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are the boards running slow for anyone else?

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It has been the same way for me on here for the last day or so.... (Now I'll wait about 2 minutes for this small statement to upload....)


ETA: Oops. Sorry for the double-post. The earlier one didn't seem to show up (at least initially)....

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It seems like it's taking forever for pages to load. Not sure if it's the site or my pc...but I'm not having trouble anywhere else.


Yes and IE keeps giving me error pages saying there is a connection problem. Only with this board and usually only on the general board.

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It seems a little better now but for a while I was having flashbacks to the dial up days. Gosh, I am spoiled...


When the board gets glitchy there also seems to be problems with multiple/duplicate posts. I've noticed a number of those in the past few days.

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Bumping this from last week - this site has been extreeeemely, agonizingly slow for me the past few days, and especially today. I'm wondering whether it's an issue with a security filter with my ISP, or whether it's the site itself. It's driving me bonkers.

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Very slow for a few days now. Glad to know it's not just me. I have noticed that their site traffic seems to be pretty high these days so maybe their server is just not big enough to handle the increase. Hopefully they will be able to do something to improve response time soon.

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Very slow for a few days now. Glad to know it's not just me. I have noticed that their site traffic seems to be pretty high these days so maybe their server is just not big enough to handle the increase. Hopefully they will be able to do something to improve response time soon.


Typical for conference season - new folks learn about TWTM et al while at conferences and up goes the traffic.


Slightly painful, but perhaps with good reason, aye?

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