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What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

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remote control machines kit

Magic TG cards


a good book set

bowstring and arrows




Freight Train book

Tool set




If dh has his way there'll be a video game in there for the older and a supersized hotwheels track for the wee'un. :tongue_smilie:We just can't decide yet.

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Ds12- wants-LoTR Lego set castle, star wars Legos, an fx light saber (for decoration)


Ds11- wants- new baseball bat, nerf stuff, new monopoly game, ukulele


Ds10- wants- anything marvel comics, Lego stuff


Who knows what they will end up getting! If an iPad mini is available, they will want those!

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I have been wanting to get the kids a group gift this year- the new WiiU but I am not sure how easy it will be to get our hands on one to put under the tree. :001_unsure:


Truth be told the kids are not asking for a new gaming system but it's something I would like :tongue_smilie: I really like Mario games :o :D


If that falls through I have no idea what the kids will end up with at this point. I've warned dh to be ready for a night of camping on Nov17th. :lol:


The only Christmas items I have picked up so far are their Playmobil Advent calendars

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IOU's for the pets I wanted to get them. I had been counting on the disability funding being approved by then and the large sum for backdated, but they wanted more info from the dr and the dr will not get us in until Nov 13 so it will not be processed in time for payment before xmas. The soonest will be the new year. I have already talked to the kids and they know they will have to wait until the new year.

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We have 2 birthdays and Christmas coming up so I have been working on lists. Typically my Mom gets them something creative or educational (legos/k'nex/books/games), my Dad & step-Mom give sports equipment and college fund money, dh and I give clothes and board games, and my in-laws give them junk they don't want or need, even though they ask me for a list and I give them a good one - every year. This year is the first in awhile that they agree they don't need any new Lego sets (this is a shocker!!)


fish tank

electric guitar

electric drum set (and headphones)


the new Heroica (lego game)

new catcher gear & mitt

new bats

snowboarding helmets

books - the full Murderous Maths series and a few other sets that I think they will like

clothes - one especially likes t-shirts & lounge pants for his favorite NFL team so I bought several on sale this summer. The other child really doesn't want clothes.

matching PJs - our Christmas Eve tradition

kindles (my Mom bought them when Amazon discounted the ads version and is giving them for bdays to all the grandkids)


games - I am trying to narrow down this list but is difficult because *I* want them all:


Dominion Dark Ages Expansion

Carcassonne Expansions - Wheel of Fortune, Hunters, & Bridges

10 Days in Europe

Catan Histories Settlers of America

Catan Traders and Barbarians Expansion

Catan Dice Game Deluxe


Edited by RanchGirl
added a game!
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We have quite a bit of Spy Gear if you want any reviews.


I would love to have someone to buy scrapbooking for.


That would be awesome! Which things actually get used, vs. the stuff that "looks cool" but sits in the corner gathering dust and whether the stuff stands up to rough play. It may be super stealth Spy Gear to be used in secret, but that is no guarantee that it wouldn't be used as a weapon against alien or zombie invaders, or some sort of throwing star type device for his super special ninja moves. :tongue_smilie:

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DD has both a birthday and Christmas coming up-eek!


Between the two:


New Bed set and drapes

Friends Advent calendar

Various books, including BA3 and Song School Spanish (both of which I expect that she'll do "for fun" over Christmas break

The Lego Seaside house (has been in the closet for months) plus probably a couple of other sets-we stockpile legos when we find them on sale, so I need to see what we have in the closet.


We'll get a Catan expansion or two as well, and maybe another game but those will be a "family" gift.

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That would be awesome! Which things actually get used, vs. the stuff that "looks cool" but sits in the corner gathering dust and whether the stuff stands up to rough play. It may be super stealth Spy Gear to be used in secret, but that is no guarantee that it wouldn't be used as a weapon against alien or zombie invaders, or some sort of throwing star type device for his super special ninja moves. :tongue_smilie:


One year, I bought a cool looking case from Marshalls and filled it with spy stuff including a pen and some dissolving paper I found on Ebay.





Snake Cam



Night Goggles (he has Spy Net brand)



Spy Safe



Spy Trackdown



Spy Kit



Rearview Glasses


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Just ordered the set of Ty Beanie babies of Alvin and the Chipmunks and the Chippettes. We watched all three movies for the first time this summer (got them one at a time from the library) and the girls just love them. They're particularly in love with sweet snuggly Theodore, though I've claimed him for me. I think my girls are more like Alvin and Simon anyway. I know they are going to just love this set and will play with them all the time. I may have family members get them the movies (they always ask what they can get for dds and I often have them get movies). There will be other gifts too, but this is the only one so far.




If you think all your kids will want Theodor, you can get extras...



I just grabbed one for my son, Theodore, for Christmas.

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I think it's doubtful we will be able to afford much in the way of gifts but I have a list nevertheless just in case we figure something out. DD1 has her birthday in November and DD2 in January so I've been thinking about those too.


DD1 birthday:


Nancy Drew 5

Origami Paper

State Coin Kit

Emergency Vehicle Car Set

Brave DVD




Nim's Island

10 Days in Africa

Draw Write Now

Maze Book

Nancy Drew 6 audio


Dominion Hinterlands Expansion


Starter Set of Legos

Small Lego Kit (Seaside Cottage?)

Misc. Harry Potter Stuff

BBC Insects DVDs

Secret of the Wings DVD

Joke Book


DD2 Birthday:

Lego Kit

Dominion Dark Ages Expansion

Little Bear Books

Toy Bow and Arrow


I love Christmas and am trying to think of ways to make it awesome without the gifts I want to get. I would love to either get DD1 a microscope or a telescope too. She is so science-y.


It's a tough year. Maybe I'll start a spinoff about that.

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This is the first year that I'm doing majority thrifting for gifts or making what I can with my sewing and crafting skills. Here is the list I've got going so far..




DD8 is getting

  • Build-a-Fort kit
  • Sleepwear Set
  • Science Experiment Kit
  • Stuffed Dinosaurs & Monkey Dolls
  • Jurassic Park Throw Blanket
  • Sewing Kit
  • Indian How to Craft Book

DD7 is getting

  • Build-a-Fort kit
  • Sleepwear Set
  • Jewelry Box
  • Stationary/Scrapbook Kit
  • Cook/Bake with Mom set (Making her a cookbook of favorite dishes I make to go with)
  • Horses & Ponies Book
  • Lego's

DS3.5 is getting

  • Boxing Gloves
  • Battery Operated Sound Making Car
  • Sleepwear Set
  • Build-a-Fort kit
  • Car Racing Launch Pad

For all my kids

  • HUGE dress up trunk
  • Lego's

Edited by mamaofblessings
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I need to start thinking about this as we have 4 birthdays right around Christmas, also.




LOL! So do we! (December 23, Dec. 23, Dec. 28, and Jan. 4) It makes for a festive (and expensive) season, lol.



Things we think or know so far:


Ana (16)

Downton Abby DVDs

Laptop? - Debating this one. She would find it incredibly useful but it is a bit out of budget. A tablet or netbook would be easier on the budget, but she uses Word and Excel constantly.


Christian (13)



Elizabeth (10)

Electronic Keyboard




Rebecca (8)

Art Supplies / Draw Write Now Books

Nightstand / Shelf?


Timothy (7)

Legos (sigh) Maybe.

Story of the World II on CD

Reading Light?



Abigail (6)

CD Player for Books on Tape

Books on Tape?




Boxed Set of Beatrix Potter Books




New carseat





New carseat






New Carseat


We tend to do useful, functional gifts and maybe one "fun" game/toy each. We only do three gifts per child. Stockings get things like bath bubbles, lip gloss, stickers, new socks, an orange, Dover coloring books, etc.

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Laptop? - Debating this one. She would find it incredibly useful but it is a bit out of budget. A tablet or netbook would be easier on the budget, but she uses Word and Excel constantly.



I wanted to point out that you can run full versions of Word and Excel on netbooks. We're getting dd one for Christmas and that was the first thing I looked into.

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Sigh. Teenage boys are so hard to buy for. I refuse to just hand him money or gift cards, though I do usually toss an iTunes or GameStop gift card in his stocking. I saw a Beatles wall calendar at BJ's the other day, and picked that up for him. I'll probably be looking through the Think Geek catalog in the next few weeks too. Pretty much anything from there will make him happy.

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I'm just starting to think about it but:


Ds (7):

Legos, especially mini-figs and Ninjago

Pokemon cards, figures, movies, and clothes

Snap Circuits

maybe a Nintendo DS


I'd love to get: Lego Mindstorms


Dd (5):

She's harder than her brother since she's not as obsessed as he is with anything.

Outdoor toys

Hello Kitty



Dd(18 - living on campus at college):

I think I'm going to make her a scrapbook of pictures from her whole life, if I get the time.

fuzzy warm socks

gift cards for stores, Itunes, Amazon, etc.

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We also have the crazy bdays with Christmas family. Starting with Nov 30 and ending with Feb 3 we have 5 birthdays, one of them on Christmas Eve.


So for Christmas:


DD 7/8: New to her (my old) kindle, a bike (this is also from the grandparents), playmobil advent calendar.

Stocking: Swiss Family Robinson DVD, minifig, handmade leashes for her stuffed animals (she likes to "walk" them like real pets), and polly pockets.


DS 5/6: Lego Advent Calendar, Playmobil, spiderman costume, and 2 small lego technic sets.

Stocking: Handmade crayon roll, handmade superman cape, minifig, and Emperors New Groove DVD.


DS 3/4: Imaginex Advent Calendar, Spiderman costume, a medium lego superhero set.

Stocking: Handmade crayon roll, handmade superman cape, minifig, and Chicken Little DVD.


DS turning 1: Hand-me-down little touch leappad with a bunch of books. The little people talker zoo.

Stocking: Zoo animals for the talker zoo.





DD8: Electric Toothbrush (she is getting adult teeth)


DS6: Lego Wacky Contraptions book and a very small lego set.


DS4: Smallish superhero lego set


DS1: Leapfrog Scout stuffed animal

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ETA: Oh, and this! They had this out at a toy store we visited in the Mall and we LOVED playing with it. It's perfect for playing with in the house, during the winter :)





Whoa! That would make my YDS sooo happy! Thank you for sharing the link :)


Our list (so far)


YDS(will be 9)

Lego set - probably some of the smaller Marvel and DC sets

Marble Run - maybe. stepdad mentioned getting a puppy for them and I wouldn't bring marbles into the house to be flung about if we had a puppy, I figure it's a pretty big bill for surgically removing a marble.

Hotwheels stuff

A toy drill with colored screw that you make pictures with, he needs to work on copying patterns

I'm making him a book with pictures of him and his favorite stuffed toy, a camel named Alice. She has visited her cousins at many zoos and gone on all our vacations.

He says he wants a bicycle, plasma car, and tent. Santa will probably bring the tent and plasma car, Nana wants to do a new bike.


DD 10

Lego friends sets

Snap circuits



I'm making her puzzles on Walmart Photo that are of actual pictures of us, she loves puzzles

AG accessories or stuff to make accessories

I have no idea what her big gift would be. Maybe a camera or TV for her room (to replace the pink princess TV she got when she was 2...)


DS 13

Legos - Minecraft if I can find 'em, and Hero Factory

Halo 4 XBOX headset and controller (really? They are the same price as the game....but he desperately wants them.)

Triops and a tin can robot kit

Clothing? He is sooo hard to buy for in that dept

Still looking for ideas...Nerf guns, equipment for his camera, or a lava lamp are a few ideas I've kicked around

No idea on HIS big gift. He wants the Halo4 Legendary XBOX, I'd rather shoot off a toe than buy another XBOX. DH wants to get him a PS3, because we don't have enough gaming systems apparently :glare: (but mostly 'cuz DH wants one LOL)


We'll do a few family gifts...I have Twister and Headbanz down as an idea. Maybe a game for the Kinect and/or Wii.


We have an elf on the shelf who leaves a few things. Probably magazines, a Christmas movie, glow chalk kit, and pjs this year.


Stockings are always trinkety: a movie from the $5 bin, bath stuff, a new spinbrush toothbrush, a bit of candy, chapstick...

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For my 7 year old:


Tickets to Mary Poppins on Broadway to go see with her dad


8 sewing lessons


Snap Circuits


Just Dance 4


Harry Potter Marauder's Map


American Girl doll clothes




For my 4 year old:


Spider Man web shooters (he's obsessed)


subscription to Ranger Rick


Chutes and Ladders Super Hero version


Perplexus Maze Game




Tix to Cirque Chinois to see with grandma




For my 2 year old DD:


Strawberry shortcake dolls


LaLa Loopsy mermaid


Alex Toys Craft kit


2-3 new play silks


Wee Sing CD (not sure which yet)



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Oh boy, I'm just not sure. The kids would really like pet rabbits, which we would adopt from a local rabbit shelter, but I'm just not sure. By the time we got all the stuff needed and paid the adoption fees, we're probably talking $200, plus continued monthly expenses for supplies. I suppose rabbit food/hay isn't that expensive?


If we don't go with the rabbits, I'll probably get dds cozy slipper socks, younger ds maybe a Calvin and Hobbes book, and older ds some transport wheels for his double bass (wheels that attach to the bass case, not "wheels" as in a car :tongue_smilie:).


Everyone will get an orange, an old fashioned candy cane, and maybe some little trinkets from the dollar store in their stockings.

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DS: Computer chess set (so mummy doesn't have to play all the time), Harry Potter lego if I can track any down. Books, clothes, art supplies.


DD: Sylvanian Family caravan & car set. Probably something my little pony or princess because that's what she loves at the moment (sigh). Books, clothes, art supplies.

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So far the only things we have are a couple of stocking stuffers. For ds8 a Star Wars book and for both boys a tiny solar car. Christmas is going to be tight this year, so I'm not sure what we are going to get yet. They need new clothes. They absolutely do not need new toys. I'd love to be able to get a family zoo membership or do a trip.

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I'm feeling uninspired, and our budget is tighter than it has been in the last few years. Both of my kids have said outright that they would rather spend time, money and energy on doing holiday stuff and enjoying the time than worry about presents, and that's lovely, but I would still like to get some things under the tree.


Thus far, I have on hand:


- a purple waffle maker for my daughter, because she saw it at Target and fell in love with it. (She's starting to think about moving out and her first apartment.)


- a London-themed nutcracker or my son. He's collected nutcrackers since he was at the ballet school and did the show every year. Even after he moved to a less ballet-centric dance studio, he was clear that he intended to keep collecting. He went to England with his choir this past summer, and figured this would be a nice reminder.


I'm considering making:


- a wall calendar for my daughter with pictures of our dog.


- a scrapbook or wall calendar for my son with pictures from the England trip.


- herbal hot oil hair treatments for my daughter.


- herb-infused honeys for my son.


- personalized, decorated notebook sets (one big and one mini) for each of them.


Things that are tradition and I must do:


- personalized pajamas for each of them to open on Christmas eve.

- personalized, hand-made ornaments given the night we decorate the tree.


I am, thus far, stumped on themes for these items for either kid.


We do stockings, too, which tend to get over-stuffed with too-expensive items, thanks to my husband. And I instituted theming the contents when my daughter was little, because I thought it was cute. It's not cute. It just makes it harder to find things to fill the stockings. I'm hoping, in the spirit of cutting back and relaxing the holidays a bit, that we can dispense with that tradition this year.

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dd8 - accessories and furniture to go with her Felicity doll & lots of books


ds7 - k'nex, a Flynn Rider doll (um, I mean action figure ;)) & books


dd4 - Merida doll, clothes for her AG doll, accessories for her Calico Critters doll house, & books


ds2 - Woody doll, a train table and even more train accessories, & books


ds(baby) - a stuffed elephant and one of those baby books that is made of cloth but makes crinkly paper noises

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I'd stick with coal, but Dh won't let me. :glare:


I also suggested some radium and plutonium for my elements collection, but he didn't go for that either. So, not only can I not get what I want, but the boys don't have any wonderful ideas for what they want either.


I think this is a good year to pool the gift money and just go some where and have fun. Boyne Mountain/Avalanche Bay waterpark. That sounds mighty good to me.



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Guest brookshanes

We are thinking of either:


1. Trip to our sponsored child (next year)? in Guatemala; or

2. Trip to fun vacation and send extra money to child/children.


That sounds good, I know, but we'll see what we do. We thought the money would be better spent on people than things, and maybe this is the year to do that... We have six children (ages 1-15) so it's a lot to consider.

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Builder Boy's 6th birthday is in November and we are getting him a plastic adjustable basketball hoop for the back patio and a bunch of pvc pipe for constructing contraptions and structures.


For Chirstmas we are getting him the simple machines K'nex (he's never had K'nex toys before) and Snap Circuits. (I am getting my side of the family to pitch in to pay for those things as their gift.)


For Early Bird's Christmas present (3 1/2 years old)...I have no idea. :confused: He already has all the toys he'd grow into through his big brother.

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We've never done anything like this before (given trips/experiences). It's going to be awesome!! And actually it's going to be less money than we usually spend. The best part? I get to take them. ;)

Awesome idea! Now I need to think of something like that for dd12. The Biebs is coming to our area in January but I don't know if I can get tix.


For my ds8 birthday we got tix for he and a friend to LegoFest. It was unforgettable.



One year, I bought a cool looking case from Marshalls and filled it with spy stuff including a pen and some dissolving paper I found on Ebay.





Snake Cam



Night Goggles (he has Spy Net brand)



Spy Safe



Spy Trackdown



Spy Kit



Rearview Glasses


Thanks for all this!! I will check it out. My son would love it.




Maybe a video camera. They are getting in to making movies, especially stop motion movies with Lego. She produces/directs and writes scripts. :D

Or a new phone. But a dumb one, not a smart phone.







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Awesome idea! Now I need to think of something like that for dd12. The Biebs is coming to our area in January but I don't know if I can get tix.


For my ds8 birthday we got tix for he and a friend to LegoFest. It was unforgettable.




Thanks for all this!! I will check it out. My son would love it.




Maybe a video camera. They are getting in to making movies, especially stop motion movies with Lego. She produces/directs and writes scripts. :D

Or a new phone. But a dumb one, not a smart phone.








Justin Bieber's entire tour sold out in 1 hour. Maybe ebay?


I love legos. Finally my girls love them too!! I'm going to strongly suggest my fil get them each a set. :D

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My eldest is getting a refurbished ipod and a cheap stereo to dock with it, I already have that. I am trying to be organised.


My youngest was going to get a bike but I am probably going to put that off until his birthday in February. Instead I am going to get him some more jigsaws and building/engineering type toys suitable for an older age range and a few dressing up costumes.


They are also going to get a moving pack of boxes and some big markers and tape. My two are box obsessed.


I am also going to invest some more board games for the whole family.

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Our budget is $150 per kid for everything (incl. stocking) and I think we'll make it, no problem.


9 yo DD - Giant Pillow Pet (Gorilla)

Crayola Art Set in a Tub

DH is making her an artist's easel, I think

Roller skates


7 yo DD - Giant Pillow Pet (Unicorn)

Barbie Make Up Set

DH is making her bunk beds for her dolls (AG-size)

Roller skates

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4 yo is getting a couple puzzles and probably some sort of nicer doll furniture like a crib or high chair. She LOVES her bitty baby, but only has a super cheap plastic high chair and crib set that is constantly falling apart. I want to get her some books, too.


Baby (will be 5.5 months) will be getting some Indestructibles books, a fill & spill, and a grasping toy. Maybe a few other small things that I find between now and then. I've had my eye on the teething rattle from Think Toys.


I have NO idea what to get my 9yo nephew or 11yo sister.

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I don't know, I just don't know. It's going to be an extremely slim year, and our youngest has a birthday the day after Christmas. I am profoundly grateful to have all 5 of our kids tell us not to worry about it, that they are fine with nothing,but of course we can't let that happen. But we have a sudden trip for surgery for me to have to fly out to be with my mom, an extremely high dental bill for one son that will be over $1200, and no way to really come up with much for Christmas.


We may do a group gift of some sort, I have avoided thinking about it because I can't yet quite figure it out. But somehow we'll come up with something.



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I would like to get him a new computer to replace the 8 year old one he uses now. I don't know how I'm going to make that happen, but I AM going to make that happen. This kid never asks for anything, and didn't really even ask for a new computer, but he's sort of mentioned that it is limited for what he can do on it.

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We are pretty mean and give the grandoarents very specific lists. I've had a heart to heart with them, and they know that a lot of "off list" stuff just goes directly to donation because I'm so picky about what I let the kids have, so they are happy to buy from my list. lol.


We, the parents, are getting the kids a joint gift of a digital keyboard and music lessons. We wouldn't be this mean, except that the grandparents are going to get them toys, so it's ok. :-)


Just-about-6-year-old will be getting snap circuits and a HABA tack/hammer board, plus a few books and outfits

3.5yo will be getting nesting owl dolls, the sneaky snacky squirrel game, and a Haba nail/tack board.


In lieu of stockings, we are going to do family games.


The baby will get some standard baby toys- stacking rings, etc, because we got rid of all of our nice baby toys after we were "done" having kids after two kids... LOL!

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