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S/O motivated moms thread. Do you empty the trash daily even if it's not full?

How often do you empty your trash?  

  1. 1. How often do you empty your trash?

    • Each bag is tied off and dumped, only clean bags here when I wake up!
    • We dump reunite one bag to take out, reusing the other bags.
    • We only take each separate bg out epwhen that specific bag is full.
    • Other: please share how you deal with trash.

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After answering the motivated moms threading was looking at my app and deciding which odd the daily tasks I could "hide" because they don't apply to my life. It got me wondering do you empty all trash cans daily, or just when they are full?


Poll is coming.


ETA: option two should read "we dump it into one bag to take out, reusing the other bags". Darn iPad auto correct. Who would need to reunite trash?

Edited by nukeswife
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*I* don't empty the trash daily. I don't empty it at all.


My 6yo empties the trash every day. He gathers up trash cans from around the house and dumps them into the kitchen trash; then he takes out the kitchen trash (unless it has like two scraps of paper in it). We use small trash bags, so it doesn't sit around.

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We empty every evening. Not because it is evening, but because it is full. We have a small trash can so it seem like we produce a lot of trash. If the milk carton is in the can we can only get a few small things in.


So it is everyday, but I do not have a clean bag in the can in the mornings since I make tea all day and evening.


Oh, the inside bag goes into an outside bag for taking to the dump.

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We have three different bins: trash, recyclables and food waste.

Food waste is taken out every evening after dinner. Trash (in a bag) and recyclables (not in a bag) are taken out when they are full.

The trash usually goes out once a week since it is just tissue, plastic wrap, etc.


Most of our output is food waste and recyclables.

Edited by Crissy
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When it is full or right after I've emptied the refrigerator of all the microbiology experiments. ;)


I take meat trays directly to the outdoor trashcan, so that they don't stink up the indoor trash. When my dd brings her kids over, I have them take the dirty diapers directly outside. Taking those types of items directly outside allows us to wait on "full" instead of "stinky."

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We don't use bags in our little cans in individual rooms any more. Only paper type waste go in those so there's really no need for all those bags that never rot in a landfill (not that much of anything can rot in a landfill, but still....)


We empty the little cans into our big, kitchen can once a week and that fills it up. We then take that out. Occasionally I have meat packaging in the can that needs to go out sooner, but not on a daily basis. Other than that, we rinse and recycle many items and the food stuff goes down the garbage disposal....

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Two or three times per week dd6 empties the trash cans around the house. We use plastic grocery bags as liners. Depending on the situation, sometimes she takes the whole bag and sometimes she dumps them into one bag.


Two or three times per week ds9 empties the recycling from the kitchen into the bins in the garage.


Once per week the compost goes out onto the pile.


That leaves garbage that can't be composted or recycled to be emptied by DH from our regular-size kitchen trash can. We usually have one bag per week for our family of six. As a work-perk he is allowed to throw our kitchen garbage bags into the dumpster at work. He also takes the recycling to the center every few weeks.

Edited by Amy in NH
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Motivated Moms wants you to empty the trash daily?? :001_huh:


There are other things I do daily, but emptying the trash has never been on my target list. Do people actually have problems with that? :001_huh:


I can only see it being an issue if there is stinky food waste in the trash.

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Motivated Moms wants you to empty the trash daily?? :001_huh:


There are other things I do daily, but emptying the trash has never been on my target list. Do people actually have problems with that? :001_huh:


Yep it's on the daily list. I always thought that was odd, but my aunt married a man that insists all trash must be taken out to the can no later than 10PM, even if it's poring down rain, hail or a snowstorm.

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We use small bags (that the groceries come in) as liners for the small cans under the kitchen sink and in the bathroom and entryway. They get removed, tied off and tossed in the barn bin, which is picked up every 2 weeks. The scrap can gets emptied onto the compost heap and washed every day. So, in theory... yes, the trash is emptied and there are fresh bags/cans every day.

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Normal procedure is to dump all other cans into the kitchen bag and take it out on the morning of garbage day.


Usually in addition to that, we have one bag that needs to go out some other time during the week - due to its being either full or stinky.


We don't generate a lot of trash. I break down boxes and squish milk bottles before putting them in the trash. We also have two trash "cans" in the kitchen - one for recycleables and one for everything else.

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After answering the motivated moms threading was looking at my app and deciding which odd the daily tasks I could "hide" because they don't apply to my life. It got me wondering do you empty all trash cans daily, or just when they are full?


Poll is coming.


ETA: option two should read "we dump it into one bag to take out, reusing the other bags". Darn iPad auto correct. Who would need to reunite trash?


No. We only have one, maybe two bags of trash for weekly pickup.


(my iPhone corrects "earworm" to "Dadaism" because, you know, that's the same. :001_huh:)

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When it's overfull.


(Should I be blushing and/or hanging my head is shame?)


When I'm placing trash NEXT to the trash can because I can't even put something on top to have it teeter anymore... It's time to take it out. :tongue_smilie: That's the kitchen trash.


The rest of the house gets put together in one big trash bag once a week before trash day.

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I would say the main garbage, the kitchen garbage, gets emptied every other day unless I've done an unusual amount of cooking or we've put something stinky in it. Most of the other garbage cans get emptied once a week on trash day, unless there is a good reason to empty them earlier. A lot of weeks, we put out more recycling than we do trash.

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I empty the kitchen bin when it's full. Everything else gets emptied once a week, just before the rubbish is picked up from the end of the drive. A lot of what we throw away is composted (newspaper, cardboard) or recycled. Stuff gets taken to the recycling centre once a week or so, when we know we'll be passing that way.



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I empty the trash when it is full. However, that isn't saying much because we use a small can, and it is always full.


My office trash bin isn't emptied until full because it is just filled with papers and paper waste. It isn't "dirty".


Bathroom bins are a judgement call. If they just have some paper trash (toilet paper rolls, soap wrappers, etc.), I will let them sit until full-ish. If there is anything else in it, it will be emptied sooner.

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I have my 5 yo assigned to trash, so for simplicity, each is dumped everyday. If I or an older child did it we'd dump at about 1/2 to 2/3 full. (We use small trash containers and line them with plastic grocery bags, which I have approximately 1,457 of. So the bags are free and even reused once.)

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We empty when full - sometimes that will be a few times in a single day, but then we'll go days before it needs emptying. (We don't eat meat or dairy, and any large packaging -or my Sonic cups LOL- are taken right out to the "big" trashcan in the side yard that gets taken to the curb.) Most of our food trash is veggie remnants, which we compost.


Trash pickup is twice a week, and we can go a week or two before it's full enough to be worth the walk to the curb LOL. On the day we decide to take the can to the curb, we dump all trashcans into it - full or not. We don't use bags, though, we just dump everything into the can. From the cans around the house, which also don't use bags.

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The downstairs trash gets tied off and taken out every night.

(Kitchen trash and some smelly stuff goes in the downstairs trash.)


The upstairs bedroom trash cans get emptied when they are full.

(It's mostly packaging, wrappers, receipts, and used tissues, so

it's non-smelly).


The hall trash gets taken out when it is full. (Non-smelly).

All the bathroom trash (may or may not be smelly)

gets added to the hall trash before I tie off the bag though.

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We have no trashcans in my house. Honestly. Instead a grocery sack gets hung on the door to the cabinet under the kitchen sink and from the toilet paper holder in the bathroom. The kitchen one goes out daily normally after dinner and the bathroom one goes out as soon as its full. We have not had a full size trashcan since before dd was born. It makes letting trash sit nearly impossible and the bags are small enough ds can take them out on his own.

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I am so glad to see the result of this poll! When I was 18 I made a very short-lived attempt at au pairing (found I didn't want to live in such close contact with strangers), and the mother of the house was deeply horrified to discover I had been raised in a house (one could hardly call it a home, surely) where we didn't empty the trash bin every day. So, although I have remained true to our family policy of only emptying full (or "dirty") trash bins, I have spent the past 22yrs secretly wondering if I had to hide this habit from decent people. Oh, the relief!

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Motivated Moms wants you to empty the trash daily?? :001_huh:


There are other things I do daily, but emptying the trash has never been on my target list. Do people actually have problems with that? :001_huh:


When dh, dc, and I lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment, we emptied our trash every day, otherwise the smell filled the whole space. If the weather turned cold, we occassionally emptied twice a day because the heat of the building made the smell worse.

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