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laundry, are you completely caught up or behind?


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Well, after I fold the load of jeans in the dryer, I will be caught up. With today's laundry. I do two loads a day, sheets on Saturdays, nothing on Sundays. I need to purchase the boys some socks though as they are not making it through the week without needing clean ones.

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um let's see... does anyone here know textile arts and French laundry stuff?


real laundry is like an antique setting bejewled thing designed by Harry Winston


washing socks is like a cold Happy meal at McDonalds, reheated in the microwave twice


I think that if you told that to the women in the painting they would have laughed their hind ends off. Bejewled, indeed.


I have one load to do at some point today.

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Our average is one load's worth in the dirty clothes hampers at any given time. I don't consider that I am "behind" though because it doesn't happen often that all of something someone needs is dirty (ex: it's rare someone has no clean underwear or clean pants, etc)

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When you say behind, what exactly does that mean? Behind in washing? Or just folding and putting away? I do we'll with the washing. But the folding and putting away.... Now that's a completely different thing.


That's why I gave the folding and putting away as a chore to the kids that they must do before they have screen time, etc. I do fine with staying on top of dirty laundry, finding it throughout the house, making sure it gets washed, etc, etc, but I hate folding and putting away.

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What does "caught up on laundry" even mean? I do laundry twice a week. I wouldn't consider myself "behind" unless nobody had any underwear to wear.

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Wait. I'm reading through this thread and I am so mystified. Do people really wash a load of socks only? Or is this facetiousness? I'm so baffled...

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I'm pretty well caught up most of the time. Laundry is the one household chore I don't mind, actually kind of like doing. I have 3 baskets in my room for whites/darks/mediums, and the whole family puts their clothes in the right basket. When one is full, I throw it in the machine in the AM, put it in the dryer at some point before lunch, and fold it in the afternoon. If I need to do 2 loads, I try to get them both washed in the AM and dry by evening. They often don't get put away until the next AM, but I only deliver them to the appropriate room, and everyone puts their own clothes in their drawers (including dh), so it doesn't take very long.


I love sitting down to watch a good TV show while I fold clothes; it's actually the only time I allow myself to sit and do so. I also enjoy tasks with very straight-forward, unambiguous steps with a clear ending point. I kind of like doing dishes for this reason also. I particularly like going through the steps, and ending up with clean, fresh items, especially diaper laundry.'


So, yeah, I'm caught up. Just don't trip over the toys scattered around the living room, ignore the crumbs on the kitchen floor, and ignore the layer of scum in the bathroom. Yup.

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Oh and to answer your question, I am behind in every way imaginable :D


I hate folding and putting away so I have mountains of clean stuff on the 2-seater couch and I have a load of dark and a load of whites to wash.

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I was caught up...and then I went to Greenville for several days, and got behind. Rushed back home, ran kids around for a few days, and left town again for a retreat...I am now way, way behind. But, it's all sorted. Machine is humming. It may take me 3-4 days, but I'll get it done!

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Back to 5 loads. Damn these people who wear clothes....



Ds10 would sympathize w/you. At about age 4, it was his job to take the dirty clothes from my bedroom closet to the laundryroom. One day he opened the door to the closet, looked at the pile, and wailed, "If people wouldn't wear so much clothes, I wouldn't have such a hard job to do!" Poor little guy! :lol:

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