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Just for fun - What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?

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I always think it's fun to hear these, especially from the younger kids :)



My 11 yo DD has wanted to be an engineer/inventor for the last three years. This amazes me, because I remember changing my mind every few weeks when I was that age!


My 5 yo DS is still deciding - some days he wants to be a life guard, other days he wants to be a pirate :D

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Ds21 wants to be a film maker. He'd like to start by being an editor.

Dd11 is thinking of being a wildlife biologist with a specialty in ornithology.

Ds19 has no idea, poor thing. He's a little lost right now. He spoke previously of wanting to find the "theory of everything," sort of a mix between philosophy, physics and math.

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Not all of them have told me, but here are the ones I know:


DD/21--she is now going to school to be something like the people you see on CSI (psychologist that studies criminals)


DS/18--going into the airforce to do something in aeronautics


DS/17--computer programmer and game inventor


DD/15--chef and restaurant owner


DS/13--storm chaser (he just told me this last night) He loves watching The Weather Channel

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My 12 year old daughter wants to be a writer/illustrator and has for as long I can remember. She will, I am certain.


My10 year old son wants to be an engineer/inventor and has for as long as he has played with legos.....a long time. He will too!!


My 5 year son wants to be a cowboy (his term but he really wants to do is be a rancher/farmer). Now funny enough, I have no doubt (WHATSOVER) that this will happen for his dreams have been apparant since he has been born (almost).....no matter where we go, even Morocco and SE Asia for example, he still has the farm in his heart.


My 2 year old just recently decided to be a queen.

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8 year old wants to research the human body, but not be a medical doctor. She wants to move to Texas and have horses (because, somehow, Texas means you have horses and Oklahoma doesn't.)


5 1/2 year old wants to be a dance teacher, though she chose not to take dance next year. She plans to move her dh and kids all in to her room and live at home forever.

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9 yro has wanted to be a veterinarian for a looooooong time.


8 yro wants to be some kind of architect or surveyor or engineer and he wants to have a reptile business on the side (apparently, he's scoped out our garage for his set-up). :glare:


6 yro told me that she wants to be a Butterfly Doctor. Um, yeah.

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My 7 yr old said, "I don't know. But I like to skate." In the past, she's been interested in owning her own restaurant. And, FTR, she doesn't own skates and has never skated. :confused:


My 4 yr old said, "I'm going to be a pirate." Which I guess would go along with his interest in learning to sail. :)

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My daughter wants to be a working actor, preferably in musical theatre.


She's also interested in blogging, but that may be a part-time thing.


She has graduated with a degree in theatre and is planning to transition into living on her own, probably in a city with more opportunities, within a couple of years.


My son is also interested in theatre, but may go over to the tech side. A local college here offers a certificate program in theatre tech, which may be his first step. I'm encouraging him to look into doing that while still living at home and then deciding whether he wants to study performance or backstage stuff full time.

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If I asked ds today, it would be computer programming. He's varied his desire over the years, but I do think he's heading into something involving digital technology.


At 7 it was fly jets and land on aircraft carriers.

At 8 is was being a movie director.

At 8 1/2 it was make Star Wars 7, 8, and 9.

At 9 it was being a professional poker player.

At 10 it was become Lego professional.

At 11 I think it was live in the basement and be the guy that takes online gaming too seriously.

At 12 it was make Lego movies.

At 13 he's moved into the programming aspect, although I think he's secretly building an online empire in his room.:lol:

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DD/21--she is now going to school to be something like the people you see on CSI (psychologist that studies criminals)




This is what my 17 year old wants to do - forensic psychology/sociology.


My 5 year old wants to be a race car driver in a car that is blue in front, green on one side, red on the other side and yellow in the back with a big purple number 9 on the side.


My 3 year old wants to be a princess with a pet unicorn but she'll also drive a race car only hers is pink and purple.


What's funny is except for the pink/purple and unicorn princess stuff, my youngest is pretty tom-boyish and not girly girl at all.

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dd 9-wants to be an artist and a mom


dd 7-wants to be a "mom just like you!" (This frightens me as I pray daily to do a much better job this day than I have the last.)


ds 6-wants to be a paleontologist. He's said that since he was 3. And he'd like to open a natural history museum and live in it. I asked him what his future wife might think of that and he assured me she'd be ok with it. ;)


ds 5-wants to be Robin Hood.

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If you can get her to be serious, she wants to be a doctor and go into practice with her grandmother's friend, who's an ENT surgeon.


If you catch her in a teasing mood, she'll say princess or vet.


I have a feeling the doctor/vet will win somehow. She's fascinated by all things medical.

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DD, who turned 20 at 12:18 a.m. this morning, is doing what she wants to do. She's finished paramedic school and will work herself through the rest of her pre-med and then complete either a paramedic to certified nurse midwife program (out-of-state) or physician's assistant program (in-state). I think she has out-right rejected med-school because, as she puts it, she'd like to get married and have children before 35 or 40. If she went to med-school, she would want to become a cardio-thoracic surgeon and that's just a grueling program.


Ds 14 - Loves history but he also loves computers. He's learning computer programming right now and I think there is a chance he'll end up going into computer graphics and video-game programming. But, his skills in history and writing are quite advanced and I can see him having a natural bent towards historical writing.


Ds 12.75 - Definitely zoology and he'll either work with bizzare animals (kimodo dragons being his all time favorite) at zoos, or if you read some crazy story about some 20 something living in the wilds of Thailand or Borneo or somewhere for 3 years with no other human contact while he studies the mating rituals of crickets, that's my "P". He's hoping that during his summer before his senior year of high school he can get a position as a volunteer intern working at the National Zoo. My nephew and his wife live in Alexandria, VA. and work in D.C. so they've offered to let him live there.


DS11 - Math and astronomy. He'll be in research somewhere although he'd like to teach math in college. He's actually a very patient, gentle soul though he has high expectations. He might make a good college professor but I can truly see him sitting ins some remote observatory discovering new comets. He's already asking what he needs to do to get into M.I.T.



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My 13 yr old dd wants to be a preschool teacher.


My 9 yr old ds wants to be an FBI agent. He's wanted to be that for years and has a trajectory planned and everything. He's going to Citadel, then joining the Marines or Army or SEALs (so he can get combat experience) then applying to the FBI Academy. :D

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Ds21 wants to work in an international diplomatic field, but is trying to find the best path to his making-a-difference goal. He's majoring in international affairs.


Dd10 is unsure of what she wants to be, but has decided that majoring in math in college will get her there. Her other goal is to be a chef


Dd6 wants to be a vet.

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Dd10 wants to be a nurse/missionary. When she was younger her goal was to work in an ice cream shop.


Ds8 want to be an explorer/inventor. He wants to live in the jungle.


Dd4 wants to be a princess superhero. Or a fairy princess.

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My 12 year old daughter wants to be a writer/illustrator and has for as long I can remember. She will, I am certain.




This is my dd10 also. and I am certain she will too! At age nine she wrote a complete book for dh for his birthday, complete with pictures included.:001_smile:


Ds11 is taken with aviation for several years now. missionary pilot?

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DD11 wants to be a veterinarian as long as I live close enough to have her children during the day. If not, she wants to be a stay at home mom.


DS9 wants to be a scientist but definitely not a doctor. He has also mentioned being an engineer.


DS6 wants to be a train engineer or a cowboy most days. He says it doesn't matter which one as long as he is a daddy.

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My 6yo says he doesn't know. I know I've heard a lot of "when I'm a daddy" from him in the past though. (Though that would probably require that he move away from me, at least to the next house over, and he says he's not going to do that, LOL.)


My 9yo was recently asked this question, and she said she wanted to be a mommy and have a lot of kids. I loved that! (And I loved that she felt it was socially acceptable to say so. When I was in school, and people asked, I never felt like it was okay to say that -- I felt like I had to choose some sort of "professional career," even though I always wanted to be a SAH mom. So I'd always say "teacher," and that's what I do now.)

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DH's conversation with Pigby this morning:

DH: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Pigby: I don't know.

DH: Do you want to be a paleontologist?

Pigby: I don't know what that is.

DH: It's someone who studies dinosaurs.

Pigby: But the dinosaurs are all dead!!!

DH: Do you want to be an entomologist?

Pigby: What is that?

DH: Someone that studies bugs.

Insert from Mommy: Please don't bring them in the house.

Pigby: Seriously! People who study bugs don't bring them in the house.

:lol: yeah, they better not

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DD has a lot of possibilities. In the last few months, she's wanted to be an evolutionary biologist, a herpetologist, a computer programmer, and to run her own art gallery/shop/restaurant, all dragon themed. Oh, and she wants to write her book, too. I think she's finally accepted, reluctantly, that she's probably not going to get to breed, raise, and ride dragons. (Which was what she listed as her career goal for preschool "what I want to be when I grow up" day).

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DS15 wants to go into astrophysics.


DD13 wants to go into massage therapy and possibly physical therapy.


DS11 wants to be a chef.


DD9 wants to be either a nun or a cop or an actress.


DD8 wants to be either a cake artist or an actress.


DD5 says she wants to be a cake artist.


DD3 will be a daredevil.


DD2.5mos is just working on being extra cute right now.

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DS 13 has wanted to be a vet ever since he could speak to tell us :)

DS 14 knows he wants to get an ROTC scholarship - but hasn't decided between the AF and the Army, and hasn't pinpointed the exact position he wants to have.

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DD 15 is interested in orthodontics. We're encouraging her in this, but I don't see it happening. She's too active, and I/D personality. She'd be a great vet, but she's too sensitive and could never put an animal down. I'd love to have her take a career placement test.:001_smile:


DD14 is interested in computer science. She would love that and would be great at it. S/I personality.


DS wants to go into medicine. Or be a feral human and live out in the wild.:lol:

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My son who is 8 wants to be a garbage man. He's wanted this for 3-4 years and I see no end to it. I remember wanting to be an archaeologist from a very young age and never grew out of wanting to go to school for it. I never did as I ended up married and with kids a lot sooner than I had thought. I fully support him because c'mon, someone has to do the dirty work. :001_smile:

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dd, 12 yrs: scientist, field unspecified


ds 17 yrs: unknown. loves history and geography


ds 22 yrs: majoring in history, but will do whatever necessary to secure work


ds 24 yrs: permanent deacon within the Orthodox Church. For income, however, still unsure. Currently works as a foreman for a landscaping company, but dislikes the work.

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Ds11 just says scientist (I think physics). Ds8 wants to be a biologist specializing in fresh water fish and conservation. He has said that from the time he was 4 and has never wavered. Did you know colleges have scholarships for fishing?! I'm working with that in mind!

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Dd--who knows? She's very artistic, but loves insects. I'm currently the caretaker for her bug zoo while she's at camp this week.


Ds--Engineer of some sort. He also loves all things military and weapons, so perhaps a military engineer?


A funny story about ds: When he was 6 or so, he informed me that he wanted to be a vet because he loves animals. Knowing that he has a tendency to faint, I asked him if he was sure about being a vet, because vets do surgery on animals. After a moment of contemplation, he said, "I don't think I want to be a vet. I think I'll be a junkyard worker."



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