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Could you all pray for dd's safety? We have concerns.

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She's a medic in an area of Michigan that is well, falling apart at the seams. There is the potential of rioting and she works the night shift. EMS crews are all wearing bullet proof vests and helmets for the next few days. She resents the vest and was a little resistant about wearing it until her supervisor pulled rank and got all papa bear on her. She says it restricts movement and makes CPR, amongst other things, more difficult.


You won't read about it on the news, well, not unless something worse happens. Detroit gets all the national news attention.


She already had a close call last night with a cocaine addict so my momma bear instincts are really on edge. Dh isn't saying much but he's looking suddenly old in the face. DD's fiance is a little wigged out. He needs prayer too! He's finding out what we have had to come to grips with in terms of her chosen profession.


Please pray that this community will not riot. It won't solve anything and will only cause more heartache.


Update in post #47



Edited by FaithManor
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So sorry to hear about this. Remind your dd that her first concern is *her* safety...ALWAYS! That she is the most important person on the scene and her partner is the second most important person.


I've had to wear the vests and helmets, too, for similar reasons. It's not fun. It does make some of our more routine procedues a little more difficult; but, scene safety is more important as well as is tuning her senses to the atmosphere of the scene. Remind her not to develop tunnel vision.



If anyone reading this is sensitive, please stop here.





No, I mean it.




Faith, remind your precious one of the START triage system -- we don't work black tags even if they're technically alive. In a riot or otherwise dangerous situation the same principle applies. And if someone needs CPR they're already dead and we probably aren't going to bring them back. Your dd knows all this, of course; but, sometimes a gentle reminder from the old crusty medics is in order. We're old and crusty for a reason.


:grouphug: to you, your dh, and her fiancé.


:grouphug: :grouphug: to your dd. she'll get through this.

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So sorry to hear about this. Remind your dd that her first concern is *her* safety...ALWAYS! That she is the most important person on the scene and her partner is the second most important person.


I've had to wear the vests and helmets, too, for similar reasons. It's not fun. It does make some of our more routine procedues a little more difficult; but, scene safety is more important as well as is tuning her senses to the atmosphere of the scene. Remind her not to develop tunnel vision.



If anyone reading this is sensitive, please stop here.





No, I mean it.




Faith, remind your precious one of the START triage system -- we don't work black tags even if they're technically alive. In a riot or otherwise dangerous situation the same principle applies. And if someone needs CPR they're already dead and we probably aren't going to bring them back. Your dd knows all this, of course; but, sometimes a gentle reminder from the old crusty medics is in order. We're old and crusty for a reason.


:grouphug: to you, your dh, and her fiancé.


:grouphug: :grouphug: to your dd. she'll get through this.


Brehon, I cannot thank you enough! I really, really do appreciate this. I just copied and sent this to her phone. She's on the way to work and will have a few minutes to read it when she arrives. She has just under a year in and while she's absolutely top notch at her job, she also doesn't have any experience with this kind of thing. I am ever so grateful that I have your advice to send her way. She values very much the wisdom of her elders in the profession.


Thank you to everyone. I know we will get through and I know that I will eventually learn not to worry, not to lay awake at night. Well, at least I think I will.



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Brehon, I cannot thank you enough! I really, really do appreciate this. I just copied and sent this to her phone. She's on the way to work and will have a few minutes to read it when she arrives. She has just under a year in and while she's absolutely top notch at her job, she also doesn't have any experience with this kind of thing. I am ever so grateful that I have your advice to send her way. She values very much the wisdom of her elders in the profession.


Thank you to everyone. I know we will get through and I know that I will eventually learn not to worry, not to lay awake at night. Well, at least I think I will.




You're welcome. :001_smile: All my best to her and her colleagues.

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A year in is very, very new...she needs listen to her supervisors. I guarantee they know more than she does regarding the situation and potential violence(says the paramedic who does not always do this :) ). Yeah, CPR IS harder wearing a bullet proof vest, but as brehon pointed out, if you are working a full arrest in this situation, it is probably a trauma arrest with less han a one percent chance of survival. The bottom line is scene safety, which is the very very first thing we teach in EMT class. Your priorities are you, your partner, and thrn your patient. You are no good to anyone if you are hurt or killed. Remind her...if something feels wrong about a scene, it probably is, and she needs to leave immediately. That gut instinct is her VERY MOST important skill as a paramedic.


After years in rural EMS I have recently returned back to the city streets, right smack in the middle of a gang drug dealer turf war. I am relearning all this myself...

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Oh, and remind her to never assume anything...I got assaulted the other day by a little old lady with a cane. Seriously. And you or her can always PMme. Sometimes it is easier to vent/talk to a medic outside your own company/area.



Thank you so much! I'll forward your message.


And wow, from rural to gang war...talk about jumping into the FIRE!


I'll pray for you too!



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Thank you everyone!


She's getting off shift two hrs. late because they were hammered with calls. But, the predicted possibility of riots from protesters and increased violence did not happen. I am sooooooooooooooo relieved. She has tonight off, works Thursday night, and then has a three day weekend off work. I just hope that the situation can be satisfactorily resolved. I understand the community's anger, I really do.


The Hive is wonderful. :001_wub:You all had my family's back when I needed it. That means more to me than I can express in words.


If she comes through Thursday night okay, I have high hopes that the mediators will be able to help resolve things by the time she works again Monday night. I'm pretty certain she is REALLY looking forward to her three day weekend.


Dh and I did get some sleep off and on. Her poor fiance is heading to class (he's a college senior) on nothing...he says he did not get a wink. I wish he were close by so I could hug him, poor boy.


Again, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.



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