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Have you cramped/bled a lot and still had a healthy baby?


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I'm so sorry Kathryn. I didn't reply before because it didn't sound good to me either :( I've had bleeding in 5 out of 6 of my pregnancies, and by the stage it got to clots and continuous bright red blood it was bad news.


Take care of yourself. :grouphug:

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I'm at home in bed now with a prescription for the pain. The bleeding has increased even more. I'm supposed to go in to my doctor first thing in the morning to discuss what to do from here.



Hopefully, the doctor will do an exam and find that nothing more needs to be done, except to have you go back home and try to rest.


This is just awful. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better, but I know that nothing will help. :crying:


But it will get better in time. Just let yourself grieve and be sad and angry and anything else you want to feel. And if anyone tells you not to worry, because you can still have more babies, you have my permission to kick them in the shins. (And believe me, someone will say it. They'll mean well, but it will feel like a slap in the face.)

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I'm just kind of numb and confused. This was our first planned/tried for pregnancy. It was the first that i was really worried about something happening. It was also the first one that we didn't immediately tell everyone. Our boys knew. We told family after the eight week ultrasound showed everything was going well. We told the boys when we got home. The 3yo doesn't really understand, but the 7yo is very upset. :(

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I'm just kind of numb and confused. This was our first planned/tried for pregnancy. It was the first that i was really worried about something happening. It was also the first one that we didn't immediately tell everyone. Our boys knew. We told family after the eight week ultrasound showed everything was going well. We told the boys when we got home. The 3yo doesn't really understand, but the 7yo is very upset. :(



It will take a little while for it all to sink in. It's such a shock right now, that it's hard to think straight -- and maybe it's better if you can't.


Don't worry about your kids; they will be fine. You 7yo is upset now, but she will get over it quickly. Fortunately, she didn't have too long to get used to the idea of having a new baby in the house, so it won't be as "real" to her as if this happened when you were farther along.


I had a very similar situation. My 8 week ultrasound looked perfect, too, and then... things went pretty much exactly the same way they did for you. That's why I was so worried about you all day. It sounded so much like when I miscarried, and I was praying that I was wrong.

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I'm just kind of numb and confused. This was our first planned/tried for pregnancy. It was the first that i was really worried about something happening. It was also the first one that we didn't immediately tell everyone. Our boys knew. We told family after the eight week ultrasound showed everything was going well. We told the boys when we got home. The 3yo doesn't really understand, but the 7yo is very upset. :(



I'm so sorry for your loss.

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