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Anyone just live with one set of sheets per bed?

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I really one use one set of sheets per bed (crib/toddler bed excepted), yet I feel compelled to hang on to "extra" sets for my full size bed. But seriously, when I wash my sheets, I wash, dry, and replace on the same day. It feels wrong to get rid of the extra sheets because they're still perfectly useable. I just always want to have a spare to be prepared for ... what??? I guess the day I need to replace my current set (which will probably last years) in case I don't have the $$ to buy new ones?? Hence the clutter. So as I am decluttering, I'm wondering if this is necessary. Thoughts?

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My kids only have one set. We have three, I think, but I tend to (TMI alert) stain mine with the monthlies, if you know what I mean (darn heavy cycle due to pre-meno). We keep a nice set for the other queen bed in the spare room--


My mom is funny--she must have 10 sheet sets! Not including the twin sets she still hangs on to, tho there's no twin bed in her home...

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I like to have 1 extra set per size of bed because that way if something happens and I can't get the sheets washed and right back on the bed I have something to put on.


An example: our dog has hormone issues, we know it's time for a new shot when she pees in her sleep. She doesn't sleep with us until early morning, but when you wake up with a wet bed; it's so much easier to pull off the wet sheets to wash later in the day, put on new ones and get a few more hours sleep.


Another example: You have an emergency on sheet washing day and don't get to finish.


Having an extra set of sheet just take the pressure off for me.

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We have way too many sheet sets. DS is still in diapers full time at night, and leaks often. During the cold months, the plumbing that the washer is hooked up to doesn't drain right. There are time when I can't wash 2-3 sets of pee sheets. Gross, yes, but nothing I can do about it.


DS has maybe 5 complete sets, with comforters. DD has 3. I have 4.

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One set per bed, with on extra twin sheet for emergencies ( I have 5 children).

I strip, wash and remake bed on the same day. I used to store one set in between the mattress and box spring but I gave that up on one de-cllutterin session.

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I just always want to have a spare to be prepared for ... what???



A child vomiting on your bed. The washing machine deciding to die.


I have two sets of sheets for our bed. I have two sets of sheets for each of the bigger kids, with a few spare sets of sheets that fit the twin beds, just in case.

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My mother is the queen of linens. Seriously she has a very big hall closet full of linens. We won't talk about towels.


In rebellion I keep 2 sets per bed. I use one most of the time, wash it, put it right back on. I discovered an unused set when we moved. We got new beds and my mom has gifted us with linens since the move. I had to remind her we don't need a hundred sets. *I will not clutter, I will not clutter*


Yes, 1 main, 1 backup is all you really need. 1 if you're not prone to emergency changes.

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We only have one set for my sons bed, a Queen. (We also use it as the spare bedroom when company spends the night. That is why my 5 year old has such a big bed)


If something happens we have spare king sheets to use as a Queen. We use to own a king and didn't get rid of the sheets for this reason. I also didn't want to get rid of them and have to buy Queen sheets.

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My kids only have one set. We have three, I think, but I tend to (TMI alert) stain mine with the monthlies, if you know what I mean (darn heavy cycle due to pre-meno). We keep a nice set for the other queen bed in the spare room--


My mom is funny--she must have 10 sheet sets! Not including the twin sets she still hangs on to, tho there's no twin bed in her home...


When we got rid of our king we did get rid of some of the sheets. My friend who was sorting through them, to then use as drop clothes for painting said, "My client wouldn't want me to use these. She would think someone was murdered on them".

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I have one summer set and one flannel set of sheets for each bed. I also have back up summer and winter sheets for the kids' beds, just in case there are middle of the night accidents/illness. DH is housebroken so we don't have back up sheets for our bed.

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If storing the extras is a problem, stick the extras under the mattress they fit in a plastic bag... :D



I have, during the flu season, been very thankful for the extra set...


I keep a stack of cheap towels in a drawer next to my son's bed for that purpose. It's so nice to be able to grab a towel when picking up a puking child.

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I may be outing myself here. We have less than one set of sheets for each bed. The crib has a couple sets. The master bed and oldest dd's bed have one set apiece. The middle three don't have sheets on their beds. They sleep on mattress pads and use a soft blanket for a cover. I want to get them sheets...but...for a variety of reasons it just isn't happening yet.

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For most of my married life (over 35 years now. How did I get to be so old??) I only had one set of sheets. But when we moved 8 years ago and I bought a new bed--a *real* bed, not a waterbed--I bought three sets of sheets for the bed. I rotate them. Why? I dunno. But I can make up my bed without waiting for the sheets to come out of the dryer, which is important to me because I wash/change sheets every Friday without fail; if I'm leaving to go on vacation, which I usually do on Thursday or Friday, I'll put clean sheets on the bed before I leave, so they'll be all clean when I get back. I know...kind of OCD :D But I like it that way.


If I were starting over as a new homemaker, I'd have two or three sets of sheets per bed. Yup, I would. Take off the old sheets, put new ones on while the old sheets are in the laundry. Beds don't have to be totally nekked all day. :lol:

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No! We have three sets for every bed and we use them all. We strip the bed and promptly remake it while the dirty set is being washed.


Plus, kids wet or puke or whatever. Again, we immediately strip the bed and remake.


We never wait for the wash to be done to remake the beds.


Heavens! We have 11 beds here in addition to 11 bodies of clothes. It could be a week before the sheets are done!

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For most of my married life (over 35 years now. How did I get to be so old??) I only had one set of sheets. But when we moved 8 years ago and I bought a new bed--a *real* bed, not a waterbed--I bought three sets of sheets for the bed. I rotate them. Why? I dunno. But I can make up my bed without waiting for the sheets to come out of the dryer, which is important to me because I wash/change sheets every Friday without fail; if I'm leaving to go on vacation, which I usually do on Thursday or Friday, I'll put clean sheets on the bed before I leave, so they'll be all clean when I get back. I know...kind of OCD :D But I like it that way.


If I were starting over as a new homemaker, I'd have two or three sets of sheets per bed. Yup, I would. Take off the old sheets, put new ones on while the old sheets are in the laundry. Beds don't have to be totally nekked all day. :lol:



Well then I am OCD too because that is exactly what we do too. Well the kids each have an assigned day for remaking their bed. If we pile all the bed sheets plus dirty laundry in front of the washer to be washed on the same day, we can't use the bathroom or garage exit off the laundry area.:D

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For most of my married life (over 35 years now. How did I get to be so old??) I only had one set of sheets. But when we moved 8 years ago and I bought a new bed--a *real* bed, not a waterbed--I bought three sets of sheets for the bed. I rotate them. Why? I dunno. But I can make up my bed without waiting for the sheets to come out of the dryer, which is important to me because I wash/change sheets every Friday without fail; if I'm leaving to go on vacation, which I usually do on Thursday or Friday, I'll put clean sheets on the bed before I leave, so they'll be all clean when I get back. I know...kind of OCD :D But I like it that way.


If I were starting over as a new homemaker, I'd have two or three sets of sheets per bed. Yup, I would. Take off the old sheets, put new ones on while the old sheets are in the laundry. Beds don't have to be totally nekked all day. :lol:




We have four sets per bed, two summer sets and two winter sets. Once a week I strip the beds and remake them with fresh sheets. The rest of the room may be a mess but the beds are nice and tidy. I have had a child go through all four of his sets in a single night. I store sheets on the top shelf of each bedroom's closet.

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What a lot of replies to my question! Who knew?! lol


I have 1 full and 5 twin beds here (5 children), plus a queen air mattress packed in the closet. None of the kids use a top sheet -- they each have a favorite blanket and that is what the sleep under. In winter they just pile on extra blankets as desired. I used to think that was so weird because I was raised with "proper" sets of sheets with a comforter or something atop. But over the years I see that this works well for them. I still use a top sheet myself, but now I have a snuggly microplush blanket instead of a stiff comforter. Love it!


But after reading some of your posts I can see that some of it is just household styles. I haven't often had the need to change sheets in the middle of the night, but when I did I would never remake the bed, just toss the dirties in the wash, throw down a couple towels or one of those unused top sheets really quickly, then go back to sleep and deal with it in the morning. :D


Thanks for all the thoughts on this!

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We only have one set per bed and one extra twin set. We simply do not have the storage space for sheets: we have 7 twin beds and 1 king. That's a lot of sheets! We store toys in the linen closet. We do have extra pillow cases though.


Susan in TX

Yes! Save the pillow cases! They don't take as much room in the linen closet and pillow cases seem to tear, wear out and/or stain faster than sheets.


We have one set per bet, plus spare in each bed size, plus extra pillow cases. The spares stay folded in the linen closet and only come out in case of emergency--which recently happened here. A sheet tore--and I was glad that I hadn't gotten rid of all the extra sets. Linens do eventually wear out, especially when you use the same set daily.

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But after reading some of your posts I can see that some of it is just household styles.


:iagree: My sickies still crawl in bed with us in the middle of the night or we crawl in with them. We rarely have more than one bed out of commission at a time, and anyone who is outplaced just finds another bed to sleep in.


I don't have a set schedule for washing sheets. I wait until someone conveniently wets the bed. Bed wetting happens quite regularly, so it works. When I did have a schedule, someone invariably wet the beds just after I washed sheets. :glare: Perfect timing.


I wash all the household laundry every day, so we don't have anything get hung up in the laundry cycle.

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Depends on the season. I only have one set of flannel sheets for our bed, and one set of flannel sheets for a twin bed (really need to get a second set of flannel for the other twin bed). When the cat decided to pee on our bed the other evening, we had to strip it down to the mattress and use our regular sheets -- it was cold! (She couldn't have decided to do that last night, when it was still warm from an 80-degree day, of course!) We do have several sets of regular sheets for each bed size though -- 3 for the toddler bed (1 in use, 2 extra), 3 for the twin beds (2 in use, 1 extra). I have four or five sets of regular queen sheets, though, for our bed and the guest bed, but that includes the older spare sheets that we use for birth sheets, as well as the set that really just goes with the guest bed (it's on semi-permanent loan from some friends who moved overseas shortly after buying the bed). I am very grateful to have at least one spare set of sheets per bed, having had to change them too close to bedtime a few times. Even aside from kids and pets, DH or I have spilled drinks once or twice.

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I used to strip, wash, dry, and remake beds all in one day so I didn't need extra sets. I did have one summer and one winter set. Now, I have 2 of each season because I work in the afternoons now and weekends are busy. It takes me a few days to get around to washing the sheets but I do change them once a week regardless.

In the OP's situation, I probably wouldn't hang on to extra sets if you need the room.

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Summer sheets, winter sheets (flannel) here, for each bed in the house. The opposite season sheets can be used in a pinch if something happens to one set... but now that the kids are older, puke usually makes it to the bathroom.

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I have several sets for my king bed. My mom is notorious about buying sheets for her bed and then deciding that she doesn't like them - wrong color, texture, or whatever. The kids each have 2 or 3 sets. I never get mine washed the same day so it is important for me tohave more than one set. During the wet the bed years I also keep 2 waterproof mattress covers on hand for those late night changes.


When we moved we put both kids in full beds and had a twin for a spare. I had accumulated many twin sets apparently over the years and ended up donating many to Goodwill, all except 3 sets that are high quality and nice to sleep on. Of course, that is most likely where I bought most of them, especially the cartoon character ones. Soon we will be getting rid of the twin bed and I will give those sheets away, although in the summer we love the twin sheets as couch cover 'blankets' while we watch a movie.

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Yes, we have and I wouldn't do it again. :) That said, one spare set for each bed plus possibly ONE emergency set might work. We do NOT have an excess in our home..


In fact I only have one full summer set and one full winter set for my bed and it's a pain because when we change the bed I have to pray for good weather to get them done and back on the bed before bedtime. ;) Um, I should probably say we don't own a dryer which is why the "rush".. thus having the backup is needed around here.

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We have one set per mattress for the bunk + trundle in dds' room. Ds has an extra set for his bed but he is prone to nosebleeds so I sometimes need time to work on stains. We have a ton of sheets for our bed. We have one set for summer, a fleece set, plus several flannel sets that I've been given at Christmas (who can resist cute snowman sheets?)

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I have about 6 or 8 sets of kid themed sheets, not in use any more, so they go to summer camp, and hang loosely on the bunks or cots, and these are the better sets, after I gleaned and donated. I have a couple sets of sheets still good from when we got married almost 25 years ago, I prob have 6-8 sets of sheets for my bed...2-3 good for each kid, but only one set of dark red for the elder son's room, that he redecorated the year before he went to college. I have no idea why I have so many sheets, I buy super great quality, on super low sale, for us, but the kids' are mostly cute things from Target. I have a little bit of hoarder in me, and struggle to de-clutter all the time....also I live in the country, so tend to have backups for everything, a well-stocked pantry,and extra fridge of fozen meat and vegetables.

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Y'all haven't had several kids throwing up all in the same night and had to start laundry at 3 am in spite of having extra sheets? And then one of them comes to sleep in your king size bed, and the two of you share a bucket, but she misses? and you're 25 weeks pregnant, and your DH is out of town? Ah, the memories....

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We have one extra set for each bed. The kids each have a summer cotton set and a warmer flannel set. For my bed, I have just regular cotton sheets.


I hang them on a hanger in their respective closets.



When I wash the sheets, we like the freshest set to go back on the bed. I love fresh washed sheets. I would never store the fresh washed ones in lieu of using them immediately....LOL.

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Y'all haven't had several kids throwing up all in the same night and had to start laundry at 3 am in spite of having extra sheets? And then one of them comes to sleep in your king size bed, and the two of you share a bucket, but she misses? and you're 25 weeks pregnant, and your DH is out of town? Ah, the memories....


Yes, but that's when we start throwing down beach towels. No way am I making beds at 3 am!!

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I have eight sets of twin sheets. Now, I used to have four girls in twin beds at the same time and each girl had two sets. They never wore the sheets out and I never bothered to get rid of them. I just packed them away but they are on my list of things to declutter.


I have four sets of queen size sheets. I am not exactly sure how this happened because I have one queen bed and one double bed but no sheets for the double. Two sets of the queen sheets are from when my hubby and I got married and we had the queen bed. One set I bought for my mother's bed when I was using it when she had passed away. My brother had just moved into the house (well hadn't even finished yet) and sheets couldn't be found. The kid who was using the queen at that time claimed them and brought them home. The final set was supposed to be a double but was apparently marked wrong. When she (the one who had the queen) moved out she got a king and didn't need the sheets and I did since I still had the queen bed.


The child that had the double took all of her sheets when she left home. I just use the queen sheets on the double bed as well so I have two sets for each bed.


I also have four sets for the king which is weird because at one time I had no fitted sheets at all. Then all of my family bought me sheets at the same time so I ended up with four sets.


Clearly, I have way more sheets than needed especially since middle of the night changes are rarely needed anymore. On the other hand, I don't really have enough blankets, all of the mattresses are old and worn out (and therefore need cushy toppers) and mattress pads are in sore need of replacement. I am currently working on fixing up all the beds with new toppers and mattress pads and bedding (minus sheets of course) so I will pick the best sheets and get rid of the rest. In spite of the fact that I am very OCD, I some how ended up with a willy-nilly assortment of linens. It really bugs me which is why correcting the problem is my currently project. :001_huh:

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