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Do you use jar spagetti (marinara) sauce?

Is yours from a jar?  

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I chose other because there wasn't a "most of the time". :tongue_smilie:


I used to always make my own, but then I had kids and spaghetti became one of my "easy" dishes - as all I do is boil noodles, defrost meatballs and pour sauce on it. We like TJ's Organic Marinara.


Lately I've been making spaghetti squash - it really needs homemade sauce, or it's not all that spaghetti-like. So I make my own for that - I'd forgotten how much yummier it is!! I've been making big batches and freezing it, so microwaving a squash and defrosting my own sauce is almost as easy as my jarred stuff with dried pasta - though I still make the latter almost once a week... currently don't have a squash and ran through my frozen sauce supply...

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I make a lot of things from scratch, but marinara is usually not one of them. If we ate more of it that would probably change, but we only eat it about once per month or less. It's one of our too-tired-for-anything-else kind of meals, and making sauce from scratch would defeat the purpose!


Are we unusual in that pasta with marinara is a rare meal for us? I would say that I make spaghetti w/ marinara or vodka sauce about six times per year. I make lasagna about four times per year, usually with homemade sauce. I divide the recipe in half, using 8x8 pans so one can go in the freezer, which means it's really only two batches of lasagna made per year. I rarely (like four times in our 10 years of marriage) make ziti or another dish that uses marinara. We use pizza sauce more often, and that is homemade and home-canned. It's basically marinara, I suppose, but seasoned differently. We have a pasta attachment for our Kitchenaid now, so we may start making our own pasta, which would call for homemade sauce!


I'm curious how often everyone uses marinara?

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The red stuff in a jar is not allowed in my house.


It is so simple to make that even I can't think of an excuse to get out of it.


I always have some frozen in my freezer.


I'll buy white (alfredo) sauce, but not the red (marinara). I've never found one that I like well enough to continue using. They are all way too sweet for me.

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Both here, depending on how much time is available and what's been on sale lately. I recently taught 8yo to make a basic red meatsauce & it was SO good. I don't have a recipe, though, just a basic template & add whatever sounds good, so I can't really duplicate the great ones.

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it was one of my marriage vows.


"Do you promise to never use sauce from a jar?"


"I Do"




takes me less than 5 minutes to pull together a marinara.


We eat sauce All The Time.


Cute! :lol:


But I have to agree, I make it from scratch at least once a week. Last night in fact. It's super easy.

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I usually make my sauce from scratch, but lately I've been using jarred. Newsman's Sockarooni goes over big with dh. I like it too. I started pricing it out and realized that is just really not cheaper to do this from scratch.


Now, if I want to do lasagna or stuffed shells or something, I make my own because I like a smoother sauce.

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Wow, I'm actually surprised how many people make marinara from scratch. I didn't think anyone but Italian grandmothers did that :lol:.


I have never made homemade marinara (and I don't think my mom or grandmother did either), probably because spaghetti in our family means an extremely quick, easy and cheap meal. I always make sure I have a couple of boxes of pasta and jars of sauce in the pantry so we have something to eat when there's "nothing to eat".


Am I wrong in my belief that scratch marinara means peeling, seeding, chopping and slow simmering a ton of (very expensive) fresh tomatoes for hours? How do those of you do it who say you can throw it together in a few minutes?


I guess we just aren't pasta foodies, at least not at home ;).

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Both. If I see safe sauce on sale at the discount store I buy it- last I bought a bunchy of Organic Muir Glen for cheaper than I could make it. Other times I make it, it is good for a fast meal and with our diet restrictions there are not a lot of those.

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As I am married to a real Italian, born in Italia, there is NO WAY I could get away with a canned/jarred spaghetti sauce. We do use canned tomatoes/paste/sauce but nothing pre-prepared and seasoned, like Ragu.


We make a giant thing o' sauce almost every week.


I even make fresh ravioli and tortellini on occasion. :D

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As I am married to a real Italian, born in Italia, there is NO WAY I could get away with a canned/jarred spaghetti sauce. We do use canned tomatoes/paste/sauce but nothing pre-prepared and seasoned, like Ragu.


We make a giant thing o' sauce almost every week.


I even make fresh ravioli and tortellini on occasion. :D


Same here (100% but mine is second generation tho). I sometimes still get jealous of the jar openers.


OK, recipe for marinara since someone asked.


saute onion (or omit it if you don't like them) in EVOO, add sliced garlic, give a good stir. Add some salt, some red pepper if you like, grate a sweet organic carrot very fine, add that in, open up a huge can of San Marzano tomatoes (A big can is 3.89 at Costco and san marzanos are sweeter than regular canned) blend it up in the blender and toss that in the veggies. Bring to a rapid simmer and wait until it turns orangy. Taste. Adjust salt and pepper. Done.


In the summer I add fresh basil, in the winter I use dried oregano. If I'm adding a meat in, I add a few bay leaves.


When my MIL makes her sauce I could eat it all by itself out of a bowl. I can smell it as soon as I open the door of my car. *heaven*

Edited by justamouse
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I am not a puritan when it comes to making from scratch, by any means, but I just dont feel good about jarred sauces. They feel kind of "dead" to me, and they tend to add sugar to them- a lot of sugar in some form or another. I make a very quick and easy tomato sauce by frying an onion and garlic, chopping up some other vegies really small, and adding canned tomatoes- fresh if I have them but they are not usually very cheap except for right now. I add barbecue sauce for flavour.

I have just discovered Quorn mince which makes a great vegetarian bolognaise sauce.

I am sure my version isnt much better than a jarred sauce but at least I know exactly whats in it and I feel better about it.

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