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In the case of the winter that is breaking records....what's happening where you live?


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Maybe those of us who live in the snow globe that just won't stop, we can be encouraged that the sun is shining someplace or that your winter is actually worse that our's.


Here is West Michigan, Grand Rapids officially has over 100 inches of snow.  My yard is more like Holland, near the lake shore. Holland had over 124 inches last week and we got 6 yesterday.  So..my unofficial status is 130 inches in my yard.  My poor DH is so tired of shoveling, digging out the mailboxes and the sewer drains.  There has been enough ice in between snow falls that it's just heavy nasty stuff to shovel out.

My DD has abandoned her front door. They dont' have a snowblower, so they work on keeping the driveway and the back patio doors clear.  Front door is gone til the snow melts.



What's happening where you live?

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Well, apparently you folks down south have been stealing all the Good Weather!


We had a couple weeks of ghastly 40F+ weather and most of our snow disappeared.  Skiing on ice is no fun and it made for slick roads and sidewalks.  Thank goodness we are back to more reasonable temps again (15F this morning) and got a couple of inches of snow.


Please keep the warm weather down there where it belings for a few months!

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I live a bit west of the "snow belt" and my parents live in the "snow belt."  Yesterday my mom had eye surgery, and my dad had to drive her back to see the doctor this morning, through this nast.  The drive is 1.5 hours in perfect summer weather, so I'm guessing Dad shoveled out the drive before dawn and left a couple of hours early just in case.  I just hope that the worst is over now.


My kids, who attend b&m school, have a snow day again.  I believe this is the 7th snow day so far.  Good thing I work from home, and I have a lot of things for them to work on when they get a "day off."  :P

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We're on the other side of the state.  I don't know our totals as of today, but we got another 6 inches last night too.  Our driveway, which is normally a two- car width - is gradually getting narrower and narrower.  We just can't lift the snow up over those piles anymore!  They are taller than my 8 yo daughter!    It's insane!  At least it's white today.


I hear it's supposed to rain all day in a couple days.  I'm looking forward to losing some of this snow.  It's not like anyone can play in it!  It's too deep to walk in.

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I hear it's supposed to rain all day in a couple days.  I'm looking forward to losing some of this snow.  It's not like anyone can play in it!  It's too deep to walk in.


The other day I decided to take a short cut and get infront of my kids who were on the path and planning mischief. (Involing running ahead and hiding behind something and surprising me with snowballs)


Well I sunk into the snow to half way up my thigh and had to crawl out.  ... Didn't work out like I planned. :)

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Maybe those of us who live in the snow globe that just won't stop, we can be encouraged that the sun is shining someplace or that your winter is actually worse that our's.


Here is West Michigan, Grand Rapids officially has over 100 inches of snow.  My yard is more like Holland, near the lake shore. Holland had over 124 inches last week and we got 6 yesterday.  So..my unofficial status is 130 inches in my yard.  My poor DH is so tired of shoveling, digging out the mailboxes and the sewer drains.  There has been enough ice in between snow falls that it's just heavy nasty stuff to shovel out.

My DD has abandoned her front door. They dont' have a snowblower, so they work on keeping the driveway and the back patio doors clear.  Front door is gone til the snow melts.



What's happening where you live?


Where do you PUT all that snow???

With today's addition, I'd estimate we have around 3' on the ground. It's becoming near impossible for me to throw the snow high enough to get over the mounds and not fall back down.  Plows haven't been able to open the roads enough for safe school bus travel. I can't even wrap my head around what to do with 3 times that much!

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Where do you PUT all that snow???

With today's addition, I'd estimate we have around 3' on the ground. It's becoming near impossible for me to throw the snow high enough to get over the mounds and not fall back down.  Plows haven't been able to open the roads enough for safe school bus travel. I can't even wrap my head around what to do with 3 times that much!


First you shovel the snow onto a pile. THen you climb on that pile and shovel it to the center of the yard. At least that is what I have been able to do since my yard is big enough.


Mind you then the kids dig out the inside of the snow pile to make a litle house. That snow then needs to be shoveled away onto the snowpile, then again shoveled into the center of the lawn...



I really don't like animaed things, but this one just seems to fit here perfectly. :willy_nilly:

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today is overcast and expected rain.  we've had a few storms come through (wind and rain), but we've had sunshine in between.  the mts have been getting lots of snow - and they've needed it.  the amount of snow in the last week/coming week has about doubled the total snowpack.  

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Where do you PUT all that snow???

With today's addition, I'd estimate we have around 3' on the ground. It's becoming near impossible for me to throw the snow high enough to get over the mounds and not fall back down.  Plows haven't been able to open the roads enough for safe school bus travel. I can't even wrap my head around what to do with 3 times that much!



Thankfully we have a snowblower so it just gets blown further in the yard.  We have at least 3 feet on the ground, so I 'd say we are about the same place there.We don't have 120 inches on the ground, that is just how much has fallen this winter.

  It's the end of driveways and intersections that have become dangerours.  Cities and municipalities are going around and knocking down snow piles in some places to make it safer. But in some cases they are just pushing it into sidewalks and then the homeowner or business has to get all the nasty stuff cleaned out. The plant my husband works at has spent close to 10,000 to have dump trucks come and remove snow from the parking lot and more to have the sidewalks cleared after the city cleaned out the sides of the streets. 

Streets are so narrow in some places that you can't pass another car on thestreet.  Garbage cans get set out in the road as homeowners leave for work and you have to drive around them.

I hope the hardware stores stock up on mailboxes as there will be a lot of them needed to be replaced!

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Yeah, I see you guys saying "rain" and that scares me more than anything.  The ice.  I live on top of a hill and have to go up another hill to get my kids to school.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to make it all the way up.



Yes, a rain/thunder storm is being forecast for Thursday.  That's why my DH made sure the sewer drains are open in front of our house.  My DD has been having issues with her sump pump so they replaced that last week. Flooding is a very real concern here.

Maybe this rain storm will take some snow depth down and that will help later on.

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While we have had above average snowfall, it's no where near records levels (that honor belongs to one about 3-4 years ago).  What is really getting to us is the extreme cold temps.  Most winters we have snow and then some warm up days to melt it off before the next snow.  This year however, most days are bitterly cold and the warm up days it snows.  We did have one warm and sunny day last week and that toned the piles down a lot but then it snowed again yesterday (thankfully not near as much as they predicted).


It's sad but we have gotten so used to the bitter cold, that anytime it's above 10 degrees, people are commenting how warm it is out.

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Well, our winter is pretty bad, though in the opposite way. We are having the worst drought since records started being kept. The water table is diminishing, farmers are getting zero allocations of irrigation water. So, yes, it's sunny and 70 degrees out West, but it's a bad winter for us! And then the President visits and just wants to throw money at the problem. We don't want money, Mr. President, we want these draconian regulations lifted so we can find ways to save water on wet years. We want our Senators to stop the power plays. We want water.

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I think we are finally starting Spring.  I have been here three winters, so far. 

Winter one- seemed normal to me, one day of slight snow, near normal winter temps, spring started probably 2nd week of Feb. 

Winter two- what winter, barely any temps ever much below our normals and many a bit higher, spring started around end of Jan but unfortunately continued through almost the third week of May and it was so rainy and gloomy that we didn't open the pool until almost Memorial Day. 

Winter three- much colder than normal, near record lows, but it has warmed up and it looks like we will be experiencing normal to slightly above or just slightly below average temps.  Plants don't seem to think it is spring yet but the birds are already acting like it is. We had lots of closures here for very minor snow and for extreme cold. We had pipes freeze twice but with no damage.  The first was because someone turned off the sink in the middle of the night.  The second was because we thought we only had to run the cold water.  That was fine everywhere except our Kitchen where the hot water travels through an unheated garage and probably up near our outer brick wall.  Yes, our house was inspected and had good insulation but good insulation for our usual lows of 18 degrees F apparantely weren't good for 4 degrees Farenheit and temperatures well below freezing for more than 48 hours.

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We're in MN, and while we always get a decent amount of snow, this winter has also been colder than usual.  (And that's saying something for MN, lol.)  I can count on one hand the number of days the temp with the windchill has been above zero since the new year.  There was one day after a particularly cold stretch where dh came in from outside and said, "Wow, it's really nice out!"  I looked up the temp and it was "only" seventeen below with the windchill. :P  Yesterday the temp actually made it up into the twenties, and I was too hot with just my coat on.

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We had some excitement around Christmas when it rained for a week since it rarely rains in the winter here.  And then it was cooler than normal for a couple of weeks so I didn't keep the windows open.  But now we're back to our extremely predictable weather that's too warm for me already, at least in the afternoon, and it's only February. 

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Windows are open, 68 with a high of 78 expected today. Sunny. Breezy. Last week and the week before there were school closings, ice, snow.

I was thinking it would be "nice" to live where it snows when it is cold. I've changed my mind. Even though it will be 105 here in July, for now, I'll take the southlands.

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We're in Wisconsin, so things are a lot like Mergath's conditions. Snow is fairly normal, but the temperatures are well below our normal temps. I'm not sure I remember there being a day where the temps were -40 in the daytime (with windchill). Even -20 during the day is unusual. That's a common night temp in January but we've been seeing it often. 


It's been so cold the kids aren't really playing outside. The snow doesn't pack. The dog doesn't like to be outside (and he's a furry dog who loves the snow). 


I hope the plants are okay. 


It was 20 last Thursday and it felt like a heat wave. 

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Snow, snow, and more snow!  Not as much as Michigan, but way more than usual. It's typical here to have a melt in between any big snows.  That hasn't happened this year, so coupled with the greater amounts of snowfall, and we have piles everywhere!


I like snow, so I don't mind it too much.  Good for cross-country skiing!  But I have boys to shovel the drive and don't need to leave the house every morning.  The schools here are up to about 13 snow days.  I've never been so glad to be independent of their schedule! We just keep on keeping on with our school.

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We are in the snowbelt and used to snow, but this year has been brutal.  Our public schools have set an all-time record for the number of snow days.  Since the schools have exceeded the number of calamity days permitted by the state, they have instituted a new policy called "blizzard bags." 


The schools are closed again today, but they are having a "blizzard bag" day, so the state still considers today a school day.  The kids are required to log on to the internet and download their homework for the day. 

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It was 102 and sunny and steamy. I love it!


Where are you? I'm moving! 


We're in MN, and while we always get a decent amount of snow, this winter has also been colder than usual.  (And that's saying something for MN, lol.)  I can count on one hand the number of days the temp with the windchill has been above zero since the new year.  There was one day after a particularly cold stretch where dh came in from outside and said, "Wow, it's really nice out!"  I looked up the temp and it was "only" seventeen below with the windchill. :p  Yesterday the temp actually made it up into the twenties, and I was too hot with just my coat on.


We're in MN too! This is my second winter here and before that we lived in the southwest for 12 years. Last winter we had snow for almost six months. This year it was too cold to go outside for weeks. I got really excited when we hit 25 the other day. It's like the Twilight Zone. 

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We live not too far from you, OP! We are near KalamaĂ…Âºoo. So, yeah, we have a LOT of snow. We have a couple of leaks that are apparently caused by the ice buildup on the roof. We've started putting salt up there, but there's no way to get rid of all of it. I'm really, really, REALLY hoping that we can get it melted these next few days because after Thursday, it's supposed to drop back down to the teens and twenties. The snow banks at intersections are the worst. Every time I try to drive somewhere I come home and swear I'm not leaving again until it melts. You can't see anything at some of these corners. I told dh the other day that I was going to get in the car and start driving south and not stop until there was no more snow. I usually hate winter anyway, but this is beyond ridiculous.

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Well, apparently you folks down south have been stealing all the Good Weather!


We had a couple weeks of ghastly 40F+ weather and most of our snow disappeared.  Skiing on ice is no fun and it made for slick roads and sidewalks.  Thank goodness we are back to more reasonable temps again (15F this morning) and got a couple of inches of snow.


Please keep the warm weather down there where it belings for a few months!




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Well, we started the month almost 12 inches behind on our rainfall. Ski resorts were barely open. This week we have started making up for it. We have gotten almost 3 inches of rain in Feb. It has been windy and pouring nonstop since Friday. And the local ski area has gotten over 30 inches inches last 48 hours with 12 more expected overnight. Problem is the reads are closed more than open right now so you can't get there!

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I am very close to KateinMI and was CRABBY yesterday.  I texted a friend and told her that someone needed to send me to BED.


My day was driving MIL to the lawyer and then meeting dh and dd for lunch.  Came home and drove 45 minutes away in near white out conditions (happened very suddenly) to get dd the Gecko she was promised.  Then back home in that.  It cleared momentarily so I took other dd to ice skating lesson--another 25 minutes away in again near white out conditions (that is what happens when you get 8 inches of snow in just 3 hours). 


Then I came home to help dh with the roof (see above posts about ice dams----we have had water leaking in our house in 3 places and roofers are so backed up it will be 8 days before anyone can come) where we filled old nylons with rock salt and put them on the roof to help melt the ice.

From there I went to do chores and was FED UP when I had a 2 foot drift in  front of the barn door (that was clear just 2 hours earlier) and then had a drift behind the barn so I couldn't get the door open to let the horses in and they were having a fit on one side of the door and me having a fit on the other side of the door.  I finally shoveled enough to let them in and fed them so I could send them out again.  I came in the house, got a yogurt for supper and went to bed.


Today though it feels like SPRING.  Granted it was another snow day as the roads were terrible and rural roads with 8-12 inches of heavy wet snow on them does not work for buses or most vehicles.  This afternoon though the SUN is OUT and it was so warm that we went out horseback riding (looping around the house where dh has plowed as the yard is far too deep) in a hoodie...........it was up to 30 degrees by then.


I typically don't mind winter and we have skied a great deal this winter but I am tired of snow and cold and blowing and more snow and shoveling and roof raking and more snow and plowing, etc.

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We live not too far from you, OP! We are near KalamaĂ…Âºoo. So, yeah, we have a LOT of snow. We have a couple of leaks that are apparently caused by the ice buildup on the roof. We've started putting salt up there, but there's no way to get rid of all of it. I'm really, really, REALLY hoping that we can get it melted these next few days because after Thursday, it's supposed to drop back down to the teens and twenties. The snow banks at intersections are the worst. Every time I try to drive somewhere I come home and swear I'm not leaving again until it melts. You can't see anything at some of these corners. I told dh the other day that I was going to get in the car and start driving south and not stop until there was no more snow. I usually hate winter anyway, but this is beyond ridiculous.



We have a back sunroom with a metal roof and where it connects to the main house, we get an ice dam.  Our furnace and dryer vent outside in the same area which doens't help the situation.  My dh went up there Saturday with a rake and then a hatchet.   Nasty stuff.

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Typical nutso TX weather.  Last week on Tues. we had a high of 33, and 4 days later setting record highs in the 90's.  This week low 80's to upper 70's.  Dry, dry, dry.  Winter is usually our wet season, but once again we were rainless.  We too, are in desperate need of water.

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I read the first post and some of the replies. Truly astonishing to us, living in the Tropics, to try to contemplate what it is like to live with that much snow.  I know snow, but not that much at one time. There was a photo the other day of cars parked in a street, buried in snow, one car had been shoveled out, and I wondered what would happen, when the snow plow came driving by that car. Probably, that car was buried again. Above all, be very careful and stay warm. It is 648 P.M. here and my monitor says it is 75.2 F. at the Cali, Colombia airport at his time.  I have friends and relatives in MI, WI, UT, IL, etc. and they are cold.

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Maybe those of us who live in the snow globe that just won't stop, we can be encouraged that the sun is shining someplace or that your winter is actually worse that our's.




What's happening where you live?

Well, I live in Australia, and it's 6pm and 37C/98F and I am sick of summer and can't remember what rain looks like.


It was so hot last night that I didn't get to sleep until 1am when I eventually caved and put on the air conditioner, which is really too noisy for night-time. Then the chickens woke me before 6am.


We really should learn to share our weather...

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It is flip-flop and t-shirt weather here (we had a "reverse cyclone" come up from Africa...dumping a ton of warm weather and sunshine...man, I needed that sunshine).  As a bonus, my winter sweaters finally arrived from Kohl's...2 months after I ordered them.  Windows are open...gorgeous breeze.  Yeah, I could get used to this!  Downside...from what I've been told, I'm gearing up for a south-Florida style summer (muggy and hot).  SO glad we will have a pool!  School by the Pool!  Finished your math?  GREAT, go jump in the pool!

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We use our TC35 New Holland tractor with its 5 ft snowblower to clean up around here. Dh just blows or moves the snow into the fields or over the banks of the driveway. He also pushes quite a bit back away from our front door up onto our huge yard to give us a very spacious cleared area. Then he plows a road down to our 18,000 sqft. barn so we can store both the tractor and car in there when we get more snow.  Dd and the dog (cat too) play on the 10 ft. hills. Dd makes awesome snow houses.


To get around here, most people use their snow machines. We don't have one because of the expense and really no desire. We use our x-country skis or snowshoes. We usually enjoy going out into our fields or one of the many trails close by when the temps are in the double digits and the wind isn't blistering.  We wanted to go out Monday because it was 14F, but the prevailing winds dropped it down to -3F. That made it a no go. Maybe today? I don't hear any wind yet.



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