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Prayers for my marriage. . .

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I typically don't ever post like this, but I'm in desperate need of prayer for my marriage. I can't go into detail, but I need a miracle and would really appreciate anyone willing to pray or send good thoughts my way.


Thank you. . .

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Praying that your marriage can be saved and that, no matter what happens, you will be happy and content.


I don't know what's going on, but it sounds serious. I hate to mention this right now, but I think it should be said... if there is any possibility that your dh is doing something that will eventually lead to a divorce, please seek legal counsel right now, so you know your rights and so you won't be blindsided by anything that happens later.


I always say that it's best to pray that things will work out, but to be prepared in case they don't.


I'm so sorry you're feeling so worried.

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I typically don't ever post like this, but I'm in desperate need of prayer for my marriage. I can't go into detail, but I need a miracle and would really appreciate anyone willing to pray or send good thoughts my way.


Thank you. . .



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I do appreciate all the responses - I didn't get much sleep last night and don't feel much better today, but it means a lot to know people are praying.


:grouphug: You are very much in my thoughts! Do you have a lot of family around you?

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