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Christmas tree on Thanksgiving?

Night Elf

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Do you put your tree up for Thanksgiving Day? I'm thinking about doing that since I'm having all of my family over. I thought it might look festive. Normally, we don't put our tree up until mid-December. I'm always worried we'll get bored with it if we put it up too early. But it might make my living room look nice for family.

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We usually put ours up the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving.  But I say if you want to put it up then go for it.  If you get bored with it then make a mental note to wait longer next year. ;)  Plus Thanksgiving is late this year, so you won't be putting it up as early as you would some other years.

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I have a friend who put her tree up on Halloween!  So you seem a bit restrained, compared to her. ;)


Ours goes up on the third Sunday of Advent, but I say if you have a reason to put yours up on Thanksgiving - do it!!


If we had family coming just for Thanksgiving and not Christmas, I might be more inclined to shake things up this year and have the house decorated for both holidays.

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I would never do it. I can't even handle the tree up the day after Thanksgiving. It leaves no room for celebrating Advent properly for me.


But that said, my sil puts hers up in September but that's a cultural thing for her. So really no time is wrong if you have a reason.

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For the last few years, I've put it up the weekend before Thanksgiving. The reason is two-fold. First of all, it became a huge chore for me when I used to to it the day after Thanksgiving...after all the work that went into the meal, the last thing I wanted was another big project! Second, I love having the lights from the tree on while we're having our meal...it's so festive and cozy and pleasant...it just makes the holiday even better!


We don't put the ornaments on until St. Nicholas' Day, though. Until then, it's just the beautiful lights.

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We sometimes put ours up the first Sunday in Advent, which is usually the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I do not tire of it, and leave it up into January because it cheers me up in the winter blah season.


I think you should put it up if you want to, but I wouldn't personally like to mix the two holidays.


If you'd like a tree but want to save Christmas, maybe you could make a Thanksgiving tree that you later converted to a Christmas tree. You could use strung popcorn & cranberries, white lights, and maybe fall colored Christmas balls (like red and gold). If you wanted to add ornaments, one idea might be to decorate with fall leaves.. You could make the cinnamon-applesauce kind and cut with a leaf-shaped cookie cutter. it would smell good and the color would blend.


You could easily transform that to a Christmas tree by adding Christmas colors and ornaments.


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I'm answering what I do because that was the question asked.


Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have a strict "Christmas only in December" policy.  No decor up or Christmas music before Dec. 1. All decor down and put away and all Christmas music ends by Jan. 1. We have minimal Christmas decorations-tree, door wreath, advent calendar type thing and maybe some sort of centerpiece on the table.  If the kids want to do outdoor lawn deorations they put them up and take them down themselves.  They do that every few years.  If they want the garlands and lights on the banisters inside, they do that themselves.  Sometimes they do.  Sometimes they don't.


I have a few fall decorations up in October and November. I'm a one season/holiday at a time kind of person. It's been over 90 degrees here until last week.  I'm not Australian, so I don't do Christmas when it's hot. Hot and Christmas don't go together in my brain.


I also have Nov. 20th, Nov. 23rd, Dec. 12th, January 1st, January 5th and January 11th birthdays for close family members and in-laws.  It's already piled on for me, piling on more would be crazy!



There is a Thanksgiving Tree option that might appeal to some people.  Put bare branches (on a scale that works for your personal space) in some sort of flower vase for a smaller scale or bigger pot for a larger scale in a prominent area. Have a stack of leaf shapes cut out of fall leaf colors of paper, (or buy inexpensive artificial leaves) some sharpies, and some clear tape or a hole puncher and ribbon.  Have your guests write down on several leaves different things they're thankful for and attach them to the branches.

As posted above, you can do something along those lines with ornaments and a Christmas tree too.


Here are some images:



Another option is to have a thankfulness jar.  You can start it each day after Thanksgiving or New Year's Day.  When something you're thankful for happens to you, write it down and put it in the jar.  The next Thanksgiving you can put those on a Thanksgiving Tree or you can read them aloud as highlights of the last year on New Year's Eve.  Or some variation on that.

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We often go the day or weekend after Thankgiving to get a live tree from a cut your own type of farm.  While lots of people are out doing Black Friday shopping, we get our tree and put the lights up, then spend the rest of the weekend finishing it off with the rest of the decorations.  We typically get a 10-11 ft tree, so it is a process.


We have multiple non Christmas and Christmas themed events in December (birthdays, performances, etc) that tie up our weekends, so getting the tree up right after Thanksgiving just seems to work well for us.

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We put ours up last weekend and always put it up the weekend after our son's birthday.  We host Thanksgiving every year and it is our only chance to see family during the holidays.  Our family enjoys seeing the house decorated.  It usually takes me three days to finish decorating and I like to have it done before all of the holiday busyness kicks in.  If we waited until after Thanksgiving, I am not sure when we would be able to put it up.  December is already booked really solid for us.  I enjoy being able to enjoy the decorations for a good 6 weeks and then I am ready to have them down before New Year's.  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am always thankful that I have my decorating out of the way and I can focus on a few other things instead.

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We put ours up last week. My house is completely decorated. I love having it all done so I can relax and enjoy Thanksgiving.

We did, too, though typically we put ours up the day/weekend after Thanksgiving.

The girls started asking about putting the decorations up, and with DH being in the hospital this month, I'm finding I'm a lot more permissive with the little things. Plus, my MIL is coming up to stay the weekend after Thanksgiving, and she's never seen our house decorated. Thought it might look nice.


I say go for it. :D

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Soooooo many people put their tree up the day after Thanksgiving, I don't think a shift of a few days is all that unusual. It could be nice for the pictures. Bonus points if you can get the relatives to decorate it for you. Seriously, put the lights on, put the decorations nearby, and start betting on which relative will take matters into their own hands.

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Our family tradition is to play the first Christmas music of the season on Thanksgiving afternoon and to officially allow anyone who is so inclined to break out the boxes of holiday decor and start festooning. 


The tree doesn't go up until later, though, partially because we buy real trees (and live in Florida). Also, our daughter's birthday is in mid-December, and when she was little we decided to delay letting Christmas take over the house completely until after she had her day.


I really don't know what we'll do this year, though. I've been kind of avoiding thinking about it, to be honest. My daughter will be home for a couple of days on Thanksgiving weekend and then not back until just a day or two before Christmas. We can't practically put up the tree Thanksgiving weekend, because it would be a brown, prickly, poky fire hazard by mid-December. But I can't really process the concept of decorating the tree without both kids here.



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We cut down our trees, and if we put it up that soon it would be totally dried out by Christmas.  We usually go get our tree the second weekend in December.  But I do start putting out some decorations like snowglobes and such the weekend after Thanksgiving, and DH puts the lights up on the house that weekend normally, although this year he is taking DD backpacking that weekend so we will probably have to put it off.  DH also has a rule that we can't do Christmas music until he has had his pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving dinner, so normally on the way home from wherever we eat that year.  The kids really look forward to it.

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We cut down our trees, and if we put it up that soon it would be totally dried out by Christmas.  We usually go get our tree the second weekend in December.  But I do start putting out some decorations like snowglobes and such the weekend after Thanksgiving, and DH puts the lights up on the house that weekend normally, although this year he is taking DD backpacking that weekend so we will probably have to put it off.  DH also has a rule that we can't do Christmas music until he has had his pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving dinner, so normally on the way home from wherever we eat that year.  The kids really look forward to it.


We cut our own, and I've found as long as we cut them ourselves, they last through the holiday without any major drying out.  I would not put up a precut tree that early ever, however.

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We usually put ours up sometime during the week following Thanksgiving.  I prefer to not mix holidays.  :)


However, could you put your tree up, but no ornaments?  You could even decorate it with a little autumn decor, or have people hang a paper leaf on it with things they are thankful for, etc.


I have a friend who keeps their tree up year-round.  It's not too big, and of course fake.  They just really like it there in the corner of their living room, with the small white lights.  They decorate it for whatever season they're in.  I wouldn't do that, but they seem to make it work and it looks fine.





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Do you put your tree up for Thanksgiving Day? I'm thinking about doing that since I'm having all of my family over. I thought it might look festive. Normally, we don't put our tree up until mid-December. I'm always worried we'll get bored with it if we put it up too early. But it might make my living room look nice for family.


I wouldn't do it myself, but you're free to!  Although I agree with you, you might get bored with it by Christmas which is what it's for.  We put ours up a few days before Christmas and leave it up at least through Theophany (January 6) and I'm think about having it up the entire 40 days after Christmas this year.  We'll see. 


It's not hard to decorate simply for Thanksgiving -- we were at a friend's over the weekend and she had a pumpkin in a wooden bowl on her table, with a little froo-fra around it, plus handwritten quotes about being thankful on folded little notecards next to it.  There were a couple of mini-pumpkins in a line next to the bowl, too.  It was really quite lovely. 

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Do you put your tree up for Thanksgiving Day? I'm thinking about doing that since I'm having all of my family over. I thought it might look festive. Normally, we don't put our tree up until mid-December. I'm always worried we'll get bored with it if we put it up too early. But it might make my living room look nice for family.


No. No. No.


We do watch "It's a Wonderful Life" in the evening, and we put up the tree and decorate the house Thanksgiving weekend, but no...Thanksgiving is about Thanksgiving. :-)

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 While I do enjoy the pretty decorations, those decorations and toddlers don't mix so I used to wait until as close to Christmas as possible so I didn't have to defend the tree so long.  Then My DD whose birthday is Dec 15 decided that her birthday would not be perfect without the tree to put her presents under.  I think she was 3 at the time but now expects it every single year. So now every year on December 15 (because I'm still not interested in defending the tree any longer than necessary), we put up the tree in the afternoon and have her birthday dinner and presents at night.  I don't host Thanksgiving and my mom leaves her tree up year round so it wouldn't bother me if people want to put it up earlier.

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Growing up we put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving. Now in my home we wait until mid December. But if you want to, I see nothing wrong with it. It's your house! You could even make it a Thanksgiving tree briefly if you want. Put up the tree and lights, but instead of ornaments maybe a fall garland.


A friend has an "all seasons tree". She likes her tree with lights, so she just changes the decorations for whatever holiday is next. It is always lovely, and it makes her happy. And I'm used to it, so maybe I'm a little more relaxed on the issue than some people. 

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We put up our tree Thanksgiving weekend. Ours is artificial because I am allergic to real ones. 

The hubster is going to get it out of our storage and start putting the actual tree up this weekend.

We will put up the lights and ornaments, etc. next weekend. 

We also keep our tree up until after January 1st.

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We normally do it the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year I'm thinking we will do the first or maybe second weekend of December since we are going back to a real tree and this year I have an active toddler and a cat. I have a feeling it's going to be quite the hassle. :)

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What is wrong for enjoying Thanksgiving for what it is?  I have NO desire to put a tree up, I'd feel like I was rushing through life if I couldn't enjoy one holiday without fussing about the next one.


See, for me, it's the opposite. I feel like I can't fully enjoy Thanksgiving if I know that I have this huge job of putting up the tree hanging over my head. So by putting the trees up early, I get to enjoy the lights for longer, and really settle in to enjoy Thanksgiving. It doesn't have to be either/or...it can be both/and.

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What is wrong for enjoying Thanksgiving for what it is?  I have NO desire to put a tree up, I'd feel like I was rushing through life if I couldn't enjoy one holiday without fussing about the next one.


All the OP said was that she's having company, doesn't have Thanksgiving decorations to speak of, and thought maybe a tree would help make the day a bit more festive since they'd be getting one eventually anyway.  Nothing about fussing or rushing through life.  :)

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See, for me, it's the opposite. I feel like I can't fully enjoy Thanksgiving if I know that I have this huge job of putting up the tree hanging over my head. So by putting the trees up early, I get to enjoy the lights for longer, and really settle in to enjoy Thanksgiving. It doesn't have to be either/or...it can be both/and.


Had to laugh at this--just at how different people are, not at you at all!


Our tree is such a quick and simple thing. Takes less than an hour for us all to gather, decorate (complete with both oo-ing and ahhh-ing over the memories our ornaments evoke,  with complaining about the lack of a decent Christmas CD we can play while decorating--no one likes what DH picks!), and have a "moment" when we stand back and admire our handiwork. We eat cookies and drink eggnog along the way, too. Now, that doesn't include putting it in the stand or setting up the train for under it, but that is done before the actual "decoration evening." :D


Why is yours such a "huge job?" (not being snarky, just wondering what makes it that way to you)

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What is wrong for enjoying Thanksgiving for what it is?  I have NO desire to put a tree up, I'd feel like I was rushing through life if I couldn't enjoy one holiday without fussing about the next one.


:blink: I think you might be overreacting a little to the OP's question.

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As the OP, I thought I'd make a note. In my family, Thanksgiving isn't usually a big deal. Unfortunately, this seems to be changing and it turned out to be everyone wanted to get together and my house is it. I'm quite stressed by it and won't be enjoying it anyway. I don't want that many people at my house eating. Then I have to sit and play games and that's a little stressful because my mom and stepdad aren't great at games. I get uncomfortable for them. I can tell my stepdad would rather be watching tv but my mom would have a fit if he wasn't being a part of everything. Then they argue sometimes. I love my mom but her relationship with that man is a bit too much for me.


So since my family is coming and this was not my original plan, I just figured having the tree up would make the room look nice and put us all into a holiday mood. I still haven't yet made up my mind. I think I'll call my mom and ask her opinion. This is all more important to her than me, so I want to make sure she has a nice time.

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Had to laugh at this--just at how different people are, not at you at all!


Our tree is such a quick and simple thing. Takes less than an hour for us all to gather, decorate (complete with both oo-ing and ahhh-ing over the memories our ornaments evoke,  with complaining about the lack of a decent Christmas CD we can play while decorating--no one likes what DH picks!), and have a "moment" when we stand back and admire our handiwork. We eat cookies and drink eggnog along the way, too. Now, that doesn't include putting it in the stand or setting up the train for under it, but that is done before the actual "decoration evening." :D


Why is yours such a "huge job?" (not being snarky, just wondering what makes it that way to you)


It's an artificial tree (the main tree...we have two smaller trees as well that don't take nearly as much work), and it takes a good hour to put it together and "fluff" it out...and the older it gets, the longer this job takes. It usually takes me another hour or so to put the lights on, and that's assuming I don't have to run to the store when I discover I don't have enough strings that work! The ornaments are fun to put on, because they have all the memories, but like I said earlier, we save that task for St. Nicholas Day, and it still takes a couple of hours. 


I love the way the trees look, but putting them together and lighting them, all while battling the dust they've gathered in the basement (how is that possible? They're in boxes!), over the last year is not much fun.

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