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My dd had a blighted ovum. No baby.

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She went in for her first U/S today and she was expecting see the baby for the first time and hear it's heartbeat instead they found an empty sac and no baby. She had to have meds to expell the contents of uterus and she will have to go back on Wed. to make sure everything came out so she doesn't get an infection. Lots of crying going on here today. Please pray for her.

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I had the same thing my first pregnancy. I went in at about 8-9 weeks, they said I could been off on my dates, but it didn't really good and to come back in 2 weeks. I did and started bleeding that day. I miscarried naturally and it was very difficult (I am glad I chose the natural way, but it was still painful and a lot of blood.) and the miscarriage lasted about two weeks. Happily I got pregnant my next cycle and now have three kids. My doctor told it was the most common type of miscarriage.


I am sorry for your loss.

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