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Uh oh. Bb gun and neighbor dogs.

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Do you live in the country or the city? Because honestly, my mom down in the sticks of Alabama would have smacked my brother upside the head and said, "Don't be shooting bbs at people's pets." He would have been made to apologize (grovel) and that would have been the end of it. He would have gone back to shooting squirrels which EVERYONE is glad to be rid of.


I think the kid did wrong and needs to apologize.


I think the neighbor needs to shut her dogs up.


I don't think it is the end of the world.


:iagree: :lol:

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I've grown up with hunters in my family; kids who use bb guns on animals... would get physically punished.... gun take away... some type of hard work.

Seriously the blame goes to the adults, if they haven't done proper teaching on safety and proper use. I think that all of the "would do to the child" is more "you should understand gun control".... Hunters only shoot at animals to kill, and people who have guns are hunters... or they have them for actual safety reasons. Animals barking don't equate with using force. (Would it have been ok to go out and kick or hit the dog??)

Seriously, I think the bottom line is, "Is it a kind thing to do?" and if you're not concerned with that, "Is it something that is legal?"

In our town it's actually not legal to shoot any projectile, including a rubber band. My mom can't shoot anything in her own yard, baring threat of physical harm.

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Sounds like the OP is trying to do the right thing now -- waiting for dh to get home to go over together*. I know the Hive is stunned that a vetted non-troll does not undergo an internal metamorphosis over 45 minutes of intense "posting" but arguments motivated her to action and hopefully reflection. Something tells me textbook catharsis by p.22 or whatever is not in the stars. So if Scarlett and Rhett go over the same day and say anything even remotely like "Sorry. Really." and ...


I don't like guns. Wouldn't have one in the house at all.
And this one is going back to his dad's tonight.


... then if neighbor really wants to call the police or still smells blood in the absence of injury or future potential of injury, so be it.


*Kid should apologize but only after it's clear the neighbor had not become unglued.

Edited by mirth
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as someone whose dog was shot by a BB gun, yes it's a very big deal. your telling him "not to do it again", is a floppy handslap at best. how do you plan on guaranteeing that? what will you do if he shoots the dog again? bb guns are an introduction to firearms and he should get the firearms saftey lecture to go with it.


Take. the. gun. away. at least for a period of time. He shouldn't be shooting it at anything living, or anyone's houses. (we also had many bb's holes through windows. same kid.)



OP has answered up thread. The gun will be returning to the father's house.

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So am I the worst neighbor in the world? How serious do you think a barking dog gets shot with bbs?


I seriously hope you're kidding, because, honestly, I'd be so angry at your son that I would be thinking about what steps to take next. And, if you actually said to her what you typed here, I'd think you were a completely insensitive person.


I know you're not, because I've been reading your posts here for years, but, truly, allowing your son to shoot a living being because it makes noise?


I'm shaking with anger just typing this.

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The main point is this:

Your son misused a gun.


You simply cannot justify his behavior. At. all.





And this one is going back to his dad's tonight.


I think it ought to be destroyed. I don't really care who paid for it. One of DH's colleagues caught his son of about the same age shooting his BB gun at passing cars, and he forced the boy to destroy the gun with a sledgehammer and then throw it away. That's pretty much how it would go down here if we ever dealt with a similar issue, and it would be followed by some serious loss of privileges and heavy duty manual labor.

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I guess I could go say, 'Regardless of the reason I'm sorry my ds shot your dog with bb gun. He won't again.'


Regardless of the reason???????


Your. Son. Shot. A. Dog.


Period. End of sentence.


It was cruel, mean, thoughtless and possibly criminal.


If I had a kid who was shooting at animals "to make them shut up," he'd be in therapy.


I'm going to have to sign off the boards for a couple of days. I can't be around for this discussion.

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I hope your son is not going to turn the BB gun on anyone who is annoying him.


I find it hard to believe that anyone can justify shooting a dog with a BB gun because its constant barking was annoying.


My neighbor screams at her kids non-stop and the kids scream non-stop. I have never thought of opening the side door and taking aim at them. Good thing your son doesn't live next door to them.

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Regardless of the reason???????


Your. Son. Shot. A. Dog.


Period. End of sentence.


It was cruel, mean, thoughtless and possibly criminal.

If I had a kid who was shooting at animals "to make them shut up," he'd be in therapy.


I'm going to have to sign off the boards for a couple of days. I can't be around for this discussion.


But it was the kids dad who taught him to do that, so I don't blame the kid at all. Not at 10 years old.

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Ds11 just got caught by the neighbor shooting their dog with his bb gun. She came over and confronted me. It wasn't pretty. I told her I would tell ds to not do that again.


She wanted more I think. She kept saying how big of a problem she had with it. I said, 'I'm sorry. I will tell him not to do it again. Your dogs drive us crazy with the barking.' She said there wasn't any kind of rule about barking dogs' I said, 'I wasn't really looking to enforce some sort of rule...I just would like to be able to go in my back yard or side front without dogs barking at me constantly. She said, 'dogs bark.' I said, 'yes they do. But if I had a dog that barked constantly at the neighbors I would get rid of them.'


She looked like I had suggested she sell her firstborn. :glare: She said, 'they are part of my family and I won't be getting rid of them because they bark.' I shrugged and said, 'I'm just saying that is what I would do.'


So am I the worst neighbor in the world? How serious do you think a barking dog gets shot with bbs?


I think both were in the wrong. Ds for shooting at the dogs and your neighbor for letting them bark incessantly.


I, personally, would check my ordinances about noise laws (and shooting dogs with bbs laws :)) and go from there. IT would be extremely inconvenient if dogs barked every time I went in my backyard.

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Regardless of the reason???????


Your. Son. Shot. A. Dog.


Period. End of sentence.


It was cruel, mean, thoughtless and possibly criminal.


If I had a kid who was shooting at animals "to make them shut up," he'd be in therapy.


I'm going to have to sign off the boards for a couple of days. I can't be around for this discussion.


I happen to disagree. My dad has a hand gun bb gun to keep the cats out of the back yard. There were several neighborhood cats that used out backyard as a litterbox.


I think blanketing her son as mean and cruel is a bit over the top. I will be he wasn't even trying to be mean, or maybe he was. However you can't say that with 100% certainty.


Also to say a kid who shoots a dog (once that we know of) needs to be in therapy is also shooting from the hip (pun intended).


That gets my hackles rising and it wasn't even my son.

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I happen to disagree. My dad has a hand gun bb gun to keep the cats out of the back yard. There were several neighborhood cats that used out backyard as a litterbox.


I think blanketing her son as mean and cruel is a bit over the top. I will be he wasn't even trying to be mean, or maybe he was. However you can't say that with 100% certainty.


Also to say a kid who shoots a dog (once that we know of) needs to be in therapy is also shooting from the hip (pun intended).


That gets my hackles rising and it wasn't even my son.


Wow, I guess that people really have different opinions about guns. I can't believe that it'd be ok to teach kids to shoot cats. Cats in our area have no leash law, and are considered animals that have the right to go around... at will. (Kinda like other "free" animals... birds... etc)


I would be mortified if my husband shot any creature; he still feels ashamed of shooting a bird when he was around 10. :(

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WOW, I went back and read some of the responses finally. Goodness, it was a BB gun not a REAL gun. Jeez. If it were my son, I would have punished him but golly there seems to be a consensus that he is a criminal and he's going to go around shooting dogs, cats and kids if they don't be quiet. It's that a bit much? Sheesh.


I have two dogs. If they were that annoyed at my dogs that I caught them with a bb gun I would have addressed the parents. If that didn't work then I might involve the police but for crying out loud this isn't a case of animal abuse. Getting caught once doesn't mean the kid is going to be a serial killer for Pete's sake.


That is my .02.


Hate me if you want to, love me if you can - Toby Keith

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I happen to disagree. My dad has a hand gun bb gun to keep the cats out of the back yard. There were several neighborhood cats that used out backyard as a litterbox.


I think blanketing her son as mean and cruel is a bit over the top. I will be he wasn't even trying to be mean, or maybe he was. However you can't say that with 100% certainty.


Also to say a kid who shoots a dog (once that we know of) needs to be in therapy is also shooting from the hip (pun intended).


That gets my hackles rising and it wasn't even my son.

Upthread I linked to two stories where people were charged w/ animal cruelty for shooting at dogs that were on the shooter's property. It was still considered legally inexcusable. Whether people personally think it is okay or not to shoot at a "nuisance" animal, it is clear that in some jurisdictions it is still a criminal act, even if the animal is on the shooter's property. It may seem okay to some people, but clearly the law has a problem with it, at least in some locales.

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WOW, I went back and read some of the responses finally. Goodness, it was a BB gun not a REAL gun. Jeez. If it were my son, I would have punished him but golly there seems to be a consensus that he is a criminal and he's going to go around shooting dogs, cats and kids if they don't be quiet. It's that a bit much? Sheesh.


I have two dogs. If they were that annoyed at my dogs that I caught them with a bb gun I would have addressed the parents. If that didn't work then I might involve the police but for crying out loud this isn't a case of animal abuse. Getting caught once doesn't mean the kid is going to be a serial killer for Pete's sake.


That is my .02.


Hate me if you want to, love me if you can - Toby Keith


And while that may be your two cents, that line of thinking would not hold up legally in many places. See my links to the stories in GA and TX for example. In those cases, as I said, the offending animal was on the shooter's property and they were still charged. In one case, the person was jailed. I don't think OP's ds would be facing prison or anything (nor do I think he should) but it is very serious, even if you don't personally think it is a problem to shoot an animal with a BB gun.


It *is* animal cruelty (at least in some jurisdictions). That isn't a personal judgment, it is what the law would say, no matter what your personal feelings are.

(eta: sorry to have responded to you twice, but I cross posted w/ you on your followup post).

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Wow, I guess that people really have different opinions about guns. I can't believe that it'd be ok to teach kids to shoot cats. Cats in our area have no leash law, and are considered animals that have the right to go around... at will. (Kinda like other "free" animals... birds... etc)


I would be mortified if my husband shot any creature; he still feels ashamed of shooting a bird when he was around 10. :(


There is a difference in bb guns. You *CAN* shoot a bb gun at one pump and it will *NOT* hurt a dog, might make them yelp in surprise but won't *hurt* them.


Folks are worried about a dog being hurt with a bb gun but not worried about shock collars from underground fences (which even animal rights places advocate).

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I happen to disagree. My dad has a hand gun bb gun to keep the cats out of the back yard. There were several neighborhood cats that used out backyard as a litterbox.


I think blanketing her son as mean and cruel is a bit over the top. I will be he wasn't even trying to be mean, or maybe he was. However you can't say that with 100% certainty.


Also to say a kid who shoots a dog (once that we know of) needs to be in therapy is also shooting from the hip (pun intended).


That gets my hackles rising and it wasn't even my son.


This was us growing up, too. My step dad taught us to shoot the cats. That's the way were taught and I never thought it was mean. It's just what we did. I agree with the rest of what you said, too.

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There is a difference in bb guns. You *CAN* shoot a bb gun at one pump and it will *NOT* hurt a dog, might make them yelp in surprise but won't *hurt* them.


Folks are worried about a dog being hurt with a bb gun but not worried about shock collars from underground fences (which even animal rights places advocate).

I would have a problem w/ my child attempting to discipline someone else's dog via something like a remote shock collar (if this was possible). I think that's more comparable to the OP's situation.

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Everyone wants to get their point in I guess, even if it's the same point.;)


How about another idea.


If a child is not brought up short over such an act, the neighbor and neighborhood might start thinking of child as "trouble", and the next time a window is broken or a garden gnome is stolen, they will be thinking it is this bad kid.


I think the neighborhood will know what happened, and if they also know about the step brother not being able to visit or his blacking his friend's eye, bad rep could certainly develop.


I don't mean to sound mean. Just a ....have you considered this-type response.

Edited by kalanamak
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WOW, I went back and read some of the responses finally. Goodness, it was a BB gun not a REAL gun. Jeez. If it were my son, I would have punished him but golly there seems to be a consensus that he is a criminal and he's going to go around shooting dogs, cats and kids if they don't be quiet. It's that a bit much? Sheesh.


I have two dogs. If they were that annoyed at my dogs that I caught them with a bb gun I would have addressed the parents. If that didn't work then I might involve the police but for crying out loud this isn't a case of animal abuse. Getting caught once doesn't mean the kid is going to be a serial killer for Pete's sake.


That is my .02.


Hate me if you want to, love me if you can - Toby Keith


do you realize that bb guns have killed HUMANS?

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Really? The bbs don't even hurt. :tongue_smilie:


I have assisted with the removal of many bb's and they can cause infection, loss of sight and other condtions and yes they can hurt as well.

If the dogs were on their own property then your son did very, very wrong with shooting them. If they came onto your property that is a different thing. I understand how barking dogs are not enjoyable but yes, you need to have your son own up to what he did if the dogs were on their own property.

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I have a question here. I have already responded to the issue at hand, however, several people say the boy (10 years old) could be charged? I am just curious how this could happen. I can see that his parents may be held responsible in some way but what would the police do after they charge him? Are we talking juvenile detention center and loss of custody? This does not seem warranted in this particular case.


Scarlett, I am just wanting to clarify this, however, as I said earlier I too would have been livid if my son shot at anything alive unless it was to defend his life or to hunt for food. I think the woman wanted to hear something stronger than "I will tell him not to do it again." because this suggests all you will do is tell him and there are not other consequences. I think if I had been the dog owner, I would have said: "I hope you will do more than just tell him." It may be a case of misunderstood semantics and maybe what you meant was that it will never happen again, period. I bet she didn't hear it that way.


The same way a child shoplifting at that age would be charged. Cruelty to animals is considered a misdemeanor. Since it was a first offense I doubt any time would be served - probably a stern warning or community service at the most.


I'm not saying it will or even should. This was the first time. I'm just saying it could and it is something to be wary of.


I'm glad the gun is going back to his Dad's. I don't think he's a bad kid at all. Most kids make mistakes at some point. He didn't realize how serious this could be.


If it had been my dog I would not have appreciated your 'I'm sorry but...' response. But it wouldn't have happened as I take my dogs in immediately when they bark. They go out in the fenced yard to do their business and come in unless we are out in the yard with them.

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She wanted more I think. She kept saying how big of a problem she had with it. I said, 'I'm sorry. I will tell him not to do it again. Your dogs drive us crazy with the barking.' She said there wasn't any kind of rule about barking dogs' I said, 'I wasn't really looking to enforce some sort of rule...I just would like to be able to go in my back yard or side front without dogs barking at me constantly. She said, 'dogs bark.' I said, 'yes they do. But if I had a dog that barked constantly at the neighbors I would get rid of them.'



If I owned the dogs and got that kind of response from you I would think that maybe you put the idea into your kid's head when you put the gun in his hand.

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FWIW, I think that in WV, shooting a dog, for the purpose of inflicting pain, could be a FELONY punishable by ONE TO FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.


"(b) A person who intentionally tortures, or mutilates or maliciously kills an animal, or causes, procures or authorizes any other person to torture, mutilate or maliciously kill an animal, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a correctional facility not less than one nor more than five years and be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars. For the purposes of this subsection, "torture" means an action taken for the primary purpose of inflicting pain."


Whether you agree with the law or not, it would be prudent to make sure your kids don't violate this law.

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I'm sure you've had enough, and are probably dealing with the situation with dh. However, I agree with vettech, when I worked for a vet we saw animals come in BB wounds. Some of them were found after the animals behavior drastically changed, come to find out some kid (probably) had been shooting the dog.


Practically, shooting a dog with a BB will only make it more skittish, and most likely cause it to be less friendly and bark more.


My neighbors like to party. They're pretty quiet really, but our houses are so close together the 3 a.m. alcohol induced cackle from the porch make me wish it were okay to use a BB gun on living things. You know what though, I haven't broached the subject with them, it's their yard, their deck, so I put on Beethoven and close the window.


If my son shot a living thing, especially a neighbor's pet, I would:


1. take the gun away, send it back to dh's house, or lock it away in my closet.

2. have him WRITE an apology and deliver it to the neighbor, with you in tow, dh too if necessary. (We had to have ds do this a few times. The act of writing a note made the apology more consequential)

3. Discuss before or after the note delivery why is it unacceptable to shot at living things (plenty of reasonings in this thread);).

4. Examine your own outlook and dislike for the dogs and more healthy ways to overcome that. Talk to the neighbors, get to the know the dog, put up a wooden fence...



As someone else stated, people talk. You don't want your son to get a poor reputation. Is he a monster? No, he's ten. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Ten-years-old are not the best critical thinkers. I would make sure the apology and follow up happen swiftly if for no other reason than to protect your son.


Then I'd probably find out what treats the dogs like and try to make nice.

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This is a tough one. Dog owners do fall back on the "well dogs bark" defense all the time. It was wrong to shoot them and he is lucky they didn't call the police. I can't take the neighbor's side for the barking though as I have lived next to the MOST obnoxious 5 dogs for years now and have no furniture on my very large and expensive deck for the same reason. Thankfully one of them bit a police officer this past year and VOILA! they take them right in when they so much as yip because they definitely DO NOT want the police to visit their house for barking ever again.:tongue_smilie:

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Admittedly I have not read every page of this ~ however, in our town (and most towns that I know of) there are city ordinances about barking dogs.


Here there is a limit to how much a dog can park in a 15 minute interval. I can't remember the exact amount. I know this because a good friend of mine has a barking dog and she's tried everything to get him to stop and he just won't. Her neighbors call the cops on here almost weekly.


Start logging when the dog barks, what time, how long (time it), how long they stopped (again, time it), what time the dogs went inside, etc... and start researching noise ordinances in your area.


I won't comment on your son shooting the dogs ~ you've gotten enough of those comments already. :)

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Everyone think maybe she's heard enough? She can work it out from here. :grouphug:

People keep hammering away at it, because it *doesn't* seem like she's heard enough, or that she's "getting" what the clear, overwhelming majority think of the situation. :001_huh: It's true though, that if the first 50 people didn't get through, no response is likely to influence. (And yeah, I just picked the number 50 out of the blue, but you kwim...)

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People keep hammering away at it, because it *doesn't* seem like she's heard enough, or that she's "getting" what the clear, overwhelming majority think of the situation. :001_huh: It's true though, that if the first 50 people didn't get through, no response is likely to influence. (And yeah, I just picked the number 50 out of the blue, but you kwim...)


Yes, she got it and she's going to do the right things. She just doesn't feel the way we want her to feel because she's the one that has had to listen to the dogs for ages and she's the mom of this kid and knows he's not serial killer in the making.


She's dealing with it and probably tired of this thread by now. I don't blame her.

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Folks are worried about a dog being hurt with a bb gun but not worried about shock collars from underground fences (which even animal rights places advocate).


Well, we tried a shock collar once and upon seeing it in action I took it off the dog and threw it in the garbage.


I still firmly believe that what the Op's son did was wrong and the op should take it seriously, but I do think some here are a bit over the top. He is a 10 year old boy and this is one incident, not a pattern of behavior.

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Wow, Scarlett, you're really getting pummelled in this thread. I deal with barking dogs 24 hours a day. I'm serious. I hear them when I go to sleep at night (I turn the TV on), in morning when I wake, through school. The only time I don't hear them is when I leave my dang house. If I could get away with shooting them with a soft air pellet gun, I would. I'm with you. I know how frustrating is. I'll get flamed for defending you, but ya know, it's just how I feel. Tell your son not to shoot them again. It's not nice. Even if his intention wasn't to harm. Leave it at that. Then I would ask your neighbor how she would like you to deal with her barking dog and check with your animal control. In Vegas, owners can be fined and the dogs taken away if they get to many complaints. I would complain and complain and complain.....

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I really do understand the barking. It's frustrating. My mother's neighbor has really loud obnoxious music.


But. The time to complain about it was BEFORE shooting the dog. Complaining now will probably result in the neighbor filing charges if it hasn't already been done.


Furthermore, it's just not okay to damage property because it's annoying.

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I'm still amazed that anyone thinks it is o.k. to shoot a BB gun at any living creature:confused:


:iagree: I am absolutely gobsmacked! If I was that neighbor, I'd have my own BB gun to shoot at trespassers. I mean, it's just BBs, it doesn't really hurt. :001_huh:

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I did not read past page 7. I don't know if this has been pointed out already.


I don't much give a rat's patootie about the dog or the kid shooting at the dog. But it sounds like the young man discharged a firearm in a populated area. City limits?


That could cause some pretty big problems for him.


The time he misses and shoots someone else's kid is going to be an even bigger problem.

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I truly wish you'd GET IT. I'm just absolutely SHOCKED, and horrified, that you don't.


I agree. I've been reading through this thread and am entirely gobsmacked.


And no, dog owners don't "fall back on the 'dogs bark' excuse all the time."

Not responsible dog owners, anyway.


In essence, you're saying the same thing. "Ten year old boys shoot barking dogs, and his father and I think it's OK!" No they don't. And responsible parents do not minimize shooting animals.


I cannot believe you do not think your child aiming a gun at another living creature and pulling the trigger with the intent to harm just because it was annoying him is A-OK.



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It wasn't a deflection. It was an explanation. .

Or as one of my better instructors would say, it was an excuse.


An apology with a "yeah, but..." is no apology.




I'll step in on Scarlett's side here.

Scarlett apologized.


"yeah, but . . . " is not an apology. It's an attempt at justification.


I want you to know that I understand the dog barking thing. Try 17 years...a pack of little yippers. Augh. I almost went crazy a long time ago and actually started considering poisoning them. Really. Not in their yard, mind you...I had somehow justified it (put rat poison in a container in my yard...they would be trespassing if they ate it, right?) It was BAD thinking.


I realized this. It freaked me out.


At the time, our neighbor had a few dogs; one barked nonstop. Our township had no ordinance about barking dogs, and the neighbor is a piece of work, to put it mildly. :tongue_smilie: So, I was afraid of my own anger and had nowhere to go. It was a scary thing. I am a praying type of person, so I prayed. I prayed that God would make. me. stop. before I did something insane.


God smote the dog.


Honest. I kid you not. The very next day the neighbor's child came over and told my kids that her dog had fallen over dead. I attribute it all to God. He wanted to save me from prison.

(And, for the record, I still consider the dog-smiting to be one of God's best acts on my behalf)



But it was the kids dad who taught him to do that, so I don't blame the kid at all. Not at 10 years old.

and it was the kid's mom who expressed, at least to herself, she wanted to shoot the dog.

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