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Anyone else notice a connection between...

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX

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I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.




I doubt that's true. I definitely do not fold underwear and I'm so good at hording stuff I can make it look like legitimate furniture.


Welcome to the board :)



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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?







I do not fold sox nor underwear and have almost zero clutter, so you may be onto something there. ;)

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the short answer, No, I don't see any correlation at all. :glare: Between myself, family and friends, I know all sizes and levels of clutter etc. And I will add, that my irl friend who is admittedly overwieght has probably the best financial set-up of any of my friends and a nice clean clutterless house as well.

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX


I notice a connection: The tendency to make excuses for all of those things. Not that there aren't legitimate reasons for being overweight or in debt.... but they're things I tend to make excuses for. All of them. I can say I'll lose weight once I'm out of debt and my house is really clean... but I might as well say I'm overweight and in debt because I'm out of peanut butter. One excuse is as good as another, you know. ;)

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Um...No. I don't think there is a correlation. I've known several pleasantly plump people who are depth free and have a decluttered house. I've also known many thin people with huge debt problems.


My mother folded underwear and socks and has a museum quality house. I believe the folding is a military thing and the museum clean house is an Asian thing. Anyway, now I fold socks too and declutter on a regular basis.

Seeking simplicity and zen is a constant process. You can't just get there and stop, it's continual.

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I was never this out of control. House exploded all over, my desk is buried, I can't stop eating, and thankfully my dh is the money manager, because he is awesome. Of course, I never get that far away from the house to do the damage I want to do shopping! My weight is also probably a good deterrent from spending - who wants to look at themselves in the fitting room looking like this?


I've often thought the very same thing you have.

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I fit at least 3/4 of the criteria. LOL



I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...thus, let me fold my socks perfectly so I can put off sorting the mail. Let me revel in saving .35 on green beans and ignore the debt with zero's behind it. Let me enjoy my self-righteous salad at lunch, but don't mention the chocolate that disapears after the kids go to bed. And, don't laugh at the housekeeping schedules I've made simply b/c I never keep them...I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...I'm sure I can blame someone else...:auto:

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX


I dunno, April- I am overweight but keep a neat & tidy house & we are debt free (except our mortgage). I'm pretty good at managing our money & living within our means and I have excellent time management skills. I fold my socks but not my others... ;) I would not say that our house has an excessive amount of clutter- I mean, I'm certainly no minimalist & we've got 4 children & homeschool so we've certainly got stuff- but I don't think anyone would describe my house as cluttered.

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?



I'm average weight (size 4-6), have a cluttered home, am not in debt and manage money just fine, but am extremely lacking in the time management area.


Two for two :D

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I roll our socks and fold the undies and I have absolutely no clutter. I do, however, have OCD which helps me keep the house pretty clean the majority of the time. We have no issues monetarily (I praise God for this each and every day and I know all that we have is by the grace of God!) and my time management is pretty darn good.


That said, I am a bit over my target weight - 5'5" and 145lbs.


I do think you could be on to something...I think that depression plays a role in all of these things and when one becomes depressed, say, over their weight, they may lose interest in cleaning their home, paying their bills, etc. I think they go hand in hand, but with the underlying cause being some sort of mental instability such as depression.

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I don't think there's the connection you think there is. I know several people who are overweight yet are also organized and good time and money managers. They are actually quite amazing and I admire those things about them.


I used to be skinny, but I've never been any of the other things (organized, etc.). Well, I'm not a bad money manager.

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I fit at least 3/4 of the criteria. LOL



I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...thus, let me fold my socks perfectly so I can put off sorting the mail. Let me revel in saving .35 on green beans and ignore the debt with zero's behind it. Let me enjoy my self-righteous salad at lunch, but don't mention the chocolate that disapears after the kids go to bed. And, don't laugh at the housekeeping schedules I've made simply b/c I never keep them...I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...I'm sure I can blame someone else...:auto:


Can so relate...


We say that my husband is a good macro manager and I'm a good micro manager. I need him to macro manage before I micro manage or else I get overwhelmed.

Edited by mommaduck
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Nope, not at all.


I am overweight.


My house is not cluttered, by any means. Everything has it's place, and if there is no place, then we don't need it. Besides the toy room, you could probably walk into my house unexpected, and I would not be ashamed of a mess (because I would be ashamed if there was a mess). As a matter of fact, you may call me a minimalist.


My drawers are organized. So are my children's for that matter.


I have a list in my head of what needs to be done each day, and I usually get it all done. I am a excellent time manager.



I can not manage money. I want to, I have read how to, I just can not get it to work. Not sure what we buy though!

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I'm overweight. I'm a clean freak, have almost no debt (only a mortgage), and have absolutely no problems with finding enough time in my day for what needs doing.


Now if we want to talk about a correlation between weight and genes, I'm there.

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Nope ... My mom is overweight and has a spotless house, her finances are good (paid of house and cars). In fact my parents have no debt, plenty of saving for their future and 3 paid off houses.


I am overweight and at times my house is a mess (due to three kids and a hubby that works all the time) but overall it is clutter free and clean. Our financial status is due more to pay cuts and layoffs than anything to do with weight. I personally have worked 3-4 jobs at a time and still am overweight (though I am in the process of getting it back down to healthy).

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I think your theory ignores the many and varied reasons that can cause those 4 issues, not necessarily related. Of course, in some people, they may be related. Perhaps someone has health issues that have created debt, and because of their health issues, they can't exercise, and because they are spending their money on health care (since our country doesn't see fit to provide it), they can't afford good healthy food, and so they become overweight. And then because they're ill, they can't keep their house up.


I'm sure there are better ways to up your post count. :)

Edited by cathmom
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I have zero house clutter and zero debt and constantly work out more efficient time management. I am somewhat overweight right now, but that is due to a endocrine issue my mother so kindly passed on in her genes, not due to bad choices. Really, I can't stand clutter or debt whatsoever. I posted picks of my fridge and pantry once on a forum and people were shocked at the barrenness/organization.

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I'm sure you didn't mean it this way and perhaps it's just one of those "buttons" but as an overweight person this gross generalization offends me.


And no, I do not have trouble managing my finances, my house or my time.


Jean, I see you as thin and tall :) I'm sure that she didn't mean it rudely, she's trying to get to 50 posts, and perhaps asking if some are "just like her".



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I fold my socks, but stuff all underwear haphazardly into drawers and have been known to do the same with dish towels. (GASP!)


I hate clutter, generally have my house clean once per day, stink at keeping my checkbook balanced correctly, but I'm generally at my target weight whenever I'm not pregnant.


Then again, I'm pregnant a lot... And sometimes I wonder about that and a correlation to a lack of self control? :D



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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX


I'm overweight and have a super clean house, uncluttered and I'm great with time management. It's just my wonky thyroid in my case. ;)

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Lol, I am none of those things- overweight, poor, time poor, cluttered- although I am not skinny, super wealthy, stressed and a clean freak, either. Just averagely normal in those areas. I can see how there could see a connection between those things maybe but I think it would offend those who struggle in any of those areas but not all, so I won't.

I understand the OP was mainly referring to herself and making conversation.



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I fold my socks, but stuff all underwear haphazardly into drawers and have been known to do the same with dish towels. (GASP!)


I hate clutter, generally have my house clean once per day, stink at keeping my checkbook balanced correctly, but I'm generally at my target weight whenever I'm not pregnant.


Then again, I'm pregnant a lot... And sometimes I wonder about that and a correlation to a lack of self control? :D




:lol:This made me think of the conversation that sort of happened/happened in my head last night. DS (4) asked me (out loud) why I have 4 brothers. My out loud response was something like, "Because that's how many brothers God gave me." In my head, I couldn't get past, "Because my parents liked to have sex."

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I'm not struggling excessively in any of the categories, but yes, when things get bad in one area, they get bad in all of them. Now is one of those times - yesterday we got a call to say the credit card was very overdrawn (not a financial issue, just money management, apparently a lot of small purchases eventually make one BIG bill), in the last week I forgot a birthday party and a major purchase I needed to make for a committee I am on, I have put on 3 kilos in the last two months getting me to my highest ever non-pregnant weight and my house (and worse my desk) are in a perpectual state of chaos.


Visitors leave tomorrow night, and the diet, decluttering, scheduling and credit card balancing starts Sunday!

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I think that correlation does not always equal causation.




But of course that doesn't mean that it can't ever.


It does make more sense that if a person was depressed they might struggle with several of these things.

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Haven't read all the responses, but when all those things are present, I suspect another problem: depression.


:iagree: all together they could be a sign of depression. I have a few of the symptoms that you listed and think it has a lot to do with self discipline for me. I know others have other causative factors, but mine is a discipline issue.

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I know a lot of women who put on weight after having children. Having children can also lead to a messy, cluttered house (not to mention being broke). I can see a slight correlation there.


To me someone who takes the time to fold their socks and underwear is MORE likely to want everything neat and orderly. Unless they feel everything else is out of control and that is the one thing they can get under control easily.


I'm overweight, house is a mess, I fold: dh's socks and underwear, my socks and dd3's socks (ds likes to wear mis-matched socks so I don't bother). We are not debt free but our finances are very much under control.

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Haven't read all the responses, but when all those things are present, I suspect another problem: depression.



My house is a gong show, and I'm overweight.


However, finances are the best they've been.


Btwn hypo thyroid and RSD, I don't see any dramatic changes happening w/the house or my weight...unless we figure out how to afford a house keeping service.

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX



Sorry but that post seems like a pretty offensive way to get to 50 posts so you can sell.

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No correlation here.


Our house is somewhat messy and I need to lose weight, but we are debt free and very organized financially and we both worked very hard to finish grad degrees, etc.....



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To me someone who takes the time to fold their socks and underwear is MORE likely to want everything neat and orderly. Unless they feel everything else is out of control and that is the one thing they can get under control easily.


I didn't know that some people didn't fold socks and undies??? lol! Okay, my house is such a mess, I'm underweight (i.e I find it hard to make myself eat in a healthy way), I have terrible time management, and when I bother to fold laundry at all, you can guarantee those socks and undies will be neatly folded! I also fold Walmart bags, after checking every one for holes. But I can't see the countertop underneath the mountain of junk on my kitchen island...

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I have been watching hoarders lately. Seems like the ratio of thin hoarders to fat hoarders is about the same as the rest of the population.


I am overweight, and like Jean I am slightly insulted by your assumption that I am in debt, have poor money management skills, poor time management, etc. You probably also think I'm fat because I just don't have enough will power to keep my hands out of the cookie jar. :glare:


But I realize you are just trying to get to 50 posts, so I'll cut you some slack.;)


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I fold my undies, but I dump all my socks into a drawer. What does that mean? To me it means I don't have much room in my undie drawer, and lots of room in my sock drawer.


I have a very thin friend who is a neat freak, and she folds her socks and underwear.

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We are a lot alike Jean!


My house is messier than I like, but it isn't an episode of boarders and CPS wouldn't need to come near it, ha! It is just messier than I like it to be.




I'm sure you didn't mean it this way and perhaps it's just one of those "buttons" but as an overweight person this gross generalization offends me.


And no, I do not have trouble managing my finances, my house or my time.

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:lol:This made me think of the conversation that sort of happened/happened in my head last night. DS (4) asked me (out loud) why I have 4 brothers. My out loud response was something like, "Because that's how many brothers God gave me." In my head, I couldn't get past, "Because my parents liked to have sex."


See? Now that reminds me of the comment, "Don't you guys have a TV?" And I silently think to myself, "Seriously? You'd rather watch TV?!?!" :001_huh:


Sorry. OT. But I do sometimes fold socks *while* watching TV. ;)

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Something else I often see is that people assume that overweight=unintelligent & uneducated. Our pediatrician has treated me with disdain for years. About a year ago we somehow had a conversation about education & it came up that I have several degrees-2 BA's, 1 BS & a Masters in Middle Grades Education. You wouldn't believe the difference in the way he's treated me since that conversation. It's such a stark contract that it's almost funny. rolleyes.gif

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX


Well, I'm overweight, though I lost 85+ pounds in 2006. Over the last 1.5 years I have put 14 of those pounds back due to my health (was recently diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and am being monitored for lupus), but I'm trying to get them back off.


My house isn't cluttered, and it's typically clean and I wouldn't be embarrassed for someone to drop by.


My time management skills really depend on how I'm feeling--if I'm depressed, I don't manage it well, which leads to further depression and poorer time management (a downward spiral). But it also usually takes only one very deliberate day of managing it well to start the upward bound.


My dh has forced me to manage money well. If it weren't for him, I'd probably be way over my head in debt. As it is we're debt free except for the house.


The forces that play into all of these for me are instant gratification and depression. I'm also a recovering perfectionist (dang it...can't get not being a perfectionist perfect, either).


A close family member, though, is obese, in debt, has a clean but very cluttered home. I think she wastes a lot of time on things like TV and shopping for/dealing with her clutter, so she seems falsely busy, but that's just my perception and it could be totally off base. She is definitely depressed, though she would deny it.


I do fold socks but not underwear. The family member above folds both.


I'm kind of surprised that people took offense at this, especially since you didn't proclaim yourself to be a skinny, debt free clean freak who follows her day timer schedule perfectly.

Edited by JudoMom
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I'm kind of surprised that people took offense at this, especially since you didn't proclaim yourself to be a skinny, debt free clean freak who follows her day timer schedule perfectly.





The way she worded her post was not what I would call a generalization either. (In my mind it would have to have been much more blatant.)

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