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laundry, are you completely caught up or behind?


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Current state of the laundry:

*two baskets of folded clean laundry ready to be put away

*one load done in the dryer waiting on a basket to come out, one load in the washer

*three loads that need to be washed: one load of sheets, one load of diapers, one load of baby clothes


We generate about 16 loads of laundry a week.

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I'm "on track", meaning I have about a load in the dirty clothes basket but since I separate my laundry, it's too early to wash. About a year and half ago I moved laundry responsibilities of the 2 big teenagers to themselves. They handle their own. When they were both very little I was often behind; often way behind. :) By the time the middle guy was about 2 I had a good system.


It helps that doing the clothes is one of the few house chores I enjoy. I enjoy the washing, drying, putting up, ironing, etc. On the other hand, cleaning bathrooms makes me irritable because I dislike it SO much! That and cleaning up after a meal.

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Usually it is, I'm I freak but I love sorting, washing and folding...putting it away not so much. I can only do laundry two days a week (currently living with family) and this week I was sick eldest did about 1/16 th of it so tomorrow I'm headed to the laundry mat. I can not stand to get behind I have nearly 3 LARGE hampers full...*thud*

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We do a load or two every day including folding and putting it away so we are always caught up but never caught up if that makes any sense.


The only way to be caught up would be to do all the laundry then walk around naked. :)



I'm with Heather on this one. We treat our laundry like we do our dishes - must be cleaned and put away each day but we're still never totally caught up.

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3 weeks ago my 17yo gave me the best moving out present ever...he took all of our laundry to the laundromat and we got 100% caught up. It took 2 minivan loads, 5 hours and $120! We have been having issues with our dryer not drying so it was really easy to get behind. Plus I took 8 black trashbags directly from the laundromat to the local Goodwill so that cut down on superfluous stuff.


Since that day, I am completely caught up. In fact, I washed a half load of towels just because I didn't have anything else to wash. I am loving it!!




I cannot imagine that much laundry. we don't even own that many clothes

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It's one on of the things I have a schedule for: I do a wash every day and catch up on extras at weekends. The boys have four shirts for school each and one set of PE kit, so I have to stay on top of it.




basically that is what my children have, about 4 sets of clothes plus their basketball stuff. Behind would mean no clean clothes we don't let that happen.

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I cannot imagine enough socks to fill a load on their own.



Washing socks twice a year. Three people? 3 x 150 = 450 pairs of socks. I'm sure I'm missing something here.


I'm not being critical, One*Mom, I just can't imagine storing that number of socks.



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We do a load or two every day including folding and putting it away so we are always caught up but never caught up if that makes any sense.


The only way to be caught up would be to do all the laundry then walk around naked. :)



This is what I do as well....laundry is an ongoing cycle....like cooking and eating.


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I try to use the washing machine as the laundry hamper. When full, I turn it on, which is about every other day.


We do this too. It's the ONLY habit I have managed to train my whole family in. When it comes off, it goes in the machine. Or if the machine is on, then on the floor in front of it. All good, except that our machine seems to fill up twice a day. So we have a perpetual pile of stuff in front of it. It's ten pm here, children are asleep and laundry is "caught up" to the point that there is half a load inside waiting for pj's to be added in the morning. Then the vicious cycle starts again.

Socks twice a year? Head spinning here!

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I'm always caught up, in that I know and follow the (flexible-ish) schedule that needs to be maintained in order for us all to have clean clothes.


My parents were always, always, always behind. Mountain of dirty clothes next to the washer, mountain of clean clothes in their bedroom (somehow their bedroom became the clean clothes dump space before folding, except that usually things were just taken from there on the day they were needed). Like, five or more loads in each mountain. I really hated it. Half the time I didn't have clean clothes, the other half I had to wade through the mountain in their bedroom to find anything, and it would be wrinkled. It often smelled too, because the washer had a mildew problem from wet clothes sitting in it for ten hours before I got home to put them in the dryer (my chore).


Never again.

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Reminded me of a classic old WTM post, sharing for all you LOTR fans.....

Do you remember the Aragorn at the Black Gate laundry speech?

From Kate, long ago


"Here is my laundry speech a la Aragorn before the black gate...



I see in your eyes the same mountain that would take the heart of me. A

day may come when this laundry pile of mine overwhelms me, when I

forsake clean towels and break all scoops of soap, but it is not this

day. An hour of soiled shirts and dirty pants, when the laundry room

comes crashing down, but it is not this day. Today, I fold! For all of

the children in my house, and for my dear husband too, I tell you I will

sit, and fold my laundry!"




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the load I hate most is doing the socks. ewwwwwwwwwww


I only do those about twice a year.



You can't be serious. You keep dirty socks for 6 months before washing them?


I'm caught-up on washing, not on folding or putting away. Occasionally I get caught-up on everything but it doesn't last more than a day. I consider having one/two day's worth of dirty laundry still caught-up.

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It's one on of the things I have a schedule for: I do a wash every day and catch up on extras at weekends. The boys have four shirts for school each and one set of PE kit, so I have to stay on top of it.




I love that you use the word kit. I use it for my kids' soccer clothes because they play for English and Welsh coaches. I find myself saying boots, too.

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Reminded me of a classic old WTM post, sharing for all you LOTR fans.....

Do you remember the Aragorn at the Black Gate laundry speech?

From Kate, long ago


"Here is my laundry speech a la Aragorn before the black gate...



I see in your eyes the same mountain that would take the heart of me. A

day may come when this laundry pile of mine overwhelms me, when I

forsake clean towels and break all scoops of soap, but it is not this

day. An hour of soiled shirts and dirty pants, when the laundry room

comes crashing down, but it is not this day. Today, I fold! For all of

the children in my house, and for my dear husband too, I tell you I will

sit, and fold my laundry!"






Thanks, Kate, I remember this one! But it's not complete without this:




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3 loads behind. DD hasn't kept up on her laundry and she has a load in the washer and one in the dryer and both laundry baskets are in her room full of clean clothes. I am not going to do her laundry for her.


(okay, I may move the stuff out of the machines so I can do a load or two but I am not carrying it to her room, folding it or putting it away.)

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I have a routine that I follow and it keeps me caught up easily.


1. In the am, take dirty laundry to laundry room and sort into dark, light, and towels.

2. Fold any laundry hanging from previous day.

3. IF one of the baskets of dark, light or towels is full (usually about 6x/week), I throw in a load.

4. Set the timer to 40 minutes - go down and hang laundry.


Easy peasy. I will have the kids grab their sheets off their beds about once a week and throw them in early so they have time to dry by bedtime. I try really hard NOT to use the dryer.


So, I am either caught up or not, depending on how you choose to look at it! :)

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I'm on a schedule. I don't have too much trouble staying on task with it, but ds wet the bed and a bunch of covers so I'll have extra today.


My schedule is Monday/Thursday washdays (meaning I catch up with all laundry...4+ loads and fold and put in the boys' baskets to put away). I do at least 1 load a day otherwise, and while I try to keep it that folded and put away sometimes it waits until laundry day.


I like folding, if I can get away. It gives me an excuse to watch Project Runway, historical drama, or documentaries on my laptop.

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One*Mom, I am lost-- why not just wash the socks with the regular laundry, as they get dirty?


I am behind. I have two loads waiting to be folded, one in the dryer, one in the washer, and probably 5 loads to go. I was sick and have not been able to get back to square one, but I am working on it!

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One load in the dryer. Nothing waiting in the wings.

I do about two loads per day (wash, dry, fold, put up) except on Sunday when I do linens and Thursday when I do dog/cat linens. Then I average three to four.

I fold and put away when it comes out of the dryer. That's the only way I've found that I can stay in the game.

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