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Very bad day... and how long till CPS shows up? LONG

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So I woke up this morning like normal. Got up, made coffee. Sat down to work. Worked 10 minutes and then no work available. Fine. Did a few things. Still no work. So decided to go grocery shopping. All the kids want to go so we pile in the car and head off.


First stop? Sam's Club. All is well, get that done and we pile in the car again, off to Wal*Mart.


Then the trouble begins.


Ds3 wanted a toy. I said no. We weren't even going to the toy section. He starts whining. I keep going, hoping he will stop and quiet down. He keeps it up. We get back to the dairy section (I always start in the back of the store and work my way forward) He asks for a toy again. Again I say no.


At this point my blood is starting to simmer. He has been whining for about 5 minutes. In the store.


So he flops down on the floor. I go over and ask him if he wants to get in the cart (with a little anger in the voice I might add). He ignores me. I get down to him and tell him he better answer me or we are going home and he will regret it. He continues to not answer, and now he is whaling.


SOOooo.... I take his hand and start out of the store with a detour to pick up dd14 at the book section. She peeks around the corner, hearing her brother complaining and I wave at her to come. I head out of the store. I get to the front and realize I don't see dd behind me. *Sigh* Thinking she is lagging I still head to the car and get ds3 in the seat and buckle it. Still no dd. Grrr. Ds3 is still crying. I can't send in ds10 after her as he would get lost trying to find her. I wait a couple more minutes. No dd.


*SIGH* I drag (still whimpering) ds3 out of the car and put him in the cart.


Now, when I put him in the cart it was none to gentle. I admit it. It wasn't exactly the way I should have but I "dropped" him in with a little more force than was warranted. I admit my mistake. Golly, don't lambaste me for it please.


The lady getting out of her car was apparently unaware of my disposition at that point. She prefaced with "Is that really necessary?" I ignore her and go in to get dd14.


We come out. Guess who is waiting? Oh yes. The lady who can't mind her own. I put ds in the car, buckled his seat (I was calming down by this point, but still just wanted to go home.) and shut the door.


What do I hear? .... Again? "Was that really necessary to put him in the cart that way? :001_huh: At this time she was on the passenger side of my car, I was on the drivers side.


Me: Mam, I appreciate what you are trying to do but it isn't helping.

Her: Well I thought I was being nice about it.

Me: I realize that but when a mama is angry that isn't the way to do it.

Her: Something I don't remember.

Me: blah, blah, blah (don't remember) Not your concern.

Her: It is everyone's concern when it is child abuse.:001_huh::mad:

Me: No, my business, not yours.


OK, Now I realize at this point I should have rolled my eyes and got in the car and carried on. However I just wasn't in that frame of mind.


Her: Yes it is my business.

Me: (In my outside voice) It is *NOT* your business, just go into the store and stay out of *MY* business.


I then get in my car, as I am getting in my car I her her say to the lady with her "Yea let's get it, what is it?" They are looking at the back of my car.


So I think they took my plates down. So this is where I ask... how long until CPS shows? I just know that woman is going to exaggerate what happened.


I get home, unload on the hubs :D who is properly indignant for me and wonders how int he world the woman thought she was being nice. She was actually very confrontational.


Fast forward about 2 hours and I get an email from work. My contract hasn't been renewed and I am out of a job. Hubs and I both worked part time to make one full time job. So we have lost half our income.


So, if you pray, will you pray for me. If you have good vibes, send them my way? If you know of an online job that doesn't involve phones could you pm me?


Thank you all if you made it this far. I feels good to unload on someone other than dh.

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Last I heard it isn't "child abuse" to put a kid in a cart less than gently. What a dimwitted lady. I think you are fine. CPS will chock her up as a crazy lady if she calls and says some woman at Walmart didn't put her child in the cart gently enough.

I'm so sorry about the job. :( What a cruddy day overall. Praying tomorrow is better for you. :(

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You weren't abusing your child. You shouldn't have to defend yourself to a busybody with too much time on her hands. I doubt CPS will contact you, but you might want to get the house extra-clean just in case. And be very careful of every word you say if you do have to discuss the situation, because your words may get used against you.


When things calm down for you, you might want to explore more efficient ways of getting kids to mind, but really, you've had all you can take today. Get some rest.

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Honey, I'm so sorry. . . . :grouphug:


To have both situations in one day - just - stinks.


I'll bet you won't hear from CPS. Goodness, don't they have legitimate complaints to follow up on?


I will pray for you. I can completely empathize with the whole "work" thing.

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Praying for you. She sounds like a nutcase with too much time on her hands... In my own experience (as a mandated reporter), CPS is a very busy service - they generally have to pick their battles, and what you're describing doesn't sound like something to pursue IMHO... Crazy lady clearly doesn't have a 3 yr old at home - I call mine a "threenager" sometimes ;)


Praying you find a job perfect for you ASAP as well.



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She will call the hotline, give the information, and the screener (and their overseers) will screen it out. You won't likely get a visit. However, if they decide that it is a big deal based off of what she says, someone will be there within X amount of time. What that timeframe is really depends on what is said and what level the screener (and overseers) believe it is. If that happens, they'll knock on the door, chat with y'all, look over the kid, and probably close the case with no issue.


Relax. Unless your house is unhealthily filthy, I wouldn't even clean it. Seriously, they expect you to live in the house. I couldn't believe the accounts of what CPS left my kids in filth-wise. I'm gonna assume you're a bit more normal than that.

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You weren't abusing your child. You shouldn't have to defend yourself to a busybody with too much time on her hands. I doubt CPS will contact you, but you might want to get the house extra-clean just in case. And be very careful of every word you say if you do have to discuss the situation, because your words may get used against you.


When things calm down for you, you might want to explore more efficient ways of getting kids to mind, but really, you've had all you can take today. Get some rest.


I agree with the above. The only thing that bothers me is that if she had a friend with her, then you have TWO witnesses rather than ONE single crazy lady. It's possible they will take it seriously because it's two people. :grouphug:


I would have the house clean and food in the pantry in case they look (they looked when my brother's house was investigated, granted, in their case the freezer was full of booze and the fridge full of moldy food).


You may get a visit, but I don't think what you did was abuse and I'm sure they will see it the same way. :grouphug:

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I said it in singular form, "that woman" and in reality, there were 2 women, which is plural. I made a mistake in how many people she had yapping at her.



Ohhh duh *smacks forehead* I didn't make the correlation of one*mom to your name. I was just thinking one mom against two women and it jsust wasn't making sense.


Got it now!

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I said it in singular form, "that woman" and in reality, there were 2 women, which is plural. I made a mistake in how many people she had yapping at her.




No NO, I mean you, one*mom, and I were OF the same MIND.

Next time I'll try not to be clever and just use the old :iagree:.:D

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Having been through unsubstantiated CPS reports...


IF they come over, they'll talk to you to find out what happened. They'll talk to your kids without you present. They'll see that your kids are happy and healthy, and everything will be fine. You should probably go ahead and clean up anything blatantly unsanitary (dishes that have obviously been lying around for days, or anything worse than that), but they didn't even comment on our compost bucket, if they noticed it at all. And, from what I understand, normal signs that the house is lived in by reasonable people (kid clutter, that sort of thing) are generally seen as positive signs, so don't stress if things aren't perfect.


I know it's horribly stressful, but CPS doesn't have the resources to put too much effort into cases where there isn't blatant abuse. I know there are stories of rogue social workers with an agenda, and I'm sure some are true, but they're the exception.

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No NO, I mean you, one*mom, and I were OF the same MIND.

Next time I'll try not to be clever and just use the old :iagree:.:D


If I drank, I'd drink. :iagree: :D


It's been a weird day for me too.


Thank God everyone is headed to bed and I get some quiet time around here. :)

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:grouphug: sorry mama. Hope things get better. One of my kids went through a freak-out over public toilets, which unfortunately peaked in the middle of a 12 hour road trip. When she was completely hysterical in a gas station restroom in NV, some lady banged on the stall door (while I was trying to distract her with my iphone and talking quietly to her) and accused me of hurting my kid and threatened to "call the law" on me. It's really traumatic and scary to be confronted like that. I shook for miles after we drove away.

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Been there! It still makes me angry to think about it two years later! Busybodies! :grouphug:


I had this crazy lady go off on me for letting my dd3 walk a bit behind me in the park (no roads or other dangers nearby). I was waiting in line for ice cream with my kids, so I was a captive audience as she attacked repeatedly (in front of my kids and other families). Finally I left the line and told my kids "we're going." She then followed me and said "I'm sorry, please don't leave, I'm worried for your children" - meaning I was going to get my kids alone and abuse them! ARGH!


For the record, my kids are still alive two years later!

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Ugh, isn't that the worst? I have my own horror story about that, too.


Once when dd was an infant and I was in the middle of a four hour road trip, we were just pulling into a restaurant so I could have lunch when dd started choking and turning blue. It was winter and dd didn't have a coat on, but I freaked out (sleep-deprived as I was) and brought her inside so someone could help me. We were parked literally directly in front of the door, and she was outside for maybe two seconds.


Naturally, dd coughed out whatever was clogging her throat as I rushed her in. :001_rolleyes:


When we got in, this woman went off on me for having my baby in the cold with no coat. I explained what had happened, that dd was choking and I thought I needed help, but nope, not good enough for psycho-lady-that-probably-has-no-children. She stands there, in the middle of a crowded restaurant, yelling at me that I'm a child abuser and when children are abused, it's everyone's business and she should call the police right there. She must have screamed at me for ten minutes while I stood there in shock. She kept grabbing at dd's hands and feet and seemed really annoyed that she didn't have frostbite or something.


Yeah, it sucks. This happened three years ago, and I still get shaky and upset just thinking about it.



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We all have mono would you guys like me to go cough on these horrible people for you :001_smile:


My son has autism let's just say I have been on the end of well meaning people telling me how to parent. Ecleast I know others have had a bad day too kind of makes me feel not so alone!

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I'm sorry, what a horrible, no good day. I'm so sorry about your job.


I'm sorry about incident. She probably doesn't have children or if she did she has forgotten what it is like to have a 3 year old. What a nitwit, her not you.



If it helps, she is most likely the one ol' bat in her neighborhood who is into everyone's bizness and no one likes her as a result. Sorry you had a horrid day. :grouphug:

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I can just hear the call now:

Busybody: This lady in Walmart wasn't gentle when she put her screaming 3 year old in the cart.


CPS: Did she hit him?


BB: Well, no, but I have her tag number.


CPS: Could the child possibly have been injured? Was anyone on drugs?


BB: Well, she really could have been nicer about it. And I have her tag number...


CPS: Ma'am, you don't have any children, do you?


Sorry your day sucked. I hope the next one is better. And really, you have been in Walmart enough to know that the only acceptable response next time is to let the child scream. CPS would have to put in a branch office at Walmart, right next to the nail salon, if people reported tantrumming kids in





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So sorry . . . this is where I can live without "the village".


My 14yo autistic son (who is 5'2" and 150lbs) had a meltdown at the public library which included biting my dh as dh attempted to remove him. The library security guard called the police, claiming my dh punched our son in the face. My son was flailing around, screaming, etc. At no time did anyone ask my dh if they could help. The problem is our son appears normal, but anyone who spends 5 seconds trying to talk to him will realize he is not. Anyway, the police came and detained my dh (no charges were filed) and took pictures of our son (no evidence of having been punched). We were told DCFS would be notified. It was a nightmare. This was in December and, happily, we have never heard from anyone else. My son is now on stronger meds, which is good, but we are still nervous about going out in public as we can never be sure what may set him off. We decided if there is a repeat of the meltdown we will call for paramedics to come sedate him, but that is a sad behavior management plan to have.


DCFS have bigger fish to fry, I doubt you will hear from them, but your experience was unfortunate. It's nice to know "Big Brother and Sister" are watching and ready to turn decent parents in for the slightest thing. What is frightening about these cases is parents are often considered guilty until they can prove innocence.:glare:

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So sorry . . . this is where I can live without "the village".


My 14yo autistic son (who is 5'2" and 150lbs) had a meltdown at the public library which included biting my dh as dh attempted to remove him. The library security guard called the police, claiming my dh punched our son in the face. My son was flailing around, screaming, etc. At no time did anyone ask my dh if they could help. The problem is our son appears normal, but anyone who spends 5 seconds trying to talk to him will realize he is not. Anyway, the police came and detained my dh (no charges were filed) and took pictures of our son (no evidence of having been punched). We were told DCFS would be notified. It was a nightmare. This was in December and, happily, we have never heard from anyone else. My son is now on stronger meds, which is good, but we are still nervous about going out in public as we can never be sure what may set him off. We decided if there is a repeat of the meltdown we will call for paramedics to come sedate him, but that is a sad behavior management plan to have.


DCFS have bigger fish to fry, I doubt you will hear from them, but your experience was unfortunate. It's nice to know "Big Brother and Sister" are watching and ready to turn decent parents in for the slightest thing. What is frightening about these cases is parents are often considered guilty until they can prove innocence.:glare:



We had a very similar incident, at a Wal-Mart. Geez, what is it about Wal-Mart?!?!


Background info: Ds18 has a diagnosis of Autism and MR. If he isn't exhibiting a bizarre behavior or something, he looks and appears very "normal." Although potty trained for many years now, ds18 (16 at the time), can occasionally soil himself. The other bit of info is that certain places, such as some public restrooms, really freak him out. We're pretty sure it's a sensory thing, since we've noticed similarities in the environments (low lighting, a certain acoustic quality to the room, etc). Anyway...


We were shopping and noticed a whiff of something. Sure enough, ds had an accident and had soiled himself. So...dh goes to take ds to the bathroom while I continue shopping with the other 3 children. Dh heads to the back of the store to go to the family bathroom since it's larger and private. The plan is simply to remove the soiled underwear, throw them away, clean ds up with soap and paper towels, and put the shorts back on (since they were clean).


Well, a lot of time passed and I continued to shop. Dh finally came out. He was exasperated, and quite drained. Turns out ds did not want to go in that bathroom, which of course was not negotiable. So, dh had to physically make him go in. Once in the family bathroom, ds fought the whole process. From experience, I know this means that ds was screaming, and probably slamming himself into the wall. He will literally throw his shoulder and side of his body into the wall when he is frustrated, etc. Poor dh was exhausted from having to physically redirect a child that probably outweighed him at the time.


Well, dh moves on with ds to grab some things from the grocery side of the store while I stay and look at the calendars. Next thing I notice is 2 policemen coming through in the store, heading toward the back (where customer service and the family bathroom are). I knew right away what was happening. Sure enough, they come back out and somehow know I'm the mom. (I guess whoever called had connected dh and ds to myself and the other kids, even though we didn't go to the bathroom).


They were polite and asked me if I had a son, blahblahblah. I said yes, and about that time dh and ds reappeared with the milk, etc. I explained briefly about ds and his issues. Of course, the whole while, ds is bouncing up and down, flapping his hands in the air, while dh maintains a firm grip to keep him from running off. The officer asks if he can look at ds, and I say sure. So, he attempts to get a good gander at him whilst he is jumping up and down, etc. He then asks to speak to dh away from us. Dh goes with the 2 officers toward the front.


I'm left there trying to hold a bouncing, overworked and stressed out ds. I immediately call a good friend who is married to a policeman, and he immediately puts a call into the station explaining how he knows us, and to alert the officers on scene that we're good people, etc. Well, dh comes back and the officers had been very nice, explained why they had come out (some employee in customer service heard all the commotion and assumed dh was in a physical fight with his son). They tell dh that they can tell that ds is well taken care of, and they're sorry to have to bother him. Turns out my friend's hubby's call hadn't even gone through yet, so the officers had shown good sense without any interference from friend's dh. But I always worry about the "what ifs." What if the officers hadn't had good sense?


I hate people who can't mind their own business, and who lack common sense.

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Sorry your family went through that . . .


My son was all smiles when the police took his picture. He told my dh "Sorry I bit you, Daddy" in front of the cops without prompting.


Later that day, when I verbally reprimanded him for being sassy he looked right at me and said he'd call the police on me (I told him that would be fine and we could tell the police all about his bad behavior).


99% of the time our family is very normal and happy. But some days I am so not looking forward to the future as he gets older.

Edited by jelbe5
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I try hard not the judge when I am out as there are days when I am the frazzled mom. Be sure you have them pull the video from the store so they get the whole picture, not just the parking lot. That way you have motive.


Sorry you lost your job.

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Sorry about the job. I hope something comes along soon. :grouphug:


That woman hasn't spent time in a store with a 3 yr. old lately, I'm pretty sure.


I also have an Aspie boy who could throw some doozies, and required physical force to remove from a situation.


The worst experience I had, though, was with my god daughter when she was 2. I was babysitting her for a weekend and had taken her to a park to play. She did not want to leave when it was time, and started having a major tantrum. I tried to let her calm down, but at that point, we really had to be going. She was shrieking and got herself all rigid like a board. I literally had to put my arm across her hips and pelvis to get her body to bend to fit her into the carseat. People were staring at us, but nobody actually said anything. I just felt like at any minute the police were going to show up.

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