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My mom just texted me...

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She said she received some information this morning that she needs to talk to me about. She wants to be the one to talk to me, not my older sister that's there right now.


She won't tell me any more until I get there. I can't leave until dh gets home from work whenever he can this afternoon.


I can only assume it's about putting dad on hospice.


I don't know how much longer I can do this. I keep feeling kind of like I might go crazy.

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Oh Bethany, I was right there last week. Right there. I couldn't do it either. But I somehow did. May I just say that there was a peace at the end that I can not describe. The limbo was awful. Watching him fail was worse. But once he was gone, I was so relieved. I know that sounds weird. There was just a quiet calm that washed over us and filled us with peace. I sit in dread for you and the road you're traveling. I wish I lived nearer so I could watch your kiddos for you so you can go now. It's the waiting that's terrible.

My prayers are with you. Hang tight. It will be okay.

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Oh Bethany, I was right there last week. Right there. I couldn't do it either. But I somehow did. May I just say that there was a peace at the end that I can not describe. The limbo was awful. Watching him fail was worse. But once he was gone, I was so relieved. I know that sounds weird. There was just a quiet calm that washed over us and filled us with peace. I sit in dread for you and the road you're traveling. I wish I lived nearer so I could watch your kiddos for you so you can go now. It's the waiting that's terrible.

My prayers are with you. Hang tight. It will be okay.




Only it was three years ago and my dad calling about my mom.


And then last year when I found my dad, I told my dh I just couldn't go through all that again. Yet somehow I did.


I know you have a very strong faith. Feel the support. Hold on to your family.



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Bethany, I'm so sorry. I'm continuing to pray for strength for you. I wish I could reach through time and space right now to wrap my arms around you and somehow give you my strength. Hold on to your faith, lean on Him. :grouphug::grouphug: Please drive carefully this afternoon.:grouphug::grouphug:

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