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What does your DH call you?

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I'm trying to train him to call me "ma peche" (I don't know if that's spelled right, I don't know French)



Sometimes my husband calls me szivem. It means my heart in Hungarian. He called me that after the birth of each of our children and recently when we had come through a very difficult time. Of all the things that he calls me, it is that one word that means the most.

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Sometimes my husband calls me szivem. It means my heart in Hungarian. He called me that after the birth of each of our children and recently when we had come through a very difficult time. Of all the things that he calls me, it is that one word that means the most.


Oh....Sooooo sweet!

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He calls me "woman" all the time. He so thinks he's funny!


My dh does that sometimes too. The first time he did it we were at a restaurant. He called "woman" to me and I went over to him. I didn't think anything of it. It takes a lot to get me offended! But the look on the woman's face next to him was absolutely hilarious. It's been kind of a joke ever since.


Most of the time he calls me Lovely. Sometimes I'll say honey or baby/babe.

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He calls me "woman" all the time. He so thinks he's funny!


Mine calls me "woman" jokingly because his grandfather called his grandmother "woman" NOT jokingly! Each time grandpa said it, grandma also got wacked with a rolled up newspaper! Yikes!


But really, I call my DH any number of pet names from babe, to honey, to Teddy Bear. I rotate randomly and use them all. (His name is Tedrick) He calls me "Lise". Pronounced "Lease" (My name is Lisa) and never anything else. No honey, no sweet-heart. He's just not a nick name kind of person. (Except for the kids, he has nick names for them.) One time he did say "honey" and I asked him "What?" three times. He's never said it again. :lol:


Oh, except when I've just asked (or told?) him to do something and he's NOT happy about it, he'll say, "Yes, Dear." in the MOST unpleasant way!

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About half the time I use his given name. The rest of the time I call him "love" or "my heart" or "sexy". :) I'd say he usually uses a shorter version of my given name, and most of the rest of the time I get "sexy".


Though, sometimes, one or the other of us will slip and use "honey" and then the other usually responds, "honey, sugar, high fructose corn syrup?" :D

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I usually call him Trace or Babe (his name's Tracy), and he usually calls me Babe, or...







on occasion, Monkeytoes.


Yep. Something about my toes makes him laugh.


That's also my handle on the Playstation, and when you're playing Battlefield 1943, and you get shot by Major_Monkeytoes, that's me.



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DH calls me Sweetie or Sweetheart. Every 6 months or so, I ask him what my name is, just to make sure he remembers. :001_smile:


When we first got married, he called me Pumpkin. I put a quick stop to that. I am not round and orange.


I call him by his name, usually. Sometimes I call him Turtle Head or Spouse.

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Don't tell my dh that I told ya'll but I call him "bunny butt" or "honey bun".

His co-workers give him a hard time over the first one. I also call him by name.

It is probably 50/50. If I am irritated I'll say "dear."


I honestly am not sure what he calls me most :001_huh:. In writing he will refer to me as his "lab rat" this goes back to before we were married. It is a reference that came from my love of science :001_smile:. But verbally, I am not sure. How weird. I'll pay better attention and then edit my post later.

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Mr.G****** as many of our interactions are in front of clients, judges etc thus it is best that a degree of formality be used. Also my dh would not want most if not all of the clients to have any idea what my first name is or to ever use it. As an attorney I would never permit a client to use my first name nor would I ever presume to use another adults first name until they make it clear that they prefer the more casual frist name rather than surname.

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We both use Honey and Dear mostly. I'll use DH's given name if I need to get his attention but it can get confusing since ds is a jr. I'm actually big on nicknames and rarely even call my kids their full names.


I was the opposite of the article mentioned earlier. When xh and I started having problems is when I started using only his given name. To me the nicknames are a sign of affection and intimacy.

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I mostly call him "Hey" - for some reason it drives my mom crazy but dh doesn't mind. If I call him Matt, it's usually because there's a bug I want him to save me from but he's several rooms away and "hey" might bring one of the kids instead. :lol:


It's weird to hear him call me by my first name - mostly he just starts talking.


I kinda wish we had pet names, my brother and sil are so cute calling each other "babe" all the time, but it's just not us.

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My husband sometimes calls me by a pet name (honey, pretty lady), but most of the time he just calls me by my given name.


I call him by his name. I don't really like pet names. I find them icky. :lol:


We refer to each other as mom or dad if talking to the kids. You know, "Go ask Dad," type stuff.

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DH and I use pet names with each other. We only really call each other by our first names when we're out with other people, but at home, it's always pet names we even call the kids with pet names too. My ds is profoundly Autistic. Sometimes I'll point to myself and ask him, "Who's that?" and he'll say, "Mommy" and I'll point to him and say, "who's that?" and he'll say, "baby". lol One time I was at a friend's house who had just had a baby and I asked my son who everyone was in the room leaving himself for last and he didn't know what to call himself because there was already a "baby" I had to remind him that his name is Josiah. hehe ;) :D

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We both use babe, momma/daddy or our names. Our actual names are used rarely though. We use momma/daddy the most ~ I think because our parents and grandparents do/did the same so its what we grew up hearing. I actually like that he calls me something other than my name since he's closer to me than anyone else. :001_smile:

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I call him "sweetie". I started this a bazillion years ago when we were teenagers and saw the movie "She's having a baby!" The woman in that kept calling Kevin Bacon sweetie and I thought it was cute. He has called me "baby" since we very first started dating when I was 14. We were watching MTV and Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money was on. I was sitting in his lap and he rocked me and sang the part - "be my little baby". He calls our boys buddy and our dd - pretty. I don't know if he knows any of our real names.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Pet names 100% of the time. When we're in public and I have to call dh by his real name, it feels like I'm talking to a stranger.:tongue_smilie:


Same here. It really doesn't feel intimate at all for us and actually, I might even have some negative associations that I can no longer remember the source of because I don't like to hear him say my name and it feels like he's putting distance between us or demoting me if he does. I don't want it to be like that, it's just the feeling that comes up when I hear him say my name. Hmm .. perhaps I need to explore that ..

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Maman, lol. I call him Dad, if I'm speaking English to him, or Papa, if I'm speaking French. And I call him honey plenty.


I wish he would use my name more, but with the kids always around, he just ends up calling me maman. Amazing the effect kids have on a marriage!

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He calls me Gigi, I call him Kell (he's Kelly).


Sometimes to be funny he calls me "woman", as in "Make me a sammich woman!" and "Where's my breakfast, woman?". When I want to be funny I call him Geezer, as in Old Geezer (he's 7 years older than I am).


My husband almost never calls me by my name. He calls me Gigi so often that for years the older two children thought that was my real name.

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