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Survey Questions # 4 through # 6


147 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Receive Your Primary Support from a Local Group or Co-op?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Does Your Local Group or Co-op Host A Monthly Guest Speaker?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do You Receive Your Primary Support Online? If "yes" please specify which online group.

    • Yes
    • No

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We participate in a local co-op, but I don't consider it much support. When I first started homeschooling, a different co-op was a lot of support.


My primary support is my husband. I also receive lots of ideas from the WTM forum. You are posting here on the WTM forum so many answers will be skewed to WTM and the people it draws.

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We're involved in a couple of local support groups but use them mostly for park days and field trips.


I've never heard of a support group having monthly speakers but we've only ever HSed in one metro area (though we do live in a different part of that large metro area than when we first started).


Definitely online. Here and e-lists associated with the local support groups.

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1. No, the only local group is extremely religious, and we aren't the right religion for them to allow us to join.


2. Not that I know of.  If they do, they don't mention it on their website.


3. Yup.  I'm in several Facebook groups- one that I spend a lot of time in, and several others in which I mostly lurk- and then here, of course.

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This is tough, because I find that our local group provides a different kind of support than what I find here.


My local group is a low-key, social group where my kids can hang out with friends and I can sometimes have conversations with real, live adults other than DH. It's an important support for us.


Online (and specifically on the WTM forums) I get program recommendations and ideas for tweaking things to meet the specific needs of my students. I've also found it easier to find folks online with BTDT experience in supporting accelerated learners, and weirdly I feel safer discussing that here than I do in real life. The support I've found here has been so important, too.



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I didn't vote because I'm not certain what you mean by "primary support."  I get different types of support from different sources, though we are not involved in a co-op.  And I have no clue what local groups or co-ops do on a monthly basis, since we aren't involved with any.

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Since we have no local group or co op to which we belong, I have no idea if they have monthly speakers. I don't think they do, so I answered no because it would not let me submit without an answer for each question.


I truly am my own support. That was not an option, so I chose The Well Trained Mind Community boards as my main support. I've been doing this an awful long time and don't really have a need for "support" at this point. I come here out of habit and for a bit of community. Mainly, at this point it is habit.

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I'm not interested in a co-op at this time. There are some here (3K+ homeschooling families in my county).


We attend park days occasionally, but I wouldn't count that as a support group, really, as that's all the group does. This forum is where I turn for any advice I need.

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No, no, and the other HSers on this forum are my primary support.




There is a group here that meets mainly for social contacts.  I'm looking into starting something more.  I started a small co-op at our last home, but we moved and I'm back to square-one.

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I'd really have to know what you mean by "support." For information and recommendation about curriculum, I come here for the most part. My DFD gets support, I guess you'd call it, from the local homeschool group. I don't get much there although the parents are pleasant. To be honest, their children are usually far behind mine (at least in STEM subjects). There is another support group/co-op that would probably have moms and students more like us -- but it requires that you do co-op, which is very pricey, imo, for what you get plus they offer classes like Spanish 2 (she's finished Spanish 4 last year), history (I can teach it myself from memory, if I wanted to), Latin (requiring that they started early and I didn't get my kid until she was in high school), "creative writing" (my student has a weakness in this area and needs to be concentrating on essays and research papers) and Christian World View (required..the problem is, it is Christian worldview from a Reformed point of view and I'm neo-anabaptist). 


It's crazy because I live near a major city but all the good support is on the other side of town from where I live.

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What do you mean by primary support? I would say my husband is my primary support (I know I am lucky in this regard, he is also a graduated homeschooler and he loves sitting and looking through resources and plans with me, as long as I don't ask him to do any initial research!)

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I don't know what's meant by "primary support" but we have a local community - a small co-op and I have several close homeschooling parent friends as well.  I get a lot of support from them.  I also get a lot of support, especially in learning about curricula and resources, from this forum and a couple of other online groups I'm on.


I didn't answer since I wasn't sure how.

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I receive support from 3 main places: friends who homeschool, my friends local used homeschool materials store, and this board. None would I consider more primary as they all serve different functions.


I don't belong to a group, but we do have 2 families who we spread a lot of time with who also homeschool. They are emotional/social support. My friends store, and this board provide most of my information about curriculum etc...

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I have no local support group--I know exactly 2 other homeschooling families in my city, and they use very different matierals: one exclusively Sonlight, the other exclusively PACE workbooks. I'm the only one of us who is actively searching out information about different methodologies, philosophies, and curricula.


My support comes mostly from two forums: WTM and Sonlight.

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1. NO. All the HS groups where I live now are very fundamental Christian so no support here.  When I lived in NC there were a lot more secular or inclusive groups, so at that time the answer would have been yes.


3. Yes-ish.  I get a lot of help here (only board I'm on).  But I don't really need "support", questions answered, opinions on which is better "Lial's" or "Foresters" Alg. that kind of thing. I do tend to give a lot of advice though.....

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No. We attend a couple of homeschool groups but they are not primary support. All my good ideas are purloined from this forum!

No. I have only had one experience of someone coming to talk to a homeschool group about homeschooling. It was very boring.

Yes. I rather like this forum. It seems generally unmannerly to talk about homeschooling in real life.

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1. The local group with all the resources requires a statement of faith we can't sign. I've never gotten the impression the inclusive group had the resources to be worth our time unfortunately.


2. I have to idea if the do.


3. I get most of my info and support here.

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1 - There aren't any formal co-ops here.  Just a couple of families here and there who sometimes do stuff together.  And we don't do anything with them.


2 - N/A would have been more accurate for me.


3 - I receive my primary support from my husband and my friends that homeschool, but we're not in a group together.  I do receive tons and tons of good advice from these boards, but I wouldn't call them my primary support.

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I do get most of my support from my local homeschool group.  It is such an incredible group of people.  Not everyone schools in the same way we do, but they definitely give me the encouragement to continue and recharge my batteries to be able to continue.  I have one Mom in another state that is my curriculum facebook buddy.  We always have some lengthy curriculum discussions in the spring.  

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