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Single? Married? Other?

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1 member has voted

  1. 1. Are you ... ?

    • I am single right now.
    • I am married right now.
    • I am in a common law / co-habitating partnership right now.
    • I am an "other" right now. Please feel free to explain.

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I was a single mom for several years. Well, I had relationships but none that I was willing to cohabitate with or really involve my DD with. I did become engaged once a few years ago and ended it.


Anyways, I've been in a cohabitating relationship for 1.5 years. The cool thing is that he was my best friend for 11 years. We both became single, he moved here and voila! :001_smile:

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I am 34 with 4 kiddos. I have never married. They all have the same father we were together for 20 years. Yes we started dating when I was 14. I love him very much he loves me it just don't work. I doubt I could ever live or marry anyone else and I will most likely never marry him so that is the way it goes.

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I said other. We are legally married, for insurance and general protection of our son, but we are brother/sister in relations. We are "just friends". We are "co-parents". We both had long "love marriages" and are too old to do it again. Too tired, too wary, too unsuited. When I was young and full of passion, this would have sounded horrible, but now it feels so p-e-a-c-e-f-u-l.

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I voted co-habitating. I actually am legally married - in Canada, where my wife & I got married, and in many other countries around the world. However, my own state & country don't recognize my marriage, so...yeah. Together happily for 7 years.

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married, will be 14 years this coming Monday (the 13th) We were together for a whole 12 days prior to being married. We met online and were living in different states so the 12 days is time we spent physically in the same city, but we met online about 4 months before getting married. Oh and I was also married on Friday the 13th.

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I voted co-habitating. I actually am legally married - in Canada, where my wife & I got married, and in many other countries around the world. However, my own state & country don't recognize my marriage, so...yeah. Together happily for 7 years.


And I'm voting the other way, though also not legally married in my state. We've been married according to our church for 21 years, and by Ontario for 7 years.

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