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Have you ever been a recipient of a boardie's act of kindness?

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Yes, I have been blessed by a few people MANYtimes. This is such a special place!!!


I have been blessed by MANY people countless times by advice, support, words of encouragement here.


Jean is a SWEETHEART!!! But she has never delivered dinner to me. I am sure she will use distance as the reason. What about that saying "The road between friends is never too long," or something like that???

Edited by Denisemomof4
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YES! Beyond the words of encouragement and advice from so many I've never met in person, Little Izumi let me come over to her house and she taught me how to knit. It was some desperately needed time out of the house for me and I didn't have to be alone (I usually go to the library) but I like talking.


Linguist Mama told me about a Yahoo group for a homeschooling group that meets in our area. Again, very desperately needed.


Veritaserum taught my childbirth class. I may have paid her :D but I would not have managed a natural birth without it. I will be forever grateful for her expertise.


And Natasha in DFW is a great friend.

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Much encouragement, an offer of science museum passes, and Nicole M gave me some fabulous science curriculum she could have easily sold.



Well, I know someone whose name begins with K who is also great at passing on blessings! Henry and Mudge still get tons of use and our (your) easel is a favorite. :D And let us not forget the recipes...


Years ago, someone sent me a pair of mini bongos for a Christmas present for my son. And someone else mailed me several boxes of oreo crumbs (not sold here) all the way from Texas! She wouldn't accept any money for them, either.

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Natalieclaire, it was so fun to help you for a change. What Natalieclaire isn't telling you is that she has blessed me many times as well. She had me over to dinner a few months ago and I almost didn't go home since I loved it so much there!


I'm afraid that if I mention specific people that I'll forget someone. If I do, please know that my kids tell me that my brain is a sieve.;)


Roughcollie and I became friends when she sent my dd her teenage dd's American Girl doll.


Needleroozer has delivered dinner to me during some desperate times of my own.


Patty Joanna is the one who introduced me to the WTM board and has helped me so much with curriculum.


So many other people have helped with prayers and advice.

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Guest submarines

:DYes! livingnlearning sent my DD a pair of awesome riding pants, for free, with a lovely note inside, and some Young Rider magazines as well. :001_wub:

Thank you!!!!


Not to mention all the horse related advice :D. I'm sure I exasperate you all with my endless horse questions. :001_huh: Thank you, simka, and others.


And many kind PM's when I was feeling low. :001_smile:

Edited by sunflowers
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Yes, I have been blessed by a few people MANYtimes. This is such a special place!!!


I have been blessed by MANY people countless times by advice, support, words of encouragement here.


Jean is a SWEETHEART!!! But she has never delivered dinner to me. I am sure she will use distance as the reason. What about that saying "The road between friends is never too long," or something like that???


Denise - you send me a plane ticket and I'll deliver dinner to you!:D:D:D

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Patty Joanna drove for hours in treacherous winter weather to meet me at a book store and talk to me. I was a complete stranger, and that meeting played a part in a change of course for my life. I will never be able to thank her enough! I have promised to pass on that act whenever I can!

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Denise - you send me a plane ticket and I'll deliver dinner to you!:D:D:D


i just may do that!


NatalieclaRe, your avatar always makes me hungry! I love, love, love eclairs! I sooooooooooo shouldn't have one. Can you change the avatar to a nice picture of raw liver? It may help my problematic craving at the moment.....;)

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Breaking my board fast of 4 months to shout, "Heck to the yeah!" A certain someone, who shall remain nameless [cough, cough, sputter natalie cough, cough] let me invite myself and my family over to her house for 4 days.


I have received many other kinds words during low times and a phone call during my last miscarriage.



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In addition to the prayers, encouragement, and wonderful advice I have received, I have been "materially" blessed by you wonderful homeschoolers on this Board, as well:


Twice, most unexpectedly, people on this Board have sent me a free book -- at their own postage cost!


Another time, I sent a detailed schedule and information to a lady on this Board and she blessed me with an unexpected gift certificate to Amazon!


Another time I was trying to find a sample of Omnibus, and a lovely lady took the time to scan an entire chapter and email it to me so I could see it first-hand!


Our family drove several hours to another city and got to meet another Board family (she was my original online homeschool mentor!) at a museum -- our first or second year of homeschooling years ago -- and she picked up the admission for all of us! And in a week and a half, I'm going to get to meet another Boardie and her DC when they drive to our city! :)



People have often tracked down old threads, specific book titles, and other details that I have requested... Not to mention all the fabulous "finds" and links people share all the time, from their own research. The list goes on. I must say, I have to work hard to keep up with all you generous ladies in trying to "pass it on". ;) Thank you all! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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Yep, lots of times and things.


Opened new universes, put up with my incessant questioning, guided me to questions that closed forever an absolute nightmare for me, provided me with book titles, new trains of thought, SWB - well...geez, what do you say about that? That whole thing has just transformed us.


My life is not what it might have been this last year if it hadn't been for the support and connections here. I'm way better off for it, we all are...:001_smile:

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Patty Joanna drove for hours in treacherous winter weather to meet me at a book store and talk to me. I was a complete stranger, and that meeting played a part in a change of course for my life. I will never be able to thank her enough! I have promised to pass on that act whenever I can!


Patty Joanna, Milovany, Astrid, Kristavws, Nono...you're all very close to my heart!



I ADORE my WTM friends! :grouphug:

Edited by Alenee
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I can only tell you that every single person I have met IRL from these boards has been very kind and I was sent some items for free and for shipping only from some very giving people on this board.



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Someone mailed me a box of boys clothes for free (I only had to pay shipping). That was very sweet! (She offered it to anybody who wanted it, and I happened to be the first to take her up on it).


I later repaid that kindness by doing the same thing with a box of my daughter's outgrown pants and jeans.


I've also sent people complete schedules for the year for OM for the grades I've used (it comes as weekly schedules, I've put several of the years together as daily schedules, and have provided it to a few people who have asked).


It's nice to read these stories and see the sense of community here. :)

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YES! I feel so blessed by these boards! I've received pm's of encouragement from members that truly touched my heart and altered the way I thought, did things, etc for the better.


Nakia was kind enough to pm me back & forth last year when dh and I were planning a trip to the mountains (without kids). We had the best weekend thanks to her advice and recommendations!

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Yes! A couple of years ago Molly was exploring the oboe. She played the flute but her heart was with the beautiful sound of that double-reed instrument. They are kind of specialized instruments, so I asked here whether anyone had experience buying one-- was it better to go through a dealer, local music store, local seller, etc.


Lo and behold, sweet Perry pm'd me and offered Molly her old one. She shipped it to us, and it served her well until we upgraded this fall. It sparked a love of the instrument that has changed her life. We are eternally grateful to her generosity and kindness.


There are so many others who have offered advice, hugs, and a laugh or two. I count myself so fortunate to be a part of this community.



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Yes, in 2003 someone gave me a whole box of free cloth diapers for my son who turned out to be very allergic to any disposable.


He wore those diapers and potty trained early (like they all say).


And then we used them again and again. :D


There was still life in them when we were finished and we blessed another local family when we were cleaning out to move.


They live on.

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I certainly have!


My boys now have an entire binder full of coins from all over the world, due to the generosity of over a DOZEN boardies. I posted several months ago, wondering if any board members outside the US would be willing to send coins, as my boys are big into coin collecting. I could not believe how many pm's I got, offering to send coins. And not a single boardie would let me pay them for shipping. Not one. And I know that many, if not most of them, spent MUCH more just to send the coins than the coins were worth.


My boys look through their coin album all the time. They absolutely LOVE it, and add to it when they can. I suspect it will get MUCH use for MANY years to come. And to me, it represents many acts of generosity and kindness.

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Yes I have. Two years ago I was trying to recover from my divorce and I was having a difficult time sleeping. Someone said 'you need new bedding'. Rosie said, 'What you need is a quilt'. And suddenly squares for a quilt were being gathered by Marianne which she mailed to me. Soon after I received the box full of quilt squares I, moved. Then I met my dh and was married with in 3 months. So although I have yet to get the squares made into a quilt, the beautiful box (full of the squares and all the notes sent with each square) sits on my chest of drawers next to my bed.


Everyone I tell that story to thinks this is the sweetest board in the world.

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I received so much kindness from people on this board. When my ds passed away - many, many sent financial gifts and cards. One dear lady sent my children special gifts. Another traveled to be at my son's funeral. I will never forget the kindness of these amazing people here. I tried to thank them all, but in my haze and confusion I can never quite remember if I got to everyone or not.

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