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My current company counter offered!

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I did not seek and accept another offer as a power play. I went into work Monday with my resignation and boxes to pack (I have a lot of books in my current office;)).


Within minutes of my resignation, the CEO (who does not office out of my office, but happened to be on site) came in. I had not turned in my resignation to him.


We talked for an hour. Bottom line:


1. I was able to express my frustrations and concerns that lead me to seek other employment.


2. He reiterated his reasons for hiring me to begin with, and "fleshed out" his plan for me.


3. He matched the salary offer I had from the new company.


4. He put it in writing.


5. Essentially, the trajectory is for me to finish my LPC-intern hours in my current role, to acquire my LMFT (the only things needed there are money for the test and the study material) and to move into being the company's "family specialist" on both the substance abuse and mental health sides.


He called me the "Michael Jordan of therapy" of the company. I didn't get the analogy. But my Dad told me that I was better off being Michael Jordan than LeBron James. My CEO reported that my Dad "totally got" the CEO's point. :tongue_smilie::001_huh:


I accepted my new/old offer. ;) The would-have-been-new-boss was gracious, classy and asked me to contact her should I ever decide to leave my current position.


(And, as another update, if I can get through one more week, money should be adequate even without child support which is still not coming).

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