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Do you have a facebook account?

Do you have a facebook account?  

  1. 1. Do you have a facebook account?

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where's the "yep and I'm completely addicted" option?? I use mine constantly. It helps keep track of friends and even make friends. Plus it's much easier to post "going to movies, join me" on my status than it is to call each and every friend.

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I enjoy Facebook and dont seem to be addicted. I check it once or twice a day, sometimes make a remark or post a link. The only person I have as a FB friend that I dont know IRL is Rosie from here :) You are honoured Rosie...I am strict about who I have as FB friends. I love to just stay in contact with people I dont see often- including family. A photo from a friend in France, a comment from my SIL on the other side of Australia...they are just little things but they maintain a connection and keep up in touch in a sweet way, and I cant see anything negative about it at all. I think it's beautiful.


I dont play Farmville or anything like that.

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The only person I have as a FB friend that I dont know IRL is Rosie from here :) You are honoured Rosie..


I am indeed ;) One of these years I'll scoot across the Nullabour to meet you IRL, then you can get your standards back up to scratch ;)


I dont play Farmville or anything like that.


Boo hiss to Farmville.



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I deleted my acct. It's completely kaput. Thankfully.


HOWEVER, my daughter and husband each have one and so I can still find out that my poor niece and nephew spent last night in the ER with multiple yellow jacket stings each (nephew is 2 and had over 17!) or anything else that may come up. I probably get some "update" verbally once every week or two.

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I enjoy my FB account... for the most part.


My privacy settings are pretty high b/c I wanted to limit friend requests. What's wound up happening is that adding a couple of high school friends has let to high school *acquaintances* seeing me on friends' pages and sending me requests, and I feel silly denying them. And then the acquaintances' friends see my on *their* pages and, while we may know each others' names and faces (small school), we never spoke or had any classes together, and THEY send me friends requests. Those are a bit easier to deny, but I can't help but waste time wondering what compels these people to do that.

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I have one to keep in contact with family and share pictures. My kids have them as well so I feel like I have to check in to make sure things are as they should be with them as well, but only once or twice a day. I do play Farmville lol but most of the time my crops die because I forget about the poor things.

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I've deleted an account - twice. I had one for about 6 months about 2 years ago. I never did anything with it. Then last month I signed up again. This time I did too much with it and decided it was a big time sucker. I deleted that one at almost exactly 30 days.

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I and my children have FB accts. They check theirs several times a day and like to chat with their FB friends on line.


I'm lucky if I remember to change my status once a week! But I do like to read the FB status and walls of my peeps. -- just for the sake of finding out what's going on in my friends and family's lives.


My daughter told me I was "stalking" ... how is that stalking?!

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I love my FB! We are a military family, and have friends all over the world. Our families are far away. It's the best way for us to keep up with everyone, share pictures, etc. I feel like I've gotten to know lots of my nieces and nephews through FB that IRL I only see once every couple of years or so. Even my 79-year old dad is on facebook with us. :)


Plus, I get updates, recipes, coupons, book recommendations... all kinds of goodies from places that I "like". And it's all free. I love it.

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I was addicted to FB a few months ago... I loved the games. One day I woke up and decided to quit cold turkey.


It was easier than I thought and after about a month of not logging on, I am not able to use it for its intended use... finding old friends.


I get on maybe twice a week.

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I don't have one but my teen dd does. She has everyone in our extended framily as friends so she will tell me anything interesting going on. Also that is where the younger members of extended family (young adults) extend invitations to parties, etc. For example, my neice posted that nephew's band is playing at his church this Fri. night. It was a general announcement for anyone that wants to come. If dd did not have facebook, we would probably not even know about Fri. night. Of course they want us to come but all invitations are given on Facebook.

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Yes. And I've about deleted it a half dozen times or so.


Keep it open but don't use it for chatty chat stuff. Keep it professional and don't feel pressured to accept every friend request.


Also set your privacy settings really high. Create groups and don't feel bad about limiting who sees what you post and what you have to say.

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I do not have a FB account, but sometimes wish I did.

A few relatives have asked me countless times "do you do facebook?"

Maybe they think I'm hiding from them there too.:tongue_smilie:

I guess I don't understand how it works. My dh set up an account which he never uses, he remains friendless.:lol:

When I saw the form to fill out wanted my birthdate, my hs graduation year, well, I thought it was a little too invasive. Didn't the FB owner/administrator/whatever open it up at one point and everyone's info was available to all?

If someone would like to explain to me how they feel about posting personal identifying info (oh, that no one else sees?) to acquire an account...does it mean it is like a phone book, you can type in a person's name and viola! old friend found?

Clue me in. I know people who apparently spend way too much time on it.


I'm a homeschooler, that's why I use WTM. I like the atmostphere, sometimes.:D

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I had an account, then closed because... well, I don't want to get into my problems with it.


Then I got back on when I found out that a lot of my family members are on giving updates about their kiddos. It is a nice way to keep up with cousins who are out of town. I deleted everybody but my relatives and a few close friends. I go on about once a month to read up.

Edited by angela in ohio
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Yup, and I love it. Well, I don't love FB -- given its size and popularity you'd think there's be more than minimal functionality from the user's POV. The only "advances" made seem to have to do with directed advertising :glare: though nothing that a browser add-on won't take care of. That there's no search feature, even for your own posts, is mindboggling. OK, enough whinging. I don't play games (I'd played a few, but... blah) and hide news of everyone else's games, quizes, etc. All but a few of my "friends" are either people from around here (current or former) and local IRL friends. The rest are Friends of Moira Past, so to speak. :tongue_smilie: and there's blessedly few of those. My smallest "group" is MIL. :lol: FB serves a different purpose with each of these groups. Guess which group gets excluded from the most updates. ;)

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I have a facebook but I pretty much never use it. I go on it very rarely and then only when I get an email telling me that somebody requested me as a friend or left me a message on facebook.


Then I'll sign in just to approve/decline, read the message, or whatever.


That's the extent of my facebooking. So I didn't know if "yes, I have an active facebook account" was a good answer. It's not active at all lol. So I put "other."

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Yes. I didn't for the longest time. Some of my homeschooling friends finally convinced me to get one in December. I don't spend a lot of time there and I don't play games. I just check it when I'm bored (ha-ha) or lonely.


It's a nice way to stay in touch with people that aren't close by, which seems to be just about everyone except my parents.

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I enjoy Facebook and dont seem to be addicted. I check it once or twice a day, sometimes make a remark or post a link.

...I love to just stay in contact with people I dont see often- including family.

...just little things but they maintain a connection and keep up in touch in a sweet way, and I cant see anything negative about it at all. I think it's beautiful.


I dont play Farmville or anything like that.


Same here. I check it a few times a day. I like to keep up with what's going on with friends and family by reading their status updates and looking at the pictures they post. The WTM boards suck up a lot more of my time than FB, but I'm not addicted to either one. I don't play Farmville or Mafia Wars or any of those, but I do occasionally play some of the Mind Jolt games (one-player, self-limiting games like Linyca or Word Drop).

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Just for fun. :)


I have an account but I'm on the verge of deleting it. I have a love hate relationship with facebook. :sneaky2:



My sentiments exactly! I'm waiting for a friend's wedding pix to be posted and then till after a friend's child's surgery (NOT for pix, but for updates, since I don't text) and then I'm closing mine.




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I had one, and deleted (for real, not "disabled").


I just got tired of the constant changes to the privacy rules, and just how complicated it became to keep up with those changes. No matter what they tell you, it is NOT 100% private. You may think it is, but it's not. There is always a loophole...somewhere.


I do miss it sometimes because I'm now out of the loop...my friends don't e-mail anymore, they FB... I've missed out on baby shower invites, etc... because I'm not on FB. Even the military is starting to rely on it for some non-confidential communications...which is *insane*...

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I love my FB! I check it every couple of days. I would not want to be without it at this point.


I just found my nephew, who is estranged from the family. He has a little boy now! It's sad that this is the way I was able to "see" him, but at least it's a way.

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I just got tired of the constant changes to the privacy rules, and just how complicated it became to keep up with those changes. No matter what they tell you, it is NOT 100% private. You may think it is, but it's not. There is always a loophole...somewhere.



:iagree: This. I've seen firsthand what people can snoop out on Facebook, even with supposedly private accounts.


I had an account for a short time but I deleted it. It just wasn't something I could keep up with, and truly, most of the people I care about aren't active on it, so it wasn't keeping me in touch with anyone I am close to.

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I had one for about 18 months and just deleted it yesterday.


There were things I liked about it. I checked in on it frequently but didn't play games so it wasn't a big time sucker for me. I like hearing about little things going on in my friends' lives that I would miss otherwise. I did limit my friends to about 50 people that I either actually liked or just couldn't ignore/deny for whatever reason.


My problem was that I was getting my feelings hurt on a regular basis. My former best friend in the world is on there. While we are still friends and she is still very dear to me we have had some problems in our relationship and it is not perfect anymore. I still grieve the loss of the very close friendship we once had. While intellectually I know that things change and I am so very grateful that I still do count her among my friends I grew weary of logging on and seeing her new best friendships play out over FB. I am a grown up and usually not overly sensitive but there were times when logging on and seeing a post about something she'd done with another friend that we had once talked about doing together were just too much. I'm not sure why it bothered me so much. After about 18 mo of it I decided it was not good for my mental health to be reading that so frequently.


I'm taking a break and hope I can someday get back on. I'm not sure what to do about that particular issue, though. I would never block her. She is still very dear to me and I would hate to know how her feelings would be hurt if she found out I was on there and blocked her. That isn't an option. I need to grow up and deal but I'm not good at that I guess.

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I have siblings, family and friends all around the world, so I have an account to keep up with them. I really enjoy seeing their photographs and we're all good about updating our albums and sharing our lives that way.


My privacy settings have been pretty tight from the beginning, so I have family and closest friends only - under 50 people.

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I felt the same way until about a month ago when I severely weeded out anyone that wasn't really a friend in some sense.


Most are people I know or have known. I do not use FB as a communication of events like meet me at the movies kind of thing, but it is a nice way to keep in touch with far-flung folks or really busy people. I prefer my blog, but for those 2 second posts, FB is fine.


Once I weeded out anyone that I felt I couldn't be real with, I found I enjoyed it more.


The only thing that annoys me now is that FB seems to constantly change the profile terms and usage, so people are always saying to go change this or that to protect your privacy.

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