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S/O Leaving kids in cars unattended POLL

Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?  

  1. 1. Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?

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depends on the age you are referring to. the law here states you can leave a child in the car who is 12 and older. I have left children 12 and older in the car.

I have called the police when we saw a sleeping child left in a car. My DH first went into the shop and asked if they could announce it over the loudspeaker. the shop said they didn't have one. then we waited beside the car for 15 minutes, then called the police who took another 20 minutes to arrive.the day was in the low 20' ( Celsius).

my brother rescued a small baby out of a car on a 40o (Celsius) day. the child was in obvious distress. he called the police first, and when they didn't show up after 15 minutes, he smashed a window and took the child out. the mother turned up at the same time as the police and wanted him to be charged with kidnapping. He told her if he was interested in kidnapping he wouldn't have stood beside her car with a screaming infant for 20 minutes.

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I can't tell you how many times the gas pump has rejected my debit card, requiring me to pay inside. No, I do not wake my kids (youngest two always fall asleep in the car, and the girls sometimes do as well) to gather them all up and parade into the gas station so I can hit the ATM, hand the cashier a couple of 20s and parade them all right back and buckle 3 of them back up.


I suppose I have the "out" in that my 13yo could be considered a sitter, and I always hand him my cell phone and my keys, but I've been in a self-pump state for 6 years now, so you do the math. ;)

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How old are the children?


I've left my kids in the car at 11 and 12 years old while I ran into the grocery store for a few things because they didn't want to come in with me (and who blames them?). When they were younger, I went inside the gas station to pay for gas.


I do this too. I also have left littles in the car with teenage siblings.

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Yes to run library books to the drop box, to return a movie to Redbox or to grab a missing item in the house. I have not and would never go into a store or building (including to pay for gas) other than my own house with my kids still in the car.

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I have left my oldest in the car with her younger siblings to run into the grocery store. She's old enough to drive now although I started when she was 12 or 13. I leave the keys so she can play the radio and have AC/heat as needed. She locks the doors and doesn't open them for anyone but me. She has a cell phone and can text me if there's a problem.


The younger two I only leave if I'm running back into the house for something very quickly, putting a cart back in the corral (although 99% of the time I shop alone or with oldest there) or returning books at the outside book drop at the library and the drop-off parking space at the doors is available.


I don't have to worry about gas stations. :D

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Well, children drive at 16 (or 17 at my house). I have a hard time getting my teens to run in to the store with me for a few things at the end of a long day. But during a Texas summer, I absolutely insist. When the weather is cooler, they can stay in the car.



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I leave my dc in the vehicle all the time. We live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere on the way to nowhere. When we are at the grocery store, the police chief waves at the kids in the van (as do the other adults). If someone called to report me (and who here would do that????), the police and family services would probably just laugh. I asked the police chief about it one day, and he said leaving them was just fine as long as they didn't drive away on me. :D


I don't leave them in bigger cities, though. Just here in tiny nowhere. I had a HUGE adjustment when we moved from San Antonio. I remember my shock the first time I saw unaccompanied kids waiting for their parents. I couldn't fathom such a thing!

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. A child under 7yo can be in the car with a child over 14yo.




They tried to pass that law in my state and I think it's really stupid! So you're telling me that my 13 yo can stay home and babysit her siblings just fine, but can't sit in a locked car with them hooked into car seats where they can't possibly get into trouble or get hurt!?! How is that logical? Not to mention that if she were sitting in a car with them, I would be by definition just inside the store/bank/post office, but if she were babysitting at home I'd be a half an hour away!

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They tried to pass that law in my state and I think it's really stupid! So you're telling me that my 13 yo can stay home and babysit her siblings just fine, but can't sit in a locked car with them hooked into car seats where they can't possibly get into trouble or get hurt!?! How is that logical? Not to mention that if she were sitting in a car with them, I would be by definition just inside the store/bank/post office, but if she were babysitting at home I'd be a half an hour away!


:iagree: I cannot stand the "We must legislate everything" approach in the first place and the discrepancy between states is downright comical.


In Maryland, you can't leave a child younger than 8, but in Illinois, it's 12. Are the children in Maryland unusually precocious or are Illinois children just amazingly immature? ;)

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Well, since I have one that can drive, I guess I do leave my 16 year old son in the car, running, with the keys, out of sight, and many miles away.


I have left my younger children in the car in the garage while I ran back inside to grab something right inside the door. However, to run to the ATM, in the gas station to pay, to drop something at someone's house if I was going to walk in the house, even for a second...no, I don't do that.

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If you're defining it as a child under 18, then anyone who left their 17 yo alone in the car for five minutes would have to answer yes just as if they left a 2 yo alone in the car, which leads to the poll being pretty meaningless IMO. :)




I voted yes. But, I don't leave my kids in the car *now* while shopping for a full cart of groceries. I never left young kids in the car for any amount of time at all, I took them in with me to pay for gas back in the days before pay-at-the-pump.

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If you're defining it as a child under 18, then anyone who left their 17 yo alone in the car for five minutes would have to answer yes just as if they left a 2 yo alone in the car, which leads to the poll being pretty meaningless IMO. :)



You are correct. That's what I wanted to know. That information may be meaningless to you, but it isn't to me, which is why I asked the question in the first place.

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I would leave a teenager in the car, but I don't have one.


There are a few situations where I would have felt safe leaving my 5yo in the car, and the only reason I didn't was fear of being turned in.


I usually send him out to the car to buckle himself in while I find the car keys. So if that counts as "unattended in the car" then, yes, I've done it :)

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I never have for a very good reason.


When I was 4 years old my parents left me in the car while they ran into the grocery store one day; saying they would be right back. While they were gone a man and woman came and took me out of the car and started across the parking lot with me towards their car. My parents were only in the store for a few minutes and when they came out they saw the man carrying me to his car. My dad ran after him and caught up with him and his wife. My dad ripped me from the man's arms and handed me to my mother and then proceeded to beat the guy up. If my parents had been in the store for a minute longer I would have been in the car with the couple and gone.


So, no I have NEVER left my kids in the car alone!!

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I do so on a regular basis, but not for more than 5 or 10 min or in giant parking lots like Target, Wal-Mart, or Lowes. If it's too hot, I don't. If the area is not safe, I don't. I used to crack the windows for air, lock the car, and take the keys. Now I leave dd the keys since she knows how to start the car if needed for A/C. Of course, I also send my 6 yr old out with the keys to get something from the car when I can't go myself - depending on the parking lot and where the car is parked.


I have also left them unattended in front of a store with our dog when I had to run in to get something. I had just picked the dog up from the vet and couldn't afford the gas to drive home, drop her off, and go back into town to get what I needed. It was too hot to leave the dog in the car and the store wasn't one I feel comfortable leaving the kids in a running car. The only solution was them keeping the dog on the leash sitting in the rocking chairs in front of the store, in the shade. It was a quick run in/out.

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Yes, but only once. It was very cold outside, about -15, and I had to go to the post office. I had all five kids in the car, three of them strapped into car seats, none of them in front. I drove to the post office, and didn't want to take the kids out or turn off the engine because of the bitter cold. The post office was 8 feet away from the car with big windows so I could SEE our car. It is a small town, no traffic, no people out, etc. In the THREE MINUTES that I was out of the car, my 2.5 year old figured out how to get out of her car seat, jumped to the front seat, put it into drive and drove the car into the building. It all happened so fast, my two older kids couldn't stop her.

Never again.

Edited by jjhat7
oops...said "in" the car instead of "out of" the car.
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Well, I voted no, but then realized I do sometimes technically have them in the car while I am standing right outside, when we are at home. However not to go into a store.


I don't think after a certain age, though, it's a problem. I rode subways by myself before I was 18, so I think sitting in a car is fine, in a safe enough environment.

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I have twice and both times I was more concerned someone would turn me in than that something would happen to the kids. The first time i was taking all 3 (age 3, 1.5, and newborn at the time) to my ILs who live out in the middle of nowhere. I had to use the bathroom so bad I really thought I was going to wet my pants. I stopped at a little general store that had several people at it. All 3 kids were sound asleep. I ran in, used the restroom, didn't wash my hands or zip my pants, and ran back out. I had the keys and the boys were strapped in.


The second time I had to run into the post office and it was snowing. I ran in, could see the car the whole time, and ran back out. There were no other customers.


Both times were less than 2 minutes.

:lol: BTDT, plenty of times

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I had to think about this one for a bit when I saw that it included anyone under the age of 18. I don't think I, personally, have ever left anyone under the age of 18 in a car without an adult.


Personally, I would have no problem leaving a teenager or even a preteen in a car alone for a short period of time. I've been that teenager before.

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Yes. My eldest will be 13 in a few weeks. During the last 6 months or so he has stayed in the car several times with my 7 and 5 yos while I ran in to pay for gas or pick up a loaf of bread. I always take the 2yo with me because he cries if I go in without him. My eldest has also begun babysitting his younger siblings for relatively short amounts of time, up to 2 hours.

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I figured you meant someone under age 12 or 14. 18??? I know legally that is a child, but a 16-year-old can drive himself alone in a car. So I'm a bit confused about whether you'd leave a 17-year-old alone in a car. I can't imagine anyone questioning leaving a 16-17 yo alone in a car, unless the issue was a dangerous neighborhood in which case they might not want to leave the child alone at all (such as letting them walk the neighborhood).


I think this is an interesting question, but as far as viewing the results, I personally would find it more helpful (I know it's your poll!) if it said kids under age 12.

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I was never so angry at another mom than when I let dd go with a friend and friend's mom left dd and friend in the truck at Wal-mart! The only reason I knew about it was because I had to run to Wal-mart about 15 minutes after they left. I just happened to park in the same area and saw the kids in the truck. I sent dh inside to get the thing we needed and I stayed with the kids. Dh came out before friend's mom did. I know they were there half an hour at least.


:eek: What did she SAY when she came out??? Was she embarrassed that you found out or did she think no big deal?

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When we were kids my mom used to leave us in the car while she got groceries. I hated it. I was always scared. I remember a couple of bad things: when 3 of us were probably ages 5-9 or so, my sister shouted at some passing "big boys":"you mucker______s" (rhymes with mucker). They didn't dig that, of course, and came to harass us, pounding on the windows and such. I'm sure they were good kids just having a laugh, but I was terrified. And of course my 7yo sister didn't back down and gave it back to them!


The other thing: we were probably 4,5 and 7. The middle sister (same one who caused trouble above!) crawled into the front seat and pulled the emergency brake as I yelled not to. The car rolled backwards and the back wheels sort of "fell" off the parking lot. It was only about a 3' drop to the yard behind, but it felt like a horror movie! So the back wheels are hanging off the parking lot and we're all screaming and crying. Some nice lady came to rescue us and took us inside to find our mom. She was carrying my youngest sister, which is why I know we were pretty young.

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I figured you meant someone under age 12 or 14. 18??? I know legally that is a child, but a 16-year-old can drive himself alone in a car. So I'm a bit confused about whether you'd leave a 17-year-old alone in a car. I can't imagine anyone questioning leaving a 16-17 yo alone in a car, unless the issue was a dangerous neighborhood in which case they might not want to leave the child alone at all (such as letting them walk the neighborhood).


I think this is an interesting question, but as far as viewing the results, I personally would find it more helpful (I know it's your poll!) if it said kids under age 12.



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You are correct. That's what I wanted to know. That information may be meaningless to you, but it isn't to me, which is why I asked the question in the first place.


I'm sorry if I offended you. Could you please explain your reasoning for asking the question that way?

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Yep, often. mine are 11 and 13 now but I have left them in the car for short stints a lot. I can remember riding my horse in circles around the car while my son slept in his car seat just so I could ride for a few minutes while he took a nap! I never left them in the car when I couldn't see them-our local gas station had a pump that was right outside the door so close I could practically touch the car and write out my check at the same time and that's the one I always used. Always had my radar on about who was by the car and what was going on. I didn't leave them out there at walmart or at the grocery store, for example, b/c I wouldn't have been able to see them.

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I'm sorry if I offended you. Could you please explain your reasoning for asking the question that way?


Anyone under 18 is legally a child. Trying to choose an age of responsibility (under 18) is very subjective. Too messy. Easier to let responders post at what age they felt was their age of responsibility for their children, which is exactly what people did. The responses were interesting.


And I'm not offended. I'm just rather...direct.

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Anyone under 18 is legally a child. Trying to choose an age of responsibility (under 18) is very subjective. Too messy. Easier to let responders post at what age they felt was their age of responsibility for their children, which is exactly what people did. The responses were interesting.


And I'm not offended. I'm just rather...direct.


But then why a poll?

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But then why a poll?


Yes, or maybe if you wanted to do a poll, and you wanted to know what ages people left kids in car alone...it might be good to have ages they could select, so when people viewed the poll results they could see that? As it is now, doesn't it just show whether people have ever left a "child" alone in the car? But for people that choose "yes", we don't know if that is a 5-year-old, a 10-year-old or a 17-year-old.


I don't know, I'm just confused about it!

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But then why a poll?


I think I agree: nearly every 17-18 year old drives in the US. If we're answering for anyone under 18, then nearly everyone from the US would have to honestly answer yes.


But then maybe there was a slight desire to see a lot of "yes?"

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Years ago my sister left her 12yo, 10yo, and 2yo (strapped in) in the car running while renting a movie. The 2yo got out, put the HUGE van in drive and proceeded to PUSH another vehicle across the parking lot. Yikes!


I have left them in the car to run back in to the house, but not with the keys in the ignition, as I need the house key on the ring. I leave them in when pumping gas, but I'm always at the pump. It's too hot right now to do much of even that, though. When they were little, I also would sit on the porch while they finished a nap if it was hard for her to fall asleep.

Edited by 3peasinapod
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No, I never have when they were young, but I realize that I'm fairly compulsive. Besides, they would have screamed.


When they were about 12, I started offering to leave them behind, but they would refuse. I think at about 16, they finally agreed to stay on their own. Rarely. (Why should they sit in the car while I'm in the store having fun?)


I would never ever leave a young kid strapped into a car while I was pumping gas, even if I was right at the pump. The videos of cars catching on fire very, very fast have always been too much for me. I even ask my older kids to unstrap the seat belt if they sit in the car while I'm putting gas in, so they could make a quick getaway if needed. (Like I said, I'm compulsive.)

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