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What is your highest level of education?

What ismyour highest level of education?  

  1. 1. What ismyour highest level of education?

    • High school
    • Some college
    • Bachelors degree
    • Multiple bachelors degrees
    • Masters degree
    • Multiple masters degrees
    • Doctorate
    • Multiple doctorates
    • Vocational school
    • Other

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I am so proud to be going to college now; to be able to pick "some college" from a list that I never used to be able to pick higher than "high school". Yay me! :D


Other: The Ester Maria- Karenanne- Correleno brand of threads on the logic and high school boards.


But I voted bachelor degree


:lol: For real!

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BS in Cultural Anthropology, MS in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbal Medicine.


That's cool. I think I'll do that in another lifetime. I think I'm planning to be an artist in my next life, so perhaps the one after that. Could I do both in one? Or would that be too much?




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Bachelor of Art in Music - Triple major, piano performance, music education, and philosophy with a minor in French.


Taking some refresher classes in music theory and history in order to pull the limited brain cell function I have left after these many years in order to attempt my master's in musicology. I don't know if I should :001_huh::lol::crying: or

:banghead:. I am not yet efficiently managing homeschooling the boys, home, dh's ridiculous work schedule which does not allow for him to be at all helpful, 4-H responsibilities, competitive rocketry team, and study time for self.






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I have 2/3 of a year of credits at the community college. That isn't enough to 'legally' homeschool my kids in Washington. :( I got married, started working full time and the got PG so college was not in the list of important things. Geez, if I only knew how much time I had back then. The though of going back to school and managing everything else I do now makes me twitch.

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Master's in Elementary (K-8) education. Which is what helped me decide to homeschool...


I have 2/3 of a year of credits at the community college. That isn't enough to 'legally' homeschool my kids in Washington. :( I got married, started working full time and the got PG so college was not in the list of important things. Geez, if I only knew how much time I had back then. The though of going back to school and managing everything else I do now makes me twitch.


You can legally homeschool here. Probably the easiest way is to take the course which I've heard is super easy:



To qualify to homeschool you must fulfill one of the following: RCW 28A.225.010 (4)

  • <LI class=bodytext>Have earned 45 quarter units of college level credit. <LI class=bodytext>Attend a Parent Qualifying Course. <LI class=bodytext>Work with a certified teacher who meets with your student on the average of an hour a week.
  • Be deemed sufficiently qualified to provide home-based instruction by the superintendent of your local school district.
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Master's in Elementary (K-8) education. Which is what helped me decide to homeschool...




You can legally homeschool here. Probably the easiest way is to take the course which I've heard is super easy:


Thanks. I just need to take the course, but there are none offered anywhere near where I live. I'm hoping there are some scheduled next June when we go to the West side for the Homeschool expo and the King Tut exhibit. :)

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I voted other.


I have five and a half years of college credits that I earned majoring in English and Anthropology, but I never actually got a BA because I couldn't stop taking classes I was interested in instead of the horrid electives they insisted on. And then I got pregnant, and we had to move so dh could find a job, and I never did finish. So I have nearly as much education as some people I know with Masters degrees, but technically I don't have a degree in anything. And so, according to the state of Minnesota, I don't have enough of an education to homeschool my dd without a bunch of oversight, even though I'm more educated than most of the teachers. :001_rolleyes:


I wish homeschool laws would recognize actual level of education, instead of how many pieces of paper you've collected.

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PhD ABD - all but dissertation - passed comps - started one diss., then found someone else farther along doing exact same topic - picked another, then went on bedrest with twins, one had autism...never finished. Plus NU had a time limit. Do have my MA from UCLA.

Edited by JFSinIL
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B.A. geochemistry and M.S. geology. Did I expect to homeschool? No. But I totally got lucky, these degrees (and the processes gone through to get them, including running field trips, seminar classes, teaching and tutoring intro students) totally turned out to be fairly useful training for homeschooling!

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