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How far apart are you and dh (or partner) in age?


How many years apart are you and dh (or partner) in age?  

  1. 1. How many years apart are you and dh (or partner) in age?

    • Less than 1 year
    • 1-2
    • 3-4
    • 5-6
    • 7-8
    • 9-10
    • 11-12
    • 13-15
    • 16+
    • Other....

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Dh and I are 3 mths apart. He was the only person I dated that was even close in age to me, let alone the same year. LOL I typically dated people who were 3-5 years older that I was, so when I first met him, I didn't really consider him a 'viable candidate'. LOL It took 3mths of casual dating for me to realize that maybe there was something more to our relationship than a summer fling.

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Dh and I are 3 mths apart. He was the only person I dated that was even close in age to me, let alone the same year. LOL I typically dated people who were 3-5 years older that I was, so when I first met him, I didn't really consider him a 'viable candidate'. LOL It took 3mths of casual dating for me to realize that maybe there was something more to our relationship than a summer fling.


That makes me laugh! I dated guys in their late 30s, early 40s. Dh seemed so young to me! Worked though, didn't it? He clearly swept me off my feet, despite being so close in age to me! LOL

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!3 years here. I'm 30 and he's 43. We are both Aries. We've been together since I was 20. My parents didn't like it one bit....but now they see that we were meant to be together. We get along great and have the same interests in almost everything!

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We're 18 months apart. I'm a Scorpio, he's a Taurus, a dangerous combination.



Oh yes, My hubby has a sister who is a Taurus and they don't get along at all. On the other hand, he has a dd who is also a Taurus and he is partial to her but they still don't neccesarily get along the best in the world all the time.

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I am 17 years (minus 2 weeks) younger than DH.


My family disowned me when we married, his adopted me. It makes for interesting holidays, as he's the "surprise" youngest of 6, four of them sisters. I also have a nephew-by-marriage who's ten years older than myself.

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We're two weeks, 1 day shy of being 13 years apart... so we just say 13 ;)


When we were first dating my parents brought up all of those "you'll never have anything in common" sort of arguments. In truth, my grandmother nailed it when she told my parents to stop being silly because "She's always been a very old soul, she couldn't stand spending her entire life with someone closer to her age. It'd drive her crazy!"

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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