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Do you wear your wedding ring?


Do you wear your wedding ring?  

  1. 1. Do you wear your wedding ring?

    • Always, I have never taken it off (tattoo rings go here :0) )
    • Always, but I have taken it off for cleaning it, repair, surgery or another unavoidable reason
    • Almost always, but I take it off for gardening, cleaning the house, showers or other optional reason
    • Usually, if I remember to put it on.
    • Rarely, I wear it for specific events
    • Never, I haven't worn it in a while and don't plan to
    • I don't have a ring, but want one
    • I don't have a ring and don't want one

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I do not still wear the ring that DH gave me on our wedding day, because I stopped wearing any gold jewelry when we moved to Brazil. Just in case of theft, which is smart in some areas and overkill in others, but still.


I bought a different ring after we'd been here a while, a bronze sculpted/cast ring of 2 hands clasped. My fingers lost weight??? and that ring got to be too big so I stopped wearing it.


Then I bought a very cheap ring made from coconut husk/shell which I wear. I treat it as my wedding ring, so am inclined to answer "Yes, always, except unavoidable reasons" unless you mean strictly speaking the actual ring from the wedding, in which case, nope, haven't worn that one in four years and counting.


And I do want another ring, a "real" ring bought here, not just a R$1 (50 cents) coconut shell ring that I wear as a placeholder. So, "No but I want one...." I guess.

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Yes and no. I wear a band. It is not my wedding ring. My wedding ring was made in the 1880s, the engagement ring in the early 1930s. I lost a diamond once from the band, and one from the side of the engagement setting, and bent the shank... So, in the interest of preserving the antique/vintage pieces, I bought a silver band engraved with "I am my beloved's..." in Gaelic. I wear that one all the time.

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I take it off when I have more swelling and it won't fit (pregnancies and about a year there there I just couldn't fit it comfortably) but otherwise I wear it.


I need the prongs fixed as I am worried the diamond will fall out.


It isn't a terribly expensive ring, about 1 carat or maybe .75, can't remember. Dh's mom thought it was too "cheap." Well, his sister, who got the 5 carat or whatever ring has been through 2 marriages since then! :tongue_smilie:



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I'm curious why so many take theirs off to shower?


Back in the day when I did wear mine, I always took mine off to shower or wash dishes, etc. It just bothered me when it got wet & soapy, because it would slip around a lot. It fit well enough that it probably wouldn't have come off, but it really got on my nerves. So that's why I always took mine off to shower.

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I need an "other". I lost my diamond out of my engagement ring a couple of years ago. My wedding band is joined with the engagement ring, so I am not currently wearing a ring. I want to have it redone, but can't decide exactly what I want. So, I don't wear my ring for now, but want to when I get it fixed.

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I haven't been able to wear mine since I was pregnant with my dd, she's 12. Getting it resized is just not a priority around here.


That's when we cut mine off. I was pregnant with my dd who just turned 11. The rings were so thin, dh snipped them with nail clippers. I'm not sure they can even be repaired or resized.


We bought the set we did because we could pay cash for it the day we went to the jewelry store.

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I wear mine all the time. I have only taken it off for it's bi-annual inspections/cleanings and when I shape bread loaves.


Once I had an issue where it had to be cut off so it could be resized and didn't have it for about a month. I hated that I felt naked all the time. I had to go visit family at that time and they automatically assumed dh and I were getting divorced because I didn't have it on.

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I've always worn a ring, but not always the same one. My original got too small when I was pg, so I bought a cheapie 10k band to wear "temporarily". Then dh's got too small and he wanted to have it resized. It turned out that his fit me and so we got mine resized, so now I wear his and he wears mine. I don't have an engagement ring and I don't want one.

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Dh got me an anniversary ring that was what I wanted but he couldn't afford when we got married, and a few years later I lost it after taking it off for an exercise class. Since then I only wear the band. I still have our original engagement ring but I keep it safely put up. It is uncomfortable inside my boxing glove anyway.


Oh, I do take the band off for things like making meatloaf, but then it goes right back on. I feel weird without it.

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I always wear mine. It's a plain gold band--handed down from dh's grandmother. I don't have an engagement ring, so nothing to get gunky while bathing, doing dishes, cooking, gardening, etc. I didn't have to take it off for pregnancy or other weight gain--my fingers never got swollen even though the rest of me did. :lol:

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I don't wear mine in the house because I'm constantly cleaning something, cooking, laundry, wiping little butts, washing my hands, etc.


If I had a plain band I would wear it all the time. I've hinted to dh..... ;)


I put my ring on when I leave the house.


Dh can barely get his off.

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I take it off once a year or so when it is polished at the jeweler. I had to take it off once to have one of the diamonds relaced after it fell out. I also had to take it off during the last few days of my first pregnancy for swelling from preeclampsia. I think that's it. It's a band with five diamonds in a row. I also had a ring with one larger diamond and four smaller, but I don't wear that, because it's not practical; it always would get caught on things.

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I am the worst when it comes to wedding rings.


Engagement ring #1- (3 months old) I was teaching kinder when we got engaged and the diamond kept scratching the kids, so one day I put it in my pants pocket, forgot about it, washed said pants and the ring was gone.


Engagement ring #2 & wedding band #1- (4 years after the wedding) too small at the end of pregnancy #1. I took it off & put it who knows where due to pregnancy brain, probably somewhere "safe." We have since moved from that house


Wedding band #2- (5 years after the wedding) MIL is horrified at the thought of my walking around without a wedding ring so she gives me the band of a divorced friend of hers :001_huh: It is too big both in size and design and IMHO really ugly. I only wore it when we were going to see MIL. She asked for it back after a year to be the wedding band for her 3rd marriage & I was not sorry to see it go.


Wedding band #3- (6 years after the wedding) MIL gives me her wedding set from when she was married to FIL and Dh has the diamonds re-set into a beautiful setting. I loved that ring. During birth of dd #2, which was a bit of a mad scramble due to emergency conditions, my ring disappears. No one quite knows what happens. I don't remember taking it off. Dh doesn't remember having it.


Wedding band #4- (8 years after the wedding) I tell Dh that because I am apparently "cursed" I would like a plain band. He ignores my request and purchases a diamond anniversary band with the diamonds in a row across the top. I am in the kitchen one day making dinner & I turn a jar over to whack it on the table to open it. With one good whack the jar breaks and the momentum drives a 6" shard of glass into my hand, opening my hand from the base of my pointer finger, across the base of my middle finger and stopping when it hit my ring on my 3rd finger. The doctor said the ring saved that finger, but the ring is damaged and I have a scar that aches at night if I don't take my ring off.


Engagement ring #3- (10 years after the wedding) Dh buys me a new engagement ring to go with my anniversary band without realizing I am not wearing it because it is damaged. :001_huh: It is a little too tight to wear, but I keep telling myself that I will loose weight.


Wedding band #5- (20 years after the wedding) For our anniversary Dh has wedding band #4 repaired, engagement ring #3 re-sized and buys an eternity band with the diamonds that go all the way around because he thought it was pretty. I have several choices when I want to wear a wedding ring. I can't wear one at night so there is a little ring stand on the night table next to my bed where all three rings live when not on my finger.


Three months ago we got kittens. During one of their wild rampages they went chasing & skidding across my night table & my rings went flying. Engagement ring #3 flew the farthest & was not seen for two months. Dh rolled his eyes & said, "Here we go again..." so he started looking for a new ring even though I told him it would be found. He has his heart set on a big stone "upgrade" for our 25th anniversary but I have very small hands and big stones, look silly on me. Luckily my ring was found (behind a built in set of drawers, across the room) so I have time to talk him out of a big stone.


Dh has several bands he cycles through depending on what he is wearing and he is only not wearing a wedding ring when he is playing hockey.


I think this means I should vote other :D


Amber in SJ

Edited by Amber in SJ
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I haven't worn mine for several years (neither has dh). I stopped wearing it when I was pregnant because it didn't fit, so wore it on my gold necklace instead (dh still wore his). I figured after pregnancy, it would fit again. It didn't, and then I was pregnant again, so figured I'd wait to resize it. Finally had it resized several years later and wore it sporadically when I was out of the house, but by then dh wasn't wearing his because it was all beat to heck (they are matching Black Hills gold). Then last year sometime, I was wearing mine and it snapped, so dh suggested we get new rings. We looked a bit, but I didn't really see anything I liked (I prefer simple w/o gems) and the jeweler suggested custom (which was way out of the price range I wanted to pay). I mentioned to dh that I really didn't care if we got new rings, and he said he didn't either - he had just suggested it because he thought I'd want them. I had just gone along because I thought it was important to him. So needless to say, we don't have new rings. . .

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I have always worn both of mine. My DH bought me a new ring set for our 10 year anniversary. They are welded together so they both stay on all the time. I take them off when I use heavy chemicals and then I am doing cooking that may get in between the bands. It is a part of me. I panic any time I forget to put it back on. My dh would also be sensitive to me not wearing it. DH used to have a manual labor job and wouldn't always wear his there. Now he works at a desk so keeps his on all the time as well. I would also be sensitive to him not wearing it now that it is not in danger of being ruined.

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We only have wedding rings (no engagement ring).


I'm claustrophobic, and after gaining some weight my ring was difficult to take off and I got a little panicky...so now I keep it around my neck on a piece of paracord.


When I take the weight back off, I'll put the ring back on. Lord knows when that'll happen, though. :-/

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There wasn't really an answer that fit me, except maybe special occasions. I wear mine when I leave the house but never around the house. Because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis my hands are often swollen or in pain, so typically I do not wear hand or wrist jewelry. If I'm not swollen, I put it on when I leave the house.


I have not read this entire thread, but your post caught my eye, as I have RA too and can relate to rings hurting! I have rings in different sizes ;) as I feel I am missing a piece of me if I don't wear my wedding ring. Luckily, I can wear sterling silver, so a lot of my rings are that. Stainless steel is also an option and very inexpensive.


Cup-O <--- the newbie; but been homeschooling forever

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I wear mine when I remember. I take it off when my hands get messy or knead dough etc. Then, I forget to put it back on for weeks at a time. I put it on and then get my hands messy and take it off... and the cycle begins again.




I forgot to mention that dh never takes his off. I think I've cleaned it once or twice in the 22.5 years we've been married. If we looked at it under a jewelry magnifier thingy, I'm sure there would be paint and all kinds of crap in there. He has channel set diamonds in his. I'm shocked they still have somewhat of a sparkle.:001_smile:

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I'm curious why so many take theirs off to shower?


soap. It dulls the diamonds until washed again. OR, soap. It gets beneath the ring and causes a rash or yeast infection.



Never. My fingers got too chubbo when I was pregnant, and now I'm wondering if my joints got bigger, because it still doesn't fit. :glare:


dh's joints definitely got bigger. The ring freely moves around on his finger but he can't get it to go over his joint unless it's in the winter and he's very cold.

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Wedding ring stays on all the time, except once for 15 minutes, to get it resized. My mom did the same, even during surgery, the docs wanted it off, but she refused.


My engagement ring does come off, sometimes, like when gardening....but I hit it with a little quick scrub with my toothbrush, after brushing my teeth and that keeps it sparkly.

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I have trouble with fingers swelling---that being said I don't wear them around the house---sometimes I'll wear either my solitaire (larger size) or my plain band when I go out of the house.......:lol: LOL I got hubby a fancier gold band a few years ago--he wore his "old one" (the one we exchanged on wedding day) to work and we put the newer one in the safety box---somehow two nights ago he dropped it either down the toilet or the bathroom sink-he didn't feel it fall off but when he came out of bathroom noticed it was gone....we took the sink drain out and nothing....guess it either went all the way down the drain or got flushed away :confused: ......LOL gotta get the other ring out of the safety box monday.... :D

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Mine has hardly been off my finger in 19 years. There was a brief time when we were separated that I didn't wear it, but I had a ring "scar" that didn't go away.


It's just a plain gold band, so it doesn't get in the way at all.


My dh only started wearing his after our separation. His job for most of our marriage made it too dangerous to wear jewelry. (danger of getting it caught in machinery or arcing electrical equipment )

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I really enjoyed reading all these responses!


I wear mine most of the time, and almost always when I leave the house. But I will frequently take it off to do dishes or shower and then leave it off the rest of the day. I have a little espresso cup next to the kitchen sink that is only for holding my ring, so I always know where it is.


I also take my ring off at church, as I play congas for worship, and it is pretty uncomfortable to play hand drums full out with a ring on.


DH has to take his ring off for work, but has a little hiding spot in his car where he can put it back on after work. He actually broke his first wedding band because he forgot and wore it at work- probably saved his finger from being broken, because the thick gold band snapped. Now he never wears a ring at work, and when we replaced his ring we went with titanium, so it would be more difficult for it to break on him. He's a very physical guy, and works with his hands a lot.

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I take my ring off at night, and I don't always remember to put it on when I'm around the house. But at some point in the day I always do my "make-the-ring-stick-up-straight-on-the-finger" motion...and if my ring isn't there, I feel suddenly unnerved. Lol. I was very happy that my engagement ring fit all through my pregnancy, even though my wedding ring didn't.


My husband wears his nearly ALL the time, though he did take it off for several weeks as he thought it was contributing to dry skin. He's wearing it again now, though.

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