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Do you send "naughty" texts?


Do you send "naughty"texts?  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you send "naughty" texts?

    • Yes, and I rather enjoy it
    • Yes, only because my SO enjoys it
    • Nope, I don't know what to say
    • Nope, just doesn't interest me
    • Other

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Both my best friend and sister are fans of adult content texting, both in picture and words.  Honestly it really had never occured to me to do so as it seems young, 20-something-ish.  So I'm curious, am I the only one that isn't fun like that? :)



PS After thinking of this for the past few days, I did send one to my dh just to see his reaction.  His response?  "Thank you for that."  lol

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Uh, NO. There have been way, way too many times when I have accidentally seen an incoming text on someone else's phone. Usually because it's laying on a counter or table or something and when a text comes in, it lights up and grabs your attention before you even realize it. My dh cannot be trusted to keep his phone in his pocket.... What if he left it laying around at work?!?

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We'd love to see if it has the same effect on us...



Why not - my grandmother, priest, and everyone else probably caught it.


I was going through my phone deleting "naughty" pics (husband had been out of town, so I snapped a few for him; he came home and I didn't want my children seeing the pics).

Busy talking to my husband on the couch next to me, meant to hit "delete", accidentally hit "share" and then "facebook" (natural inclination/wasn't paying attention, as I share tons of pics on facebook). I had no clue until my phone lit up with facebook alerts - comments on my pic. A pic of a giant, naked boob.

My husband was laughing so hysterically that it took him several more minutes to delete the darn thing from my facebook.

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Why not - my grandmother, priest, and everyone else probably caught it.


I was going through my phone deleting "naughty" pics (husband had been out of town, so I snapped a few for him; he came home and I didn't want my children seeing the pics).

Busy talking to my husband on the couch next to me, meant to hit "delete", accidentally hit "share" and then "facebook" (natural inclination/wasn't paying attention, as I share tons of pics on facebook). I had no clue until my phone lit up with facebook alerts - comments on my pic. A pic of a giant, naked boob.

My husband was laughing so hysterically that it took him several more minutes to delete the darn thing from my facebook.


Oh, Aimee!!!!!!!!!!!!  :lol:   That is the most hysterical thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :smilielol5:


Seems like you're pretty good natured about it now!  :thumbup1:


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Why not - my grandmother, priest, and everyone else probably caught it.


I was going through my phone deleting "naughty" pics (husband had been out of town, so I snapped a few for him; he came home and I didn't want my children seeing the pics).

Busy talking to my husband on the couch next to me, meant to hit "delete", accidentally hit "share" and then "facebook" (natural inclination/wasn't paying attention, as I share tons of pics on facebook). I had no clue until my phone lit up with facebook alerts - comments on my pic. A pic of a giant, naked boob.

My husband was laughing so hysterically that it took him several more minutes to delete the darn thing from my facebook.

Oh my! So embarrassing

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Why not - my grandmother, priest, and everyone else probably caught it.


I was going through my phone deleting "naughty" pics (husband had been out of town, so I snapped a few for him; he came home and I didn't want my children seeing the pics).

Busy talking to my husband on the couch next to me, meant to hit "delete", accidentally hit "share" and then "facebook" (natural inclination/wasn't paying attention, as I share tons of pics on facebook). I had no clue until my phone lit up with facebook alerts - comments on my pic. A pic of a giant, naked boob.

My husband was laughing so hysterically that it took him several more minutes to delete the darn thing from my facebook.


Hilarious!  I bet those comments were hilarious too!

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Yes. Not usually pictures.

However one must be careful that you actually send it to the intended person and not get caught up in a whole bunch of incoming texts that you accidentally send a naughty text to your boss instead of your husband.

Ask me how I know :-)


My sister once sent a fairly explicit text to her dh who usually works alone. She didn't know however that he had a huge meeting that day with investors.  Having forgot to turn off his read aloud function, his phone read the text out loud to the entire room.  Thankfully everyone found the humor.   My sister was horrified though and took a text break after that. :)


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My sister once sent a fairly explicit text to her dh who usually works alone. She didn't know however that he had a huge meeting that day with investors.  Having forgot to turn off his read aloud function, his phone read the text out loud to the entire room.  Thankfully everyone found the humor.   My sister was horrified though and took a text break after that. :)


:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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I voted Yes, but in fact it's pretty rare that I do.  The first time I did it, I spent a whole 2hr car trip texting him(obviously we were the only ones in the car).  He was trying out a feature of his new phone that would read incoming texts aloud.  He asked me to send him a text to see if it would work.  So, as we were driving by the beach, I texted him asking if he'd like s3x on the beach!  This robotic voice comes through the speakers saying in a monotone...newtextfrom ____ wouldyoulikes3xonthebeach .  He was gobsmacked - totally not expecting it.   It was so fun to see his reaction that I went to even greater lengths all the way home.  I guess you can imagine what mood he was in when he got home!! ;)

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Just a couple of months ago, I was sending many desperate texts to my DH (or so I thought) for him to come pick up our toddler son from an outing. I was actually accidentally texting some stranger with a similar phone number--fat finger syndrome or pregnancy brain, I guess. I finally got a text back that said, "Wrong number." Oops. So no, it is not safe for me to text naughty things. Too many possibilities for things to go very wrong.

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We have teens that occ. look at our phones so no. I might text some code words though that are totally innocent occ.


I try to keep the policy that anything I text or put on facebook could be put up on the screen at church without an issue. After all, that is about how private texting and facebook can be.

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no pictures ever. nothing truly explicit. Lots and lots of innuendo. We both enjoy it. Dh doesn't tend to send it so often. Kids are around my phone too much. I send it to him all of the time. I usually immediately delete it from mine. When our kids have seen it, they tend to roll their eyes. They know they have parents who love each other and like to express it. They are all old enough to see what we send, it is just a little embarrassing for me at times--thus the deleting.

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Nope, no interest. For me texting is just a way to pass on info; it's not for conversations, clean or otherwise. I have one contact who writes such long messages it often takes 2 or 3 texts to get the whole thing.  :glare:  I think if the info can't fit into one text the person should just call. But no, nothing naughty; just mundane stuff here.

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Are you kidding me??


I never put anything in writing that I wouldn't want thousands of people to see splashed all over FB or shared with a gazillion other cell phones, KWIM?

I agree. I have told my kids over and over again to only put things on Facebook, messages, texts, etc that they would feel OK with having read over the school intercom or flashed up on the screen in front of church. Things are about that secure.


I am all for having fun with my husband but we also value our privacy.

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I voted other.  I have a tracfone that the kids often take when they'll need a ride.  Also, I don't text - really - at all. 


We have no cell service at home, and service is spotty in my general area.  Anything to do with the cell phone - texting, calling, or leaving a message - is not a reliable way to reach me. 


So, no.

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We will occasionally, though rather coded unless the kids are asleep and I'm trying to get him to turn off the tv and come to bed. I figure if anyone else accidentally got one, oh well. We've been married 15+ years and are on our fourth kid. It shouldn't be a shocker that we engage in marital activities. Now if we were having an affair, I'd be careful, but we are two boring old married people.

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Are you kidding me??


I never put anything in writing that I wouldn't want thousands of people to see splashed all over FB or shared with a gazillion other cell phones, KWIM?

I am imagining what this would mean in my relationship. I don't think we'd be together. We were long distance with many long hand letters sent back and forth when we first started dating. We have a fat packet of love letters as a result. I wouldn't want any of those letters on Facebook or a gazillion cell phones but I reread and treasure those letters. I suspect our children will enjoy reading them when we are dead. I don't think we'd be married or that my children would even exist without those letters.
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We send innuendos and typically accompanied by funny emoticons found in fb messenger. We have the most fun with the despicable me images. If our kids read it, they'd not understand.


Before we texted though and teenagers, we accidentally butt dialed my parents house during the day, while we were supposed to be at school and left a 5 minute muffled message of hilariousness. I was mortified then...we have had some funny moments before and after we have married and I'm sure people think crazy things about us due to awkward mistakes and moments. I wouldnt change a thing though. Blushing is good for the soul!

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I am imagining what this would mean in my relationship. I don't think we'd be together. We were long distance with many long hand letters sent back and forth when we first started dating. We have a fat packet of love letters as a result. I wouldn't want any of those letters on Facebook or a gazillion cell phones but I reread and treasure those letters. I suspect our children will enjoy reading them when we are dead. I don't think we'd be married or that my children would even exist without those letters.

There is a vast difference between hand written letters and a text message or facebook post. It would take a lot for your handwritten letter to go "viral" while it would take just a few clicks for your text or post to be shared with 100s of people.

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I don't, but my hubby sends innuendos & slightly risque comments.  Nothing too naughty, but it drives me nuts because my kids (young adults) will occasionally use my phone.  He says they won't know what it means - he is living in a fantasy land there.  Anyway, I delete as soon as I get them.

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There is a vast difference between hand written letters and a text message or facebook post. It would take a lot for your handwritten letter to go "viral" while it would take just a few clicks for your text or post to be shared with 100s of people.

I was responding to a statement that she never wrote anything down that she wouldn't want shared on social media.


Maybe I am too literal but what a way to dumb down your written communications! On rereading I reckon she meant never wrote anything she wouldn't want to see on social media in a text message, lol. People used to ask for "their letters back" when they broke up because they didn't want those letters shared with anyone else.

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We only have one cell phone, but if DH did have his own I probably would send little innuendos. But never pictures. I just...no.


My step mom once told me that she broke her & my dad's camera when she was taking naughty pictures of herself. Not really sure how that went down. She fell on to it?? Sat on it? Not sure. I almost wish I would've asked for specifics. LOL.  At one point my dad also had a picture of her sporting a thong as his wallpaper on his phone. Like, spread eagle against a door. I just think that is so trashy & wh0rish. But whatever.

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