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Dating myself . . . where were you on this day in 1969?

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Today is the anniversary of the first moon landing . . .


I had just turned 6 and recall watching the fuzzy black and white pictures on our little TV in the trailer we lived in . . . made my dad drive all over to every Gulf gas station as they were giving away a commemorative book free with fill up. I still have that book. Were you here? Do you remember? :D

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I was probably asleep in my crib in our church parsonage. My dad was a pastor of a teensy little county church in Ky. All I remember is the green carpet, the concrete porch, skinning my knees and tearing my tights when I fell running to the church, and the sweet neighbor boys getting off the school bus. :D

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I had just turned 4, but since we lived on the northeast coast of FL, all things space were huge. I have vague memories of the excitement in my home. I have other memories of watching rockets going up from the top bar of my swingset. :) Those were cool years to be a kid. :)

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I was 3 months old, on a blanket with my parents on the back patio of family friends, while they all watched on a tiny b&w set. It was very high tech, as it was plugged into an extension cord that snaked out of a window. I'm told I was completely uninterested. :001_smile:

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I was sitting in our cozy little family room in our 1960's rambler-style home in California, watching the moon landing with my parents and brother and probably wearing my brother's hand-me-downs. :) I remember running outside to look at the moon to see if I could see them. In my memory, not only is the TV show black and white, but I am black and white too. :)

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8 years old, Angels Stadium in Californai. The game hadn't started yet and they broadcast the final moments of the Eagle's landing, then fireworks were set off (in daylight). I loved astronomy and begged my dad to leave the game so we could get home to the tv.

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I was 5, and I was snuggled up on the couch with my 17yo sister and the rest of the family watching on our black and white.


This thread reminds me that I am old enough to be mom to a lot of you. :001_smile:

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I was 6 years old, glued to the television set in our living room, and surrounded by a bunch of neighbors that had been invited over to watch on our (apparently novel) 19" color TV. My mom loved any excuse for a party and had us all pretty pumped up about it.


We were a little surprised when the pictures finally came in, though, and they were in black and white. I remember the neighbor ladies trying to get my parents to explain why our color TV wouldn't work right for the "moon pictures".

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Threads like these remind me that I'm actually old enough to be a grandmother instead of a mother with young children. No wonder I'm always so tired. :D


Well, I'm both a grandmother AND a mother of youngish children (11) and that is exactly why I am so tired!:lol:

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