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Anybody want to share in some really, REALLY good news??

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My. Husband. Has. A. JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He has been out of full-time work in education for 5 1/2 years. My youngest dd doesn't even remember a time when her daddy was a teacher.


He's applied place after place, come in 2nd in I don't know how many interviews.




Starting January, he will be the director of instrumental music at an elite private school here in town!:party:


I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how huge this is. He's been cleaning carpets for 2 years, which hasn't even begun to pay our bills. All the while, he's kept private students, kept networking, kept trying. I have never met a harder working man in my life.


God is so good. If I could even list all the reasons this job is a clear, direct gift from Him, I'd run out of room. He didn't even look for it - it found him, just when he was ready to throw in the towel and clean carpets for the rest of his life.


I can hardly believe it. Shock, disbelief, joy.


Thanks for listening!

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Thanks, all :D


For Christmas, I'm going to make him a framed collage of all the logos representing all the places he's worked in the past 5.5 years. . . . .


Hobby Lobby, CIGNA Health Insurance, Panera, Carpet Cleaning, Print Shops, Symphony orchestra. . .etc etc. . .


Framed around James 1: 2-3!

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oh my. is there a happy crying smiley? i am so deep down relieved and happy for you guys.







If there is, that was me irl today in church.


Our whole Sunday School class just broke out in tremendous cheers!


And most moving of all, one of the elders publicly praised my sweet, wonderful dh for how hard he has worked over these past years.


A sweet moment indeed.

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