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at the crazy lady's house tonight. She called just after 5pm, and said "so you'll be coming for supper at 6 tonight." It wasn't a question. I was confused because my first thought was that my dh had forgotten to tell me about an invitation. But, no. THAT was the invitation.


I declined.


And, since I had my hands full making our own supper for tonight, I told her I'd get back to her if she could email me some acceptable dates for another evening. :D

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That was selfish of you!

I would love to read a review of an evening at HER house. :lol:

And I'm so dying to know how and what she might cook. Probably free-trade organic rice cakes with homemade free-range hummus. :tongue_smilie:

(That was a lame attempt at a joke.)


My neighbor talks like that, in command form instead of questions. Drives me nuts. She will call mid-day on Christmas and say, "So you are coming over to swim in an hour. I already have the pool heated up."

Um. No. I do actually, you know, like to plan things a bit more in advance than that. Especially on major holidays. :glare:

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Oh my. I'm not sure I'd be up for that either yet. What a strange bird you found!!


On the other hand, you'll have to go eventually, because we're all dying to hear how it goes!! :D



I think we will go eventually, but certainly not on less than an hour's "notice!" And, absolutely not when I have a pan of chicken florentine lasagna in the oven already -- which we'll be eating as soon as dh is finished making the salad.

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I think we will go eventually, but certainly not on less than an hour's "notice!" And, absolutely not when I have a pan of chicken florentine lasagna in the oven already -- which we'll be eating as soon as dh is finished making the salad.


But don't you know that you were making the WRONG thing?! Seriously, though, Audrey, you are so much more gracious even in declining this invitation that I think I could manage to be. I don't think I would be able to hide my shocked indignation at being commanded to appear.

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I would love to have been a fly on her wall after that call. Cause you know she's been stewing all week with her plans for teaching you how to cook. And you're not ready for the first big lesson?!!!


Enjoy your own homemade dinner, it sounds lovely.

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us


:iagree: :D

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us

I hate to put you in a bind, but :iagree:. If you can find a way to wear the hat-cam or the lapel-cam we will greatly appreciate it.

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I hate to put you in a bind, but :iagree:. If you can find a way to wear the hat-cam or the lapel-cam we will greatly appreciate it.


Oh! THIS! Oh that would just be tooo much fun!


I could make you a headcovering to conceal a small spy camera. Just putting that out there...



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That was selfish of you! NOW what am I supposed to do for late-night reading? The floosy thread is fizzling!




I think we will go eventually, but certainly not on less than an hour's "notice!" And, absolutely not when I have a pan of chicken florentine lasagna in the oven already -- which we'll be eating as soon as dh is finished making the salad.


That is way to sane of reasoning. Remember, you are taking a trip into the land of crazy for us... No logic allowed:D

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Guest submarines


I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us


:iagree:Was it realy that much trouble to drop everything and go? :glare:

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I think we will go eventually, but certainly not on less than an hour's "notice!" And, absolutely not when I have a pan of chicken florentine lasagna in the oven already -- which we'll be eating as soon as dh is finished making the salad.


Seriously. Very selfish. In an hour, I can put myself together (shower, makeup and all), get the kids put together, and probably even throw in a load of laundry and clean a bathroom or two. Certainly you could have taken your dinner out of the oven and saved it for tomorrow. Call her now. Tell her you'll be right over. There's plenty of time.



I hate to put you in a bind, but :iagree:. If you can find a way to wear the hat-cam or the lapel-cam we will greatly appreciate it.


YES!!!! Please??????


:iagree:Was it realy that much trouble to drop everything and go? :glare:


This is what I am saying!!!!! Really now. Doesn't she realize that we are all anxiously awaiting a report?????? How rude. (Said in my best Stephanie Tanner voice - pout and all.) :glare:

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Does anyone remember the original version of Little Shop of Horrors? I think it was black and white and ends with Seymour blooming as part of the plant while saying "I didn't mean it" or something like that.


Anyhoo, near the beginning, Seymour brings his girlfriend over for dinner (cooked by his mom) and she serves up a rather scary "healthy" meal. Of course it's been about 35 years since I've seen it, so if anyone has a better memory, help me out. Listerine, stuff like that. I can just picture this crazy lady serving up a meal like that. After all, she did say Audrey needed to learn how to cook! :D

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I hate to put you in a bind, but :iagree:. If you can find a way to wear the hat-cam or the lapel-cam we will greatly appreciate it.


:iagree: When I saw the thread, I started reading it aloud and my husband yelled "woohoo!" He is very disappointed you didn't want to take one for the team this evening.

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This is the couple that is having trouble making friends? :lol:


Less than an hour notice?! How would she ever have time to accommodate your dietary needs. :tongue_smilie:


I would request Chilean Sea Bass. I don't remember who posted this, but someone requested the sea bass when they were invited to another person's house. Whenever I see weird invites I think of Chilean sea bass. :lol:

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Less than an hour notice?! How would she ever have time to accommodate your dietary needs. :tongue_smilie:


I would request Chilean Sea Bass. I don't remember who posted this, but someone requested the sea bass when they were invited to another person's house. Whenever I see weird invites I think of Chilean sea bass. :lol:




Oh this is too great! I would totally request Chilean Sea Bass... if I ate fish! :P :lol:

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Oh my. I'm not sure I'd be up for that either yet. What a strange bird you found!!


On the other hand, you'll have to go eventually, because we're all dying to hear how it goes!! :D




I keep popping in on these crazy lady threads whenever I feel like having a good laugh. I'm sorry for the grief she's caused, but man does she create some great stories to tell!

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I would love to read a review of an evening at HER house. :lol:

And I'm so dying to know how and what she might cook. Probably free-trade organic rice cakes with homemade free-range hummus. :tongue_smilie:

(That was a lame attempt at a joke.)



Are the chickpeas grain finished? That's a deal breaker.


I think we will go eventually, but certainly not on less than an hour's "notice!" And, absolutely not when I have a pan of chicken florentine lasagna in the oven already -- which we'll be eating as soon as dh is finished making the salad.


You need to get your priorities straight! Grab your tabletop compost crock and start scraping some grass quinoa risotto off your plate like a big girl!



Oh. My. Word.


Can you block her number? I mean, really, this lady has some serious screws loose. I'd stop taking her calls.


YOU are going to ruin this for the rest of us!


:iagree: When I saw the thread, I started reading it aloud and my husband yelled "woohoo!" He is very disappointed you didn't want to take one for the team this evening.


This IS a rare cross-over post. I don't relay many stories from my Invisible-friends, but now and then I just have to tell DH about a good one.

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Recipe? I want to move in your house so that you can cook for me. Sounds like you're much better at it. :D



My recipe isn't a real, on paper recipe, but it goes together like this:


For a 9 x 13 pan you need:

10-12 lasagna noodles

2 cups diced or shredded leftover roast chicken (you can leave the skin in there if you like -- I do.)

about 6 cups spinach (I think -- I just use about 6 huge hand-fulls)

about 2 cups sliced mushrooms

1 medium diced onion

2 cups ricotta cheese

Seasonings are (all dried): thyme, marjoram, salt and pepper (about a 1/2 tsp of each)

and, then make a 4-cup batch of bechamel


Pre-cook lasagna noodles about half-done (they cook more in the pan).


In a skillet, add some olive oil or butter or both and saute the onions and mushrooms until they are both lightly golden. Add the chicken and heat through. Add the spinach, thyme, marjoram, salt and peppper, and saute until spinach is wilted nicely.


Spread a bit of bechamel over the bottom of the pan, then lay down a layer of noodles, top with half the chicken/spinach, then dollops of half of the ricotta, then about a cup of bechamel. Put another layer of noodles, top with the rest of the chicken/spinach, dollops of the rest of the ricotta, then another cup of bechamel. Add a final layer of noodles and pour the rest of the bechamel over it all.


Let the lasagna sit for an hour before baking. Bake at 350°F for an hour. Let it rest about 15-20 minutes before cutting and serving.


This is quite rich and filling, and I can usually get 3 meals out of this for the 3 of us.

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Nah, I think Hyacinth has more class than Crazy Lady.

Hyacinth's issues stem from her paranoia that someone might find out she's related to Crazy Lady.

This IS a rare cross-over post. I don't relay many stories from my Invisible-friends, but now and then I just have to tell DH about a good one.


Yeah. It's a very rare thing that I keep him abreast of the board goings-on. He was so aghast at the crazy woman during the first thread, I had to keep him updated.

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This is the couple that is having trouble making friends? :lol:


Less than an hour notice?! How would she ever have time to accommodate your dietary needs. :tongue_smilie:


I would request Chilean Sea Bass. I don't remember who posted this, but someone requested the sea bass when they were invited to another person's house. Whenever I see weird invites I think of Chilean sea bass. :lol:



I remember that thread!!


Found it!! That was classic! :lol:

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