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Which movie scenes do you cry at even though...


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The Land Before Time. It came out when I was little and was my favorite movie. I think I have cried every single time I have seen it (except when I was a kid I would fast forward though the part where his mom dies). Even now, oh my gosh. And the song at the end credits. Ugh.


And tons of others. I cry a lot when I watch movies, especially since having kids.

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Toy Story 3 - Oh my gosh, I ugly cried through that movie at the theatre. I'm sure the people around me must have thought I was nuts. In my defense my oldest had just left to spend a summer in Alaska.


She's Having a Baby - The labor scene. My DH and friends all laugh at me. I know it's fake, but I just can't help it.

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Remember the Titans--at the end at the funeral, when they win the final game, the car accident


Steel Magnolias--from when Shelby drops the phone to the end


Top Gun--when Goose dies


An Officer and a Gentleman


We Are Marshall--through the whole thing

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For me, it's the part at the end of A Christmas Story when Ralphie's father suddenly turns into a big softie telling Ralph how to load his BB Gun and the end of Little Drummer Boy when the boy is singing to the Christ Child.  I'm always hoping the kids don't notice.  


However, most recently, when I watched Love Actually for the first time (yeah, I'm pretty late to that party).  It's the funeral scene when they play the Bay City Roller's Bye Bye Baby.  I'm not sure if it was just the song and memories of my teenage years or the funeral that gets me.  Probably both. :-) 

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I was just thinking about this last night! I am not much of a crier, but these movies always make me cry.


1.When Matthew dies in Anne of Green Gables.


2.When the dad drives away and his little girl chases after the car crying in Hope Floats.


3. When the mom (played by Sally Fields) loses it after her daughter dies (Julie Roberts) in Steel Magnolias. 


2 and 3 for me, too.  

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yeah, up got me too. One movie i can't help but cry in is 'riding in cars with boys'. When the young dad leaves because he's wrecking their lives with his addiction.... I start and can't stop. And the last scene where the mom is in the car with her dad... Sob. I watched it with my brother in law once & he probably thought I was insane (though I think he blinked back a tear or two... He's getting married soon, I'll probably cry happy tears at the wedding)

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I reserve the right to add a LOT to this list:


1. Secretariat: The Belmont race - the whole scene, but especially when they show Bull Hancock's son (in the bright blue jacket) tearing up, just watching in amazement. (Just after the 3:15 mark in this video.) "Oh, Happy Day" no doubt adds to my emotions, but...


2. Actual footage of Secretariat's winning the Belmont. makes me cry too!


3. In The Rookie (the baseball one, not the Clint Eastwood one), when the minor league coach tells Dennis Quaid's character that Brooks got called up. Jimmy's (DQ) reaction to that news and then how the manager tells him *he* is going to the show too. Every single time.


4. Schindler's List: not the horrific parts that you'd think (but those too) as much as when Schindler tells the rabbi he should be preparing for the Sabbath and then this scene right after it.


5. Up, when she learns she can't have children and when she dies. My dc begged me to watch it w/ them b/c they loved it, but I boohooed through those two scenes and do every time I watch it.


6. Miracle and any and all footage of that US hockey victory over the USSR and when they won the gold medal.

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I cry at Rudy every time I see it.  It was the first movie that ever made me cry.


I can't believe no one has mentioned Armageddon.  I defy you not to cry when Harry (Bruce Willis) shoves A.J. (Ben Affleck) back into the space shuttle to stay on the asteroid and blow it up, even though A.J. drew the straw, sealing his fate (death).  And then A.J. tells him he loves him, and screams out "Haaarrrryyyyy!"  


I'm about to cry about it right now.  

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I cry at many of the scenes already listed.  Toy Story 3 nearly did me in when the previously young, bouncy dog came in the room slowly, clearly showing his age.  We had lost our own older dog just a month before this movie came out, so it hit both James Bond and I really hard.  We looked at each other in the theater and were both crying.  I feel like crying just thinking about it.  When Andy drove away for college, I bawled again.


Going My Way!  It was made in 1942 and stars Bing Crosby.  James Bond and I decided if you don't cry at the end of that movie when the old priest sees his mom for the first time in years, you are dead inside.  It just kills me!  We start crying before the scene even starts, because we know it's next.  Ahhhh!


There are more, but the only other one that comes to mind, isn't a movie, but a Christmas cartoon, called Nester the Long-eared Donkey.  When themother freezes to death in the snow to keep Nester warm, I just lose it.  It got so bad that my mom quit letting me watch it when I was little.  We bought it on DVD a few years ago, and I *still* cry.

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I can't even watch the end of The Color Purple when Celie's adult children from Africa come back to America and meet Celie for the first time. It is horrible. I cry big ugly tears.



Yes! I saw that movie in the theater alone. My bf had to work and I really wanted to see it. I cry at that part every time, but there was some other scene that long after the sad scene was over, I was still crying, and a gasping, sniffling cry. I remember realizing it was really quiet and that others could hear me, and I looked over and a couple was pointing at me. 

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The Land Before Time. It came out when I was little and was my favorite movie. I think I have cried every single time I have seen it (except when I was a kid I would fast forward though the part where his mom dies). Even now, oh my gosh. And the song at the end credits. Ugh.

And tons of others. I cry a lot when I watch movies, especially since having kids.

Oh man! I somehow saw Land Before Time at the theater as a young teen. With friends!

All I remember is saying to a friend "Are you crying? Sniff, sniff."

And my pal replying, "No, sniff, sniff. Are you crying?"


:D. We cried like babies!

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I can't even watch the end of The Color Purple when Celie's adult children from Africa come back to America and meet Celie for the first time. It is horrible. I cry big ugly tears.



I don't think there's a scene in The Color Purple that doesn't make me feel like crying. The one that stands out is when Shug goes to the church singing and reconciles with her father—but of course there are quite a few other scenes that make me weepy too.


I can't even think about Life Is Beautiful without crying.

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I cry at Rudy every time I see it. It was the first movie that ever made me cry.


I can't believe no one has mentioned Armageddon. I defy you not to cry when Harry (Bruce Willis) shoves A.J. (Ben Affleck) back into the space shuttle to stay on the asteroid and blow it up, even though A.J. drew the straw, sealing his fate (death). And then A.J. tells him he loves him, and screams out "Haaarrrryyyyy!"


I'm about to cry about it right now.

Oh, I forgot about that one! DH and I saw that in the theater, during an apartment-hunting trip to Boston, a couple of weeks before our wedding. Yep, I cried at that movie. Of course, I cry every single time I hear Aerosmith's "Don't Want to Miss a Thing" too; it always makes me think of having brand-new babies and not wanting to miss a single second.


Yeah, let's not get started on songs that make us cry.

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Passion of the Christ when Christ falls carrying the cross and Mary has a flashback of him falling as a little boy.


Born on he Fourth of July when Tom Cruise was expecting to be honored in the parade and they start yelling and spitting on all of them.


Frozen when the snowman tell her that there are some people worth melting for :)



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Toy Story 3 when Andy is going off to college at the end


That almost did me in. It was the year my Andy went to college too. The only reason I didn't completely lose it is we were in a movie theater.


I always during The Little Princess, old or new. I cried during The Pursuit of Happiness when they were in the shelter.

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry but the one that stands out is when Aurora (Shirley McClaine) is screaming at the nurse to give Emma (Debra Winger)her pain medicine.


Oh, and Debra Winger reminds me of An Officer and a Gentleman, when Zach finds Sid. :crying:

ToE was a movie that I watched when I needed a good cry.

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I always during The Little Princess, old or new.

Yes. The Shirley Temple one where Queen Victoria sees her with her daddy, or the newer one where he runs out in the rain and yells, "Saaaaaara!" Or pretty much every scene in the one with the dark-haired girl, the one that is very true to the book.

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I confess, many of these movies I have not seen, some I haven't even heard of.


the opening scene in up is a classic, and so sweet.  


the scene in last episode of mash (so long, farewell, and goodbye) where hawkeye is talking with sydney after his nervous breakdown and finally recounts that is wasn't a clucking chicken the woman smothered on the bus (while they were hiding from the north koreans).  I had a one month old baby at the time . . .  I still can't watch that scene.

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Too many to list. I cry pretty easily.


Me too. I'm a total sap & will cry for most anything (happy or sad).


I don't watch many movies except in the theaters, so I often try to avoid ones that I think will have me truly sobbing. The last one I can remember crying at was The Help (went because a friend wanted me to go along). I had only 2 Kleenex in my purse & 2 Kleenex were not enough!!!! 

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"I have been and always shall be...your friend" in Star Trek


I don't like Titanic but the moment when the band decides to continue playing and when the older couple are pictured on the bed.


Toy Story 3 when they all link hands.


When Phil dies in The Avengers.  :blushing:


Steel Magnolias-basically the entire 2nd half


Those are just the ones I remember.





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Just remembered...Man in the Moon, when Court's mom is holding him after the accident, and yelling at Dani to go away...I start crying then and pretty much sob the rest of the movie.

Wow, that one is obscure. I thought I was the only person who had ever seen that movie. I hated the movie overall, but yeah, that scene was heart wrenching.


But I will take your MITM and raise you one Little Man Tate, the scene in which the little boy sees all of his birthday party invitations scattered on the playground. And also the scene in which Jodie Foster tells him he is the best thing that ever happened to her.

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Cinema Paradiso-near the end when he comes home. I first saw that 2 weeks after I left home and moved to an unfamiliar city. People were turning around to stare at me in the theater, I cried so hard.


Many parts of HP 7-when Snape gives Harry the memories, when he walks to the forest and suddenly knows what "I open at the close" means, and when his parents and Sirius love him and reassure him, but the worst is at the beginning when Hermione leaves and erases herself from the family photos. <snif>


Another big cryer for me is It's A Wonderful Life. My dh and I start in at the opening, when the stars are talking to each other about Clarence and George Bailey. It just goes on from there. When Mr. Gower hits him, when he sees the telegram, when Mary doesn't know him on the street and she screams, when I know Uncle Billy is about to lose the money...pretty much the whole movie. Funny-none of our kids has ever cried at that movie until after they were grown up-it's a particularly "adult" movie that way. Parenthood in particular deepened my feelings greatly for that movie.

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steele magnolias.  when sally field loses it after her dd's funeral.


did you know that movie is 'biographical'?  it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother.  then it was made into a play, and then a movie.  many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."


My dh refuses to watch this movie with me because of all the crying that goes on.  When my first DVD wore out I asked for the Special Edition version for my birthday and he pretended not to hear me.  Fortunately one of my girlfriends gave it to me.  So I was watching all the features and they had an interview with Robert Harling about the making of the play and then the movie.  And I basically cried my way through that.  Dh came in and said, "Isn't that movie done, yet?!" and I had to tell him I hadn't even started the movie - this was just an interview with the writer.


The first movie I remember crying through [in a theater - watching "Lassie" and "Benji" at home doesn't count] was "ET".  I saw a screening at Universal and pretty much everyone in the theater worked in "The Industry" so we're talking pretty jaded people.  Many were crying through the death scene.  But everyone around me was sobbing their way through "I'll. Be. Right. Here."  There's something about the music in that particular that really gets to the heart of the matter and, for me, it's that way with many movies.  Add in a wonderful, touching soundtrack to an already emotional scene, and I'm done. :crying:

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steele magnolias. when sally field loses it after her dd's funeral.


did you know that movie is 'biographical'? it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother. then it was made into a play, and then a movie. many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."

This was the scene I instantly thought of when I read this thread. I didn't know this about the movie. I used to always cry at that scene and now that I have lost a child, I do believe it is a perfect scene to show a grieving mother.

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I cry pretty easily the first time I watch something sad or sappy - but on second/third viewings I'm usually okay.


However, the one movie that gets me every single time is Babe.    

The farmer saying, "That'll do pig." just leaves me a sobbing mess. 

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2.When the dad drives away and his little girl chases after the car crying in Hope Floats.


Ugh, yes. That is a horrible part.


As a kid my mom took us to see Benji. She took me out of the theater because I was bawling and she couldn't figure out what was wrong. It was the movie! I don't even remember that movie now.


I thought I was going to embarrass myself at Frozen. "Do you want to build a snowman?" At least I could blame it on allergies.

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It's a Wonderful Life when Mary yells at George for being so hard on the kids and tells him to leave.

A lot scenes in that movie make me tear up.  I especially feel for George when he's trying to hold it all together and not let anyone know what happened and he hugs his younger son (can't remember the name) so tight and his face is so full of emotion.  I've been there.  I can relate.


Steel Magnolias I saw in the theater with my Dh and my grandmother.  She's gone now and I miss her often and think of her all through the movie.  I did not know it was based on a true story, however I did know that many similar stories have happened.  We have a relative who is 90 and he remembers a couple of women who died with the same issues.  HE told me all about them when I rented the movie for him.  

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I couldn't stop crying for at least a half hour after I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Then I started laughing because I felt so ridiculous. I couldn't even pinpoint why it had that effect on me.


That's a great movie.


Wit, with Emma Thompson.  The end where she is near death, and her grad school professor comes to visit, and pulls out The Runaway Bunny to read to her. Then crawls into bed with her and just holds her. 


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Obscure one: Indochine 


Catherine Deneuve plays a French rubber plantation owner in Vietnam during colonial times. I went to see it in a small cinema with a friend of mine who was evacuated from Vietnam around the time of the fall of Saigon. As soon as the footage started rolling of a funeral boat in a beautiful bay, accompanied to haunting music, she lost it. So I lost it. And we cried for the rest of the movie. Now I can't watch it without crying....

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Pretty much every Pixar movie:  'Cars'-when Lightning stops and goes back to help the King.  'Monsters Inc'-at the end when Mike puts Boo's door back together, then Sully goes in and you hear Boo say "Kitty!".  'Finding Nemo'-when Dory is begging Marlen not to leave her, because when she's with him she's "home".  'Brave'-at the end when Merida is hugging the bear, thinking that her mom is not coming back.  'Wall-E'-when Wall-E is malfunctioning and not himself, then his eyes change and he says "Eve".  And not Pixar, but in 'The Princess and the Frog' when Ray dies, then comes back as a star next to his love.  Seriously, I can't even go on.

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A lot...Some that haven't been mentioned are:


Deep Impact when the parents strap the baby on their daughter who is trying to outrun the tsunami wave and tell her and the baby how much they love them while they can't get away from the wave.


Pearl Harbor when Rafe comes off the plane and brings out Josh Hartnett's character's coffin.


Hart's War when Bruce Willis's character is killed.


A walk to remember - when the girl dies


Pay it forward - when the boy dies.


Apparently I tear up easily!

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry but the one that stands out is when Aurora (Shirley McClaine) is screaming at the nurse to give Emma (Debra Winger)her pain medicine.




I discovered while talking to my daughter recently that I cannot even describe that scene or the one in which Debra Winger tries to say goodbye to her sons without weeping.

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