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Prayers for my 2yo please!

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Thank you ladies! We have felt them!


Her CT scan came back normal and so did her x-ray. The doc is assuming the vomiting is from nausea from pain. We are going home!


It's very difficult when she bonks her head because she has breath-holding spells that can, in severe cases, cause seizure-like activity. She's a bit fussy and clingy, but I'm thinking it's because of the hour (it's nearly 11pm!). She is now asking for a Scooby-Doo band-aid. I guess her priorities are straight.


Thank you again!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to post an update during such an incredibly busy and stressful night!


I'm so glad that all of the tests came back fine, but I'm sure you'll be watching her like a hawk for the next several days anyway!


Head injuries are so scary -- thank God she is OK!

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My heart beat quickened when I first read your post. I am so, so glad she is okay.

A very similar situation happened to us about 2 weeks ago. My 2 year old little girl had an accident with the stroller....and just as your Ellie ever since she was about 8 monthes old she has done this wierd breath holding thing of some sort where she goes out in my arms and has seizure like activity. Does you daughter turn very, very, very white? It is strange because she doesn't turn blue but white.

anyway....this last one was the worse and then she wanted to go to bed and started vomiting...so, so, so, so scary.


Not sure if you are a christian but I would like to share that this last time was so scary that I really felt I could go crazy, if that makes sense. I thought either I will go crazy or I HAVE TO give my kids to their Creator...I really felt it was a cross roads for me.....very impactful...I can't micromanage every thing...we were just on an innocent walk...


probably too much info...I am so very happy your Ellie is okay. I have a tremendous amount of emphathy for you.

What do your doctors say about the breath holding spells?


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I'm glad your wee girl is okay; I know that fear too well!


And yes, I used to joke that band-aids needed their own line item in our family budget. Now only 7yo still asks for them all.the.time.


If Scooby-Doo and a band-aid (and a whole lot of love and prayers from the Hive, right) make it all better, then so be it. :)

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