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Are you schooling this week?

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I had planned for us to do school this week, but I decided this weekend to go ahead and take the week off. We will be half way through our curriculum by Christmas anyways. I also have been doing some cleaning and organizing around here and I want to continue that this week.:001_smile:

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nothing. nada. zilch.


We have not been schooling for two weeks now. We've had to much stress to deal with that I decided neither of us could focus, so why bother?


We will also be off next week because we have a VERY long road trip. We are expected to be on the road for 19 hours to get a PUPPY. I told dd she could bring her math book and when we make stops I can read her her English lesson. She is fine with that. Don't know if I'll correct anything before we return!


Enjoy your fun activities!!!

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We had a dentist appointment today too!


We are keeping it light for Mon/Tues, then taking W-F off.


We are studying Native Americans so it makes sense to keep going a bit. Tomorrow we will talk about the Wampanoags as well as pilgrims/Thanksgiving. We will probably play games for Math time and go to the park or something if the weather is decent. :D

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Yes, we are still doing school this week. Today ds volunteered at the food bank with me in the morning, we came home where he did a phonics lesson and worked in his Miquon book for 30 minutes, then he went to his pottery class.


I find that for us the boundaries between school and life are so blurred that it's hard to differentiate the two. We may not do as many math lessons or pages in the phonics workbook as usual this week, but we'll still do just as much learning. In a way, we're always schooling.


Things that we have planned for the week: volunteering at the food pantry, playing lots of board games, working on crossword puzzles, listening to audiobooks while traveling to/from Thanksgiving dinner, watching an interesting documentary or two, having a family chess tournament, reading a couple more picture books about the origins of Thanksgiving, interviewing older relatives who we'll see on Thanksgiving for a genealogy project that my kids are starting, continue with our current read aloud, go to the Children's Museum with cousins, a daytime playdate with friends who are normally in school during the day, a nature hike if the weather cooperates, etc.

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We don't celebrate stuff - so - working around all the closings and such is hard.


We were about thirty seconds away from booking a few days in Oahu to get out of Dodge but cancelled at the last second.


I'm probably the only person I know who grieves the closing of the library over holiday.

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I had planned on schooling this week....Then yesterday I just threw up my hands and said...."All right, it's gonna be a FREE week" (Because I just have so much to do before Thanksgiving)


So what happens today.....


They spend all day reading and doing Math (TT) because its *FUN*



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Yes. We are schooling Monday, Tuesday and and extremely abbreviated day Wednesday. I'd rather put those days onto Christmas or random three day weekends during the year. I don't get much out of Thanksgiving and the boys would just be bored.


The schools around here are a mixed bag. Some county schools are out all week and some city schools are in school Monday and Tuesday and vice versa.

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I was planning on doing a light schedule today but dh decided to golf and take dd along so I'm organizing and packing for our 6am flight tomorrow. We'll be in Colorado for a week so we won't do much formal school. I loaded the math worksheets for the week on the ipad along with a few other things and I have a Thanksgiving unit study I plan to print for her when we get there. It is mostly fun/crafty stuff she can do on her own. I do plan to spend some time planning while we're gone because we've been a little of track so far this month.


Also, if I don't forget while we're in Colorado I plan to have Mikaela write a letter to Sylvia with some mountain pictures and a Colorado postmark.

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I had planned to do school this week but we went away for the weekend and I have been busy getting stuff back in order and taking care of odds and ends. I think school is just not going to happen for us. I would like to at least get her science done so we aren't a week behind and maybe a little history.

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Girls went to Granny & Papa's this past Saturday. Dh and I will join them Wednesday along with my cousin and her family. Making memories!!


I, however, am trying to get caught up on life during these days they are gone. I feel like I'm months behind. I'd rather be reading ... or scrapbooking ... or doing anything else but catching up.

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We are working on home ec this week.

I like this description. :)


We're mostly focusing on getting the house ready for holiday celebrations, as well as for our expected new baby. Chances are we won't get back to regular lessons for a few weeks. The children will be doing a couple of computer-based courses, and I'll add some copywork so they don't forget how to write (this has actually happened when we've taken breaks in the past :tongue_smilie:).

Edited by Eleanor
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We're off this week, though we don't have thanksgiving here. We're off because we finished all our grade 1 work, so I decided to take a week for spring cleaning (it's spring here) before we slowly introduce grade 2 - and K. We may take 2 weeks...

Obviously the cleaning is going great if I'm posting here... :P

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I was planning on doing a light schedule today but dh decided to golf and take dd along so I'm organizing and packing for our 6am flight tomorrow. We'll be in Colorado for a week so we won't do much formal school. I loaded the math worksheets for the week on the ipad along with a few other things and I have a Thanksgiving unit study I plan to print for her when we get there. It is mostly fun/crafty stuff she can do on her own. I do plan to spend some time planning while we're gone because we've been a little of track so far this month.


Also, if I don't forget while we're in Colorado I plan to have Mikaela write a letter to Sylvia with some mountain pictures and a Colorado postmark.



She will love that! I'll have her write another letter soon.

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