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Poll: Where do you fall in the birth order?

Where do you fall in birth order?  

  1. 1. Where do you fall in birth order?

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I voted other because it depends on which family I was with.


At my bio Dad's I was the oldest.

At my bio mom's I was the youngest.

At my bio mom's when their was drama with my older step siblings I was then an only child.


not sure if any of it impacted my choice to homeschool other than wanting my daughters to be close because it was always a drama rotation for me growing up.

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It might help some to have a definition of birth order.


Dr. Kevin Lehman, who wrote the Birth Order Book, says that a first born is...the first born. :D But it there are two children in a family, a boy and a girl, both are first-borns, because one is the first-born boy, the other is the first-born girl. So if there were a boy, then a girl, then another girl, the first girl is a first-born, not a middle child. See?


If there are four or five years between siblings, the next younger dc counts as a first born, even if that dc is the same gender as the older dc.


It's pretty clear what the baby of the family is...unless there is a 4- or 5-year difference between the baby and the next oldest child, in which case...he's a first born. Clear as mud? :D


In large families, birth order is repeated all over the place, lol.


Mr. Ellie is younger of two sons, but he is a first born because his brother is five years older.


I have three younger brothers; two of them count as first borns, because the oldest is five years younger than I, and the baby is at least 10 years younger than the second brother.



So I'm a first born then. And so is Diva. And Tazzie. And Princess. And I guess 'Tummy' will be a first born too, since Tazzie is 6.



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Let's see...where my mom is concerned, I am an only.


When I was 5, my dad married his second wife who had a 1 year old. He adopted her and then they had another baby girl together. So, in that household, I was the oldest.


When I was adult, my dad married his third wife and she has two daughters who are older than me.


So, I am an only, an eldest and a middle child. It's very complicated!;)

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So I'm a first born then. And so is Diva. And Tazzie. And Princess. And I guess 'Tummy' will be a first born too, since Tazzie is 6.




You're not alone. Five of my six children are first borns! Four by age spread, one by gender. Dh and I are both last borns.

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baby of 9 here.



I do think it was a factor. I saw my older siblings kids as they were growing up and decided early on, that there had to be another way.


I am definitely wayyyy more crunchy than any of my sibs, so I could have been a homeschooler anyways :0)

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I am a middle child and voted that way. However, there are 8 and 12 years between me and my older siblings. 15 months between me and younger. So, I have many oldest sibling characteristics.

The age difference between you and your siblings makes you a first born. :001_smile:

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wonder what this poll says?


Are oldest children more likely to homeschool? More likely to be attracted to TWTM? More likely to answer polls? More likely to post on this particular board?


More likely to be bossy, control freaks :D


I'm the oldest of four and the only one who homeschools. My DH is the oldest of four and again the only one who wants to homeschool. My DH is as adamant about homeschooling as I am so I guess we are both "overprotective, control freaks" as our friends so nicely refer to us :glare:

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I'm the oldest of three. The other two are boys, so I'm an only daughter.


DH is second of four - girl, boy, girl, boy - so he the oldest boy.


None of DH's sibs homeschool, but my first brother and his wife (who is the oldest in her family) homeschool three of their seven.

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So interesting! I'm an only, so I struggle with having people around all day, every day! DH is the youngest of three boys, so he tends to let me be in charge of a lot. He does know how to stick up for himself when he needs to though :lol:

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I don't think we can just look at the number of people in this poll and conclude that the oldest is more likely to homeschool. After all, the percentage of only children in our age range is quite small compared to the population (I'm too lazy to get the data right now), so there might actually be a higher percentage of only children who homeschool.

Edited by JudyJudyJudy
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Either firstborns are more likely to homeschool, to visit these boards, or to answer polls (or a combination of the three.) :D




Thanks for everyone who has responded. I have always had an interest in birth order. I feel it makes me understand my husband and children better. My husband is a middle with last tendencies because he is the last boy of three but the middle of five. And I have three girls and at this point they all fit the classic characteristics. Watching my own family made me wonder if there was any trend in the homeschooling arena.


There may just be more firstborns in the general population, according to family makeup and age differences so maybe that is why there are more firstborns.


Again thanks for indulging me. :) This has been interesting.

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I don't agree with those birth order rules for homeschooling families where the siblings are around each other most of the time.


I think it makes sense that there's more oldests (for aforementioned reasons) and youngests (because we are used to getting our own way and doing what we want :D).

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I voted "last" but it's messier than that - I'm adopted so "technically" probably a firstborn there (and for those of you who say "that doesn't matter" I've read articles about firstborn pregnancies getting different amounts of chemicals/hormones/etc from the mother and I'm sure that can change things...don't know how true it is but it's an interesting thought). I'm 6 years younger than the brother I grew up with, and we were raised very much like only children. I was *definitely* not treated as "the baby" because he always got his way and I've been more mature than him as long as I can remember.


So I'm kind of a lastborn/firstborn/only child.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm the 4th child- I was raised with 2 older step-brothers who joined us when I was 3 and and older bio brother (11 mos. older than me.)


I am the only girl.


As I understand it, the birth order theory takes into account gender. I have all the traits of a first born, but I'm the last child.


I think the kind of homeschooling you choose to do is a factor too. Classical Trivium homeschoolers are very different than unschoolers. I wonder if birth order affects those decisions.


I think birth order theory has more to do with modern mainstream American culture. Growing up on a farm the youngest doesn't get off easy-everyone has lots of responsibilities from very early on.

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I think the kind of homeschooling you choose to do is a factor too. Classical Trivium homeschoolers are very different than unschoolers. I wonder if birth order affects those decisions.


Great question! I wonder too.

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:D This is us, too. Dh fits the standard description better than I do, though.

I don't think either one of us fit the baby description. Is there a good link that has them?


I probably fit only child more. My DH is the most responsible one in his family and has taken on the role of the oldest.

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I find this interesting too ...


Any theories?



First borns may have developed a stronger sense of responsibility for youngsters, and having had to pave their own path with no footsteps before them makes them more likely candidates to take on full responsibility for their dc's educations and go against the "mainstream"?

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I find this interesting too ...


Any theories?


I'm sure it's a combination.


From people I know IRL, I think that first borns are more likely to be the readers and researchers, whereas others may be more likely to ask for advice in person and take it. So you would end up with a bunch of first borns on the internet researching away. :001_smile:


I don't know that most here are classical anymore, so I don't think that has much to do with it. Maybe a tiny bit.


First borns are probably more likely to participate in polls. (That's an excellent premise for a research project! :D)


Finally, I think first borns are probably more likely to homeschool, for the reasons Breann gave.

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I voted for other. Biologically I'm a middle kid with a brother on each side of me. Legally I'm the youngest of six. I grew up with a mishmash of orders in foster homes, and then as the youngest of two until I was kicked out. Today, I'm the oldest, by two months, in the family that "adopted" me as an adult. (The character limit isn't big enough to explain all that in detail. :tongue_smilie:)


Hub has an easier answer. He's the baby of five, six years younger than the next youngest sibling.

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First borns may have developed a stronger sense of responsibility for youngsters, and having had to pave their own path with no footsteps before them makes them more likely candidates to take on full responsibility for their dc's educations and go against the "mainstream"?



But wow, that's just a HUGE amount of firstborns homeschooling.

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I voted other. I have 3 older siblings and then an age gap before me and my younger brother so I have been all of the above at various points of my life. I was treated like the baby initially, became a middle child as I got older and then was the oldest for all of my teen years. I still act like the oldest, most mature of us all. The role I took on as the oldest probably has more bearing on my decision to homeschool, but mostly it was because I was always bored in school and didn't want the same for my kids.

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I was expecting to see a lot of firstborns for reasons others have listed...maybe not quite THAT many, but still. I'm curious as to why so many lastborns? They like to carve out territory for themselves? Or maybe they are more likely to be influenced by an older sibling who is already homeschooling (probably a firstborn, LOL).



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I'm the firstborn. I have one sister 9 years younger, two sisters in between waiting in heaven.


However, our oldest was in ps K-6th grade. I've never been anti-hsing, I just didn't think it was for me. I was very involved in my son's schooling, as was my dh. When he (ds) asked to come home I truly didn't want him to. Through prayer and a big push from the Lord we did bring him home and I am so thankful for it. Younger ds has hs'd from the beginning (he's only 7, lol) and I pray he'll always be home. I'm not anti-ps for most families, it's just no longer for me.


ETA: My dh is the youngest of 5 boys and very pro-hsing.

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I was expecting to see a lot of firstborns for reasons others have listed...maybe not quite THAT many, but still. I'm curious as to why so many lastborns? They like to carve out territory for themselves? Or maybe they are more likely to be influenced by an older sibling who is already homeschooling (probably a firstborn, LOL).




Statistically speaking, there are more people in general who are lastborns than second or third, because the average number of children per family hovers just above two.

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I'm third of six. Dh is first of four. I'm not sure our birth order has anything to do with why we homeschool. :)


Not with why, but maybe contributes to the umph! it takes to risk that first step and/or to keep on keeping on.


Although first-borns tend to be perfectionistic and controlling (according to some theories) and so may be harder to please within the "school" setting and quickly to become dissatisfied with the status quo.


I'm very shocked at how greatly the first borns are outnumbering the others. I also wonder, out of those who voted middle or last or second, how many would also have first born characteristics based on factors like their gender or time-span between siblings.


I did my freshman psychology project on birth-order. It's always been a very fascinating subject to me.


I'm a first, btw.

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