these types of stoves!  :leaving:

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It was made up by the same people who think you should iron bedsheets and cloth napkins.


Don't forget your undies (ironing, not dusting....then again...).


No dust gets past our hard working spiders.


ETA: The spiders are on the walls, doorways and ceilings NOT in the undies. Sheesh, you people!

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