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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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Praying for your son always, but taking a moment to pray especially for Mom today. It's a rough road, and it's so hard to be strong all of the time. God's peace and strength to you this day--that He will give you just what is needed to face this day's challenges.


Ditto! And Dad too.  Hugs!


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May 22, 2015


Some good news today.


Two doctors (the ICU doctor and the oncologist who is on floor duty this week) are considering releasing ds from ICU within a day or two and transporting him back to the bone marrow transplant unit. The reason is that he has required no BP medications since 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning. Thank You, Jesus.


All other conditions remain; new concerns were voiced.


One important test result was received and it was negative - Thank You, Jesus!


He is still considered critical - stable.


Thank you for your much-needed prayers!


"O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name: make known His deeds among the people." (Psalm 105:1)


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May 22, 2015

Some good news today.

Two doctors (the ICU doctor and the oncologist who is on floor duty this week) are considering releasing ds from ICU within a day or two and transporting him back to the bone marrow transplant unit. The reason is that he has required no BP medications since 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning. Thank You, Jesus.

All other conditions remain; new concerns were voiced.


One important test result was received and it was negative - Thank You, Jesus!


He is still considered critical - stable.


Thank you for your much-needed prayers!


"O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name: make known His deeds among the people." (Psalm 105:1)


Glad to see the latest update. Continuing to pray.

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May 23, 2015


Critical - Unstable.


One step forward - several back.


Transfer to Bone Marrow Unit canceled - remains in ICU.


Many conditions ongoing.


Additionally, have started him on slow, 24-hour dialysis, intended to address issues in addition to kidneys.


This may actually be a blessing in disguise.  We are praying for the intended results in several critical areas.


Even the more positive doctor was trying to "prepare" us today; however, I reminded him of several things, including that my son is in the palms of God's hands, that HE is in charge, and that, while there is a multitude of things coming against his body, God's Word declares that the battle is HIS, not ours, not the doctors, but HIS; and, that Jesus bore 39 stripes on His back for healing and that HIS Word says in Isaiah that by HIS stripes we ARE healed and that Peter reminds us that by HIS stripes we WERE healed and that totally covers my son.


Honestly, I think the medical staff will be glad when I leave.


On the good side, his BP remains normal.  Thank You, Jesus!


Please keep praying.  Please keep praying.


“Nevertheless He saved them for His name's sake, that He might make His mighty power to be known.†(Psalm 106:8)


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