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24 days of thanksgiving Day 1

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Hi! I have an idea. Actually, I did this last year on Facebook, and I'm doing it again this year. I thought maybe we could do it here too. Everyday this month through Thanksgiving Day, I can post a thread where we can post something we are thankful for. I think it would be a really nice thing to do. Anyone interested?


So, here's my day 1: I am thankful for the spiritual journey I've been on for the last year. It has been hard, and, at times, just plain painful. But I am thankful for a God whose mercy is new every morning!

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I'm thankful that the printer is working.


A friend's printer is not, so I'm printing a few things for her.





I'm thankful for Halloween Candy. :tongue_smilie:





I'm thankful for healthy, beautiful children that are growing and doing all the things they are supposed to be doing!

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I'm thankful for Halloween candy :D No, really, though I am. I LOVE candy and my son is allergic to chocolate, after I trade him out, I have tons of candy. Many people in the world don't have chocolate, so although it seems silly, I am truly thankful for candy!

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I am thankful for DH's job that allows him to work at home. We get to eat every meal together, see each other on and off all day, and rarely have to be apart. It's perfect for our family. I am all the more thankful for it those few times he has to travel (like right now) and I'm reminded of how much I enjoy him being home all the time!

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I am thankful for my organic farmer. On Tuesdays I pick up a half bushel of organic veg. My dear farmer is in overload so he provided me with a full bushel of organic veg, more than we will eat this week. I suppose I could freeze things but I feel compelled to share this abundance with friends!

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Our family has all had the fall *crud/virus*, and it has lingered with me for almost 4 weeks. :tongue_smilie: I had lost most of my singing voice, much to the distress of our church choir director. Today I sat down at the piano and picked out the solo I am supposed to be singing in a few weeks. I was able to sing it all the way through for the first time in 4 weeks. So very thankful to have my voice healing (it isn't very beautiful, but it's the only voice I've got ;)!!!!

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Today I'm thankful that my children are home together learning and not apart in different classes/buildings. My dd6 is sick today as well as my ds and my oldest dd8 is watching out for them extra with me today. Just days like these are reminders why we homeschool. I'm thankful for being home and not worrying about calling any children out for the day to anyone by my homeschool tracker attendance form.:001_smile:

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I'm thankful for this idea of a November thread. ;) I used to make "gratitude lists" as a coping tool in early recovery from alcoholism. But I'm not counting that as today's entry.


Today, I am thankful that God/the universe has provided answers to living problems, even though the answers have not been easy lately. And God has provided the ability to follow through.


One more. ;) A hidden blessing in the last 3 days has been I have been home in the evening with my kids.

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Great idea!


Today, I am thankful that my dh and I both have good jobs. We have struggled with dh's unemployment through the years and this is really the first holiday season in a long time that we are not fearing or dealing with a lay-off. Dh has a great job new that is full of opportunity for him. It feels so good. :D


I have to add that I am thankful for my job too, even though I pray regularly that I might be able to stop working at some point. But I have a good job...and for that I should be thankful. :001_smile:

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