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How many days a week are you committed to leaving the house?

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Mondays: As of now, my only Monday commitment is for a temporary 3rd to 5th grade book club at the library on the first Monday of every month, for a few months only, for my 9 y/o.


Tuesdays: My husband and I go to the new gym we joined (for health and weight loss!) Tuesday mornings. Tuesday afternoons, I have to pick my oldest daughter up at school at 4 PM from whatever Special Olympics sport she's doing at the time (currently volleyball).


Wednesdays: I bring my 9 y/o and my 4 y/o to gymnastics in the late afternoon.


Thursdays: My husband and I go to our weight loss support group in the morning. Thursday afternoons, I have to pick my oldest daughter up at school at 4 PM from whatever Special Olympics sport she's doing at the time (currently volleyball). In the evening after dinner, I have to bring my 9 y/o to Girl Scouts.


Fridays: My husband and I go to the new gym we joined (for health and weight loss!) Friday mornings.


Saturdays & Sundays: No commitments.


In addition to all those "regular commitments" there are always other things going on, too. Homeschool group field trips and get togethers, and various appointments.


Like, next week, on Monday our homeschool group has its fall walking club.


On Wednesday I have to go pick up a loft bed we're buying for my 4 y/o for his upcoming 5th birthday.


On Thursday, our homeschool group is touring a TV studio.


On Friday, we're going to a friend's son's birthday party.


On Sunday, we're helping my mom move.


The following week, we're continuing to help my mom move on Monday.


I have my annual exam on Tuesday.


We've got a homeschool group field trip to the zoo on Wednesday.


We have a homeschool group tour at the local state police on Thursday evening (right before Girl Scouts).


Friday is my younger daughter's 10th birthday/birthday party.


Sunday I have to take my oldest daughter to and from her school as they have an away volleyball game...


The week after that, there's a dentist appointment, and a homeschool PE day at the Y. The week after THAT there's a field trip to Gettysburg (homeschool group) and a hike at a local lake (Girl Scouts).


Again, these other things are all on top of the regular weekly commitments I already mentioned.


Point being, basically I have something to do every day of the week, most weeks, and sometimes more than one thing a day. On top of "errands" like food shopping, library, etc. And on top of homeschooling two kids. (I guess it's a good thing I'm a pretty relaxed homeschooler heh). (But, yes, I do manage to get the homeschooling done, and I consider many of the other things educational/learning experiences, too)!


On the one hand, I like staying busy and social and active. I get kind of restless and bored if I'm just stuck at home, even on the days when I just don't feel like leaving the house. Plus it's better for my diet to stay busy lol. And the kids like getting out there and being around other people.


But on the other hand, I wonder if I'll just end up getting burned out!


What are your regular commitments? Do you feel good about them? Have you gotten burned out from having too many? Are you the type of person that just likes to be out and about? Or do you prefer to stay quietly at home as much as possible? Have you even read all of this? Should I just shut up now? Yes, I do believe I'm rambling!

Edited by NanceXToo
forgot to add something in. Go figure! I can't keep track of it all! :D
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What are your regular commitments? Do you feel good about them? Have you gotten burned out from having too many? Are you the type of person that just likes to be out and about? Or do you prefer to stay quietly at home as much as possible? Have you even read all of this? Should I just shut up now? Yes, I do believe I'm rambling!




That would seriously burn me out! In my younger years, I was involved in EVERYTHING under the sun. I often had 4-6 commitments a day. Needless to say, I ended up stressed out, underweight, and an insomniac. No good. I have done an about face and now commit to very little ;)


We have somewhat recently moved to a new town, so our social commitments are VERY few (read, almost non-existent). Sometimes I miss the flurry of social engagements, at which point I invite people over for an informal party or dinner or tea or what have you. We get out to do things around town often, visit people, etc., but have joined no groups (yet).


Most of me is perfectly content as things are -- quiet and peaceful. Part of me is lonely for some sort of group commitment; I'm working on finding a solution to this. Both dh and I have been over-extended in the past, so we are VERY careful about what to sign ourselves up for until we've really tested the water. As they say in Norwegian, "measure twice, cut once." (Maybe this loses something in translation. :lol:)

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Monday nights we leave at 5:45pm for Taekwondo or volleyball at 6:30 for my oldest.

Tuesdays at 1pm we either have a book club (for moms) or gym time.

Tuesday nights we leave at 5pm for Taekwondo

Wednesday nights we have Awanas

Thursday at 1pm we go to the gym with friends, 3:10 is ballet for youngest and 5pm Taekwondo

Friday - Homeschool group in the am for 2 hours but not every Friday.

Saturday- Volleyball at 8am


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At the moment I have Wednesdays and Fridays to just be at home. October will be really bad--just Wednesdays, and even those may be taken away with some physical therapy appts for dd. All of this (except for piano lessons) is after school activity. I have cut a few activities in order to be home most every school day during school hours.

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It is different for most of us. Things change when they get their licenses...


17 yo is working about 4 hours a day now. So, she is gone every mtwthf. She also has a couple of outside commitments with a club once a month or so and vounteer work.


16 yo twins swim competitively. They have double practices (to start soon) three days a week and regular practice everyday but Sunday. They usually find something to do on Sunday as well.


13 yo ds no longer has any activities as per his choice.


Me, I was just driving to and from swim practice. Now, I got nada. Dh thinks I will go insane.:lol:

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I get to enjoy 3 Wednesdays of the month off (one Wednesday a month we have something) and all Saturdays off. I wish it were more, but DH has gotten bitten with the bug that feels that our kids need more "socialization" and activities, which of course I need to drive them to and back again.

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Every day but Weds right now (sigh)




Monday-Soccer practice (will stop in about a month), and every other week science class in the morning.


Tues-Music lesson


Weds-nothing right now


Thurs-Co-op, Soccer practice AND ballet class (cannot WAIT until soccer is over)


Fri-tumbling class


Sat-Teach at the University, soccer games (luckily, since I'm teaching, DH gets to take DD)



When soccer is over, we'll get Mondays back and not have three things on Thursday-and I think that we're going to avoid other sports the rest of this school year.

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Friday is my only unscheduled day but that unfortunately becomes the overflow or day to reschedule. 4 mornings a week my ds has a specialized reading tutor. Those same 4 days in the afternoons my dd has her therapies. Sometimes we barely make it home for lunch in between. Saturday mornings ds has bowling league. He loves it so I deal with it. Sunday is Church and we go am/pm. Wednesday pm is also bowling league practice and church. Every other Thursday ds has youth group.


I try to go knitting with friends on Monday nights or just get out by myself but it doesn't always happen. So far we have not done any co-op activities. Maybe after ds finishes with reading in November...

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What are your regular commitments? Do you feel good about them? Have you gotten burned out from having too many? Are you the type of person that just likes to be out and about? Or do you prefer to stay quietly at home as much as possible? Have you even read all of this? Should I just shut up now? Yes, I do believe I'm rambling!


Ours have varied through the years. We had a quiet year last year, this year we are busier, but things are going well. The only days of the week that we can plan to stay home are Tuesdays and Fridays. Often we find something to do on those days, as well!


Here is what is going on with us:

Sunday: am Sunday School & worship (family)

Monday: 12:30pm - tennis for Rocket Boy (I drive); 6:45 pm Bible Study for me, 7:00 pm Scouts for Rocket Boy and DH.

Wednesday: Speech & Debate class 3:00-5:00 pm (Rocket Boy, but I drive)

Thursday: co-op 9:00am-12:00pm (Rocket Boy and I); First Lego League 6:30pm-9:30pm (Rocket Boy and DH).

Saturday: First Lego League 9:00am-12:00pm

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We try not to schedule anything before 3, so we have a nice long homeschooling time to work with.



Mon--gymnastics 3:50, ends with September b/c we picked up a play day on Fridays

Tue--swimming for younger 3:00, soccer older at 6:00--dh coaches and takes her

Wed--3:50 gymnastics and right after is violin

Thu--6:00 soccer with dh

Fri-- 1:00 just started a play day with our Homeschool group. This breaks my 3:00 rule, but I think the benefits are worth it. And we aren't committed to go, if we need to work on school.

Sat-- violin group and soccer game

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Ours is a little crazy. This week:


Sunday: Church in the a.m.


Monday: Take my dd to meet gymnastics carpool at 11:30

Leave to pick up girls from gym at 3:30, back at 4:30

Daughter to dance at 6:15, back to pick her up at 7:00


Tuesday: Take my dd to meet gymnastics carpool at 11:30

Leave to pick up girls from gym at 3:30

Meet dh on the other side of town on the way home for ds's

baseball game at 6:00. Home at 8:30


Wednesday: Take dd to meet gym carpool at 11:30

Grocery store after school with other kids

Take 13yo dd to connect group at church at 6:00


Thursday: Take dd to gym carpool at 11:30

Take dd to dance at 6:15 and pick up at 7:30, while dh

goes to ballgame with ds


Friday: Take dd to gym carpool at 2:00


Saturday: ds ballgame at 12:00



No wonder I am so tired!

Edited by MamaT
Used wrong word
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monday ds has therapy in the am, so we go to the library while we are out

thursday gymnastics for ds1 and 2,therapy for ds1, soccer practice

sat soccer game

sun church



if find myself going out for something or other most days.


(soccer runs for 8 weeks in the fall and spring)

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I'm in awe that you get to a weight loss support group and work at the gym several mornings a week.


I have children attached at the hip 99% of the time.


LOL...well, my mom is nice enough to come over every Thursday morning to watch them while we go to the weight loss support group.


In regard to the gym- we take them with us. We were lucky enough to find a small, local gym that has a children's playroom right next to the exercise area. It's got toys, books, a TV, a chalkboard and so on. The kids go in there, and there's a door with a window that we can see in whenever we want.


It's not a supervised room (as in, there's no childcare)- so I couldn't have done this a year or two ago when my son would have been way too young to understand "okay just stay in this room with your sister and we'll come get you soon!"


But now at just shy of 5, and with an almost 10 y/o big sister to hang out with, it's working out! So far anyway- we've only gone three times so far lol.

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We have commitments six days a week.


Sun: Church; youth group


Mon: Soccer practice dd13 (over in 4 weeks! no, I'm not counting); cub scouts ds9 and ds6; ladies' night out once a month :cheers2:


Tues: museum class dd12 and ds9; fencing dd12


Wed: museum class dd12 and ds9; youth group


Thurs: flag football ds9


Fri: NOTHING!!!! (but I usually go out of the house to work :glare:); but starting on Oct, we'll have homeschool fun day once a month (make that 7 days of commitments)


Sat: fencing dd12; girl scouts dd13; the occasional cub scout activity for ds9and ds6; occasional trip to "the city" to stock up at Whole Foods, visit the museum, or visit one of the many other stores we don't have in our small college town


While I am waiting for a kid or two when we are out, I try to fit in grocery shopping, trips to the library, and other errands.

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As my kids get older I need to drive them around less...they are capable of getting places on their own. For many years, we had some sort of activity on every day. Now...we attend no specific homeschooling activities, but do have piano lessons, gymnastics and Scouting activities. That is far less than ever before but the kids now have such active social lives that they don't need the activities to socialise.

So...I do generally get out of the house most days...but there are often 2 or 3 days a week where I don't have anything much on and can stay at home if I choose. I love it.

I did suffer burn out from too many out of the house activities...but it was the price we paid for the kids to get the socialising they needed over those years and I dont regret it for a moment. It was great. Many good memories.

ANd now...I am slowly getting my time back to myself and choosing to put it elsewhere. Ds14 works one day a week, dd works several afternoons, both go off on the weekends to meet with friends. Lots of free time.

So the years of driving them to this and that activity have almost passed...it is but a season in our lives.

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Saturday evenings or Sunday morning are for Church. The season dictates which day. On Monday evenings either dh or I have to get dd to karate. During the school year there are 3 dance classes she needs to get to. Last year they were on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.


If it wasn't for dd's activities I would not have to leave except for church.

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I go to the gym 5-6 days/wk. I check the business mailbox and do deposits 3 days/wk. I also work out of the home 2 days/wk. Then there are the kid-related things:



Tuesday: Homeschool PE 1:30-2:30; Library, 3:00-3:45; Scottish Highland Dancing 4:00-4:30

Wednesday: Karate 1:30-2:30; AWANAS 6:30-8:00


Friday: Science Workshop 1:00-3:00; Cub Scouts 6:30-8:00

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Mondays: I'm gone from about 7:00pm to 9:00pm for a support group I attend.


Tuesdays: Nothing


Wednesdays: DH takes DS8 to taekwondo from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.


Thursdays: I take DD10, DS8, and DS3 to swim class from 4:00pm to 4:30pm.


Fridays: DH takes DS8 to taekwondo from 7pm to 8pm (they just changed the class time and I hate the new time). Starting next month, they are adding sparring class from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Between the two classes they'd be gone from 4:45pm to 8:30pm. The boy needs to eat and have down time before bed so I said we had to drop the regular class. Unfortunately, there's no other class for his belt level so he can't make it up a different day. We're paying for three classes a week but only going to two classes a week because of their new schedule (sparring is an extra cost). I'm not very happy about this.


Saturday: DH takes DS8 to taekwondo from 11:30am to 12:30pm. I hate this class time, too. It means we're stuck at home on Saturdays. If we want to take a day trip, we have to skip class.


Sunday: Church is from 9:45am to 11:am.



We made a commitment to taekwondo 2 1/2 years ago. DS wanted to learn taekwondo. He used to go 2 hours a day, 5 days a week at his previous school that had an unlimited class contract available. He's testing for his last belt before black this week. He's learning Korean. He wants to get his black belt or better and become an instructor. We will be structuring his high school classes to be a sort of business prep in case he wants to open his own school post graduation. So, I expect our evening schedule to always be somewhat full.

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I have learned from my mistakes and this year is PERFECT.


Mondays we don't have to leave until 4:00 for synchronized swim, and we get home at 8:30.


Wednesdays we have our homeschool group, and leave by 12:45 unless it's an away trip. This week we will leave at 8:00 a.m. We leave the homeschool group and head straight to synchronized swim. We get home around 9:00. Wednesdays are a long day.


We have two regularly scheduled playdates/social days each month. One is on Tuesday, one is on Friday. We will schedule one more during the month, possibly two, but I just learned to combine a great group of kids and moms, so that takes care of a few friends at once. HUGE help.


Other than that, I REFUSE to be on the go all the time. WE NEED two days at home per week. We love our farm, we love our animals, and this year we WILL take time for them. I also want to start grinding wheat and baking and cooking healthier for my family.


Last year I had only one weekday at home, and too often it was snatched up for an appointment, or a needed errand, or a social day, etc. I won't do that again. It's easy as my youngest makes my life miserable if we take on too much. I like that about her. She holds me accountable. ;)

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Our schedule changes every couple months with the changing of the semester and changing activity seasons.


For now, we leave the house 7 days a week.

Mondays-Fridays I have school, anywhere from 1.5-6 hours a day. Tuesdays, DD has dance. Saturday DD has soccer. Sundays for church.


Somewhere in there we have to make it to the library at least once a week, usually on Tuesdays after I go to school and before DD's dance class.

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Way to much.


Mondays: swim team for oldest 7-8:30 am. Tumbling for 10yo from 4-5.

Tuesdays: Tumbling for 10yo from 6-8

Wednesday: swim team for oldest from 7-8:30 am. Awana and church for all 6-8pm.

Thursday: swim team for oldest 7-8:30am, dance for girls 3:30-5:15- cheer for 10yo from 7-9.

Friday nothing

Sat: swim meets and cheer comps

Sun: cheer 1-3


Add in that I work part time as well and we are busy!

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Mondays - community college with ds 16

Tuesdays - home

Wednesdays - community college with ds 16

Thursdays - piano lessons & library. I also grocery shop & run errands on this day as needed.

Fridays - Our co-op is biweekly; we stay home on alternating Fridays

Saturdays - home

Sundays - grocery shopping for Monday thru Thursdays needs.


I only have two days a week to be home, and I don't like it one little bit. This is temporary until oldest ds has his license. (Then I'll sit home on Mondays and Wednesdays while he drives to college alone--and worry. :willy_nilly:)

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Sundays, just church


Mondays Wednesdays and Friday's I take my daughter to preschool (and of course, pick her up after!)


Monday afternoon dd is in ballet


Tuesdays, my son is in gymnastics followed by musical theatre


Wednesdays we have homeschool skate, and the kids go to an art class


Thursdays we have a ladies bible study in the mornings


Fridays, only preschool.


Saterdays are free. I LOVE Saturdays!!!!!

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This semester we are gone a lot more than we have been previously.


Monday: College (me) and daycare (kids); we leave @ 7:15, are home @ 10:00, leave again @ 11:45, and home @ 3:45


Tuesday: College/daycare; leave @ 11:45 and home @ 3:45


Wednesday: College/daycare; leave @ 7: 15 and home @ 10:00; band (ds12) in afternoon followed by the weekly grocery run; leave @ 3:15, home @ 7:30


Thursday: College/daycare; leave @ 11:45, and home @ 3:45


Friday: AWANAs 6:30-8:30 p.m.; misc. errands, appointments, etc.

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This is our busiest year yet, but so far not too bad as all of the activities during the school week are later in the afternoon:


Monday: co-op 9-3; swim team(varies) 5:30-6; AWANA 6:30 (this day wears us out!)


Tuesday: piano 4:20; swim team(varies) 5:30; swim lesson 6:00


Wednesday: swim team (varies) 5:30


Thursday: swim team (varies) 5:30; church commitment (2x month) 7:30


Friday: no commitments


Saturday: no commitments


Sunday: church (sometimes early); Bible study (2x month) 4:00


Some weeks are crazy with the swimming 4x during the week, other weeks it is only twice so not too bad.

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Saturday is the only day where we don't have a standing commitment, but those do tend to fill up fast--family outings, catching up on stuff around the house, the occasional karate tournament, etc.


Right now, we're not committed on Mondays...but there is an exercise class that I should be attending, and we'll probably get swim lessons started Monday nights as well.


It is exhausting, but I love all the things we're doing and we don't *have* to be anywhere until 4:30 or later (except co-op on Friday and church on Sunday), so we have a good chunk at home for school and chores.

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All those commitments make me look super lazy.


Monday: Allergy shots and general errands


Saturday: Grocery Shopping, animal shelter


Sunday: Animal shelter


I go out at random times but I no longer participate in team sports or any outside activities.


I'm going to start volunteering at a Nursing Home again that I volunteered at when I was 11, but that is about it.

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Wednesday night myself and two other moms take drawing lessons from another mom. That is all. :)


My kids are 7, 5, 4, and 3. We just do lots of one-shot things and go to various places during the week, just nothing scheduled. Last spring we tried t-ball, and I hated having to be there 3 nights a week at DINNER TIME! Bleah.

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I don't have a day to stay home. My lightest day is Tuesday, when I "only" have 1 thing scheduled. Most other days I have at least two things going on. I don't want to list our specific schedule because of privacy and the 'net.


I don't like how busy I am, but I like the end result of being so busy. For example, my DD and DS take swim lessons. I don't like having to dedicate as much time as I do every week to their lessons, but I love watching them swim.


Does that make sense?

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Monday- Group Swim

Tuesday- Swim Team, Acting Class

Wednesday- Swim Team, Cub Scouts

Thursday- Swim Team, Guitar Lesson

Friday- Acting Rehearsal (only for a month, then nothing)

Saturday- Irish Dance

Sunday- Church


Now of course not all of the kids are involved in each of these so some will be at one place and others at another. Someone is pretty much always home though.

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Mondays: 1-2: Ds (11) is taking a History of Ancient Warfare class at our Homeschool Resource Center

Tuesdays: 1-2:15: Math Team at HRC; 4-5:30 home, but doing childcare for my good friends' daughter (she's 10 and has grown up with ds); 6-9 Microbiology lecture and lab (me)

Wednesdays: 9:30-10 Piano lessons at HRC; 10-12 FIRST Lego League at HRC; 3-3:30 Piano lessons (me); 4-5:30 at home childcare

Thursdays: 6-9 Microbiology (me)

Fridays: 11:10-12:45 Advanced Orchestra at ds's former public school; I volunteer in there during class and help clean up afterwards while ds has lunch in the cafeteria with his buddies


It's a little more than I would like, but ds is thriving on it.

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M: 1:30-2:45 Piano lessons for BOTH

7:00-8:30 Awana (5 minutes from the house!)

T: 12:30-3:30 Cleaning Lady: Every other week we have OT from 1-2 and then the girls go to gramma's. On the off weeks, we go to lunch.

W: THEY have co-op from 10-4. I am home alone :D

T: 1:00-2:30 Gymnastics --BOTH. I am free during this time, and it is 5 minutes from the house

6:30-8:00, every other week they have American Heritage Girls.

F & S no commitments

S: 11-12:30, Church


We have made a commitment this year to be home until 1:00 every day, if at all possible. Most Dr. appts are either late afternoon or on Friday. The only exception is their dentist, who is closed on Fridays and is loaded with schooled kids after 2:00, but that's 2X year, and again, 5 minutes from home.


We are very blessed to live in the suburbs, almost a country setting, and still be close to most everything we need. Most of the activities are 5-10 minutes away. OT & Piano are 20 minutes, and Gramma's is about 30 minutes away. BUT, 5 minutes past her is a MAJOR thrift shop, where I can get things such as Old Navy kids jeans for 80 cents, etc, so not complaining about going to gramma's!

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Sunday am: Church

Sunday pm: Church Bible Study

Monday early pm: Horseback Riding Club

Monday pm: U11 Soccer

Tuesday pm: U6 Soccer & U10 Soccer

Wednesday pm: U11 Soccer

Thursday pm: U4 Soccer & U10 Soccer

Friday am: Co-op Classes/Chess Club

Friday early pm: Running Club

Friday pm: Soccer

Saturday am-early pm: Soccer Games (or chess tournaments on rainy days)


I'm a homebody by nature, and some days I just pray that it rains so that soccer practice will be canceled (I'm the U4 & U6 coach, so I have to be there)... but since I enjoy many of our activities, it makes it easier. I figure, if the kids didn't have these activities, they would be bored out of their minds being at home.

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Not too much and I try to combine stuff together.


Monday-piano at 1- I put dd2 down for a nap and take ds with me (dh is a WOHP). We drop dd off for the 30 min lesson and run an errand.


Tuesday- leave at 4 for 2 hours of ballet. We get home at 6:50 and I do some errand running or just relax with a book if I leave the little with dh


Friday-HS co-op playdate. We get together with 2 other families for a lesson in art, science ,or history. Basically a group activity and once Friday a month it's a field trip. The kids are all 4-8 so this is a great op for fun playtime and we throw some teamwork in for good measure.


Sunday- church, but we do home study 2 weeks out of the month since our church is far away.

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Technically 6, though soon it will be 7. Dd(16) is taking French at the high school (5 days) and dd(13) is taking band at the middle school (2 days), swimming is 5 days for now, but will soon add in Sat practice and often have Fri-Sat-Sun meets, dd(16) is doing CAP once a week, I might get to take Greek once a week, and church/Sunday school is on Sunday.

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I'm a compulsive joiner and have signed up my kids for too many activities this semester.


Mon: CC (I tutor) and volleyball practice at 4:30

Tues: Science class for 2 dds, gym class at 5 if we feel like it. Kids workout and I get to go to the gym.

Wed. Swim for all 3 and art for youngest during the day. 4 pm fencing.

Thurs. ds volunteers at science museum in morning, older 2 go to catchecism in afternoon. volleyball practice at 4:30 for dd10 and gym class for the other two if we feel like it.

Friday. gym class in morning, co-op 10-2, gym class in afternoon. (my kids love gym).

Sat. volleyball games. Sat. night Mass

Sun. OFF


As soon as volleyball is over, all three will do mixed martial arts on Tues. and Thurs. evenings. Last year ds played football and that took up 4 nights a week and he was whipped the following mornings. So, this schedule seems easier. I was also working part time last year and am not this year.


However, I'm working very hard to squeeze academics in whenever I can (books on cd, Science Saturdays, watching only educational dvds). I'm a bit panicked that my kids are having too much fun! I don't mind for dd10 and 6, but for ds 12, I'm feeling the pressure.



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Every family is different, but I need several days a week where we don't have anything scheduled, and so do my dc. In fact, if there are certain weeks where we do have something almost every day, they complain about it! "Do we have to go out today??"


In the past, I had a tendency to sign us up for everything-because there are so many cool things to do, and we've got the time, right? But then, I was rushing them through school because we had to be somewhere, or we just didn't do school at all. And they really do just like to be home. They love to be outside, and they just like to play at home. So even though I was tempted to sign up for more, here is our basic schedule:


Mondays: Once a month, 4H, but it's after dinner


Tuesdays: Nothing


Wednesdays: Kids church group-after dinner


Thursdays: Every other week, piano at 2pm


Fridays: Twice a month HS coop


Saturdays: Nothing


Sundays: church


On the Fridays we don't have HS group, we either have a playdate or do a family field trip, and every other month the HS group has a field trip on a different day than coop-sometimes we go, sometimes we don't.


For the next 2 weeks, I have something 6 days out of 7, and I am totally dreading it!:blink:

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Monday evenings- Children's Choir for dd8 6-7:30. Otherwise, home all day.

Tuesdays (2-3 months) girl scouts 4-5:30.

Wednesdays - Home all day.

Thursdays - weekly science club 4-5:30 and monthly homeschool science class 1-2:30.

Friday mornings homeschool gym/swim 2 hours although we are not actually committed to this. If things occur during the week where we don't get all of our school work done, we can skip this.


Also, in January, we will be adding 4H which will be 1-2 Wednesday evenings per month.


Doctor appointments etc are scheduled for mornings and we have several of those going on right now. If I don't schedule mornings, the wait times are usually horrendous.

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Monday: Speech Therapy


Tuesday: Gymnastics


Wednseday: Speech Therapy


Thursday: Gymnastics


Friday: Errands/Appointments/Homeschool group get-togethers


Saturday: Judo(we are there for 5 hours)


Sunday: DD has a private gymnastics lesson and then my DH gives the coach a private Judo lesson. Plus, Grocery Shopping.

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Regular commitments:


Tuesday/Thursday: Take younger son to outside classes at 12, pick up at 3, and deal with swimming lessons until 4.


Wednesday: Take older son to advisor meeting (we homeschool through a public alternative school) at 2:15. Take both kids to violin at 3:45.


That's it. And I'm hoping it stays that way.

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