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Would this annoy you? Or am I overreacting?

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The neighbors behind us had this play structure built today. It looks like it's about 4 or 5 ft. from our property line. The tile you see at the bottom of the picture is our swimming pool. The neighborhood covenants say that this stuff has to be approved, which I doubt it was, because the covenants also contain a 10 ft. setback from all property lines.


It feels like the stupid thing is in my backyard. Oh, and they have a zip line that goes from the top all the way to the end of the property, running parallel to the fence. The puzzling thing to me is that their property is on a cul-de-sac, with our yard only bordering a portion of their back property line, but everything they've put back there (swingset, trampoline, zip line, and now this) is right up against our yard.


Am I overreacting to be so ticked off? The kids that play on it are super obnoxious, and always screaming at the top of their lungs (the last couple of times I tried to go out and relax on my patio, I had to go inside because I was so stressed by the screaming, fighting, and crying), so that's probably not helping my attitude. :glare:


Yes, I know, in the grand scheme, this isn't a major item. But we have worked really hard to have a nice home and backyard, and we followed the rules regarding getting neighborhood approval before we built our pool. I just wonder if they were in our position (and yard), how they would feel.


Maybe I'm just grouchy. That's certainly possible. :tongue_smilie:


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. The neighborhood covenants say that this stuff has to be approved, which I doubt it was, because the covenants also contain a 10 ft. setback from all property lines.



who enforces the neighborhood convenants? What is the process for reporting infractions? when infractions are reported, what do they do? What kind of relationship do you have with this neighbor? do they do things to deliberatly annoy people or are they really that clueless?


With a wrought iron fence, I'd probably plant an aborvitea hedge ASAP. And a nice fat tree between the fort part of the swingset and my backyard so they can't see in.

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And this is why I love having an HOA. I would be asking to have this thing moved. Just as I asked to have it moved when our neighbors erected a giant chain link dog yard next to our house and then covered it with a plastic tarp that flapped in the wind.


If people don't want to live under the rules, that is fine. But don't buy a house that is within an HOA and expect to be able to build your dog yard/play structure right next to the fence.

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Would it make a big difference to you if it were pushed back just enough to meet HOA rules? If not, then it's not worth the emotion. Also, it seems like your pool isn't very far away from the fence, either.


But the point someone made about a child getting hurt by the fence might be worth following up. Who owns the fence? If it's yours, I wonder if they could try to hold you responsible for injuries like that. In that case, I'd be wanting that play structure moved back.

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Are those your neighbors in the picture? I don't think I would like to have my neighbor snap a picture of me or my property and then post it on the internet.


As for the original question, no I don't think it would bother me. It's just kids playing, and there's a fence, so they won't be coming into your yard. But, having said that, neighbors and covenants are some of the reasons that I prefer living far, far out in the country. :)

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And this is why I love having an HOA. I would be asking to have this thing moved. Just as I asked to have it moved when our neighbors erected a giant chain link dog yard next to our house and then covered it with a plastic tarp that flapped in the wind.


If people don't want to live under the rules, that is fine. But don't buy a house that is within an HOA and expect to be able to build your dog yard/play structure right next to the fence.


This is why we moved to our neighborhood too. I would report the playscape, and let the board deal with it.

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Would it make a big difference to you if it were pushed back just enough to meet HOA rules? If not, then it's not worth the emotion. Also, it seems like your pool isn't very far away from the fence, either.


But the point someone made about a child getting hurt by the fence might be worth following up. Who owns the fence? If it's yours, I wonder if they could try to hold you responsible for injuries like that. In that case, I'd be wanting that play structure moved back.


:iagree: I think the pool is perspective. I'm betting it is 3-4 times farther away from the fence than the play structure. I'd grow a hedge if you think the noise wouldn't change, and if there'd be trouble. Some people get a "taste" for breaking the rules, and go hog wild once they know they can do it. I've seen it happen, and it made for hard feelings and a lawsuit.

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Well, I'm in a grouchy mood too so I'll be happy to be on your side today. ;)


It would irritate me. From the picture, it appears that your property is lower than theirs. Someone mentioned how close your pool was to the fence but it's not the same deal because you don't appear to have a clear view into their entire back yard, which is basically what their kids will have when they are at the top of their fort. Even if they switched to a privacy fence, the kids will be able to sit on the fort and watch your every move. I like privacy in my back yard. Of course, your fence wasn't private to begin with but this steps it up quite a bit.


The noise issue is separate. My kids made my back yard sound like a henhouse with a fox inside earlier today so you have my sympathy there. (This is one of the many reasons I'm grouchy today, actually.) :glare: Now be sure to use my empathy to give your neighbors some sympathy because that's probably why they erected the fort in the first place. :tongue_smilie:


I might give the HOA a ring. Probably. Today, for sure. :lol:


ETA: The distance between play structures and obstacles is supposed to be a minimum of 6 feet for safety purposes. I would be surprised if professional installers erected it closer than that. Stranger things have happened though.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I would definitely be annoyed. Our neighbors beside us have a pool. We have two sons and my husband has promised to build them a tree house. Before we ever built the house, we were scoping out trees for the tree house. There is one tree, sitting off by itself, that would be a perfect tree house tree. It is huge and has sprawling limbs - perfect. However, it is the only tree in our yard that sits just a few feet away from the neighbors yard/fence, looking right over into their pool area.


My husband was planning on using that tree for the tree house but I told him I didn't think it would be very nice of us because the neighbors would certainly not appreciate having our sons looking down upon them while they are enjoying their pool. Plus, they have three little yippy dogs that run to the fence and bark incessantly when we are in the back yard. It would be even worse if the boys were that close to the fence.


So, we found a couple of trees that might work for a tree house that are in the middle of our yard, a little towards the back of the property, but not far enough to be too close to our back neighbor. These trees are not quite as good for a tree house but I am sure they will do fine and we will not be causing trouble with our neighbors next door....plus, this is definitely how I would like to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak.

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Yes, it would annoy me.


I am a stickler for rules. We chose to live in an area with a HOA because of not having one in our last area and the issues that popped up there.


I would call and find out if it was approved, if for no other reason than 'it is close to the fence' and the potential danger.


I would also look into planting some nice evergreens as a 'fence' along the fence line. Our neighbors had to do this when the kids behind them (same look to the property with a slightly different elevation) kept standing on their playground and *staring* at my (retired with no kids!) neighbors and being jerky. My poor neighbors couldn't enjoy their backyard. Fast forward three years and they have a beautiful 'fence' of evergreens. Being 'jerky' isn't as fun when one can't see if they are having an effect. Chemlawn helped with feeding the trees regularly and they grew fast.


Good luck. I feel for you.

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It wouldn't bother me at all. Sounds like they have an awesome backyard. I like hearing kids playing outside. My kids are loud and can probably be obnoxious when they are playing. I guess I sympathize with your neighbors.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


:iagree: If they bumped it back another 5 feet you would still hear their children when they were playing. It's not going to make a difference in terms of noise or your general annoyance. The play structure does appear dangerously close to the fence though and I am surprised that a professional play structure company installed it in that location. A kid could fall on that fence.

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I don't know if I'd be annoyed or not because i live in a different kind of neighborhood.


If they are breaking the rules and you don't say anything, however, that can be used as evidence that you are okay with it if they decide to put something else near the property line. If the board does not say anything, it's the same deal. Someone else could build something else near their neighbor's property line and then argue that though certain rules are in the covenant, that since they are not actually enforced consistently, then it is not fair for them to be enforced in their case.


Perhaps you could simply inquire if the board approved a structure 5 ft from your property line.

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It wouldn't bother me at all. Sounds like they have an awesome backyard. I like hearing kids playing outside. My kids are loud and can probably be obnoxious when they are playing. I guess I sympathize with your neighbors.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

:iagree: But, I also agree with the danger of that type of fence. Really, I think even if they moved it five feet over more, you would still see and hear the kids. I would love a yard like that to send my kids out to play and scream on. Kids make noise. They have lots of energy. Outside is the best place for them to do it.

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Am I overreacting to be so ticked off?


Yeah. There's a big fence between their yard and yours. Their stuff is not in your yard, and moving it a few feet wouldn't really do anything to make the noisy children less noisy. Honestly, if those are your neighbors in the picture and I were them, I'd be annoyed that you took my picture and posted it on a public forum without my consent and then complained about me.



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From that angle, it's impossible to tell how close to the fence the play structure actually is… it could be 2 feet, it could be 10 feet. The angle messes with what you see.


As long as it wasn't close enough that kids could fall onto the fence, it wouldn't bother me. If you (general) really want *quiet* in your yard, you don't live in a community…you get a place out in the country.

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I want to thank everyone for weighing in here, both those who agree with me and those who don't. I do want to clear up a few things:


I wasn't clear when I brought up the noise of the kids. That isn't really the issue here. I understand that kids are loud. I have kids myself. We've been living behind these kids for 4 years. The only reason I brought that up is that it probably was influencing me to think negatively about the structure. I completely understand that moving the structure isn't going to make the kids any quieter. I get that. That wasn't the point.


The point is that they built this thing 5 feet from our fence, which has those pointy things on the top. (That is the required fence for this neighborhood. Privacy fences are not allowed.) We were told when we built our pool that there is a 10 ft. setback from all property lines. I just went to the fence and looked; yes, in my opinion, a kid could conceivably throw himself off the structure and onto the top of the fence. Whether any kid would actually do that is debatable. It's not close enough for them to accidentally fall off onto the top of the fence.


It feels and looks like one of those lifeguard stands at the beach, overlooking our pool.


BTW, the pool is approx. 30 feet from the fence. The picture makes it look closer, because our yard slopes toward our house.


And those are not the neighbors in the picture. Those are the guys who installed it.


I took more pictures, but with the camera, and I can't find the cable (of course :tongue_smilie:). If I find it, I'll post them to give more perspective.

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It would bug me a little because we have always been a quiet family, and if a big, loud family were right next door, it would just bother me. That being said, it's all part of being in a neighborhood, and I would try and make the best of it.


On the other hand, if the guidelines are that they have to build a certain distance away from the fence, that's a different story. But I guess I wouldn't want to make a stink out of it unless their being so close really started causing problems. (I hate to make enemies!)

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From that angle, it's impossible to tell how close to the fence the play structure actually is… it could be 2 feet, it could be 10 feet. The angle messes with what you see.


As long as it wasn't close enough that kids could fall onto the fence, it wouldn't bother me. If you (general) really want *quiet* in your yard, you don't live in a community…you get a place out in the country.


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I so wouldn't care unless they told my kids they couldn't play too. ;)


But I would also never, in a million years, live in the sort of community the OP lives in.


Exactly. And if it bothered ME so much, I'd be building my own privacy fence.


ETA: Oops, nevermind. Just saw in your follow-up post that privacy fences aren't allowed per your HOA. And once again, that totally reinforces why you couldn't pay me to live in that type of neighborhood!

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I would call my insurance agent and ask about my liability if a child managed to fall and injure themselves on my fence. If I would have any liability I would definitely complain to the HOA based on the liability and safety issue. I would do this in writing in case I ever needed evidence due to my liability.


Regardless of the liability issue, I would plant some sort of fast growing landscaping. It is amazing how well plants can reduce noise.

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I really think I'd be planting a hedge both as a privacy and noise barrier. We have one along the street side of our property (we live on a corner, our adjacent neighbors back to a large city park that has lots of festivals, the city fireworks display (when we have enough rain), etc. and during those times, we have lots of people walking, parking, etc. -- the hedge is a nice barrier).

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HOA is there for a reason. You don't pay dues for nothing! I'd report. I lived in a very strict HOA neighborhood and that type of structure would never be approved. It is not the most aesthetically pleasing structure. Don't worry, it looks cheap and will fall apart by next year anyway!

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HOA agreements are supposed to be followed by homeowners and upheld by the HOA board. Just contact them and ask if the structure has been approved for that location. If there is a 10 foot setback, then you can ask that the setback be enforced. I doubt there is much else you can do, other than plant some fast growing tall bushes along the fence to give your yard some visual privacy.

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Yes, it would annoy me.


Yes, you're blessed to have a pool, and you're blessed to have the sort of neighborhood where you hear kids playing. I know all that. But I covet my privacy and quiet; and that would tick me off.


I'm not sure if it would tick me off enough to turn them in. Probably not.


But I would start a row of photenias tomorrow. I'm not kidding. It will help with the noise. It will protect your privacy. And it will send a message.


P.S. It is a beautiful play structure. My kid would be jealous.


P.S.2 I bet their kids don't play with it much -- which is exactly why my kid doesn't have one.

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You know, you may be annoyed & want to say something because of that, but i think you have to say something just due to the fact that it is too close to that scary fence!! Make that the issue, then its not personal. Otherwise I'd suggest planting a few more bushes & getting a water "feature" to drown out the neighbor's noise.

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If they are in violation of the HOA covenants, they should comply.


A poor doe was impaled on the pointy thing (not sure what proper term is) of iron fencing in our neighborhood. Her fawn had fit through the bars of the iron fence, and she was trying to reach fawn. It was a pitiful sight to endure until animal control arrived to put her out of her misery.

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