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How much do you spend on each child for Christmas?

How much do you spend per kid on Christmas and how many kids do you have  

  1. 1. How much do you spend per kid on Christmas and how many kids do you have

    • $25-75
    • $76-125
    • $126-175
    • $176-250
    • More than $250
    • 1-2 kids
    • 3-4 kids
    • 5-6 kids
    • 7-8 kids
    • 9 or more kids

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I wanted to add, the reason for asking is I had a discussion with somebody 2 days ago and its still sticking with me. They were telling me how 'neglected' my kids were because I don't spend NEAR what they do on their kids for Christmas. They spend between $500-700 PER KID. :svengo: :blink: They have 3 kids. Thats between $1500-2100 a year JUST on 3 kids. Plus more for their stockings (last year the 8 year old had a Nintendo DS as a stocking stuffer plus games on top of the presents money- that was separate she said :blink:)


If any of you spend that kind of money please do not take offense to this post- I was just blown away by those numbers.


So I am just curious if WE are not the norm of if THEY are not the norm.

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We don't set an amount but try to get even amounts of gifts as well as make sure everyone gets a couple gifts with a big "WOW" factor. For an older child, that could be a netbook, but for my 3yo that could be a $50 Playmobil set. Both would be equally thrilled and I would be too because I didn't have to spend $300 on both.


My kids are all still too young to tally up the cost factor in their mind (or care about it) but I can see where that will become more of an issue as they get older.


If we buy a netbook and and AG doll for my oldest, I can't see myself spending $500 on my 3yo just to keep things even. :p

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They spend between $500-700 PER KID. :svengo: :blink: They have 3 kids.


I voted, but the truth is that it varies widely from year to year. When we can afford it, we spend more in the $200-ish zone, but we can't always afford it.


And sometimes things get counted as "Christmas gifts" that we would do anyway. For example, a couple of years ago, my daughter was scheduled to go on a trip in May with a group from her college. She was aware that we were slowly making payments to make that happen, and we knew she was worrying a little about the whole process. So, her "big gift" that year was a "paid in full" invoice, along with some new luggage. One might consider that we spent $3,000 on her that year, but that's not strictly true.


My kids also get stuff like books for Christmas that, truth be told, we would probably buy them other times of the year.


We've given them charitable donations, "adoptions" of favorite endangered animals, tickets for events that become the basis of a vacation for the whole family, etc.


So, I'm not sure how meaningful these kinds of comparisons are for us, given that our idea of "gifts" can be a little different.


In general, I think we spend more than you and less than your friend. It works for our family.

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I spend about $200 on each of my kids all up, but I'm a scrooge for the rest of the year to allow for it!


My aunt was complaining one year about spending $1000 on her kids, and they weren't at all grateful. $1000 spent on yourself and no requirement to give to anyone else? No wonder. I don't think her plan of cutting it back the next year did any good either, since they still weren't expected to give to anyone else.


Another uncle bought so much for his son that he almost had to bully the kid to make him open them all!



Edited by Rosie_0801
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We are the only ones in our family that can afford to spoil our kids on Christmas, so we do. I spend more than I would like, but I also want our kids to enjoy Christmas. We do not buy them much during the year, just birthdays and Christmas, so this is when they get the bulk of their gifts.

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I tend to spend more on the oldest and less on the baby because he has all the olders hand me downs - I don't really know what I spend each but I spent about $700 - for all 3 last year.


This year probably about $250 each for the older 2 and about $150 for the baby.


My kids don't get gifts from anybody but us and toys are really expensive in Australia - $200 will get you 4-5 nice quality toys so it's not like they are innundated with toys with that amount KWIM.


A lot of that includes clothes that they need as well.

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300-350 per child, but now as they are getting engaged/married, we will prob do around that per couple, either together on one nice, joint gift, or split into separate gifts. Grandkids will dip into their parents' allotment over time I'm sure.


We are about to implement family trips for our Christmases. The kids all think that'll be awesome so 5-6,000 of dh's yearly bonus will go toward a big family trip. Next December is WDW!!!

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This year, around $150-$175 per kid (2 kids). That's more than I'd planned (there was a change-around in desired gifts, but I decided to keep what I'd already bought to go with the old preferences since the girls need them anyway), but less than we've spent in years past. I've been trying to trim it down for awhile, and this year I'm finally satisfied with my spending (both the amount and the quality of the items purchased).

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I don't spend a set amount per child but I get each child the same amount of presents, frequently even the same kind. I use the something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read rule and the something to wear is always a new pair of pjs. So they all get pjs and a book and then I usually make their something they want and/or need thing to be something that we would have had to get them anyhow. For instance, the kids want new cell phones. It just so happens that our contract is up in Dec. and we are changing service providers so they need/want cell phones and will be getting them for Christmas. We have six people on our plan though and they don't all want the same phones so some phones will cost more than others. They are all also in need of shoes as well which falls in the need category but which shoes they want falls more in the want category so some shoes will cost more than others. So for the youngers at least it will fall out as: phones, shoes, pjs & a book. I usually add some small additional item of my choosing as a surprise. Usually once the items have been bought and the prices have been totalled they all fall within $25 of each other in approximately the $250 range. I have six kids and two step-dds. The adults (3) that no longer live at home and who we do not see for holidays just get money for Christmas. All of the rest get pretty much the same things. Obviously this year the adults with phone plans of their own won't be getting phones but ptobably money instead. My kids don't ask for a lot of things but instead usually one big thing. Last year it was Uggs. This year it is phones.

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I have always spent $100. They get 3 presents each. Then I may spend $10-15 each on stocking stuff.


They get nothing from any of the inlaws/aunts/cousins.


My dad sends cash and my mom brings 1-2 gifts.


So at best it is 5 things to open. I probably should adjust for inflation, lol. This year we are going to Disney, so stocking stuffers only. Our Christmas is very small every year. It's also my son's birthday so after church he becomes the main focus.


My kids have never had a huge Christmas like I did as a kid.

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We have 6 kids and have always budgeted $300 per child. Now that we have 2 dils, we spend $300 per couple for the older two, more or less. We have a grandson this year as well - he will be 4 months old at Christmas. We haven't really talked about how much we will spend on him. I'm going to try not to go overboard, because we're probably going to end up with a lot of grand kids. :001_smile:

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Seven kids. From the beginning we've stressed small gifts. We spend a little more on the older kids and less on the younger. Thrift, garage sale and hand me downs work here until they are 7 or so. We really work on experiences-church, caroling, tree lighting, live nativities, lights, ice skating, cookie baking, gingerbread houses,etc. My kids tend to think Christmas is all about doing things. I voted $25-$75.

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This is such an interesting post. My DH will probably be taking a significant pay cut next year, so I admit I went a little bit overboard this year- in my opinion. I spent about 200 per kid, for two kids, and got some essential baby items which I will let my kids give to the new baby as Christmas presents. I am so glad to see everyone giving their kids nice holidays through experiences and not necessarily gifts! Very inspiring, I'm going to take some notes!

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I wanted to add, the reason for asking is I had a discussion with somebody 2 days ago and its still sticking with me. They were telling me how 'neglected' my kids were because I don't spend NEAR what they do on their kids for Christmas. They spend between $500-700 PER KID. :svengo: :blink: They have 3 kids. Thats between $1500-2100 a year JUST on 3 kids. Plus more for their stockings (last year the 8 year old had a Nintendo DS as a stocking stuffer plus games on top of the presents money- that was separate she said :blink:)


If any of you spend that kind of money please do not take offense to this post- I was just blown away by those numbers.


So I am just curious if WE are not the norm of if THEY are not the norm.


i have 3 sisters, and they spend a lot of money too. they can afford it though. my one sister spends easily a $1,000 plus on each child. they get nice gifts though, not just a ton of junk. my nephew received a 4 wheeler last year. one year, the girls received a really nice outdoor playhouse, etc. we spend $300 per child each year, but i save $50 a month throughout the year. it ends up being one nice gift, some clothes, some smaller toys, and stocking stuffers from the dollar store.


i don't think there is a standard "norm". each family is different, and we all set the norm for our own kids. ykwim?


ETA - i just read that they said your kids were neglected ( i missed that the first time). that's rude and ridiculous and actually offensive. not a thoughtful comment or a good friend imho.

Edited by mytwomonkeys
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I didn't vote, but we have 3 kids and I'd say we spend less than $25 apiece on average (same for birthdays). And it's usually more stuff they need or I want them to have, although that may change as they get older. One gramma buys them a TON of stuff and the other gets them a fair amount too so I think they receive plenty without us spending a bunch as well. Although this year we might end up spending $100 total for the 3 since DH wants to get them a (used) motorized Jeep to drive around.

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For us, it's more about what than how much. We try to follow the 'something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read' motto. That usually means one toy, one educational or practical item, a new shirt or pajamas, and a book. Then we fill the stocking with other bits and bobs, and we may get a combined gift for the family, such as a new board game.


It also depends on the kid. For example, the baby will probably only get a board book and maybe a rattle, and that's mostly for the big kids to witness than for her.

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This year, we are spending a little more than years past...simply because we have been blessed with a few extra jobs for dh. We are spending $150 for each of our three kids...

Dd1-(6) is getting a bike, helmet, a T and K science kit, and the last Narnia movie.

Dd2-(3) is getting a bike, helmet, a leapster, and a game for it.

Dd3-(1) is getting the wooden Ikea slide.


I'm filling the two big girls stockings with scotch tape, band aids, shaving cream, lip balm, and hand sanitizer....their favorite toys lol.

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I wanted to add, the reason for asking is I had a discussion with somebody 2 days ago and its still sticking with me. They were telling me how 'neglected' my kids were because I don't spend NEAR what they do on their kids for Christmas.


I hope they were joking (at least kind of.) I don't care what you spend on your kids for x-mas or whenever, but children should not feel loved or neglected based on how much their parents spend on them.


They spend between $500-700 PER KID. They have 3 kids. That's between $1500-2100 a year JUST on 3 kids. Plus more for their stockings (last year the 8 year old had a Nintendo DS as a stocking stuffer plus games on top of the presents money- that was separate she said)


I have no problem with the amount they are spending as long as that fits into their budget, and their kids don't feel like they are being bought.


Each family has its own priorities. I would rather spend money on experiences (travel) than goods. I'm sure there are people who think I'm crazy for living in a little apartment and driving an older vehicle instead of having a house and a new car. I spend my money on airfare :).

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and how many kids do you have? I am going to try to make my first multi choice poll. Lets see if I do it right LOL-- Just on presents, not including stocking stuffers even if you put wrapped presents in the stocking


We have 4 kids, and spend about $20 each, including stocking stuffers and such. When we had more money, we spent about $35 each. This year we may be down to $10 each.


Even with a large income, I can't imagine spending more than $50-100 each. We don't really want the focus on the presents, anyway. (This is not meant to judge families who can and choose to spend much more. This is just what we choose.)

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Mine is complicated: I use reward points to buy many gifts, so the cost is often taxes. This year, MissB is getting a NintendoDSi XL (I want mine BACK tyvm), but it is only going to cost me the taxes b/c of reward points. Then some downloaded/purchased software that I know she likes (likely under $25). We are more than willing to spend a bit extra to give her a gift we are SURE she will use. (The fact I have to hijack mine back from her is proof alone.) :lol: We also know she will use it for a long time to come, and it will grow with her. Also, the games help her with number, shape, and letter recognition (not to mention following complex instructions, and often in a 2nd/3rd language, not always in English), and she LOVES them and will play for a LONG TIME just riveted. She will get this one big gift from us, plus a couple of little wrapped things. We're trying to limit how much she gets as we don't want her to feel her gifts are a right, but rather a privilege/blessing. :001_smile:

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We spend plenty (we only have two children) but the amount changes from year to year and I don't track it down to the penny. I pick up a few extra hours at work every week in the fall and when I get paid I'll purchase a couple things with each paycheck so it slowly accumulates over 2-3 months.


Also, I will say that our totals might be artificially inflated because I give the kids things that I would've bought for homeschool anyhow. We may the kids used computer or a microscope this year, for example. Or, I'll order a few high quality books on topics that we are going to be covering soon. The kids typically get memberships to the zoo and local museums this time of year as well. They get new art supplies. Also, I generally hold off on winter clothes, boots, and such and give those as gifts. I'm assuming that even people who spend far less for Christmas still have to get their kids new clothes and schooling materials at some point in the year, right?


The main thing my ds always asks for at Christmas are Legos. Those things aren't inexpensive! One decent sized Lego set, winter shoes or boots if needed, a few books, a puzzle or board game and WHAM! That doesn't seem like an excessive amount of material items to me but that alone will put you up to around $200.

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I hope they were joking (at least kind of.) I don't care what you spend on your kids for x-mas or whenever, but children should not feel loved or neglected based on how much their parents spend on them.




Not at all. She was dead serious. She looked at me with her jaw dropped.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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ETA - i just read that they said your kids were neglected ( i missed that the first time). that's rude and ridiculous and actually offensive. not a thoughtful comment or a good friend imho.



Yeah. That is what got me. My kids are in no way, shape or form neglected! Infact, they consider themselves spoiled. We spend between $100-200 each depending on the budget for the year. When she said my kids were neglected I was so stunned. My kids really enjoy Christmas but not just for the gifts (which they get plenty of) but this year my oldest asked us to spend half of her allotted Christmas budget on Gospel for Asia instead of her. I LOVE that.

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We spend $250-$400 per child, depending on our circumstances. The kids don't get gifts from family, except for my parents. I guess we make up for that. Now that we have 5 children, we will probably spend less per child. Last Christmas, baby girl only got a couple of things. This year she'll get more, but not as much as the older kids. She already has everything she needs.

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The part about you neglecting your kids is so odd. Not everyone has the money, or the desire to buy a bunch of stuff. That's such a narrow view! DH just landed a new job with a considerable pay increase and we live well...but to be honest, I'd love to live on a farm with more simple pleasures and not so many gadgets and expectations. Our families are very comfortable too and I get nervous by the extravagant gifts my kids get...like the mean relative of Harry Potter's in the first movie w/ the ungrateful attitude and 27 birthday presents. My kids don't act like that, but...I don' t want them to start! You are NOT neglecting your kids!! Ignore that sentiment...it's way off base!

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I don't know anyone who does that either!


We will spend (on a good year) maybe $200-$300 total on the kids gifts, last year it was $200 total. I can't imagine what I would buy for them that would cost more than that... If my kids ask for something that is $75 or more, they know that item will be their only gift that year, so they don't. Topping my 6yo's list this year: plain white paper. Kid wants a ream of white copy paper. :) We are replacing the Wii that broke last summer so that is $80 gone. Their grandmother will get them Nerf Footballs. My dad will spend about $50 per kid, same with my mom. With the remainder, they will get some books, a couple of new games and maybe those Perplexus balls.

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$200 will get you 4-5 nice quality toys so it's not like they are innundated with toys with that amount KWIM.


:iagree: Nobody in this house is going to think they are being spoiled, lol. I might spend less if my kids had generous grandparents, but maybe I wouldn't coz I like Christmas shopping :D



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Each one of my boys gets to specifically "wish" for $100 worth of stuff from my husband and I, plus $50 worth from grandparents. They do their own online surfing, etc... and allocate funds accordingly to come up with their $150 worth of stuff. Additionally, I buy each child an ornament and a t-shirt with something humorous, meaningful, or unique to them for that year. Finally, I always purchase a handful of dvds and games for the gang as a whole, but not for any child in particular. Stockings are also stuffed with additional surprises not included in the $100 from mom and dad. (And stocking stuffers can be pricey!!! Itunes gift cards, cash, watches, cds, candy, etc... I would estimate that it all comes out to around $200 per kid from hubby and I, plus the $50 per kid from grandparents.

Edited by ThelmaLou
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I couldn't vote, because our range isn't listed. Generally, around $15 per child. On really good years, we've spent upward to $60 per child. This year, our present is a Christmas tree for the kids (we were TR type of Reformed for a time, so the tree wasn't something we did). I have bought some treats for St Nicholas day. I'm hoping to be able to sew some things for my kids for Christmas. I have a machine and plenty of materials. So it'll be a homemade Christmas this year. We have friends that do the same for their boys (we have eight children and they have three). This is the best we can do due to my husband losing his job this summer and then taking another for $5 less an hour. The kids will most likely get a few things from their godparents as well.

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I wanted to add, the reason for asking is I had a discussion with somebody 2 days ago and its still sticking with me. They were telling me how 'neglected' my kids were because I don't spend NEAR what they do on their kids for Christmas. They spend between $500-700 PER KID. :svengo: :blink: They have 3 kids. Thats between $1500-2100 a year JUST on 3 kids. Plus more for their stockings (last year the 8 year old had a Nintendo DS as a stocking stuffer plus games on top of the presents money- that was separate she said :blink:)


If any of you spend that kind of money please do not take offense to this post- I was just blown away by those numbers.


So I am just curious if WE are not the norm of if THEY are not the norm.



Well, we easily spend at least $500 per child and we have 3. We really don't buy anything for them the whole year, so we like to make Christmas extra special. I don't think your children are neglected though. That's harsh.

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Okay...so I have to know...for those who mentioned keeping a smaller budget ($10, $15, $20 or $25 per child) could you give some examples of what this looks like in regards to what types of things you buy? I think it's great you can keep your budget this low and am just trying to get a handle on an example of what this looks like :).



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