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September 11, 2001...where were you that morning?

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My dd who was then around 2 1/2 and I were outside on the porch. I was getting ready to take her to playschool and the neighbor came over and told me.


Like everyone else I was in disbelief. I looked at my precious dd and felt helpless to help her if something were to occur closer to home. Then I called me dh....thinking communication would be very difficult. He was at work just about a 10 min drive away. I wanted to drive to him, but didn't feel safe traveling on the roads...the unknown-ness of it all.


My neice got married a week before and she and her hubby were honeymooning in NY and did visit the twin towers less than a week after the tragedy. I'm so thankful they were not there on that day.

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Our kids were 4 and 5 at the time. We had just gotten home a couple of days earlier from their first airplane trip to Legoland and Sea World in San Diego. They got to talk to the pilot, see all the instrument panels, and get their plastic wings.


Then on 9/11, I remember I woke up late and missed walking with my friends at 5:30 a.m. I had the radio on and the host reported a plane had crashed into the WTC. At the time they thought that maybe the pilot had a heart attack. I told my husband what was happening as he was just heading into the shower. I decided to get up and turn on the tv. That's when I saw the second plane hit.


My husband went to work about an hour away. I had the tv on all day. My kids weren't paying attention to it, just happily playing and building a fort in the family room. I was tense and nervous most of the day wondering what might happen to the west coast.


Then my dd got trapped in the fort and I picked her up to get her out. Unfortunately I picked her up while I was in a twisted position and my back went out. I fell to the ground and in pain. My dd was fine, but I had to crawl to the couch. I kept thinking . . . what if something serious happens in my city and we have to evacuate. With my dh away, and me barely able to move, how would I get my children out of there? I was so glad when dh got home. The skies were so silent except for the occasional patrol planes. That was so weird.


It took several years for my back to feel better and I would always remember that horrible day it happened.

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We live in No VA. My husband had just been laid off from a job as he was a subcontractor with a government contractor. (I was never so thankful that he was unemployed - he was HOME and with us) I heard on the radio that the first plane had hit. I went downstairs and told him and we turned on the TV. When the 2nd plane hit, my husband said "This is war- this is NOT accident." We held each other and just cried.

My bil worked at the Pentagon in those days- sil couldn't get a hold of him....she was so calm, I couldn't believe it. We prayed for him and others we knew there.

Turned out that bil had just been on one of the hallways on the 'hit' side just 10 minutes before the plane hit. He'd gone searching for a general to get a signature! He couldn't call home until late that afternoon when he was able to walk to Arlington, find a payphone and get on Metro. All cell and regular phone service was down.

Our11 yr old son was terrified and curled up on his bed. My dh laid down with him, prayed with him and they stayed close together all day. A friend of his from AWANA contacted him online and asked him to send an email to her parents (on vacation in GA) letting them know she was okay

We kept our 3 yr old away from the TV..

There was a planned funeral at our church that morning. We debated whether I should go or not- the traffic coming from DC was horrendous. Finally decided to go. The funeral was heavily attended. Afterward, I stood in the parking lot at church talking with a friend. The skies, of course, were bare and silent- this is not far from Dulles Airport and usually in the landing line up. All of a sudden, a huge boom flew over head. It was an F-15 making a security flight. It was so low, I could see writing on the belly of the plane. It scared me to death. I went home immediately.

Three weeks after the attacks, one of our older kids was home from college on fall break....we drove to the Pentagon to see the damage. It was STILL smoking. Unbelievable.

Horrible day.

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Ummmm.....I was here. Where else would I have been?:confused:
















Seriously, I had gotten the kids started on their morning work and jumped on the board to see what I had missed overnight. From there, I went to the television.

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I was at work. I walked out to the reception area to ask the secretary something, and she put her finger up to motion me to be quiet. She was listening to her radio, and she finally turned around and told me that a plane had hit the WTC. She turned the radio up so we could both hear it. When we heard that the second tower was hit, I said, "Oh my God, we're under attack."


My husband called and told me there was a suspicious plane flying over DC, then it hit the Pentagon. He told me a plane went down in PA, but no-one was sure if it was related to the attacks yet. Two of my nieces could see the smoke from their school. Later, my mom talked to one of the paramedics who worked the site, and it was just awful. Pieces of bodies, none intact.


I watched the news over and over later on when I got home. I can still close my eyes and see the people jumping out of the buildings as if in real time. After the towers fell, I kept thinking that NY looked like a war zone and that's not supposed to happen here. I was in shock that we were attacked on our own soil.

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Getting my son ready for school--kindergarten. I was 4 months pregnant with my second son and we were scheduled to go to Seattle for *the* ultrasound. At the dock they made an announcement that while the next ferry would be running, they couldn't guarantee that the ferries would keep running that day. So we cancelled the appointment and went home.


The next few days were odd. We lived in the flight path for Seatac and there were *no* airplanes in the sky *except* the fighter jets. Crazy.

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I was at home getting ready to take my oldest, then 2, to a playgroup. We were watching PBS cartoons. They didn't break in. I was pregnant with our 2nd child. My Dh was away in St. Louis doing some flight training. He's a pilot and he was 10 hours away from home. My friend called and asked if I was still coming over. I had no clue what was happening. I turned the channel and my world changed. I was crazy scared. I still am.

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I was getting my nails done, which was rare. I was leaving the following Saturday to go on a trip with my dh for our 20th wedding anniversary. My bf had all my kids at her house - 2 1yos, a 3yo, 8yo, 13yo, and 15yo. She called me and told me what was going on. Her brother was living in NY and could see from his window. I went to her house and watched it on TV. It was hard to believe that this could actually happen here in the US. My 13yo told me that day that he was joining the Marine Corp as soon as he was old enough. I didn't think much about it then, but he joined when he turned 18. He never changed his mind.

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I was teaching 8th grade English at a middle school in southern NH. I had 1st period free that day, and I had a headache, so I went down to the nurse to get some Tylenol. While there a frantic mom came in to pick up her sick child, and she was a wreck, saying a plane had just flown into a WTC tower & they thought it was a terrorist attack.


I ran upstairs to my classroom, told my friend next door, and turned on my TV. The cable was shoddy, but I was able to get some of the coverage; by this time, the 2nd plane had hit. In the meantime, classes switched and new students came in. The internet was jammed, but within minutes, the news circulated around the hallways because kids had seen it on the computers in the library, another teacher had a TV on, etc. I remember seeing one of the towers fall with my students. I remember the sick-to-my-stomach feeling, and the fear, awe, and uncertainty in my students' faces. Most classrooms had their TVs on at this time. I can still see the look on one of my student's face, Allan, when they announced the Pentagon was hit. Someone laughed - I'm not sure why - and he yelled out, "Hey! My sister is in that building!!!" Thankfully, she had left that morning to drive to NH to surprise them for his mom's birthday, so she was not in the building after all. Soon, the administrators came around telling us to shut off the TVs.


School was released early to get everyone home to their families. My husband drove home around 1 since he worked for a Marsh McClellan Company and they had lost some of their NY workers. All offices were then closed. He also was directly impacted by the stock market, so when it closed, they had nothing to do.


Together, we sat in our tiny living room, held each other, and cried and cried as we watched the news footage. I will NEVER forget that day.


My heart still hurts for all those who lost loved ones.

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It was a beautiful day. The sky was this amazing September clear blue, after the nasty humidity of August. My friends and I, and all of our youngest children, met at a coffee place to celebrate "back to school." One friend received a call from her husband saying that a plane had hit the first tower. He was supposed to be there for a meeting that morning but it had been rescheduled. MY husband had been there the week before for some sort of training with Morgan Stanley. We all didn't believe it.


DdThenLittle and I got into the car. I turned on NPR and listened to the second tower being hit. I cried. We drove to the older kids' school and picked them up.


I spent the next weeks scanning the list of the dead for a friend from high school. When he came out as a gay man in 2000, he thought we all wouldn't care for him any more. All I knew was the name of his firm and that it was in Manhatten. I was so afraid. He's fine and knows now that we're all still his friends.

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I had just dropped my dd off at preschool and had ran into K-Mart for something. I got into the car and turned the radio on...Phil Williams (local personality) was talking about a plane crashing into the first one. I got home and my dh was watching the news...I got there just in time to see the 2nd plane hit. We were glued to the TV in horror watching the towers burn, then fall.

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I was sleeping in my rack aboard ship. We were inport Bahrain, and the plan was to go out to Hard Rock Cafe that evening to celebrate my birthday with some buddies, as it had been the week before while we were underway.


I woke from my nap to find everyone in the berthing glued to the TV. The Captain announced that liberty was recalled, and I just sat there watching the CNN feed on AFN until it was time to go do line handling.


We got underway and were through the Straits of Hormuz that night. 17 crew members who had already left on liberty and were rounded up after we got underway had to be helo'd out to us. We spent the next month in the North Arabian Sea, and before I left the ship to come home (my enlisment was ending), we'd launched missiles at Afghanistan in the first wave of Operation Enduring Freedom.


It was a scary time, in some ways, but not any scarier than the year before when the Cole was hit. My ship was the same class as the Cole, so in a lot of ways that personally hit closer to home than 9/11 did. I didn't find 9/11 shocking. The Cole, Khobar Towers, the embassy bombings...all demonstrated that Al Qaida hated us and would do something eventually. We'd already changed our operational awareness and the way we flew--no uniforms, no ID cards showing in flight--and OK City had certainly demonstrated that a determined attacker could do a great deal of damage on U.S. Soil. The WTC had been targeted before.


I do remember finding it very sobering when names started coming through from the Pentagon attack.


And I remember being totally disillusioned and aggravated by the yahoo flag-waving and stunts like harassing Muslims on the street and vandalizing mosques in the wake of 9/11. I was a patriot before 9/11, and knew what it really meant. A lot of people just seemed to have this "boot in your *ss" mentality (to quote a briefly popular country song), that was more about vengeance and following the herd than any actual sense of honor, duty, or pride in what our country stands for.

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I was in my quantitative research methods class, waiting for it to start. A girl in the class came in and told us a plane had crashed into the first building, but we didn't know how serious it was yet. My instructor said he would let us out of class, but the class was only two days a week, so we couldn't give up any instruction time (this was just SO him :D). It wasn't until after class that I saw the news, heard the talk, and realized something horrific had happened.

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I was in Nashville on vacation with my mom and my grandmother. We were eating breakfast in the hotel restaurant where they had a TV on. We watched the 2nd plane hit the towers and the plane hit the Pentagon from the hotel room. My grandmother was supposed to be getting on a plane to fly home that morning.


We kept the rental car we had and drove to WV to drop my grandmother off at her home, then to VA where I lived and my mom took the car to SC where she lived.


My dh worked at the shipyard in Newport News and unreachable by phone all day due to being in a class. I was pretty worried until I finally got hold of him knowing that Norfolk/Newport News had a high likely hood of being a target.


A few days after getting home an FBI agent was on my doorstep when I got home from work. I had an unexpected layover in Newark, NJ and stayed in a hotel there. Some of the terrorist had a couple of rooms down the hall from me the night I was there.

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I was 8mo pregnant and waiting to hear if my husband's plane was the one that hit the pentagon. He had flown to DC that morning and I hadn't heard from him at all. My inlaws called and told me what was going on and I waited until late that evening before I heard from him. He and all the people that were with him had to walk across town to a hotel. His boss just so happened to have gotten to DC a few days early and had a hotel room for dh to stay in.


It took them 4 days to get home. They ended up renting a car and driving home. It was horrible for me because for a few hours I kept seeing this video footage of the plane in the pentagon and wondering if he was alive. If it weren't for friends who came to stay with me and keep me busy I would've gone nuts.


Luckily I didn't go into preterm labor.

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I was on the phone with my husband, sobbing. Praying for a miracle and asking G-d to hold up those buildings a little longer. Asking for his peace and healing on all those affected by these heinous acts. And then absolute outrage, esp. watching those around the world celebrating our pain.

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I was in the car on the way to English Lit class when I first heard. I will never forget the teacher's grace handling the class at that moment...I'm sure she taught something that day... After that class, I sat the rest of the morning in the student center watching the news with the rest of the college students.


My brother is a Marine, and had just had his 1st baby. My mom was on base for a while b/c she was there helping SIL. I remember talking on the phone to my mom and hearing planes LOUDLY over the base. I was afraid military bases would be targeted next...they were US jets that I heard. My brother had been to the Pentagon several times for work, and it was eerie and sad to think about what happened there...someone else's brother/father/husband/son when it could been *ours.* Life changed for my brother and SIL too...he was deployed most of his baby's first 5 years. He'd come back from some place I'd never heard of and then I'd hear about it on the news...I checked the news daily while he was deployed just to make sure there was no announcement about a fallen Marine of his rank.

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I was in the car on my way to the airport. I had a flight scheduled to leave before lunch that day. My MIL called and said that the Pentagon had just been attacked and she didn't know what else had happened. We turned on the radio, heard the reports that all flights had been canceled and went to "d"h's grandfather's house to watch the TV coverage the rest of the day. It was unbelievable.

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I was in England so it was afternoon. I was cross stitching and watching the film "where the heart is" My dh called from work and told me to put the news on. I was already watching in disbelief at what was happening, and then the 2nd plane hit live on TV. I couldn't get hold of anyone, I remember being scared not know where the 4th plane was headed. I still can't cross stitch for some reason. I was born in NYC, my family is from there. The towers were opened the year I was born.

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I was living in Allentown, PA, about 2 hours or so from NYC. Lots of people in my neighborhood had ties there, or grew up there and later moved to PA for more affordable housing.


At the time, I had one child and she was in public school. September 11 was volunteer orientation so I had been at the school in that meeting since before the planes hit. I came out of the meeting and a few of the office staff were on the phone crying and frantically trying to reach family members. I overheard someone say something about a plane crash but had no idea what was really happening until I went home and turned on the news. Once I heard that it was suspected to be terrorists, I turned around and went right back to the school to pick up my daughter.


I remember being terrified ever so often for weeks afterward. For a long time it felt like something else could happen at any minute.

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It was 6:56am here on the West Coast when I was getting into my car to go to work that morning. I still remember looking at the cloudy sky and thinking how strange that was for early September. I turned on the radio to see what the weather was going to be like that day and it was all over the news. I remember driving down the freeway feeling absolutely terrified and alone. I couldn't wait to get to work (I taught school) so I could be with people. It was very surreal.

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I turned on the weather channel to see what the day was going to look like before I headed to a college class. The screen was blank...which I thought odd. I flipped to our local station and that's when I saw the 2nd plane hit.


I was so numb watching it that I didn't even wake my husband up sleeping in the bedroom and my brain couldn't even wrap around the fact the the buildings would eventually fall. When they started falling I cried out and that woke my husband.


We sat in stunned silence.

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We heard about it on the message machine. My dd then 7 asked if her friend in NYC was alive and if it would start a world war. We then went to the neighbors because we don't have a TV. These things are much better shared with friends anyway. The kids woke up during the night for the next 6 weeks. Too real at this house.

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I was in first period history class my Sophmore year of high school. One kid mentioned it and the rest of us just sort of ignored him as it didn't seem that big a deal. I didn't really pay attention until second period Biology, where my teacher had the tv on and had canceled her lesson. Seeing it made a huge difference.

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I was at work at a major midwestern university. Dh and I split our work shifts at the U., and I telecommuted, so ds didn't have to go to daycare. I was listening to the BBC News Hour on NPR and there was an announcement that one of the WTC towers on was on fire. Soon after that, dh called and said something weird was happening at the WTC. I ended up watching the first tower fall in the student union, surrounded by staff and students of every possible nationality. I've never seen a more shell-shocked group of people in my life.


I just remember feeling like I was underwater for days.

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DH and I were both active duty Navy at the time. We took leave and went camping up in the mountains near Idyllwild, CA. Our campsite was pretty primitive, with no showers, toilets, or radio/cell reception. Around 11:30 Pacific time we drove into town to get more ice. DH went into the store alone. When he came out, he said "The World Trade Center towers fell and the Pentagon was attacked. I looked at him like he was stupid. Neither one of us could really fathom what was happening. We drove to a restaurant with a TV and watched in shock. We both called our commands. DH was told to return immediately as they had been trying to reach him all morning. My command told me to stay away until my leave was over. We rushed back, broke camp, and raced back to San Diego. I cried when my dh left to go to the boat. I didn't know when I would see him again. They were going on lockdown and preparing to leave at a moment's notice.


I haven't really talked about that day much. It was a few days before I saw dh again. I was scared out of my mind. I kept thinking of my dd, who was 13 months at the time. What would happen to her if both mom and dad had to leave? Who could we trust to keep her? I was already in the process of getting out of the Navy, but I was so scared they would keep me in. I'm ashamed to say my thoughts were selfish.


I returned to work the Mondday after 9/11. It was creey looking out at the pier and seeing no ships. They all left port for fear of another attack. I stoop there for a long while wondering what would happen with my dh. Would he have to leave? For how long? What if they cancel my separation? What will happen to my dd? Luckily, everything worked out. Dh deployed on schedule and I got out on time.

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I was in labor. I had gone into labor the night before. DH had gotten back from a deployment to Egypt 3 days before so we were unpacking his stuff while the contractions weren't bad. And then dh's work called saying don't unpack. So we spent the day walking in between contractions and waiting for the phone to ring again for him to go and watching the news and keeping the doctor updated. Finally at about 11:00 that night his work said "ok, come in" so dh dropped me off at the hospital and went to work. I had the baby a few hours later (believe me, I do NOT let her forget that I was in labor for 33 hours!!). Somehow the Red Cross messed up and dh never got the message that it was a girl. So he didn't find out how the baby was or if it was a boy or a girl until next time I heard from him, Christmas Eve.

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I haven't really talked about that day much. It was a few days before I saw dh again. I was scared out of my mind. I kept thinking of my dd, who was 13 months at the time. What would happen to her if both mom and dad had to leave? Who could we trust to keep her? I was already in the process of getting out of the Navy, but I was so scared they would keep me in. I'm ashamed to say my thoughts were selfish.


Thinking of your baby is never selfish, wendi. :grouphug:

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I was alone in our new (to us) house at the time. Our furniture hadn't been delivered yet, so it was just me with a boombox and a borrowed cellphone. I was painting the living room. My dd was with Grandma and my dh was at work. I had been listening to a CD all morning, so I was clueless. At about noon I decided to turn on the radio and I had a lot of trouble trying to understand the news report I was hearing. They were talking about planes being grounded all across the country. I just didn't understand what I was hearing. I called my dh at work and he told me the WTC was gone. I truly didn't understand what he meant by "gone". We spent the evening at my in-laws' house glued to the television.

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I was asleep at home with a newborn baby. DH called from work and told me to turn on the TV. He didn't have access to a tv and wanted to know what was going on. I turned it on and narrated to him as the 2nd tower fell.


It wasn't real to me. I didn't really understand what was going on. At first, I kept thinking that something must have gone terribly wrong with the planes' navigational systems. I've never been to NYC, and I just couldn't imagine the magnitude of it all. I remember waking up for those 4am feedings and turning on the tv to watch the footage over and over while I waited for dd to go back to sleep. It was just so surreal to me.

Edited by bonniebeth4
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I'm from Oklahoma City. I had only moved from there to California 2 or 3 weeks before it happened. That was rough.


I was living in Moore at the time and working at OKC Community College. Yeah, it was definitely rough. :grouphug:

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I was at home, alone. DH called me and said some dumba$$ just flew his plane into the WTC. I hate to admit it, but I wasn't sure what the WTC was. I turned on the TV and then saw the 2nd plane hit, and the rest of it. I watched the news for several days straight, until DH finally said ENOUGH.


Fortunately we flew home from Canada the weekend before. My friends' got 'stuck' in Hawaii on their honeymoon. I could think of worse things!

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I was at home with my older dd - who was only 18 months old. I called dh and he came home and we watched coverage all day while dd played nearby. That weekend we traveled to Iowa because dh was accepting a new job. It was so weird to travel past DFW airport and see the jets hovering overhead. I remember not wanting to turn off the tv or sleep because I was thinking those there couldn't just turn it off so why should I.


Almost exactly 9 months later younger dd was born. The L&D floor of our hospital was packed with what nurses were calling the 9/11 babies.

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9-11-01 was my second dd's 5th birthday. We had reserved a party section at Chuck E. Cheese's for her day. I remember I had asked my 10yo dd to turn on the news so I could listen to the weather forecast for the day while I finished getting ready. I was in the bathroom and suddenly 4 kids got eerily quiet and then I heard my 10yo make a weird sound so I rushed in and saw all 4 kids staring at the tv...and then I saw what they were staring at.


I should have turned it off immediately, but I was just in shock. We all just stood there, frozen and staring as the second plane hit...then I snapped to it and got them away from the tv. I regret they saw it. My new 5yo said she would never fly in a plane.


It was quite surreal and, in a way, disturbing to then go to Chuck E. Cheese. It was all this crazy music and sound and yet all the adults and employees were scared to death and wondering what was happening while we were at this ridiculous pizza place.


I went home, put the babes down for a nap, gave the big girls a book and I watched all the news I missed and just cried. It was unbelievable.

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I was home in Long Island w/dd now 12. We turned the TV on to see the back of "daddy's head". He worked for Shadow Traffic, covering the bridges and tunnels for NYC at the time and when The Today Show would cut to local traffic, you could see him behind the traffic reporter. We never saw him that day, just the planes. I called my parents and woke them up in AZ. Then I called my best friend. Dd and I spent the rest of the day and night at her house. Dh worked sick hours that day and then had to do some crazy driving to get from Rutherford, NJ back to LI. I was petrified I would never see him again.


I knew a few people who worked in the city, two of them in WTC. They were both safe, but scarred for life.


The weird thing is, years before, while we were still dating, I dreamt that NYC had been bombed and dh and I were on opposite sides trying to get to each other.


It was strange to see air force jets overhead for weeks.

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