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THIS is why people make fun of Christians!!!

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The Holy Ghost IS GOD. (Acts 5) Hallelujah praises HIS HOLY NAME and I don't find much of this funny.


Yeah but I do think God has a sense of humor.


And it is really hard to try not to offend. I have so many good jokes to make!

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I personally don't have a problem with "Harvest" party. But, I spent the last decade of my life living in the corn fields of PA. So even though we are not farmers, "Harvest" was definitely a season we experienced and celebrated.


I don't have a problem with Halloween though. We are avid trick-or-treaters. ;)

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Personally I think this just sends mixed messages. Either a church is okay with Halloween or not. If it is, fine, have a trunk or treat thing if they want to offer a safe place for the night. If not, then go about like it is just a typical night and don't draw attention to it.




Around here, by Halloween the Harvest is fully over. Early October/Late September would make more sense for a Harvest party.


The Catholic school my boys went to (before we started homeschooling) held a Harvest Party during the month of October (games, hayrides, etc). Then there was a costume thing on Nov. 1 when the kids dressed up as Saints.


Perhaps it's the ghoulish aspect of Halloween that puts some people off. (especially when there are so many real-life examples of ghoulish behavior, such as the recent spate of face-eating "zombies") Our kids celebrate Halloween and go trick-or-treating. We don't let them dress up as anything ghoulish or vulgar. This year I have one Elf Warrior and one Bottle of Ketchup.


Some people believe that Halloween (at it's currently celebrated) has demonic overtones.


My oldest went to Catholic school for a few years from K-2nd grade. They had a Halloween parade and party with the usual costumes - princesses, cats, and characters. I think they did ask for nothing too ghoulish.


:lol: I have a couple of coupons for Applegate Hotdogs. I am going to do that roast! lol


I love Halloween. Such a fun, easy holiday. I am celebrating twice this year. We just got back from Micky's Not So Scary Halloween Party, so yes, we like Halloween. ftr, it was our first time at WDW for this event. It was *awesome*. I can't believe we've been missing it! I am going to try to change that!


I LOVE Halloween. It is absolutely my favorite holiday. I would decorate the whole house with one of the villages and decorations and lights, if we had the space and the money.


I took my oldest to WDW for the Halloween event when she was 9. It was amazing and I would LOVE to go again.

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I personally don't have a problem with "Harvest" party. But, I spent the last decade of my life living in the corn fields of PA. So even though we are not farmers, "Harvest" was definitely a season we experienced and celebrated.


I don't have a problem with Halloween though. We are avid trick-or-treaters. ;)


I will celebrate either one. I think the sticking point is calling it one, but really celebrating the other. My church growing up had a Harvest party with dressing in costumes, giving out candy, playing carnival games, etc.

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So... coming late to this party, hehe, but where we go, they have a night with a fun religious movie, some games like indoor basketball, etc. and have pizza. They spend a little time telling the kids the reason why we don't celebrate Halloween. This way the kids have a good night and don't feel like they are totally missing out on all the fun. Unless you hide in your basement, your kids know what is going on outside their door, so this is a nice alternative. :)

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Well good morning! You ladies have been busy in my absence! :D


I feel better today because you all have made me laugh and given me such great ideas to take to the next meeting! :tongue_smilie:


Am I "scoffing" at my fellow Christians? Well, yeah, some of them. I do it because we have a serious mission, and it is about serious things, and no one will take us seriously if we say stupid things like hallelujah party and holy ghost weenie roast and Jesusween. And I gotta tell ya, I don't think God is impressed either.


So come down on which ever side of the Halloween debate that you choose... But CHOOSE... And stand firm. And stop trying to have it all but pretending like you aren't. Be authentic. Please.




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I don't know...are your neighbors handing out birthday cake?


(My MIL once handed out baggies of chicken salad. She claimed it was all she could come up with at the time. I'll bet someone nearby could whip up a little cake with a couple hours notice.)


:ack2: We ran out of candy one year- I grabbed all the candy we hate out of my kids' bags (they came in early) and re-treated it. It was either that or start handing out packs of (uncooked) ramen noodles. I had dozens of those. :D

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Well good morning! You ladies have been busy in my absence! :D


I feel better today because you all have made me laugh and given me such great ideas to take to the next meeting! :tongue_smilie:


Am I "scoffing" at my fellow Christians? Well, yeah, some of them. I do it because we have a serious mission, and it is about serious things, and no one will take us seriously if we say stupid things like hallelujah party and holy ghost weenie roast and Jesusween. And I gotta tell ya, I don't think God is impressed either.


So come down on which ever side of the Halloween debate that you choose... But CHOOSE... And stand firm. And stop trying to have it all but pretending like you aren't. Be authentic. Please.





Well, I'm only a nominal/fringe Christian (my LCMS pastor would LOVE that one), but I totally agree with you! Preach it, sista!

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Personally I think this just sends mixed messages. Either a church is okay with Halloween or not. If it is, fine, have a trunk or treat thing if they want to offer a safe place for the night. If not, then go about like it is just a typical night and don't draw attention to it.





I grew up not celebrating Halloween and just assumed that my children wouldn't either. We never did Santa or the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy. (Oddly enough, I didn't grow up in a Christian home). It was never a big deal and it was harped on. When our oldest was born, DH (who is the son of a preacher) wanted to celebrate. So up until this year, we have. I didn't really care for it, but I didn't think it was a big enough deal to cause friction in our marriage. I became increasingly uncomfortable with it and so I gave it to God in prayer instead and finally my husband came to me and said that we could stop celebrating. This year, we will just go about our business as if it is any other day. We do not worry about what others choose or do not choose to do though.

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The problem is we have for too long conformed to this world. We think we are missing out on something or our kids are missing out if we don't celebrate pagan holidays. If there is one thing I've learned over the past few years it is that living a Christian life is not about storing up as much happiness on Earth as can be desired and chasing after our dreams ... it is about following what God has commanded us and where He is leading. We are no better off than the Israelites in most of the Old Testament worshipping Idols at every turn ... why are we STILL worshipping idols? As my 2nd grader would say - why are they still worshipping idols, haven't they learned not to do that?


And I'm sure Satan would love nothing better than for Christians to continue in their fixation that Halloween/Harry Potter/Fairy Tale magic is what God was warning against in the Scriptures. That way, they will remain ignorant of REAL pagan worship, witchcraft, and idolatry - especially what can be found within the "Christian" church and in the hearts of Christians themselves.

Edited by Susan in TN
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And I'm sure Satan would love nothing better than for Christians to continue in their fixation that Halloween/Harry Potter/Fairy Tale magic is what God was warning against in the Scriptures. That way, they will remain ignorant of REAL pagan worship, witchcraft, and idolatry - especially what can be found within the "Christian" church and in the hearts of Christians themselves.


I had to chuckle thinking on this.

I think Harry Potter has really done a number on some young Christians--at least by my experience, not because of Satan's influence but because of the Christian reaction.


My daughter was slighted by her Christian friends whose families all insisted Harry Potter was evil. (I was told by another friend that she was anxious about coming over because having Harry Potter in my house would encourage demons to come in). DD was so turned off by them that she never really put her faith in Jesus to begin with. She couldn't make the connection between Harry Potter and "evil" witchcraft. She was pretty convinced that this was an important issue in Christianity considering how much garbage she heard about it.


When we left the faith, and the town where we lived, she said she was so glad not to be around people who thought she was evil because she liked to read fantasy books.

Edited by Ipsey
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hmmm, that's very nice...



So...who's going to come up with the new Days of the Week poem?


Ironmanday's child is ...?

Captain Americaday's child is full of ...?


I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


This. is. awesomeness.

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


I knew I loved you!

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


:lol: Love it.

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I vote we rename all the days after the Avengers.




My dd would totally go for that.


About Halloween, I agree with the OP. I find pretending not to have a Halloween party while actually having one is ridiculous. I find it even more ridiculous that people sit around and judge who's a nominal or fringe Christian. Seriously. Focus on your own walk and life and let others work out their own salvation with God themselves.


Anyway, my church doesn't even address Halloween. It's left up to each family's personal convictions. Many kids do trick or treat, some don't. No one cares. My daughter is going as Loki from the Avengers and is having a blast reading Asgard, which we found in an old Home Educator's Tutor magazine.


If you are going to "do" Halloween, do it. If not, then don't. But don't pretend you aren't when you are.

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


This. is. awesomeness.


:iagree: totally.

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I LOVE it!! The Halle-BOO-jah idea is a hoot! :lol:


I just want the candy, so I'll let my dc run around like crazy gathering it in, while I "sort." :D


I do find it a little freaky that so many Halloween specialty stores are popping up all over North America and so many people go in for this event in such a big way. :001_huh: Maybe it's not such a bad idea to curb the scary-overkill and focus on harvesting yummy treats.

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


Nope, it is perfect. :D

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At our old church, we celebrated All Saint's Day. The kids could come dressed as an animal, biblical person or other saint. They went around to various "stations," where an adult dressed as a saint told them about his/her life, and they got a treat relating to the saint. At some stations, they did a craft. We had St Nicholas (got a candy cane), St Lucia (got a cinnamon bun and made a wreath or a candle--can't remember), St Peter (key-shaped cookie), Mary (made a little manger with a tiny baby, hay and part of a cut-up toilet paper tube), St Francis (made a peanut butter bird feeder) and a couple others.


It was an appropriate and authentic alternative to a Halloween party.


I like that. We still do the Halloween thing here since I still have younger children but this year my oldest is going around more to be with her friends than to get candy. We go to them all, don't care what they call it. We go for the candy and games.

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Um, yeah... Non-Protestant Christians.


I'm pretty sure my parish has never celebrated Reformation Day!


Ah ok thanks. I am often confused by flowery statements trying to say something they don't. I am trying to have as much fun as possible on Earth.


I think I'm going to be Catwoman. Though DD wants me to match her as some sort of gypsy. I can't figure out exactly what her costume is but it is very pretty.


You see, some people NEED rules to know how to behave AND so they can create a ranking system so they can judge everyone who falls beneath them. It is necessary.


Also, it is no longer acceptable to call the Rom people 'gypsies.' I'm afraid you'll have to rename your costume. Wear the same thing, but call yourself a Holy Ghost Weenie Roast Lady.


Yes, now that you mention it...


how does wearing a costume and giving candy to our neighbors have anything to do with worshiping false gods or celebrating evil?


And if my children are taught "Halloween means wearing a costume and eating candy" and they continue that tradition, and they don't do research on the topic... then how are they worshiping false gods or celebrating evil?


Haven't you heard the Sugar is Poison message? You are poisoning your children and neighbors!


Breathe, everyone breathe.





::Practices 900 number breathing to go along with that Alice in Slutland costume I've been eying.::


So, do you all use alternate names for the months, since those have ancient pagan roots?


You need to stop. I'm turning this thread into a drinking game and you're gonna make me pass out!



I vote we rename all the days after the Avengers.




:lol:. You really should have put a no drinking when reading this warning.





Would it be sufficiently pious to consider Halloween a precursor to Christmas and sell it as the night you gather supplies for your gingerbread house? This way, the virtuous boys and girls can convert the evil candy into something holy. Halloween is a missions field!

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


Mrs. Mungo, poet laureate of the Hive.

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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.





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And I'm sure Satan would love nothing better than for Christians to continue in their fixation that Halloween/Harry Potter/Fairy Tale magic is what God was warning against in the Scriptures. That way, they will remain ignorant of REAL pagan worship, witchcraft, and idolatry - especially what can be found within the "Christian" church and in the hearts of Christians themselves.


Oh totally. What others believe about REAL pagans and witches is usually far scarier than what most of those pagans and witches believe. Satan is probably splitting his sides with the joke. All that fear must be hilarious.



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I had to rearrange the days to make it work.


Ironmanday's child is a pompous a$$

Captain Americaday's child is full of muscle mass

Black Widowday's child kicks hiney

Antmanday's child is really tiny

Hawkeyeday's child can shoot really fast


Thorsday's child controls the thunder

And that's all the days, in case you wondered.


Okay, maybe we could improve that last line.


Love it! Too funny!


OPer, I totally agree and feel people go off the mark a lot! While the names for alternate Halloween are funny, they feel so wrong. While trying to make something "Christian", they are taking the Lords name in vain! How is it following Christ to mock him? Call a spade a spade! Call it a costume and candy party and have fun, but don't take the name of deity and drag it through the mud to make you look more religious. It makes you look foolish at best! I'll step off my soap box now!

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This thread is too funny! :lol:


My dd wants to know if she can re-blog Mrs. Mungo's poem on Tumblr... that is epic!


So, I haven't managed to read through the whole thread to see if anyone else already pointed out that the re-naming and repurposing of the pagan fest has already been done for you (just like Christmas did for Saturnalia). It is indeed All Hallow's Eve, the evening before All Saint's Day (Hallow meaning Holy referring to all those Christian Saints). Halloween is not the name of the pagan festival, which I forget right now (help me out, pagans!), nor do I believe that any pagans celebrate their holiday by dressing their kids up as superheroes and gorging on candy.


So, the holiday already has a Christian name, and has already been repurposed and defanged. If it's the celebration and not the name that people are objecting to, than celebrating it and renaming it - what, something even "more" Christian than All Saint's Eve? - is even more silly.


Although Holy Ghost Weenie Roast does have to win some kind of prize... :lol:

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